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2 years ago
# This file configures the static analysis results for your project (errors,
# warnings, and lints).
# This enables the 'recommended' set of lints from `package:lints`.
# This set helps identify many issues that may lead to problems when running
# or consuming Dart code, and enforces writing Dart using a single, idiomatic
# style and format.
# If you want a smaller set of lints you can change this to specify
# 'package:lints/core.yaml'. These are just the most critical lints
# (the recommended set includes the core lints).
# The core lints are also what is used by pub.dev for scoring packages.
include: package:lints/recommended.yaml
# Uncomment the following section to specify additional rules.
# linter:
# rules:
# - camel_case_types
- "**/*.g.dart"
# For more information about the core and recommended set of lints, see
# https://dart.dev/go/core-lints
# For additional information about configuring this file, see
# https://dart.dev/guides/language/analysis-options