// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flame/components.dart'; import 'package:flame/game.dart'; import 'package:flame/input.dart'; import 'package:flame_bloc/flame_bloc.dart'; import 'package:flame_forge2d/flame_forge2d.dart'; import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:pinball/game/game.dart'; import 'package:pinball_audio/pinball_audio.dart'; import 'package:pinball_components/pinball_components.dart'; import 'package:pinball_flame/pinball_flame.dart'; import 'package:pinball_theme/pinball_theme.dart'; class PinballGame extends Forge2DGame with FlameBloc, HasKeyboardHandlerComponents, Controls<_GameBallsController>, TapDetector { PinballGame({ required this.characterTheme, required this.audio, }) { images.prefix = ''; controller = _GameBallsController(this); } /// Identifier of the play button overlay static const playButtonOverlay = 'play_button'; @override Color backgroundColor() => Colors.transparent; final CharacterTheme characterTheme; final PinballAudio audio; late final GameFlowController gameFlowController; @override Future onLoad() async { unawaited(add(gameFlowController = GameFlowController(this))); unawaited(add(CameraController(this))); unawaited(add(Backboard.waiting(position: Vector2(0, -88)))); await add(BoardBackgroundSpriteComponent()); await add(Drain()); await add(BottomGroup()); unawaited(addFromBlueprint(Boundaries())); final launcher = Launcher(); unawaited(addFromBlueprint(launcher)); await add(Multipliers()); await add(FlutterForest()); await addFromBlueprint(SparkyScorch()); await addFromBlueprint(AndroidAcres()); await addFromBlueprint(DinoDesert()); unawaited(addFromBlueprint(Slingshots())); await add( GoogleWord( position: Vector2( BoardDimensions.bounds.center.dx - 4.1, BoardDimensions.bounds.center.dy + 1.8, ), ), ); controller.attachTo(launcher.components.whereType().single); await super.onLoad(); } BoardSide? focusedBoardSide; @override void onTapDown(TapDownInfo info) { if (info.raw.kind == PointerDeviceKind.touch) { final rocket = children.whereType().first; final bounds = rocket.topLeftPosition & rocket.size; // NOTE(wolfen): As long as Flame does not have https://github.com/flame-engine/flame/issues/1586 we need to check it at the highest level manually. if (bounds.contains(info.eventPosition.game.toOffset())) { children.whereType().first.pull(); } else { final leftSide = info.eventPosition.widget.x < canvasSize.x / 2; focusedBoardSide = leftSide ? BoardSide.left : BoardSide.right; final flippers = descendants().whereType().where((flipper) { return flipper.side == focusedBoardSide; }); flippers.first.moveUp(); } } super.onTapDown(info); } @override void onTapUp(TapUpInfo info) { final rocket = descendants().whereType().first; final bounds = rocket.topLeftPosition & rocket.size; if (bounds.contains(info.eventPosition.game.toOffset())) { children.whereType().first.release(); } else { _moveFlippersDown(); } super.onTapUp(info); } @override void onTapCancel() { children.whereType().first.release(); _moveFlippersDown(); super.onTapCancel(); } void _moveFlippersDown() { if (focusedBoardSide != null) { final flippers = descendants().whereType().where((flipper) { return flipper.side == focusedBoardSide; }); flippers.first.moveDown(); focusedBoardSide = null; } } } class _GameBallsController extends ComponentController with BlocComponent { _GameBallsController(PinballGame game) : super(game); late final Plunger _plunger; @override bool listenWhen(GameState? previousState, GameState newState) { final noBallsLeft = component.descendants().whereType().isEmpty; final notGameOver = !newState.isGameOver; return noBallsLeft && notGameOver; } @override void onNewState(GameState state) { super.onNewState(state); _spawnBall(); } @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); _spawnBall(); } void _spawnBall() { final ball = ControlledBall.launch( characterTheme: component.characterTheme, )..initialPosition = Vector2( _plunger.body.position.x, _plunger.body.position.y - Ball.size.y, ); component.add(ball); } /// Attaches the controller to the plunger. // TODO(alestiago): Remove this method and use onLoad instead. // ignore: use_setters_to_change_properties void attachTo(Plunger plunger) { _plunger = plunger; } } class DebugPinballGame extends PinballGame with FPSCounter { DebugPinballGame({ required CharacterTheme characterTheme, required PinballAudio audio, }) : super( characterTheme: characterTheme, audio: audio, ) { controller = _DebugGameBallsController(this); } @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); await add(_DebugInformation()); } // TODO(allisonryan0002): Remove after google letters have been correctly // placed. // Future _loadBackground() async { // final sprite = await loadSprite( // Assets.images.components.background.path, // ); // final spriteComponent = SpriteComponent( // sprite: sprite, // size: Vector2(120, 160), // anchor: Anchor.center, // ) // ..position = Vector2(0, -7.8) // ..priority = RenderPriority.boardBackground; // await add(spriteComponent); // } @override void onTapUp(TapUpInfo info) { super.onTapUp(info); if (info.raw.kind == PointerDeviceKind.mouse) { add(ControlledBall.debug()..initialPosition = info.eventPosition.game); } } } class _DebugGameBallsController extends _GameBallsController { _DebugGameBallsController(PinballGame game) : super(game); } // TODO(wolfenrain): investigate this CI failure. // coverage:ignore-start class _DebugInformation extends Component with HasGameRef { _DebugInformation() : super(priority: RenderPriority.debugInfo); @override PositionType get positionType => PositionType.widget; final _debugTextPaint = TextPaint( style: const TextStyle( color: Colors.green, fontSize: 10, ), ); final _debugBackgroundPaint = Paint()..color = Colors.white; @override void render(Canvas canvas) { final debugText = [ 'FPS: ${gameRef.fps().toStringAsFixed(1)}', 'BALLS: ${gameRef.descendants().whereType().length}', ].join(' | '); final height = _debugTextPaint.measureTextHeight(debugText); final position = Vector2(0, gameRef.camera.canvasSize.y - height); canvas.drawRect( position & Vector2(gameRef.camera.canvasSize.x, height), _debugBackgroundPaint, ); _debugTextPaint.render(canvas, debugText, position); } } // coverage:ignore-end