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5 years ago
- name: Gallery
author: Flutter
- url: images/gallery1.png
alt: Gallery app screenshot
- url: images/gallery2.png
alt: Rally app screenshot
- url: images/gallery3.png
alt: Fortnightly app screenshot
- url: images/gallery4.png
alt: Crane app screenshot
- url: images/gallery5.png
alt: Shrine app screnshot
source: https://github.com/flutter/gallery
web: https://flutter.github.io/gallery
description: >
A collection of material design widgets, behaviors, and vignettes
implemented with Flutter.
difficulty: intermediate
- AlertDialog
- AppBar
- BottomAppBar
- BottomNavigationBar
- BottomSheet
- Card
- Checkbox
- ChoiceChip
- CircularProgressIndicator
- Container
- CupertinoActivityIndicator
- CupertinoAlertDialog
- CupertinoButton
- CupertinoButton
- CupertinoDatePicker
- CupertinoDialogAction
- CupertinoNavigationBar
- CupertinoPageScaffold
- CupertinoSegmentedControl
- CupertinoSlider
- CupertinoSlidingSegmentedControl
- CupertinoSliverRefreshControl
- CupertinoSwitch
- CupertinoTabView
- CupertinoTextField
- CupertinoTheme
- DayPicker
- FilterChip
- FlatButton
- FloatingActionButton
- GridTile
- GridView
- Icon
- InputChip
- LayoutBuilder
- LinearProgressIndicator
- ListTile
- ListView
- MaterialBanner
- MonthPicker
- PaginatedDataTable
- PopupMenuButton
- PopupMenuItem
- Radio
- RaisedButton
- RangeSlider
- Scaffold
- SimpleDialog
- Slider
- SnackBar
- Switch
- TabBar
- TabBarView
- TextField
- TextFormField
- Tooltip
- YearPicker
- flutter/material
- flutter/cupertino
- google_fonts
- scoped_model
tags: ['intermediate', 'sample', 'gallery', 'material', 'design', 'vignettes']
platforms: ['web', 'ios', 'android']
type: demo
- name: Add to App
author: Flutter
- url: images/add_to_app1.png
alt: Add_to_app screenshot
- url: images/add_to_app2.png
alt: Add_to_app screenshot
source: https://github.com/flutter/samples/tree/master/add_to_app
description: >
Android and iOS projects that each import a standalone Flutter module.
difficulty: advanced
- WidgetsFlutterBinding
- MethodChannel
- flutter/material
- flutter/services
- provider
tags: ['advanced', 'sample', 'add-to-app', 'android', 'ios', 'native', 'embedding']
platforms: ['ios', 'android']
type: sample
- name: Animations
author: Flutter
- url: images/animations1.png
alt: Animations sample screenshot
- url: images/animations2.png
alt: Animations sample screenshot
- url: images/animations3.png
alt: Animations sample screenshot
source: https://github.com/flutter/samples/tree/master/animations
description: >
Sample apps that showcasing Flutter's animation features.
difficulty: advanced
- AnimatedContainer
- PageRouteBuilder
- AnimationController
- SingleTickerProviderStateMixin
- Tween
- AnimatedBuilder
- TweenSequence
- TweenSequenceItem
- flutter/material
tags: ['intermediate', 'sample', 'animation']
platforms: ['ios', 'android', 'web']
type: sample
web: web/animations
- name: Flutter Maps Firestore
author: Flutter
- url: images/flutter_maps_firestore1.png
alt: Flutter maps firestore screenshot
- url: images/flutter_maps_firestore2.png
alt: Flutter maps firestore screenshot
source: https://github.com/flutter/samples/tree/master/flutter_maps_firestore
description: >
A Flutter sample app that shows the end product of the Cloud Next '19 talk
Build Mobile Apps With Flutter and Google Maps.
difficulty: advanced
- GoogleMap
- flutter/material
- cloud_firestore
- google_maps_flutter
- google_maps_webservice
tags: ['intermediate', 'sample', 'firebase', 'maps']
platforms: ['ios', 'android']
type: sample
- name: Isolate Example
author: Flutter
- url: images/isolate1.png
alt: Isolate example screenshot
- url: images/isolate2.png
alt: Isolate example screenshot
- url: images/isolate3.png
alt: Isolate example screenshot
source: https://github.com/flutter/samples/tree/master/isolate_example
description: >
A sample application that demonstrate best practices when using
difficulty: intermediate
- FutureBuilder
- AnimationController
- dart:isolate
- dart:math
tags: ['intermediate', 'sample', 'isolates', 'concurrency']
platforms: ['ios', 'android']
type: sample
- name: jsonexample
author: Flutter
- url: images/jsonexample1.png
alt: JSON example screenshot
- url: images/jsonexample2.png
alt: JSON example screenshot
- url: images/jsonexample3.png
alt: JSON example screenshot
source: https://github.com/flutter/samples/tree/master/jsonexample
description: >
A Flutter sample app that deserializes a set of JSON strings using three
different libraries: dart:convert, json_serializable, and built_value.
difficulty: beginner
- Table
- TableRow
- json_serializable
- built_value
- built_collection
- json_annotation
- build_runner
- built_value_generator
tags: ['beginner', 'sample']
platforms: ['ios', 'android']
type: sample
- name: Place Tracker
author: Flutter
- url: images/place_tracker1.png
alt: Place Tracker screenshot
- url: images/place_tracker2.png
alt: Place Tracker screenshot
- url: images/place_tracker3.png
alt: Place Tracker screenshot
- url: images/place_tracker4.png
alt: Place Tracker screenshot
source: https://github.com/flutter/samples/tree/master/place_tracker
description: >
A sample place tracking app that uses the google_maps_flutter plugin. Keep
track of your favorite places, places you've visited, and places you want
to go. View details about these places, show them on a map, and get
directions to them.
difficulty: intermediate
- GoogleMap
- google_maps_flutter
tags: ['intermediate', 'sample', 'json', 'serialization']
platforms: ['android']
type: sample
- name: Platform Design
author: Flutter
- url: images/platform_design1.png
alt: Platform Design screenshot
- url: images/platform_design2.png
alt: Platform Design screenshot
- url: images/platform_design3.png
alt: Platform Design screenshot
- url: images/platform_design4.png
alt: Platform Design screenshot
- url: images/platform_design5.png
alt: Platform Design screenshot
- url: images/platform_design6.png
alt: Platform Design screenshot
- url: images/platform_design7.png
alt: Platform Design screenshot
source: https://github.com/flutter/samples/tree/master/platform_design
description: >
A Flutter app that maximizes application code reuse while adhering to
different design patterns on Android and iOS
difficulty: advanced
- TargetPlatform
- flutter/material
- flutter/cupertino
tags: ['advanced', 'sample', 'ios']
platforms: ['ios', 'android']
type: sample
- name: Platform View Swift
author: Flutter
- url: images/platform_view_swift1.png
alt: Platform View Swift screenshot
- url: images/platform_view_swift2.png
alt: Platform View Swift screenshot
source: https://github.com/flutter/samples/tree/master/platform_design
description: >
A Flutter sample app that combines a native iOS UIViewController with a
full-screen Flutter view.
difficulty: intermediate
- MethodChannel
- flutter/material
- flutter/services
tags: ['advanced', 'sample', 'ios']
platforms: ['ios']
type: sample
- name: Provider Shopper
author: Flutter
- url: images/provider_shopper1.png
alt: Provider Shopper screenshot
- url: images/provider_shopper2.png
alt: Provider Shopper screenshot
- url: images/provider_shopper3.png
alt: Provider Shopper screenshot
source: https://github.com/flutter/samples/tree/master/provider_shopper
description: >
A Flutter sample app that shows a state management approach using the Provider package.
difficulty: intermediate
- Provider
- MultiProvider
- ChangeNotifier
- provider
tags: ['intermediate', 'sample', 'provider']
platforms: ['ios', 'android', 'web']
type: sample
web: web/provider_shopper
#### Web Demos ####
- name: Charts
author: Flutter
- url: images/charts1.png
source: https://github.com/google/charts
description: >
A general-purpose charting library.
difficulty: intermediate
widgets: []
packages: []
platforms: ['ios', 'android', 'web']
tags: ['demo', 'charts']
web: web/charts
type: demo
- name: Filipino Cuisine
author: github.com/markgrancapal
- url: images/filipino_cuisine1.png
alt: Filipino Cuisine screenshot
source: https://github.com/markgrancapal/filipino_cuisine
description: >
Flutter Create challenge entry
difficulty: intermediate
widgets: []
packages: []
platforms: ['web']
tags: ['demo', 'flutter create']
web: web/filipino_cuisine
type: demo
- name: GitHub Dataviz
author: Larva Labs
- url: images/github_dataviz1.png
alt: GitHub Dataviz screenshot
source: https://github.com/flutter/samples/tree/master/web/github_dataviz
description: >
A visualization for Flutter repository data
difficulty: intermediate
widgets: []
packages: []
platforms: ['web']
tags: ['demo', 'data', 'visualization']
web: web/github_dataviz
type: demo
- name: Particle Background
author: Felix Blaschke
- url: images/particle_background1.png
alt: Particle Background screenshot
source: https://github.com/flutter/samples/tree/master/web/particle_background
description: >
Flutter app demonstrating package:simple_animations in action.
difficulty: intermediate
widgets: []
packages: []
platforms: ['web']
tags: ['demo', 'animation']
web: web/particle_background
type: demo
- name: Slide Puzzle
author: Kevin Moore
- url: images/slide_puzzle1.png
alt: Slide Puzzle screenshot
source: https://github.com/kevmoo/slide_puzzle
description: >
A slide (15) puzzle implemented in Dart and Flutter.
difficulty: advanced
widgets: []
packages: []
platforms: ['web']
tags: ['demo', 'game']
web: web/slide_puzzle
type: demo
- name: Timeflow
author: Fabian Stein
- url: images/timeflow1.png
alt: Timeflow screenshot
source: github.com/Fabian-Stein/timeflow
description: >
A gentle animation that provides a calming experience to stressed developers.
difficulty: advanced
widgets: []
packages: []
platforms: ['web']
tags: ['demo', 'animation']
web: web/timeflow
type: demo
- name: Vision Challenge
author: Yukkei Choi
- url: images/vision_challenge1.png
alt: Vision Challenge screenshot
- url: images/vision_challenge2.png
alt: Vision Challenge screenshot
source: https://github.com/flutter/samples/tree/master/web/vision_challenge
description: >
A fun game to test your color perception abilities.
difficulty: advanced
widgets: []
packages: []
platforms: ['web']
tags: ['demo', 'game']
web: web/vision_challenge
type: demo