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< p > A curated list of Flutter samples and apps< / p >
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< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "gallery tag:intermediate intermediate tag:sample sample tag:gallery gallery tag:material material tag:design design tag:vignettes vignettes platform:web web platform:ios ios platform:android android widget:AlertDialog widget:AppBar widget:BottomAppBar widget:BottomNavigationBar widget:BottomSheet widget:Card widget:Checkbox widget:ChoiceChip widget:CircularProgressIndicator widget:Container widget:CupertinoActivityIndicator widget:CupertinoAlertDialog widget:CupertinoButton widget:CupertinoButton widget:CupertinoDatePicker widget:CupertinoDialogAction widget:CupertinoNavigationBar widget:CupertinoPageScaffold widget:CupertinoSegmentedControl widget:CupertinoSlider widget:CupertinoSlidingSegmentedControl widget:CupertinoSliverRefreshControl widget:CupertinoSwitch widget:CupertinoTabView widget:CupertinoTextField widget:CupertinoTheme widget:DayPicker widget:FilterChip widget:FlatButton widget:FloatingActionButton widget:GridTile widget:GridView widget:Icon widget:InputChip widget:LayoutBuilder widget:LinearProgressIndicator widget:ListTile widget:ListView widget:MaterialBanner widget:MonthPicker widget:PaginatedDataTable widget:PopupMenuButton widget:PopupMenuItem widget:Radio widget:RaisedButton widget:RangeSlider widget:Scaffold widget:SimpleDialog widget:Slider widget:SnackBar widget:Switch widget:TabBar widget:TabBarView widget:TextField widget:TextFormField widget:Tooltip widget:YearPicker package:flutter/material package:flutter/cupertino package:google_fonts package:scoped_model type:demo" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "gallery.html" >
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< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > demo< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Gallery< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > A collection of Material Design & Cupertino widgets, behaviors, ...< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "add to app tag:advanced advanced tag:sample sample tag:add-to-app add-to-app tag:android android tag:ios ios tag:native native tag:embedding embedding platform:ios ios platform:android android widget:WidgetsFlutterBinding widget:MethodChannel package:flutter/material package:flutter/services package:provider type:sample" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "add_to_app.html" >
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< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Add to App< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > Android and iOS projects that each import a standalone Flutter m...< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "code sharing tag:intermediate intermediate tag:sample sample tag:code-sharing code-sharing tag:dart dart tag:server server platform:android android platform:ios ios platform:linux linux platform:macos macos platform:web web platform:windows windows package:freezed package:shelf type:sample" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "code_sharing.html" >
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< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Code Sharing< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > Demonstrates simple way to share business logic between a Flutte...< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "animations tag:intermediate intermediate tag:sample sample tag:animation animation platform:ios ios platform:android android platform:web web widget:AnimatedContainer widget:PageRouteBuilder widget:AnimationController widget:SingleTickerProviderStateMixin widget:Tween widget:AnimatedBuilder widget:TweenSequence widget:TweenSequenceItem package:flutter/material type:sample" >
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< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/animations1_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Animations< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > Sample apps that showcasing Flutter's animation features.
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "flutter maps firestore tag:intermediate intermediate tag:sample sample tag:firebase firebase tag:maps maps platform:ios ios platform:android android widget:GoogleMap package:flutter/material package:cloud_firestore package:google_maps_flutter package:google_maps_webservice type:sample" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "flutter_maps_firestore.html" >
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< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Flutter Maps Firestore< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > A Flutter sample app that shows the end product of the Cloud Nex...< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "isolate example tag:intermediate intermediate tag:sample sample tag:isolates isolates tag:concurrency concurrency platform:ios ios platform:android android widget:FutureBuilder widget:AnimationController package:dart:isolate package:dart:math type:sample" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "isolate_example.html" >
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< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Isolate Example< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > A sample application that demonstrate best practices when using ...< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "place tracker tag:intermediate intermediate tag:sample sample tag:json json tag:serialization serialization platform:android android widget:GoogleMap package:google_maps_flutter type:sample" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "place_tracker.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/place_tracker1_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Place Tracker< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > A sample place tracking app that uses the google_maps_flutter pl...< / div >
< / div >
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< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "platform design tag:advanced advanced tag:sample sample tag:ios ios platform:ios ios platform:android android widget:TargetPlatform package:flutter/material package:flutter/cupertino type:sample" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "platform_design.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/platform_design1_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Platform Design< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > A Flutter app that maximizes application code reuse while adheri...< / div >
< / div >
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< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "platform view swift tag:advanced advanced tag:sample sample tag:ios ios platform:ios ios widget:MethodChannel package:flutter/material package:flutter/services type:sample" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "platform_view_swift.html" >
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< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Platform View Swift< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > A Flutter sample app that combines a native iOS UIViewController...< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "infinite list tag:sample sample tag:material material tag:design design tag:android android tag:ios ios platform:ios ios platform:android android widget:Selector widget:AppBar widget:ListTile widget:ListView package:provider package:meta type:sample" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "infinite_list.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/infinite_list_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Infinite List< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > A Flutter sample app that shows an implementation of the "infini...< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "ios app clip tag:sample sample tag:device info device info tag:ios ios platform:ios ios widget:CupertinoApp widget:AppBar widget:FlutterLogo package:device_info type:sample" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "i_o_s_app_clip.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/ios_app_clip_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > IOS App Clip< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > A Flutter sample app that shows the demonstrating integration wi...< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "testing app tag:sample sample tag:material material tag:android android tag:ios ios platform:ios ios platform:android android widget:AppBar widget:ListTile widget:ListView widget:Snackbar package:provider type:sample" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "testing_app.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/testing_app1_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Testing App< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > A Flutter sample app that shows different types of testing in Fl...< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "provider shopper tag:intermediate intermediate tag:sample sample tag:provider provider platform:ios ios platform:android android platform:web web widget:Provider widget:MultiProvider widget:ChangeNotifier package:provider type:sample" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "provider_shopper.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/provider_shopper1_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Provider Shopper< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > A Flutter sample app that shows a state management approach usin...< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "web dashboard tag:intermediate intermediate tag:sample sample tag:firebase firebase platform:ios ios platform:android android platform:web web widget:AdaptiveScaffold widget:NavigationRail widget:FutureBuilder widget:StreamBuilder package:firebase type:sample" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "web_dashboard.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/web_dashboard1_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Web Dashboard< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > A dashboard app that displays daily entries. Demonstrates Adapti...< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "form app tag:intermediate intermediate tag:sample sample tag:forms forms platform:ios ios platform:android android platform:web web widget:Form type:sample" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "form_app.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/form_app1_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Form App< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > A Flutter sample app that shows how to use Forms.
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "navigation and routing tag:advanced advanced tag:sample sample tag:navigation navigation tag:router router platform:ios ios platform:android android platform:web web widget:Router type:sample" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "navigation_and_routing.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/navigation_and_routing1_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Navigation and Routing< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > A Flutter sample app that shows how to use how to use the Router...< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "photo search app tag:desktop desktop tag:rest-api rest-api platform:windows windows platform:macos macos platform:linux linux package:built_collection package:built_value package:file_selector package:fluent_ui package:flutter/material package:provider package:url_launcher type:sample" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "photo_search_app.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/desktop_photo_search-fluent_ui_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > sample< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Photo Search app< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > This is the Photo Search app, built out with two different widge...< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "slide puzzle tag:demo demo tag:game game platform:web web type:demo" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "slide_puzzle.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/slide_puzzle1_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > demo< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Slide Puzzle< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > A slide puzzle built for Flutter Challenge.
< / div >
< / div >
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< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "rich text editor tag:demo demo tag:text text platform:ios ios platform:android android platform:web web platform:windows windows platform:macos macos platform:linux linux widget:TextInput type:demo" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "rich_text_editor.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/simple_editor_active_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > demo< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Rich Text Editor< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > This is a fancy text editor sample which shows how to consume fi...< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "material 3 tag:material material tag:design design platform:ios ios platform:android android platform:web web platform:windows windows platform:macos macos platform:linux linux widget:Theme widget:TextButton widget:ElevatedButton widget:OutlinedButton widget:Text widget:Card widget:AppBar type:demo" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "material_3.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/material_3_components_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > demo< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Material 3< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > Showcases Material 3 features in the Flutter Material library. T...< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "game template tag:games games tag:firebase firebase tag:ads ads tag:crashlytics crashlytics tag:routing routing platform:ios ios platform:android android platform:web web platform:windows windows platform:macos macos platform:linux linux widget:GoRouter widget:AppLifecycleObserver package:audioplayers package:firebase_crashlytics package:games_services package:go_router package:google_mobile_ads package:in_app_purchase package:logging package:provider package:shared_preferences type:demo" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "game_template.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/loading_screen_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > demo< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Game Template< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > This is a game template that shows how to build much of the dres...< / div >
< / div >
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< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "dice tag:demo demo tag:animation animation platform:web web type:demo" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "dice.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/dice_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > demo< / div >
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< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Dice< / h2 >
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< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > A demo of 3d animation using dice
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< div class = "mdc-card demo-card mdc-elevation--z0" search-attrs = "web embedding tag:demo demo tag:web web tag:add-to-app add-to-app tag:embedding embedding platform:web web type:demo" >
< div class = "mdc-card__primary-action demo-card__primary-action" tabindex = "0" href = "web_embedding.html" >
< div class = "mdc-card__media mdc-card__media--16-9 demo-card__media" style = "background-image: url('images/web_embedding1_thumb.png');" > < / div >
< div class = "demo-card__label type-label" > demo< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__primary" >
< h2 class = "demo-card__title mdc-typography mdc-typography--headline6" > Web Embedding< / h2 >
< / div >
< div class = "demo-card__secondary mdc-typography mdc-typography--body2" > An example app showing how to embed Flutter in a web application...< / div >
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