// ignore_for_file: prefer_const_constructors import 'package:bloc_test/bloc_test.dart'; import 'package:flame/game.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart'; import 'package:pinball/assets_manager/assets_manager.dart'; import 'package:pinball/game/game.dart'; import 'package:pinball/select_character/select_character.dart'; import 'package:pinball/start_game/start_game.dart'; import '../../helpers/helpers.dart'; class _MockGameBloc extends Mock implements GameBloc {} class _MockCharacterThemeCubit extends Mock implements CharacterThemeCubit {} class _MockAssetsManagerCubit extends Mock implements AssetsManagerCubit {} class _MockStartGameBloc extends Mock implements StartGameBloc {} void main() { final game = PinballTestGame(); group('PinballGamePage', () { late CharacterThemeCubit characterThemeCubit; late GameBloc gameBloc; setUp(() async { await Future.wait(game.preLoadAssets()); characterThemeCubit = _MockCharacterThemeCubit(); gameBloc = _MockGameBloc(); whenListen( characterThemeCubit, const Stream.empty(), initialState: const CharacterThemeState.initial(), ); whenListen( gameBloc, Stream.value(const GameState.initial()), initialState: const GameState.initial(), ); }); testWidgets('renders PinballGameView', (tester) async { await tester.pumpApp( PinballGamePage(), characterThemeCubit: characterThemeCubit, ); expect(find.byType(PinballGameView), findsOneWidget); }); testWidgets( 'renders the loading indicator while the assets load', (tester) async { final assetsManagerCubit = _MockAssetsManagerCubit(); final initialAssetsState = AssetsManagerState( loadables: [Future.value()], loaded: const [], ); whenListen( assetsManagerCubit, Stream.value(initialAssetsState), initialState: initialAssetsState, ); await tester.pumpApp( PinballGameView( game: game, ), assetsManagerCubit: assetsManagerCubit, characterThemeCubit: characterThemeCubit, ); expect(find.byType(AssetsLoadingPage), findsOneWidget); }, ); testWidgets( 'renders PinballGameLoadedView after resources have been loaded', (tester) async { final assetsManagerCubit = _MockAssetsManagerCubit(); final startGameBloc = _MockStartGameBloc(); final loadedAssetsState = AssetsManagerState( loadables: [Future.value()], loaded: [Future.value()], ); whenListen( assetsManagerCubit, Stream.value(loadedAssetsState), initialState: loadedAssetsState, ); whenListen( startGameBloc, Stream.value(StartGameState.initial()), initialState: StartGameState.initial(), ); await tester.pumpApp( PinballGameView( game: game, ), assetsManagerCubit: assetsManagerCubit, characterThemeCubit: characterThemeCubit, gameBloc: gameBloc, startGameBloc: startGameBloc, ); await tester.pump(); expect(find.byType(PinballGameLoadedView), findsOneWidget); }); group('route', () { Future pumpRoute({ required WidgetTester tester, required bool isDebugMode, }) async { await tester.pumpApp( Scaffold( body: Builder( builder: (context) { return ElevatedButton( onPressed: () { Navigator.of(context).push( PinballGamePage.route( isDebugMode: isDebugMode, ), ); }, child: const Text('Tap me'), ); }, ), ), characterThemeCubit: characterThemeCubit, ); await tester.tap(find.text('Tap me')); // We can't use pumpAndSettle here because the page renders a Flame game // which is an infinity animation, so it will timeout await tester.pump(); // Runs the button action await tester.pump(); // Runs the navigation } testWidgets('route creates the correct non debug game', (tester) async { await pumpRoute(tester: tester, isDebugMode: false); expect( find.byWidgetPredicate( (w) => w is PinballGameView && w.game is! DebugPinballGame, ), findsOneWidget, ); }); testWidgets('route creates the correct debug game', (tester) async { await pumpRoute(tester: tester, isDebugMode: true); expect( find.byWidgetPredicate( (w) => w is PinballGameView && w.game is DebugPinballGame, ), findsOneWidget, ); }); }); }); group('PinballGameView', () { final gameBloc = _MockGameBloc(); final startGameBloc = _MockStartGameBloc(); setUp(() async { await Future.wait(game.preLoadAssets()); whenListen( gameBloc, Stream.value(const GameState.initial()), initialState: const GameState.initial(), ); whenListen( startGameBloc, Stream.value(StartGameState.initial()), initialState: StartGameState.initial(), ); }); testWidgets('renders game', (tester) async { await tester.pumpApp( PinballGameView(game: game), gameBloc: gameBloc, startGameBloc: startGameBloc, ); expect( find.byWidgetPredicate((w) => w is GameWidget), findsOneWidget, ); expect( find.byType(GameHud), findsNothing, ); }); testWidgets('renders a hud on play state', (tester) async { final startGameState = StartGameState.initial().copyWith( status: StartGameStatus.play, ); whenListen( startGameBloc, Stream.value(startGameState), initialState: startGameState, ); await tester.pumpApp( PinballGameView(game: game), gameBloc: gameBloc, startGameBloc: startGameBloc, ); expect( find.byType(GameHud), findsOneWidget, ); }); }); }