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import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart';
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:pinball/game/game.dart';
import 'package:pinball/select_character/select_character.dart';
import 'package:pinball_audio/pinball_audio.dart';
part 'assets_manager_state.dart';
class AssetsManagerCubit extends Cubit<AssetsManagerState> {
AssetsManagerCubit(this._game, this._audioPlayer)
: super(const AssetsManagerState.initial());
final PinballGame _game;
final PinballAudioPlayer _audioPlayer;
Future<void> load() async {
/// Assigning loadables is a very expensive operation. With this purposeful
/// delay here, which is a bit random in duration but enough to let the UI
/// do its job without adding too much delay for the user, we are letting
/// the UI paint first, and then we start loading the assets.
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
loadables: [
final all = async {
await loadable;
emit(state.copyWith(loaded: [...state.loaded, loadable]));
await Future.wait(all);