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import 'package:flame/components.dart';
import 'package:flame_forge2d/flame_forge2d.dart';
import 'package:pinball/game/game.dart';
/// {@template ball}
/// A solid, [BodyType.dynamic] sphere that rolls and bounces along the
/// [PinballGame].
/// {@endtemplate}
class Ball extends BodyComponent<PinballGame> with InitialPosition, Layered {
/// {@macro ball}
Ball() {
// TODO(ruimiguel): while developing Ball can be launched by clicking mouse,
// and default layer is Layer.all. But on final game Ball will be always be
// be launched from Plunger and LauncherRamp will modify it to Layer.board.
// We need to see what happens if Ball appears from other place like nest
// bumper, it will need to explicit change layer to Layer.board then.
layer = Layer.board;
/// The size of the [Ball]
final Vector2 size = Vector2.all(2);
/// Asset location of the sprite that renders with the [Ball].
/// Sprite is preloaded by [PinballGameAssetsX].
static const spritePath = 'components/ball.png';
Future<void> onLoad() async {
await super.onLoad();
final sprite = await gameRef.loadSprite(spritePath);
final tint = gameRef.theme.characterTheme.ballColor.withOpacity(0.5);
await add(
sprite: sprite,
size: size,
Body createBody() {
final shape = CircleShape()..radius = size.x / 2;
final fixtureDef = FixtureDef(shape)..density = 1;
final bodyDef = BodyDef()
..position = initialPosition
..userData = this
..type = BodyType.dynamic;
return world.createBody(bodyDef)..createFixture(fixtureDef);
/// Removes the [Ball] from a [PinballGame]; spawning a new [Ball] if
/// any are left.
/// Triggered by [BottomWallBallContactCallback] when the [Ball] falls into
/// a [BottomWall].
void lost() {
shouldRemove = true;
final bloc =<GameBloc>()..add(const BallLost());
final shouldBallRespwan = !bloc.state.isLastBall && !bloc.state.isGameOver;
if (shouldBallRespwan) {