import 'package:flame/components.dart'; import 'package:flame/game.dart'; import 'package:flame_bloc/flame_bloc.dart'; import 'package:pinball/game/game.dart'; import 'package:pinball_components/pinball_components.dart'; /// {@template focus_data} /// Defines a [Camera] focus point. /// {@endtemplate} class FocusData { /// {@template focus_data} FocusData({ required this.zoom, required this.position, }); /// The amount of zoom. final double zoom; /// The position of the camera. final Vector2 position; } /// Changes the game focus when the [GameBloc] status changes. class CameraFocusingBehavior extends Component with FlameBlocListenable, HasGameRef { late final Map _foci; @override bool listenWhen(GameState? previousState, GameState newState) { return previousState?.status != newState.status; } @override void onNewState(GameState state) { switch (state.status) { case GameStatus.waiting: break; case GameStatus.playing: _zoom(_foci['game']!); break; case GameStatus.gameOver: _zoom(_foci['backbox']!); break; } } @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); _foci = { 'game': FocusData( zoom: gameRef.size.y / 16, position: Vector2(0, -7.8), ), 'waiting': FocusData( zoom: gameRef.size.y / 18, position: Vector2(0, -112), ), 'backbox': FocusData( zoom: gameRef.size.y / 10, position: Vector2(0, -111), ), }; _snap(_foci['waiting']!); } void _snap(FocusData data) { ..speed = 100 ..followVector2(data.position) ..zoom = data.zoom; } void _zoom(FocusData data) { final zoom = CameraZoom(value: data.zoom); zoom.completed.then((_) {; }); add(zoom); } }