@ -57,6 +57,12 @@ the accompanying YouTube video so you can watch Matt implement them.
## Full apps
#### [It's All Widgets!](https://itsallwidgets.com?open_source=true)
Created and maintained by the Flutter community, *It's All Widgets* collects
links to apps built with Flutter. Many are open source and include links to
their source code, so you can browse through the list until you find something
that looks interesting, and then go see how it was built.
#### [inKino](https://github.com/roughike/inKino) [](https://github.com/roughike/inKino) [](https://github.com/roughike/inKino/fork)
An unofficial Finnkino client that shows movies and showtimes of Finnkino
cinemas in Finland. It uses Redux, has a comprehensive set of tests, and shares