@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import ' dart:collection ' ;
import " package:collection/collection.dart " ;
import ' package:collection/collection.dart ' ;
import ' package:flutter/material.dart ' ;
import ' package:flutter_localized_countries/flutter_localized_countries.dart ' ;
import ' package:gallery/constants.dart ' ;
@ -26,6 +26,17 @@ enum _ExpandableSetting {
class SettingsPage extends StatefulWidget {
SettingsPage ( {
Key key ,
@ required this . openSettingsAnimation ,
@ required this . staggerSettingsItemsAnimation ,
@ required this . isSettingsOpenNotifier ,
} ) : super ( key: key ) ;
final Animation < double > openSettingsAnimation ;
final Animation < double > staggerSettingsItemsAnimation ;
final ValueNotifier < bool > isSettingsOpenNotifier ;
@ override
_SettingsPageState createState ( ) = > _SettingsPageState ( ) ;
@ -54,6 +65,15 @@ class _SettingsPageState extends State<SettingsPage> {
} ,
) ,
) ;
/ / When closing settings , also shrink expanded setting .
widget . isSettingsOpenNotifier . addListener ( ( ) {
if ( ! widget . isSettingsOpenNotifier . value ) {
setState ( ( ) {
expandedSettingId = null ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ / / Given a [ Locale ] , returns a [ DisplayOption ] with its native name for a
@ -119,156 +139,168 @@ class _SettingsPageState extends State<SettingsPage> {
final options = GalleryOptions . of ( context ) ;
final isDesktop = isDisplayDesktop ( context ) ;
final settingsListItems = [
SettingsListItem < double > (
title: GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextScaling ,
selectedOption: options . textScaleFactor (
context ,
useSentinel: true ,
) ,
options: LinkedHashMap . of ( {
systemTextScaleFactorOption: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsSystemDefault ,
) ,
0.8 : DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextScalingSmall ,
) ,
1.0 : DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextScalingNormal ,
) ,
2.0 : DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextScalingLarge ,
) ,
3.0 : DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextScalingHuge ,
) ,
} ) ,
onOptionChanged: ( newTextScale ) = > GalleryOptions . update (
context ,
options . copyWith ( textScaleFactor: newTextScale ) ,
) ,
onTapSetting: ( ) = > onTapSetting ( _ExpandableSetting . textScale ) ,
isExpanded: expandedSettingId = = _ExpandableSetting . textScale ,
) ,
SettingsListItem < CustomTextDirection > (
title: GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextDirection ,
selectedOption: options . customTextDirection ,
options: LinkedHashMap . of ( {
CustomTextDirection . localeBased: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextDirectionLocaleBased ,
) ,
CustomTextDirection . ltr: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextDirectionLTR ,
) ,
CustomTextDirection . rtl: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextDirectionRTL ,
) ,
} ) ,
onOptionChanged: ( newTextDirection ) = > GalleryOptions . update (
context ,
options . copyWith ( customTextDirection: newTextDirection ) ,
) ,
onTapSetting: ( ) = > onTapSetting ( _ExpandableSetting . textDirection ) ,
isExpanded: expandedSettingId = = _ExpandableSetting . textDirection ,
) ,
SettingsListItem < Locale > (
title: GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsLocale ,
selectedOption: options . locale = = deviceLocale
? systemLocaleOption
: options . locale ,
options: _getLocaleOptions ( ) ,
onOptionChanged: ( newLocale ) {
if ( newLocale = = systemLocaleOption ) {
newLocale = deviceLocale ;
GalleryOptions . update (
context ,
options . copyWith ( locale: newLocale ) ,
) ;
} ,
onTapSetting: ( ) = > onTapSetting ( _ExpandableSetting . locale ) ,
isExpanded: expandedSettingId = = _ExpandableSetting . locale ,
) ,
SettingsListItem < TargetPlatform > (
title: GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsPlatformMechanics ,
selectedOption: options . platform ,
options: LinkedHashMap . of ( {
TargetPlatform . android: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsPlatformAndroid ,
) ,
TargetPlatform . iOS: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsPlatformIOS ,
) ,
} ) ,
onOptionChanged: ( newPlatform ) = > GalleryOptions . update (
context ,
options . copyWith ( platform: newPlatform ) ,
) ,
onTapSetting: ( ) = > onTapSetting ( _ExpandableSetting . platform ) ,
isExpanded: expandedSettingId = = _ExpandableSetting . platform ,
) ,
SettingsListItem < ThemeMode > (
title: GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTheme ,
selectedOption: options . themeMode ,
options: LinkedHashMap . of ( {
ThemeMode . system: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsSystemDefault ,
) ,
ThemeMode . dark: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsDarkTheme ,
) ,
ThemeMode . light: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsLightTheme ,
) ,
} ) ,
onOptionChanged: ( newThemeMode ) = > GalleryOptions . update (
context ,
options . copyWith ( themeMode: newThemeMode ) ,
) ,
onTapSetting: ( ) = > onTapSetting ( _ExpandableSetting . theme ) ,
isExpanded: expandedSettingId = = _ExpandableSetting . theme ,
) ,
SlowMotionSetting ( ) ,
] ;
return Material (
color: colorScheme . secondaryVariant ,
child: Padding (
padding: isDesktop
? EdgeInsets . zero
: EdgeInsets . only ( bottom: galleryHeaderHeight ) ,
/ / Remove ListView top padding as it is already accounted for .
child: MediaQuery . removePadding (
removeTop: isDesktop ,
context: context ,
child: ListView (
children: [
SizedBox ( height: firstHeaderDesktopTopPadding ) ,
Focus (
InheritedBackdropFocusNodes . of ( context ) . frontLayerFocusNode ,
child: Padding (
padding: EdgeInsets . symmetric ( horizontal: 32 ) ,
child: ExcludeSemantics (
child: Header (
color: Theme . of ( context ) . colorScheme . onSurface ,
text: GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTitle ,
) ,
) ,
child: _AnimatedSettingsPage (
animation: widget . openSettingsAnimation ,
child: Padding (
padding: isDesktop
? EdgeInsets . zero
: EdgeInsets . only (
bottom: galleryHeaderHeight ,
) ,
) ,
SettingsListItem < double > (
title: GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextScaling ,
selectedOption: options . textScaleFactor (
context ,
useSentinel: true ,
) ,
options: LinkedHashMap . of ( {
systemTextScaleFactorOption: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsSystemDefault ,
) ,
0.8 : DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextScalingSmall ,
) ,
1.0 : DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextScalingNormal ,
) ,
2.0 : DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextScalingLarge ,
) ,
3.0 : DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextScalingHuge ,
) ,
} ) ,
onOptionChanged: ( newTextScale ) = > GalleryOptions . update (
context ,
options . copyWith ( textScaleFactor: newTextScale ) ,
) ,
onTapSetting: ( ) = > onTapSetting ( _ExpandableSetting . textScale ) ,
isExpanded: expandedSettingId = = _ExpandableSetting . textScale ,
) ,
SettingsListItem < CustomTextDirection > (
title: GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextDirection ,
selectedOption: options . customTextDirection ,
options: LinkedHashMap . of ( {
CustomTextDirection . localeBased: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context )
. settingsTextDirectionLocaleBased ,
) ,
CustomTextDirection . ltr: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextDirectionLTR ,
) ,
CustomTextDirection . rtl: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTextDirectionRTL ,
/ / Remove ListView top padding as it is already accounted for .
child: MediaQuery . removePadding (
removeTop: isDesktop ,
context: context ,
child: ListView (
children: [
if ( isDesktop ) SizedBox ( height: firstHeaderDesktopTopPadding ) ,
Focus (
focusNode: InheritedBackdropFocusNodes . of ( context )
. frontLayerFocusNode ,
child: Padding (
padding: EdgeInsets . symmetric ( horizontal: 32 ) ,
child: ExcludeSemantics (
child: Header (
color: Theme . of ( context ) . colorScheme . onSurface ,
text: GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTitle ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
} ) ,
onOptionChanged: ( newTextDirection ) = > GalleryOptions . update (
context ,
options . copyWith ( customTextDirection: newTextDirection ) ,
) ,
onTapSetting: ( ) = >
onTapSetting ( _ExpandableSetting . textDirection ) ,
expandedSettingId = = _ExpandableSetting . textDirection ,
) ,
SettingsListItem < Locale > (
title: GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsLocale ,
selectedOption: options . locale = = deviceLocale
? systemLocaleOption
: options . locale ,
options: _getLocaleOptions ( ) ,
onOptionChanged: ( newLocale ) {
if ( newLocale = = systemLocaleOption ) {
newLocale = deviceLocale ;
GalleryOptions . update (
context ,
options . copyWith ( locale: newLocale ) ,
) ;
} ,
onTapSetting: ( ) = > onTapSetting ( _ExpandableSetting . locale ) ,
isExpanded: expandedSettingId = = _ExpandableSetting . locale ,
) ,
SettingsListItem < TargetPlatform > (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsPlatformMechanics ,
selectedOption: options . platform ,
options: LinkedHashMap . of ( {
TargetPlatform . android: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsPlatformAndroid ,
if ( isDesktop )
. . . settingsListItems
else . . . [
_AnimateSettingsListItems (
animation: widget . staggerSettingsItemsAnimation ,
children: settingsListItems ,
) ,
TargetPlatform . iOS: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsPlatformIOS ,
) ,
} ) ,
onOptionChanged: ( newPlatform ) = > GalleryOptions . update (
context ,
options . copyWith ( platform: newPlatform ) ,
) ,
onTapSetting: ( ) = > onTapSetting ( _ExpandableSetting . platform ) ,
isExpanded: expandedSettingId = = _ExpandableSetting . platform ,
) ,
SettingsListItem < ThemeMode > (
title: GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsTheme ,
selectedOption: options . themeMode ,
options: LinkedHashMap . of ( {
ThemeMode . system: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsSystemDefault ,
) ,
ThemeMode . dark: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsDarkTheme ,
) ,
ThemeMode . light: DisplayOption (
GalleryLocalizations . of ( context ) . settingsLightTheme ,
) ,
} ) ,
onOptionChanged: ( newThemeMode ) = > GalleryOptions . update (
context ,
options . copyWith ( themeMode: newThemeMode ) ,
) ,
onTapSetting: ( ) = > onTapSetting ( _ExpandableSetting . theme ) ,
isExpanded: expandedSettingId = = _ExpandableSetting . theme ,
) ,
SlowMotionSetting ( ) ,
if ( ! isDesktop ) . . . [
SizedBox ( height: 16 ) ,
Divider ( thickness: 2 , height: 0 , color: colorScheme . background ) ,
SizedBox ( height: 12 ) ,
SettingsAbout ( ) ,
SettingsFeedback ( ) ,
SizedBox ( height: 12 ) ,
Divider ( thickness: 2 , height: 0 , color: colorScheme . background ) ,
SettingsAttribution ( ) ,
SizedBox ( height: 16 ) ,
Divider (
thickness: 2 , height: 0 , color: colorScheme . background ) ,
SizedBox ( height: 12 ) ,
SettingsAbout ( ) ,
SettingsFeedback ( ) ,
SizedBox ( height: 12 ) ,
Divider (
thickness: 2 , height: 0 , color: colorScheme . background ) ,
SettingsAttribution ( ) ,
] ,
] ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
@ -383,3 +415,93 @@ class _SettingsLink extends StatelessWidget {
) ;
/ / / Animate the settings page to slide in from above .
class _AnimatedSettingsPage extends StatelessWidget {
const _AnimatedSettingsPage ( {
Key key ,
@ required this . animation ,
@ required this . child ,
} ) : super ( key: key ) ;
final Widget child ;
final Animation < double > animation ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
final isDesktop = isDisplayDesktop ( context ) ;
if ( isDesktop ) {
return child ;
} else {
return LayoutBuilder ( builder: ( context , constraints ) {
return Stack (
children: [
PositionedTransition (
rect: RelativeRectTween (
begin: RelativeRect . fromLTRB ( 0 , - constraints . maxHeight , 0 , 0 ) ,
end: RelativeRect . fromLTRB ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ,
) . animate (
CurvedAnimation (
parent: animation ,
curve: Curves . linear ,
) ,
) ,
child: child ,
) ,
] ,
) ;
} ) ;
/ / / Animate the settings list items to stagger in from above .
class _AnimateSettingsListItems extends StatelessWidget {
const _AnimateSettingsListItems ( {
Key key ,
this . animation ,
this . children ,
this . topPadding ,
this . bottomPadding ,
} ) : super ( key: key ) ;
final Animation < double > animation ;
final List < Widget > children ;
final double topPadding ;
final double bottomPadding ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
final startDividingPadding = 4.0 ;
final topPaddingTween = Tween < double > (
begin: 0 ,
end: children . length * startDividingPadding ,
) ;
final dividerTween = Tween < double > (
begin: startDividingPadding ,
end: 0 ,
) ;
return Padding (
padding: EdgeInsets . only ( top: topPaddingTween . animate ( animation ) . value ) ,
child: Column (
children: [
for ( Widget child in children )
AnimatedBuilder (
animation: animation ,
builder: ( context , child ) {
return Padding (
padding: EdgeInsets . only (
top: dividerTween . animate ( animation ) . value ,
) ,
child: child ,
) ;
} ,
child: child ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ;