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// ignore_for_file: avoid_renaming_method_parameters
import 'package:flame_forge2d/flame_forge2d.dart';
import 'package:pinball/game/game.dart';
/// {@template ramp_orientation}
/// Determines if a ramp is facing [up] or [down] on the [Board].
/// {@endtemplate}
enum RampOrientation {
/// Facing up on the [Board].
/// Facing down on the [Board].
/// {@template ramp_opening}
/// [BodyComponent] located at the entrance and exit of a ramp.
/// [RampOpeningBallContactCallback] detects when a [Ball] passes
/// through this opening.
/// By default the base [layer] is set to [Layer.board].
/// {@endtemplate}
// TODO(ruialonso): Consider renaming the class.
abstract class RampOpening extends BodyComponent with InitialPosition, Layered {
/// {@macro ramp_opening}
required Layer pathwayLayer,
required this.orientation,
}) : _pathwayLayer = pathwayLayer {
layer = Layer.board;
final Layer _pathwayLayer;
/// Mask of category bits for collision inside [Pathway].
Layer get pathwayLayer => _pathwayLayer;
/// The [Shape] of the [RampOpening].
Shape get shape;
/// {@macro ramp_orientation}
// TODO(ruimiguel): Try to remove the need of [RampOrientation] for collision
// calculations.
final RampOrientation orientation;
Body createBody() {
final fixtureDef = FixtureDef(shape)..isSensor = true;
final bodyDef = BodyDef()
..userData = this
..position = initialPosition
..type = BodyType.static;
return world.createBody(bodyDef)..createFixture(fixtureDef);
/// {@template ramp_opening_ball_contact_callback}
/// Detects when a [Ball] enters or exits a [Pathway] ramp through a
/// [RampOpening].
/// Modifies [Ball]'s [Layer] accordingly depending on whether the [Ball] is
/// outside or inside a ramp.
/// {@endtemplate}
class RampOpeningBallContactCallback<Opening extends RampOpening>
extends ContactCallback<Ball, Opening> {
/// [Ball]s currently inside the ramp.
final _ballsInside = <Ball>{};
void begin(Ball ball, Opening opening, Contact _) {
Layer layer;
if (!_ballsInside.contains(ball)) {
layer = opening.pathwayLayer;
ball.layer = layer;
} else {
void end(Ball ball, Opening opening, Contact _) {
if (!_ballsInside.contains(ball)) {
ball.layer = Layer.board;
} else {
// TODO(ruimiguel): change this code. Check what happens with ball that
// slightly touch Opening and goes out again. With InitialPosition change
// now doesn't work position.y comparison
final isBallOutsideOpening =
(opening.orientation == RampOrientation.down &&
ball.body.linearVelocity.y < 0) ||
(opening.orientation == RampOrientation.up &&
ball.body.linearVelocity.y > 0);
if (isBallOutsideOpening) {
ball.layer = Layer.board;