# Photo Search app
This desktop application enables you to search
[Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/) for photographs that interest you.
To use it, you need to add an **Access Key** from
[Unsplash API](https://unsplash.com/developers) to
This sample works on Windows, macOS and Linux.
## A quick tour of the code
This Flutter project builds a desktop application. It utilises the following
desktop specific plugins:
- [file_chooser] to enable the application user to select where to save a photo
from the Unsplash API.
- [menubar] for exposing Image Search functionality through the menu bar.
- [url_launcher] to open external links.
The Unsplash API client entry point is in the [Unsplash] class, and is built
atop [http], [built_value] and [built_collection] for JSON Rest API access.
The [DataTreeNode] and widget family, along with the [Split] widget capture
desktop file explorer master/detail view idioms.
## Deploying to the Microsoft Store
This sample uses Yehuda Kremer's [MSIX pub package][msix_pub_package]
to bundle up the Windows release build for distribution to the
[Microsoft Store][]. Microsoft maintains a [plethora of documentation][ms_store_publishing_doc]
on deploying to the Microsoft Store.
See the `msix_config` stanza in this sample's `pubspec.yaml` for an
example configuration. Make sure the `display_name`, `publisher_display_name`,
`publisher` and `identity_name` attributes match the settings in your
Microsoft Partner Center application submission.
## macOS Network and File entitlements
To access the network, macOS requires applications enable the
[com.apple.security.network.client entitlement][macOS-client]. For this
sample, this entitlement is required to access the Unsplash API.
Likewise, to save a Photo to the local file system using the `file_chooser` plugin requires the
[com.apple.security.files.user-selected.read-write entitlement][macOS-read-write].
Please see [macOS Signing and Security][macOS-security] for more detail.
## Flutter Desktop is not in Flutter Stable Release Channel
This sample is a preview, intended to enable developers to preview what is
under development. As such, it is currently only available for use on
the `dev` and `master` channels of Flutter. Please see
[Flutter build release channels][flutter_channels] for more detail,
and how to switch between Flutter release channels.
[DataTreeNode]: lib/src/widgets/data_tree.dart
[Split]: lib/src/widgets/split.dart
[Unsplash]: lib/src/unsplash/unsplash.dart
[built_collection]: https://pub.dev/packages/built_collection
[built_value]: https://pub.dev/packages/built_value
[file_chooser]: https://github.com/google/flutter-desktop-embedding/tree/master/plugins/file_chooser
[flutter_channels]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Flutter-build-release-channels
[http]: https://pub.dev/packages/http
[macOS-client]: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/entitlements/com_apple_security_network_client
[macOS-read-write]: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/entitlements/com_apple_security_files_user-selected_read-write
[macOS-security]: https://github.com/google/flutter-desktop-embedding/blob/master/macOS-Security.md
[menubar]: https://github.com/google/flutter-desktop-embedding/tree/master/plugins/menubar
[url_launcher]: https://pub.dev/packages/url_launcher
[msix_pub_package]: https://pub.dev/packages/msix
[Microsoft Store]: https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/p/flutter-desktop-photo-search/9nh719dxcpj4
[ms_store_publishing_doc]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/publish/