{ "@@locale": "en", "play": "Play", "@play": { "description": "Text displayed on the landing page play button" }, "howToPlay": "How to Play", "@howToPlay": { "description": "Text displayed on the landing page how to play button" }, "tipsForFlips": "Tips for flips", "@tipsForFlips": { "description": "Text displayed on the landing page how to play button" }, "launchControls": "Launch Controls", "@launchControls": { "description": "Text displayed on the how to play dialog with the launch controls" }, "flipperControls": "Flipper Controls", "@flipperControls": { "description": "Text displayed on the how to play dialog with the flipper controls" }, "tapAndHoldRocket": "Tap Rocket", "@tapAndHoldRocket": { "description": "Text displayed on the how to launch on mobile" }, "to": "to", "@to": { "description": "Text displayed for the word to" }, "launch": "LAUNCH", "@launch": { "description": "Text displayed for the word launch" }, "tapLeftRightScreen": "Tap left/right screen", "@tapLeftRightScreen": { "description": "Text displayed on the how to flip on mobile" }, "flip": "FLIP", "@flip": { "description": "Text displayed for the word FLIP" }, "start": "Start", "@start": { "description": "Text displayed on the character selection page start button" }, "select": "Select", "@select": { "description": "Text displayed on the character selection dialog - select button" }, "space": "Space", "@space": { "description": "Text displayed on space control button" }, "characterSelectionTitle": "Select a Character", "@characterSelectionTitle": { "description": "Title text displayed on the character selection dialog" }, "characterSelectionSubtitle": "There’s no wrong choice!", "@characterSelectionSubtitle": { "description": "Subtitle text displayed on the character selection dialog" }, "gameOver": "Game Over", "@gameOver": { "description": "Text displayed on the ending dialog when game finishes" }, "rounds": "Ball Ct:", "@rounds": { "description": "Text displayed on the scoreboard widget to indicate rounds left" }, "topPlayers": "Top Players", "@topPlayers": { "description": "Title text displayed on leaderboard screen" }, "rank": "rank", "@rank": { "description": "Label text displayed above player's rank" }, "name": "name", "@name": { "description": "Label text displayed above player's initials" }, "score": "score", "@score": { "description": "Label text displayed above player's score" }, "enterInitials": "Enter your initials using the", "@enterInitials": { "description": "Informational text displayed on initials input screen" }, "arrows": "arrows", "@arrows": { "description": "Text displayed on initials input screen indicating arrow keys" }, "andPress": "and press", "@andPress": { "description": "Connecting text displayed on initials input screen informational text span" }, "enterReturn": "enter/return", "@enterReturn": { "description": "Text displayed on initials input screen indicating return key" }, "toSubmit": "to submit", "@toSubmit": { "description": "Ending text displayed on initials input screen informational text span" }, "linkBoxTitle": "Resources", "@linkBoxTitle": { "description": "Text shown on the link box title section." }, "linkBoxMadeWithText": "Made with ", "@linkBoxMadeWithText": { "description": "Text shown on the link box which mentions technologies used to build the app." }, "linkBoxFlutterLinkText": "Flutter", "@linkBoxFlutterLinkText": { "description": "Text on the link shown on the link box which navigates to the Flutter page" }, "linkBoxFirebaseLinkText": "Firebase", "@linkBoxFirebaseLinkText": { "description": "Text on the link shown on the link box which navigates to the Firebase page" }, "linkBoxOpenSourceCode": "Open Source Code", "@linkBoxOpenSourceCode": { "description": "Text shown on the link box which redirects to github project" }, "linkBoxGoogleIOText": "Google I/O", "@linkBoxGoogleIOText": { "description": "Text shown on the link box which mentions Google I/O" }, "linkBoxFlutterGames": "Flutter Games", "@linkBoxFlutterGames": { "description": "Text shown on the link box which redirects to flutter games article" }, "linkBoxHowItsMade": "How it’s made", "@linkBoxHowItsMade": { "description": "Text shown on the link box which redirects to Very Good Blog article" }, "linkBoxTermsOfService": "Terms of Service", "@linkBoxTermsOfService": { "description": "Text shown on the link box which redirect to terms of service" }, "linkBoxPrivacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy", "@linkBoxPrivacyPolicy": { "description": "Text shown on the link box which redirect to privacy policy" }, "loading": "Loading", "@loading": { "description": "Text shown to indicate loading times" }, "replay": "Replay", "@replay": { "description": "Text displayed on the share page for replay button" }, "ioPinball": "I/O Pinball", "@ioPinball": { "description": "I/O Pinball - Name of the game" }, "shareYourScore": "Share your score", "@shareYourScore": { "description": "Text shown on title of info screen" }, "andChallengeYourFriends": "AND CHALLENGE YOUR FRIENDS", "@challengeYourFriends": { "description": "Text shown on title of info screen" }, "share": "SHARE", "@share": { "description": "Text for share link on info screen." }, "gotoIO": "GO TO I/O", "@gotoIO": { "description": "Text for going to I/O site link on info screen." }, "learnMore": "Learn more about building games in Flutter with", "@learnMore": { "description": "Text shown on description of info screen" }, "firebaseOr": "Firebase or dive right into the", "@firebaseOr": { "description": "Text shown on description of info screen" }, "openSourceCode": "open source code.", "@openSourceCode": { "description": "Text shown on description of info screen" }, "enter": "Enter", "@enter": { "description": "Text shown on the mobile controls enter button" }, "initialsErrorTitle": "Uh-oh... well, that didn’t work", "@enter": { "description": "Title shown when the initials submission fails" }, "initialsErrorMessage": "Please try a different combination of letters", "@initialsErrorMessage": { "description": "Message on shown when the initials submission fails" }, "leaderboardErrorMessage": "No connection. Leaderboard and sharing functionality is unavailable.", "@leaderboardErrorMessage": { "description": "Text shown when the leaderboard had an error while loading" } }