import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:flame/components.dart'; import 'package:flame_forge2d/flame_forge2d.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:pinball/game/game.dart'; import 'package:pinball/gen/assets.gen.dart'; import 'package:pinball_components/pinball_components.dart' hide Assets; const _leftFlipperKeys = [ LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowLeft, LogicalKeyboardKey.keyA, ]; const _rightFlipperKeys = [ LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowRight, LogicalKeyboardKey.keyD, ]; /// {@template flipper} /// A bat, typically found in pairs at the bottom of the board. /// /// [Flipper] can be controlled by the player in an arc motion. /// {@endtemplate flipper} class Flipper extends BodyComponent with KeyboardHandler, InitialPosition { /// {@macro flipper} Flipper({ required this.side, }) : _keys = side.isLeft ? _leftFlipperKeys : _rightFlipperKeys; /// The size of the [Flipper]. static final size = Vector2(12, 2.8); /// The speed required to move the [Flipper] to its highest position. /// /// The higher the value, the faster the [Flipper] will move. static const double _speed = 60; /// Whether the [Flipper] is on the left or right side of the board. /// /// A [Flipper] with [BoardSide.left] has a counter-clockwise arc motion, /// whereas a [Flipper] with [BoardSide.right] has a clockwise arc motion. final BoardSide side; /// The [LogicalKeyboardKey]s that will control the [Flipper]. /// /// [onKeyEvent] method listens to when one of these keys is pressed. final List _keys; /// Applies downward linear velocity to the [Flipper], moving it to its /// resting position. void _moveDown() { body.linearVelocity = Vector2(0, -_speed); } /// Applies upward linear velocity to the [Flipper], moving it to its highest /// position. void _moveUp() { body.linearVelocity = Vector2(0, _speed); } /// Loads the sprite that renders with the [Flipper]. Future _loadSprite() async { final sprite = await gameRef.loadSprite( Assets.images.components.flipper.path, ); final spriteComponent = SpriteComponent( sprite: sprite, size: size, anchor:, ); if (side.isRight) { spriteComponent.flipHorizontally(); } await add(spriteComponent); } /// Anchors the [Flipper] to the [RevoluteJoint] that controls its arc motion. Future _anchorToJoint() async { final anchor = _FlipperAnchor(flipper: this); await add(anchor); final jointDef = _FlipperAnchorRevoluteJointDef( flipper: this, anchor: anchor, ); final joint = _FlipperJoint(jointDef)..create(world); // FIXME(erickzanardo): when mounted the initial position is not fully // reached. unawaited( mounted.whenComplete(joint.unlock), ); } List _createFixtureDefs() { final fixturesDef = []; final direction = side.direction; final bigCircleShape = CircleShape()..radius = 1.75; bigCircleShape.position.setValues( ((size.x / 2) * direction) + (bigCircleShape.radius * -direction), 0, ); final bigCircleFixtureDef = FixtureDef(bigCircleShape); fixturesDef.add(bigCircleFixtureDef); final smallCircleShape = CircleShape()..radius = 0.9; smallCircleShape.position.setValues( ((size.x / 2) * -direction) + (smallCircleShape.radius * direction), 0, ); final smallCircleFixtureDef = FixtureDef(smallCircleShape); fixturesDef.add(smallCircleFixtureDef); final trapeziumVertices = side.isLeft ? [ Vector2(bigCircleShape.position.x, bigCircleShape.radius), Vector2(smallCircleShape.position.x, smallCircleShape.radius), Vector2(smallCircleShape.position.x, -smallCircleShape.radius), Vector2(bigCircleShape.position.x, -bigCircleShape.radius), ] : [ Vector2(smallCircleShape.position.x, smallCircleShape.radius), Vector2(bigCircleShape.position.x, bigCircleShape.radius), Vector2(bigCircleShape.position.x, -bigCircleShape.radius), Vector2(smallCircleShape.position.x, -smallCircleShape.radius), ]; final trapezium = PolygonShape()..set(trapeziumVertices); final trapeziumFixtureDef = FixtureDef(trapezium) ..density = 50.0 // TODO(alestiago): Use a proper density. ..friction = .1; // TODO(alestiago): Use a proper friction. fixturesDef.add(trapeziumFixtureDef); return fixturesDef; } @override Future onLoad() async { await super.onLoad(); renderBody = false; await Future.wait([ _loadSprite(), _anchorToJoint(), ]); } @override Body createBody() { final bodyDef = BodyDef() ..position = initialPosition ..gravityScale = 0 ..type = BodyType.dynamic; final body = world.createBody(bodyDef); _createFixtureDefs().forEach(body.createFixture); return body; } @override bool onKeyEvent( RawKeyEvent event, Set keysPressed, ) { if (!_keys.contains(event.logicalKey)) return true; if (event is RawKeyDownEvent) { _moveUp(); } else if (event is RawKeyUpEvent) { _moveDown(); } return false; } } /// {@template flipper_anchor} /// [JointAnchor] positioned at the end of a [Flipper]. /// /// The end of a [Flipper] depends on its [Flipper.side]. /// {@endtemplate} class _FlipperAnchor extends JointAnchor { /// {@macro flipper_anchor} _FlipperAnchor({ required Flipper flipper, }) { initialPosition = Vector2( flipper.body.position.x + ((Flipper.size.x * flipper.side.direction) / 2), flipper.body.position.y, ); } } /// {@template flipper_anchor_revolute_joint_def} /// Hinges one end of [Flipper] to a [_FlipperAnchor] to achieve an arc motion. /// {@endtemplate} class _FlipperAnchorRevoluteJointDef extends RevoluteJointDef { /// {@macro flipper_anchor_revolute_joint_def} _FlipperAnchorRevoluteJointDef({ required Flipper flipper, required _FlipperAnchor anchor, }) : side = flipper.side { initialize( flipper.body, anchor.body, anchor.body.position, ); enableLimit = true; final angle = (_sweepingAngle * -side.direction) / 2; lowerAngle = upperAngle = angle; } /// The total angle of the arc motion. static const _sweepingAngle = math.pi / 3.5; final BoardSide side; } class _FlipperJoint extends RevoluteJoint { _FlipperJoint(_FlipperAnchorRevoluteJointDef def) : side = def.side, super(def); final BoardSide side; // TODO(alestiago): Remove once Forge2D supports custom joints. void create(World world) { world.joints.add(this); bodyA.joints.add(this); bodyB.joints.add(this); } /// Unlocks the [Flipper] from its resting position. /// /// The [Flipper] is locked when initialized in order to force it to be at /// its resting position. void unlock() { setLimits( lowerLimit * side.direction, -upperLimit * side.direction, ); } }