// ignore_for_file: avoid_renaming_method_parameters import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:flame/components.dart'; import 'package:flame_forge2d/flame_forge2d.dart'; import 'package:pinball/flame/blueprint.dart'; import 'package:pinball/game/game.dart'; import 'package:pinball/gen/assets.gen.dart'; import 'package:pinball_components/pinball_components.dart' hide Assets; /// A [Blueprint] which creates the spaceship feature. class Spaceship extends Forge2DBlueprint { /// Total size of the spaceship static const radius = 10.0; @override void build(_) { final position = Vector2( PinballGame.boardBounds.left + radius + 15, PinballGame.boardBounds.center.dy + 30, ); addAllContactCallback([ SpaceshipHoleBallContactCallback(), SpaceshipEntranceBallContactCallback(), ]); addAll([ SpaceshipSaucer()..initialPosition = position, SpaceshipEntrance()..initialPosition = position, SpaceshipBridge()..initialPosition = position, SpaceshipBridgeTop()..initialPosition = position + Vector2(0, 5.5), SpaceshipHole()..initialPosition = position - Vector2(5, 4), SpaceshipHole()..initialPosition = position - Vector2(-5, 4), SpaceshipWall()..initialPosition = position, ]); } } /// {@template spaceship_saucer} /// A [BodyComponent] for the base, or the saucer of the spaceship /// {@endtemplate} class SpaceshipSaucer extends BodyComponent with InitialPosition, Layered { /// {@macro spaceship_saucer} SpaceshipSaucer() : super(priority: 2) { layer = Layer.spaceship; } @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); final sprites = await Future.wait([ gameRef.loadSprite(Assets.images.components.spaceship.saucer.path), gameRef.loadSprite(Assets.images.components.spaceship.upper.path), ]); await add( SpriteComponent( sprite: sprites.first, size: Vector2.all(Spaceship.radius * 2), anchor: Anchor.center, ), ); await add( SpriteComponent( sprite: sprites.last, size: Vector2((Spaceship.radius * 2) + 0.5, Spaceship.radius), anchor: Anchor.center, position: Vector2(0, -((Spaceship.radius * 2) / 3.5)), ), ); renderBody = false; } @override Body createBody() { final circleShape = CircleShape()..radius = Spaceship.radius; final bodyDef = BodyDef() ..userData = this ..position = initialPosition ..type = BodyType.static; return world.createBody(bodyDef) ..createFixture( FixtureDef(circleShape)..isSensor = true, ); } } /// {@spaceship_bridge_top} /// The bridge of the spaceship (the android head) is divided in two // [BodyComponent]s, this is the top part of it which contains a single sprite /// {@endtemplate} class SpaceshipBridgeTop extends BodyComponent with InitialPosition { /// {@macro spaceship_bridge_top} SpaceshipBridgeTop() : super(priority: 6); @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); final sprite = await gameRef.loadSprite( Assets.images.components.spaceship.androidTop.path, ); await add( SpriteComponent( sprite: sprite, anchor: Anchor.center, size: Vector2((Spaceship.radius * 2) / 2.5 - 1, Spaceship.radius / 2.5), ), ); } @override Body createBody() { final bodyDef = BodyDef() ..userData = this ..position = initialPosition ..type = BodyType.static; return world.createBody(bodyDef); } } /// {@template spaceship_bridge} /// The main part of the [SpaceshipBridge], this [BodyComponent] /// provides both the collision and the rotation animation for the bridge. /// {@endtemplate} class SpaceshipBridge extends BodyComponent with InitialPosition, Layered { /// {@macro spaceship_bridge} SpaceshipBridge() : super(priority: 3) { layer = Layer.spaceship; } @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); renderBody = false; final sprite = await gameRef.images.load( Assets.images.components.spaceship.androidBottom.path, ); await add( SpriteAnimationComponent.fromFrameData( sprite, SpriteAnimationData.sequenced( amount: 14, stepTime: 0.2, textureSize: Vector2(160, 114), ), size: Vector2.all((Spaceship.radius * 2) / 2.5), anchor: Anchor.center, ), ); } @override Body createBody() { final circleShape = CircleShape()..radius = Spaceship.radius / 2.5; final bodyDef = BodyDef() ..userData = this ..position = initialPosition ..type = BodyType.static; return world.createBody(bodyDef) ..createFixture( FixtureDef(circleShape)..restitution = 0.4, ); } } /// {@template spaceship_entrance} /// A sensor [BodyComponent] used to detect when the ball enters the /// the spaceship area in order to modify its filter data so the ball /// can correctly collide only with the Spaceship /// {@endtemplate} class SpaceshipEntrance extends RampOpening { /// {@macro spaceship_entrance} SpaceshipEntrance() : super( pathwayLayer: Layer.spaceship, orientation: RampOrientation.up, ) { layer = Layer.spaceship; } @override Shape get shape { const radius = Spaceship.radius * 2; return PolygonShape() ..setAsEdge( Vector2( radius * cos(20 * pi / 180), radius * sin(20 * pi / 180), )..rotate(90 * pi / 180), Vector2( radius * cos(340 * pi / 180), radius * sin(340 * pi / 180), )..rotate(90 * pi / 180), ); } } /// {@template spaceship_hole} /// A sensor [BodyComponent] responsible for sending the [Ball] /// back to the board. /// {@endtemplate} class SpaceshipHole extends BodyComponent with InitialPosition, Layered { /// {@macro spaceship_hole} SpaceshipHole() { layer = Layer.spaceship; } @override Body createBody() { renderBody = false; final circleShape = CircleShape()..radius = Spaceship.radius / 40; final bodyDef = BodyDef() ..userData = this ..position = initialPosition ..type = BodyType.static; return world.createBody(bodyDef) ..createFixture( FixtureDef(circleShape)..isSensor = true, ); } } /// {@template spaceship_wall} /// A [BodyComponent] that provides the collision for the wall /// surrounding the spaceship, with a small opening to allow the /// [Ball] to get inside the spaceship saucer. /// It also contains the [SpriteComponent] for the lower wall /// {@endtemplate} class SpaceshipWall extends BodyComponent with InitialPosition, Layered { /// {@macro spaceship_wall} SpaceshipWall() : super(priority: 4) { layer = Layer.spaceship; } @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); final sprite = await gameRef.loadSprite( Assets.images.components.spaceship.lower.path, ); await add( SpriteComponent( sprite: sprite, size: Vector2(Spaceship.radius * 2, Spaceship.radius + 1), anchor: Anchor.center, position: Vector2(-Spaceship.radius / 2, 0), angle: 90 * pi / 180, ), ); } @override Body createBody() { renderBody = false; final wallShape = ChainShape() ..createChain( [ for (var angle = 20; angle <= 340; angle++) Vector2( Spaceship.radius * cos(angle * pi / 180), Spaceship.radius * sin(angle * pi / 180), ), ], ); final bodyDef = BodyDef() ..userData = this ..position = initialPosition ..angle = 90 * pi / 180 ..type = BodyType.static; return world.createBody(bodyDef) ..createFixture( FixtureDef(wallShape)..restitution = 1, ); } } /// [ContactCallback] that handles the contact between the [Ball] /// and the [SpaceshipEntrance]. /// /// It modifies the [Ball] priority and filter data so it can appear on top of /// the spaceship and also only collide with the spaceship. class SpaceshipEntranceBallContactCallback extends ContactCallback { @override void begin(SpaceshipEntrance entrance, Ball ball, _) { ball ..priority = 3 ..gameRef.reorderChildren() ..layer = Layer.spaceship; } } /// [ContactCallback] that handles the contact between the [Ball] /// and a [SpaceshipHole]. /// /// It resets the [Ball] priority and filter data so it will "be back" on the /// board. class SpaceshipHoleBallContactCallback extends ContactCallback { @override void begin(SpaceshipHole hole, Ball ball, _) { ball ..priority = 1 ..gameRef.reorderChildren() ..layer = Layer.board; } }