// Copyright 2021 The Flutter team. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import ' dart:io ' ;
import ' package:flutter/material.dart ' ;
import ' package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart ' ;
import ' package:hive_flutter/hive_flutter.dart ' ;
import ' package:http/http.dart ' as http ;
import ' package:linting_tool/app.dart ' ;
import ' package:linting_tool/model/profile.dart ' ;
import ' package:linting_tool/model/profiles_store.dart ' ;
import ' package:linting_tool/model/rule.dart ' ;
import ' package:linting_tool/model/rules_store.dart ' ;
import ' package:linting_tool/pages/default_lints_page.dart ' ;
import ' package:linting_tool/pages/home_page.dart ' ;
import ' package:linting_tool/pages/saved_lints_page.dart ' ;
import ' package:linting_tool/theme/app_theme.dart ' ;
import ' package:linting_tool/widgets/adaptive_nav.dart ' ;
import ' package:mockito/annotations.dart ' ;
import ' package:mockito/mockito.dart ' ;
import ' package:provider/provider.dart ' ;
import ' widget_test.mocks.dart ' ;
late MockClient _mockClient ;
class _TestApp extends StatelessWidget {
const _TestApp ( {
Key ? key ,
} ) : super ( key: key ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return MultiProvider (
providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider < RuleStore > (
create: ( context ) = > RuleStore ( _mockClient ) ,
) ,
ChangeNotifierProvider < ProfilesStore > (
create: ( context ) = > ProfilesStore ( _mockClient ) ,
) ,
] ,
child: MaterialApp (
title: ' Flutter Linting Tool ' ,
initialRoute: LintingTool . homeRoute ,
theme: AppTheme . buildReplyLightTheme ( context ) ,
onGenerateRoute: ( settings ) {
switch ( settings . name ) {
case LintingTool . homeRoute:
return MaterialPageRoute < void > (
builder: ( context ) = > const AdaptiveNav ( ) ,
settings: settings ,
) ;
return null ;
} ,
) ,
) ;
@ GenerateMocks ( [ http . Client ] )
void main ( ) {
setUp ( ( ) async {
final tempDir = await Directory . systemTemp . createTemp ( ) ;
Hive . init ( tempDir . path ) ;
Hive . registerAdapter ( RuleAdapter ( ) ) ;
Hive . registerAdapter ( RulesProfileAdapter ( ) ) ;
await Hive . openLazyBox < RulesProfile > ( ' rules_profile ' ) ;
_mockClient = MockClient ( ) ;
} ) ;
testWidgets ( ' NavigationRail smoke test ' , ( tester ) async {
var responseBody =
''' [{"name": "always_use_package_imports","description": "Avoid relative imports for files in `lib/`.","group": "errors","maturity": "stable","incompatible": [],"sets": [],"details": "*DO* avoid relative imports for files in `lib/`. \n \n When mixing relative and absolute imports it ' s possible to create confusion \n where the same member gets imported in two different ways. One way to avoid \n that is to ensure you consistently use absolute imports for files withing the \n `lib/` directory. \n \n This is the opposite of ' prefer_relative_imports ' . \n Might be used with ' avoid_relative_lib_imports ' to avoid relative imports of \n files within `lib/` directory outside of it. (for example `test/`) \n \n **GOOD:** \n \n ```dart \n import ' package:foo/bar.dart ' ; \n \n import ' package:foo/baz.dart ' ; \n \n import ' package:foo/src/baz.dart ' ; \n ... \n ``` \n \n **BAD:** \n \n ```dart \n import ' baz.dart ' ; \n \n import ' src/bag.dart ' \n \n import ' ../lib/baz.dart ' ; \n \n ... \n ``` \n \n "}] ''' ;
when ( _mockClient . get ( Uri . parse (
' https://dart-lang.github.io/linter//lints/machine/rules.json ' ) ) )
. thenAnswer (
( _ ) async = > http . Response ( responseBody , 400 ) ,
) ;
await tester . pumpWidget ( const _TestApp ( ) ) ;
expect ( find . byType ( HomePage ) , findsOneWidget ) ;
expect ( find . byType ( SavedLintsPage ) , findsNothing ) ;
var offset = tester . getCenter ( find . text ( ' Saved Profiles ' ) . first ) ;
await tester . tapAt ( offset ) ;
await tester . pumpAndSettle ( ) ;
expect ( find . byType ( SavedLintsPage ) , findsOneWidget ) ;
expect ( find . byType ( DefaultLintsPage ) , findsNothing ) ;
offset = tester . getCenter ( find . text ( ' Default Profiles ' ) . first ) ;
await tester . tapAt ( offset ) ;
await tester . pumpAndSettle ( ) ;
expect ( find . byType ( DefaultLintsPage ) , findsOneWidget ) ;
expect ( find . byType ( HomePage ) , findsNothing ) ;
offset = tester . getCenter ( find . text ( ' Home ' ) . first ) ;
await tester . tapAt ( offset ) ;
await tester . pumpAndSettle ( ) ;
expect ( find . byType ( HomePage ) , findsOneWidget ) ;
} ) ;