// ignore_for_file: avoid_renaming_method_parameters import 'package:flame/extensions.dart'; import 'package:flame_forge2d/flame_forge2d.dart'; import 'package:pinball/game/game.dart'; import 'package:pinball_components/pinball_components.dart' hide Assets; /// {@template wall} /// A continuous generic and [BodyType.static] barrier that divides a game area. /// {@endtemplate} // TODO(alestiago): Remove [Wall] for [Pathway.straight]. class Wall extends BodyComponent { /// {@macro wall} Wall({ required this.start, required this.end, }); /// The [start] of the [Wall]. final Vector2 start; /// The [end] of the [Wall]. final Vector2 end; @override Body createBody() { final shape = EdgeShape()..set(start, end); final fixtureDef = FixtureDef(shape) ..restitution = 0.1 ..friction = 0; final bodyDef = BodyDef() ..userData = this ..position = Vector2.zero() ..type = BodyType.static; return world.createBody(bodyDef)..createFixture(fixtureDef); } } /// Create top, left, and right [Wall]s for the game board. List createBoundaries(Forge2DGame game) { final topLeft = BoardDimensions.bounds.topLeft.toVector2() + Vector2(18.6, 0); final bottomRight = BoardDimensions.bounds.bottomRight.toVector2(); final topRight = BoardDimensions.bounds.topRight.toVector2() - Vector2(18.6, 0); final bottomLeft = BoardDimensions.bounds.bottomLeft.toVector2(); return [ Wall(start: topLeft, end: topRight), Wall(start: topRight, end: bottomRight), Wall(start: topLeft, end: bottomLeft), ]; } /// {@template bottom_wall} /// [Wall] located at the bottom of the board. /// /// Collisions with [BottomWall] are listened by /// [BottomWallBallContactCallback]. /// {@endtemplate} class BottomWall extends Wall { /// {@macro bottom_wall} BottomWall() : super( start: BoardDimensions.bounds.bottomLeft.toVector2(), end: BoardDimensions.bounds.bottomRight.toVector2(), ); } /// {@template bottom_wall_ball_contact_callback} /// Listens when a [ControlledBall] falls into a [BottomWall]. /// {@endtemplate} class BottomWallBallContactCallback extends ContactCallback { @override void begin(ControlledBall ball, BottomWall wall, Contact contact) { ball.controller.lost(); } }