import 'package:bloc_test/bloc_test.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart'; import 'package:pinball/game/game.dart'; import 'package:pinball_ui/pinball_ui.dart'; import '../../../helpers/helpers.dart'; class _MockGameBloc extends Mock implements GameBloc {} void main() { group('RoundCountDisplay renders', () { late GameBloc gameBloc; const initialState = GameState( totalScore: 0, roundScore: 0, multiplier: 1, rounds: 3, bonusHistory: [], ); setUp(() { gameBloc = _MockGameBloc(); whenListen( gameBloc, Stream.value(initialState), initialState: initialState, ); }); testWidgets('three active round indicator', (tester) async { await tester.pumpApp( const RoundCountDisplay(), gameBloc: gameBloc, ); await tester.pump(); expect(find.byType(RoundIndicator), findsNWidgets(3)); }); testWidgets('two active round indicator', (tester) async { final state = initialState.copyWith( rounds: 2, ); whenListen( gameBloc, Stream.value(state), initialState: state, ); await tester.pumpApp( const RoundCountDisplay(), gameBloc: gameBloc, ); await tester.pump(); expect( find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is RoundIndicator && widget.isActive, ), findsNWidgets(2), ); expect( find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is RoundIndicator && !widget.isActive, ), findsOneWidget, ); }); testWidgets('one active round indicator', (tester) async { final state = initialState.copyWith( rounds: 1, ); whenListen( gameBloc, Stream.value(state), initialState: state, ); await tester.pumpApp( const RoundCountDisplay(), gameBloc: gameBloc, ); await tester.pump(); expect( find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is RoundIndicator && widget.isActive, ), findsOneWidget, ); expect( find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is RoundIndicator && !widget.isActive, ), findsNWidgets(2), ); }); }); testWidgets('active round indicator is displaying with proper color', (tester) async { await tester.pumpApp( const RoundIndicator(isActive: true), ); await tester.pump(); expect( find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is Container && widget.color == PinballColors.yellow, ), findsOneWidget, ); }); testWidgets('inactive round indicator is displaying with proper color', (tester) async { await tester.pumpApp( const RoundIndicator(isActive: false), ); await tester.pump(); expect( find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is Container && widget.color == PinballColors.yellow.withAlpha(128), ), findsOneWidget, ); }); }