import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:flame/components.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:pinball/game/game.dart'; import 'package:pinball_components/pinball_components.dart'; import 'package:pinball_flame/pinball_flame.dart'; import 'package:pinball_ui/pinball_ui.dart'; /// Signature for the callback called when the used has /// submitted their initials on the [InitialsInputDisplay]. typedef InitialsOnSubmit = void Function(String); final _bodyTextPaint = TextPaint( style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 3, color: PinballColors.white, fontFamily: PinballFonts.pixeloidSans, ), ); final _subtitleTextPaint = TextPaint( style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 1.8, color: PinballColors.white, fontFamily: PinballFonts.pixeloidSans, ), ); /// {@template initials_input_display} /// Display that handles the user input on the game over view. /// {@endtemplate} // TODO(allisonryan0002): add mobile input buttons. class InitialsInputDisplay extends Component with HasGameRef { /// {@macro initials_input_display} InitialsInputDisplay({ required int score, required String characterIconPath, InitialsOnSubmit? onSubmit, }) : _onSubmit = onSubmit, super( children: [ _ScoreLabelTextComponent(), _ScoreTextComponent(score.formatScore()), _NameLabelTextComponent(), _CharacterIconSpriteComponent(characterIconPath), _DividerSpriteComponent(), _InstructionsComponent(), ], ); final InitialsOnSubmit? _onSubmit; @override Future onLoad() async { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { await add( InitialsLetterPrompt( position: Vector2( 10.8 + (2.5 * i), -20, ), hasFocus: i == 0, ), ); } await add( KeyboardInputController( keyUp: { LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowLeft: () => _movePrompt(true), LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowRight: () => _movePrompt(false), LogicalKeyboardKey.enter: _submit, }, ), ); } /// Returns the current inputed initials String get initials => children .whereType() .map((prompt) => prompt.char) .join(); bool _submit() { _onSubmit?.call(initials); return true; } bool _movePrompt(bool left) { final prompts = children.whereType().toList(); final current = prompts.firstWhere((prompt) => prompt.hasFocus) ..hasFocus = false; var index = prompts.indexOf(current) + (left ? -1 : 1); index = min(max(0, index), prompts.length - 1); prompts[index].hasFocus = true; return false; } } class _ScoreLabelTextComponent extends TextComponent with HasGameRef { _ScoreLabelTextComponent() : super( anchor: Anchor.centerLeft, position: Vector2(-16.9, -24), textRenderer: _bodyTextPaint.copyWith( (style) => style.copyWith( color:, ), ), ); @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); text = gameRef.l10n.score; } } class _ScoreTextComponent extends TextComponent { _ScoreTextComponent(String score) : super( text: score, anchor: Anchor.centerLeft, position: Vector2(-16.9, -20), textRenderer: _bodyTextPaint, ); } class _NameLabelTextComponent extends TextComponent with HasGameRef { _NameLabelTextComponent() : super( anchor:, position: Vector2(10.8, -24), textRenderer: _bodyTextPaint.copyWith( (style) => style.copyWith( color:, ), ), ); @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); text =; } } class _CharacterIconSpriteComponent extends SpriteComponent with HasGameRef { _CharacterIconSpriteComponent(String characterIconPath) : _characterIconPath = characterIconPath, super( anchor:, position: Vector2(7.6, -20), ); final String _characterIconPath; @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); final sprite = Sprite(gameRef.images.fromCache(_characterIconPath)); this.sprite = sprite; size = sprite.originalSize / 20; } } /// {@template initials_input_display} /// Display that handles the user input on the game over view. /// {@endtemplate} @visibleForTesting class InitialsLetterPrompt extends PositionComponent { /// {@macro initials_input_display} InitialsLetterPrompt({ required Vector2 position, bool hasFocus = false, }) : _hasFocus = hasFocus, super( position: position, ); static const _alphabetCode = 65; static const _alphabetLength = 25; var _charIndex = 0; bool _hasFocus; late RectangleComponent _underscore; late TextComponent _input; late TimerComponent _underscoreBlinker; @override Future onLoad() async { _underscore = RectangleComponent( size: Vector2(1.9, 0.4), anchor:, position: Vector2(-0.1, 1.8), ); await add(_underscore); _input = TextComponent( text: 'A', textRenderer: _bodyTextPaint, anchor:, ); await add(_input); _underscoreBlinker = TimerComponent( period: 0.6, repeat: true, autoStart: _hasFocus, onTick: () { _underscore.paint.color = (_underscore.paint.color == Colors.white) ? Colors.transparent : Colors.white; }, ); await add(_underscoreBlinker); await add( KeyboardInputController( keyUp: { LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowUp: () => _cycle(true), LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowDown: () => _cycle(false), }, ), ); } /// Returns the current selected character String get char => String.fromCharCode(_alphabetCode + _charIndex); bool _cycle(bool up) { if (_hasFocus) { var newCharCode = _charIndex + (up ? -1 : 1); if (newCharCode < 0) newCharCode = _alphabetLength; if (newCharCode > _alphabetLength) newCharCode = 0; _input.text = String.fromCharCode(_alphabetCode + newCharCode); _charIndex = newCharCode; return false; } return true; } /// Returns if this prompt has focus on it bool get hasFocus => _hasFocus; /// Updates this prompt focus set hasFocus(bool hasFocus) { if (hasFocus) { _underscoreBlinker.timer.resume(); } else { _underscoreBlinker.timer.pause(); } _underscore.paint.color = Colors.white; _hasFocus = hasFocus; } } class _DividerSpriteComponent extends SpriteComponent with HasGameRef { _DividerSpriteComponent() : super( anchor:, position: Vector2(0, -17), ); @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); final sprite = Sprite( gameRef.images.fromCache(Assets.images.backbox.displayDivider.keyName), ); this.sprite = sprite; size = sprite.originalSize / 20; } } class _InstructionsComponent extends PositionComponent with HasGameRef { _InstructionsComponent() : super( anchor:, position: Vector2(0, -12.3), children: [ _EnterInitialsTextComponent(), _ArrowsTextComponent(), _AndPressTextComponent(), _EnterReturnTextComponent(), _ToSubmitTextComponent(), ], ); } class _EnterInitialsTextComponent extends TextComponent with HasGameRef { _EnterInitialsTextComponent() : super( anchor:, position: Vector2(0, -2.4), textRenderer: _subtitleTextPaint, ); @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); text = gameRef.l10n.enterInitials; } } class _ArrowsTextComponent extends TextComponent with HasGameRef { _ArrowsTextComponent() : super( anchor:, position: Vector2(-13.2, 0), textRenderer: _subtitleTextPaint.copyWith( (style) => style.copyWith( fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, ), ), ); @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); text = gameRef.l10n.arrows; } } class _AndPressTextComponent extends TextComponent with HasGameRef { _AndPressTextComponent() : super( anchor:, position: Vector2(-3.7, 0), textRenderer: _subtitleTextPaint, ); @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); text = gameRef.l10n.andPress; } } class _EnterReturnTextComponent extends TextComponent with HasGameRef { _EnterReturnTextComponent() : super( anchor:, position: Vector2(10, 0), textRenderer: _subtitleTextPaint.copyWith( (style) => style.copyWith( fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, ), ), ); @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); text = gameRef.l10n.enterReturn; } } class _ToSubmitTextComponent extends TextComponent with HasGameRef { _ToSubmitTextComponent() : super( anchor:, position: Vector2(0, 2.4), textRenderer: _subtitleTextPaint, ); @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); text = gameRef.l10n.toSubmit; } }