// ignore_for_file: cascade_invocations import 'package:bloc_test/bloc_test.dart'; import 'package:flame_forge2d/flame_forge2d.dart'; import 'package:flame_test/flame_test.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart'; import 'package:pinball/game/game.dart'; import '../../helpers/helpers.dart'; void main() { TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); final flameTester = FlameTester(PinballGameTest.create); group('Ball', () { flameTester.test( 'loads correctly', (game) async { final ball = Ball(position: Vector2.zero()); await game.ready(); await game.ensureAdd(ball); expect(game.contains(ball), isTrue); }, ); group('body', () { flameTester.test( 'positions correctly', (game) async { final position = Vector2.all(10); final ball = Ball(position: position); await game.ensureAdd(ball); game.contains(ball); final expectedPosition = Vector2( position.x, position.y + ball.size.y, ); expect(ball.body.position, equals(expectedPosition)); }, ); flameTester.test( 'is dynamic', (game) async { final ball = Ball(position: Vector2.zero()); await game.ensureAdd(ball); expect(ball.body.bodyType, equals(BodyType.dynamic)); }, ); }); group('fixture', () { flameTester.test( 'exists', (game) async { final ball = Ball(position: Vector2.zero()); await game.ensureAdd(ball); expect(ball.body.fixtures[0], isA()); }, ); flameTester.test( 'is dense', (game) async { final ball = Ball(position: Vector2.zero()); await game.ensureAdd(ball); final fixture = ball.body.fixtures[0]; expect(fixture.density, greaterThan(0)); }, ); flameTester.test( 'shape is circular', (game) async { final ball = Ball(position: Vector2.zero()); await game.ensureAdd(ball); final fixture = ball.body.fixtures[0]; expect(fixture.shape.shapeType, equals(ShapeType.circle)); expect(fixture.shape.radius, equals(1)); }, ); }); group('resetting a ball', () { late GameBloc gameBloc; setUp(() { gameBloc = MockGameBloc(); whenListen( gameBloc, const Stream.empty(), initialState: const GameState.initial(), ); }); final tester = flameBlocTester(gameBloc: () => gameBloc); tester.widgetTest( 'adds BallLost to GameBloc', (game, tester) async { await game.ready(); game.children.whereType().first.lost(); await tester.pump(); verify(() => gameBloc.add(const BallLost())).called(1); }, ); tester.widgetTest( 'resets the ball if the game is not over', (game, tester) async { await game.ready(); game.children.whereType().first.lost(); await game.ready(); // Making sure that all additions are done expect( game.children.whereType().length, equals(1), ); }, ); tester.widgetTest( 'no ball is added on game over', (game, tester) async { whenListen( gameBloc, const Stream.empty(), initialState: const GameState( score: 10, balls: 1, activatedBonusLetters: [], bonusHistory: [], ), ); await game.ready(); game.children.whereType().first.removeFromParent(); await tester.pump(); expect( game.children.whereType().length, equals(0), ); }, ); }); }); }