# testing_app
A Sample app that shows different types of testing in Flutter.
This particular sample uses the [Provider][] package but any other state management approach
would do.
[provider]: https://pub.dev/packages/provider
## Goals for this sample
Show how to perform:
- Widget Testing,
- Flutter Driver(Integration) Testing,
- Performance Testing, and
- State Management Testing using the [Provider][] package.
## How to run tests
- Navigate to the project's root folder using command line and follow the instructions below.
### To run tests using only the Flutter SDK:
The Flutter SDK can run unit tests and widget tests in a virtual machine, without the need of a physical device or emulator.
- To run all the test files in the `test/` directory in one go, run `flutter test` .
- To run a particular test file, run `flutter test test/<file_path>`
### To run tests on a physical device/emulator:
- Widget Tests:
- Run `flutter run test/<file_path>`
- Flutter Driver Tests:
- Run `flutter drive --target=test_driver/<file_path>`
- eg. `flutter drive --target=test_driver/app.dart` to run the test in `test_driver/app_test.dart`
- Performance Tests:
- Run `flutter drive --target=test_driver/app.dart --driver test_driver/perf_test.dart --profile --trace-startup`
- Using a physical device and running performance tests in profile mode is recommended.
- The `--trace-startup` option is used to avoid flushing older timeline events when the timeline gets long.
- [E2E ](https://pub.dev/packages/e2e ) Tests:
- Run `flutter drive --target test/perf_test_e2e.dart --driver test_driver/e2e_test.dart --profile`
- Similar to the above but the test is driven on device.
- You may also reference [E2E manual ](https://github.com/flutter/plugins/tree/master/packages/e2e#firebase-test-lab ) for how to run such test on Firebase Test Lab.
- State Management Tests:
- For testing state using Flutter Driver
- Run `flutter drive --target=test_driver/<file_path>`
### To generate test coverage report:
- Install the `lcov` tool:
- For MacOS, run `brew install lcov`
- For Linux, run `sudo apt install lcov`
- Run tests with coverage:
- `flutter test --coverage`
- Convert `lcov.info` into readable html:
- Run `genhtml coverage/lcov.info -o coverage/index`
- Open `coverage/index/index.html` in your preferred browser.
### CI/CD
- Refer [.travis.yml ](../.travis.yml ) and the [tool ](../tool ) directory to see how to test Flutter projects using Travis-CI.
Note that we aren't performing Flutter Driver tests using the Travis tool in this repo. That is because it's recommended to use physical devices to run Driver tests. You can use [Firebase Test Lab ](https://firebase.google.com/docs/test-lab ), [Codemagic ](https://codemagic.io/ ) or any platform of your choice to do that.
## Questions/issues
If you have a general question about testing in Flutter, the best places to go are:
- [Flutter documentation ](https://flutter.dev/ )
- [StackOverflow ](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/flutter )
If you run into an issue with the sample itself, please
[file an issue ](https://github.com/flutter/samples/issues ).