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Web samples
## See the samples in action
Compiled versions of the samples are hosted at
## Building samples code
Go into one of the sample directories, get packages, and run using the `chrome`
$ flutter channel dev
$ flutter upgrade
$ cd gallery
$ flutter pub get
$ flutter run -d chrome
Web support is available as a technical preview and is only available in the
`dev` or `master` channels.
You should see a message printing the URL to access: `http://localhost:8080`
## Deploying to GitHub Pages
This project uses [peanut][peanut] to build the samples and commit the output
to the gh-pages branch. To deploy, run these commands in the `web/` directory:
$ flutter pub global activate peanut
$ flutter pub global run peanut
$ git push origin gh-pages:gh-pages
Note: `flutter packages get` must be run in each sample before running `peanut`.