// Package simple_animations:
// https://pub.dev/packages/simple_animations
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
/// Widget to easily create a continuous animation.
/// You need to specify a [builder] function that gets the build context passed
/// along with the [timeElapsed] (as a [Duration]) since the rendering started.
/// You can use this time to specify custom animations on it.
/// The [builder] rebuilds all sub-widgets every frame.
/// You define an [onTick] function that is called before builder to update
/// you rendered scene. It's also utilized during fast-forwarding the animation.
/// Specify a [startTime] to fast-forward your animation in the beginning.
/// The widget will interpolate the animation by calling the [onTick] function
/// multiple times. (Default value is `20`. You can tune it by setting the
/// [startTimeSimulationTicks] property.)
class Rendering extends StatefulWidget {
final Widget Function(BuildContext context, Duration timeElapsed) builder;
final Function(Duration timeElapsed)? onTick;
final Duration startTime;
final int startTimeSimulationTicks;
const Rendering(
{required this.builder,
this.startTime = Duration.zero,
this.startTimeSimulationTicks = 20,
Key? key})
: super(key: key);
_RenderingState createState() => _RenderingState();
class _RenderingState extends State<Rendering>
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
late Ticker _ticker;
Duration _timeElapsed = const Duration(milliseconds: 0);
void initState() {
if (widget.startTime > Duration.zero) {
_ticker = createTicker((elapsed) {
_onRender(elapsed + widget.startTime);
void _onRender(Duration effectiveElapsed) {
if (widget.onTick != null) {
setState(() {
_timeElapsed = effectiveElapsed;
void _simulateStartTimeTicks() {
if (widget.onTick != null) {
for (var i in Iterable.generate(widget.startTimeSimulationTicks + 1)) {
final simulatedTime = Duration(
milliseconds: (widget.startTime.inMilliseconds *
i /
void dispose() {
_ticker.stop(canceled: true);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return widget.builder(context, _timeElapsed);
/// Animatable that tweens multiple parallel properties (called [Track]s).
/// ---
/// The constructor of [MultiTrackTween] expects a list of [Track] objects.
/// You can fetch the specified total duration via [duration] getter.
/// ---
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// final tween = MultiTrackTween([
/// Track("color")
/// .add(Duration(seconds: 1), ColorTween(begin: Colors.red, end: Colors.blue))
/// .add(Duration(seconds: 1), ColorTween(begin: Colors.blue, end: Colors.yellow)),
/// Track("width")
/// .add(Duration(milliseconds: 500), ConstantTween(200.0))
/// .add(Duration(milliseconds: 1500), Tween(begin: 200.0, end: 400.0),
/// curve: Curves.easeIn)
/// ]);
/// return ControlledAnimation(
/// duration: tween.duration,
/// tween: tween,
/// builder: (context, values) {
/// ...
/// }
/// );
/// ```
class MultiTrackTween extends Animatable<Map<String, dynamic>> {
final _tracksToTween = <String, _TweenData>{};
var _maxDuration = 0;
MultiTrackTween(List<Track> tracks)
: assert(tracks.isNotEmpty, "Add a List<Track> to configure the tween."),
assert(tracks.where((track) => track.items.isEmpty).isEmpty,
"Each Track needs at least one added Tween by using the add()-method.") {
void _computeMaxDuration(List<Track> tracks) {
for (var track in tracks) {
final trackDuration = track.items
.map((item) => item.duration.inMilliseconds)
.reduce((sum, item) => sum + item);
_maxDuration = max(_maxDuration, trackDuration);
void _computeTrackTweens(List<Track> tracks) {
for (var track in tracks) {
final trackDuration = track.items
.map((item) => item.duration.inMilliseconds)
.reduce((sum, item) => sum + item);
final sequenceItems = track.items
.map((item) => TweenSequenceItem(
tween: item.tween,
weight: item.duration.inMilliseconds / _maxDuration))
if (trackDuration < _maxDuration) {
tween: ConstantTween(null),
weight: (_maxDuration - trackDuration) / _maxDuration));
final sequence = TweenSequence(sequenceItems);
_tracksToTween[track.name] =
_TweenData(tween: sequence, maxTime: trackDuration / _maxDuration);
/// Returns the highest duration specified by [Track]s.
/// ---
/// Use it to pass it into an [ControlledAnimation].
/// You can also scale it by multiplying a double value.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// final tween = MultiTrackTween(listOfTracks);
/// return ControlledAnimation(
/// duration: tween.duration * 1.25, // stretch animation by 25%
/// tween: tween,
/// builder: (context, values) {
/// ...
/// }
/// );
/// ```
Duration get duration {
return Duration(milliseconds: _maxDuration);
Map<String, dynamic> transform(double t) {
final Map<String, dynamic> result = {};
_tracksToTween.forEach((name, tweenData) {
final double tTween = max(0, min(t, tweenData.maxTime! - 0.0001));
result[name] = tweenData.tween!.transform(tTween);
return result;
/// Single property to tween. Used by [MultiTrackTween].
class Track<T> {
final String name;
final List<_TrackItem> items = [];
/// Adds a "piece of animation" to a [Track].
/// You need to pass a [duration] and a [tween]. It will return the track, so
/// you can specify a track in a builder's style.
/// Optionally you can set a named parameter [curve] that applies an easing
/// curve to the tween.
Track<T> add(Duration duration, Animatable<T> tween, {Curve? curve}) {
items.add(_TrackItem(duration, tween, curve: curve));
return this;
class _TrackItem<T> {
final Duration duration;
late Animatable<T> tween;
_TrackItem(this.duration, Animatable<T> _tween, {Curve? curve}) {
if (curve != null) {
tween = _tween.chain(CurveTween(curve: curve));
} else {
tween = _tween;
class _TweenData<T> {
final Animatable<T>? tween;
final double? maxTime;
_TweenData({this.tween, this.maxTime});
/// Playback tell the controller of the animation what to do.
enum Playback {
/// Animation stands still.
/// Animation plays forwards and stops at the end.
/// Animation plays backwards and stops at the beginning.
/// Animation will reset to the beginning and start playing forward.
/// Animation will reset to the end and start play backward.
/// Animation will play forwards and start over at the beginning when it
/// reaches the end.
/// Animation will play forward until the end and will reverse playing until
/// it reaches the beginning. Then it starts over playing forward. And so on.
/// Widget to create custom, managed, tween-based animations in a very simple way.
/// ---
/// An internal [AnimationController] will do everything you tell him by
/// dynamically assigning the one [Playback] to [playback] property.
/// By default the animation will start playing forward and stops at the end.
/// A minimum set of properties are [duration] (time span of the animation),
/// [tween] (values to interpolate among the animation) and a [builder] function
/// (defines the animated scene).
/// Instead of using [builder] as building function you can use for performance
/// critical scenarios [builderWithChild] along with a prebuild [child].
/// ---
/// The following properties are optional:
/// - You can apply a [delay] that forces the animation to pause a
/// specified time before the animation will perform the defined [playback]
/// instruction.
/// - You can specify a [curve] that modifies the [tween] by applying a
/// non-linear animation function. You can find curves in [Curves], for
/// example [Curves.easeOut] or [Curves.easeIn].
/// - You can track the animation by setting an [AnimationStatusListener] to
/// the property [animationControllerStatusListener]. The internal [AnimationController] then
/// will route out any events that occur. [ControlledAnimation] doesn't filter
/// or modifies these events. These events are currently only reliable for the
/// [playback]-types [Playback.PLAY_FORWARD] and [Playback.PLAY_REVERSE].
/// - You can set the start position of animation by specifying [startPosition]
/// with a value between *0.0* and *1.0*. The [startPosition] is only
/// evaluated once during the initialization of the widget.
class ControlledAnimation<T> extends StatefulWidget {
final Playback playback;
final Animatable<T> tween;
final Curve curve;
final Duration duration;
final Duration? delay;
final Widget Function(BuildContext buildContext, T animatedValue)? builder;
final Widget Function(BuildContext, Widget? child, T animatedValue)?
final Widget? child;
final AnimationStatusListener? animationControllerStatusListener;
final double startPosition;
const ControlledAnimation(
{this.playback = Playback.PLAY_FORWARD,
required this.tween,
this.curve = Curves.linear,
required this.duration,
this.startPosition = 0.0,
Key? key})
: assert(
(builderWithChild != null && child != null && builder == null) ||
(builder != null && builderWithChild == null && child == null),
"Either use just builder and keep buildWithChild and child null. "
"Or keep builder null and set a builderWithChild and a child."),
startPosition >= 0 && startPosition <= 1,
"The property startPosition "
"must have a value between 0.0 and 1.0."),
super(key: key);
_ControlledAnimationState<T> createState() => _ControlledAnimationState<T>();
class _ControlledAnimationState<T> extends State<ControlledAnimation>
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
late AnimationController _controller;
late Animation<T?> _animation;
bool _isDisposed = false;
bool _waitForDelay = true;
bool _isCurrentlyMirroring = false;
void initState() {
_controller = AnimationController(vsync: this, duration: widget.duration)
..addListener(() {
setState(() {});
..value = widget.startPosition;
_animation = widget.tween
.chain(CurveTween(curve: widget.curve))
.animate(_controller) as Animation<T?>;
if (widget.animationControllerStatusListener != null) {
Future<void> initialize() async {
if (widget.delay != null) {
await Future.delayed(widget.delay!);
_waitForDelay = false;
void didUpdateWidget(ControlledAnimation oldWidget) {
_controller.duration = widget.duration;
Future<void> executeInstruction() async {
if (_isDisposed || _waitForDelay) {
if (widget.playback == Playback.PAUSE) {
if (widget.playback == Playback.PLAY_FORWARD) {
if (widget.playback == Playback.PLAY_REVERSE) {
if (widget.playback == Playback.START_OVER_FORWARD) {
_controller.forward(from: 0.0);
if (widget.playback == Playback.START_OVER_REVERSE) {
_controller.reverse(from: 1.0);
if (widget.playback == Playback.LOOP) {
if (widget.playback == Playback.MIRROR && !_isCurrentlyMirroring) {
_isCurrentlyMirroring = true;
_controller.repeat(reverse: true);
if (widget.playback != Playback.MIRROR) {
_isCurrentlyMirroring = false;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
if (widget.builder != null) {
return widget.builder!(context, _animation.value);
} else if (widget.builderWithChild != null && widget.child != null) {
return widget.builderWithChild!(context, widget.child, _animation.value);
_controller.stop(canceled: true);
throw FlutterError(
"I don't know how to build the animation. Make sure to either specify "
"a builder or a builderWithChild (along with a child).");
void dispose() {
_isDisposed = true;
/// Utility class to compute an animation progress between two points in time.
/// On creation you specify a [startTime] and a [duration].
/// You can query the progress value - a value between `0.0` and `11.0` - by
/// calling [progress] and passing the current time.
class AnimationProgress {
final Duration duration;
final Duration startTime;
/// Creates an [AnimationProgress].
AnimationProgress({required this.duration, required this.startTime});
/// Queries the current progress value based on the specified [startTime] and
/// [duration] as a value between `0.0` and `1.0`. It will automatically
/// clamp values this interval to fit in.
double progress(Duration time) => max(0.0,
min((time - startTime).inMilliseconds / duration.inMilliseconds, 1.0));