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import 'package:flame/extensions.dart';
import 'package:flame_forge2d/flame_forge2d.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:maths/maths.dart';
/// {@template pathway}
/// [Pathway] creates lines of various shapes that the [Ball] can collide
/// with and move along.
/// {@endtemplate}
class Pathway extends BodyComponent {
// TODO(ruialonso): remove color when assets added.
Color? color,
required Vector2 position,
required List<List<Vector2>> paths,
}) : _position = position,
_paths = paths {
paint = Paint()
..color = color ?? const Color.fromARGB(0, 0, 0, 0) = PaintingStyle.stroke;
/// {@macro pathway}
/// [Pathway.straight] creates a straight pathway for the ball.
/// given a [position] for the body, between a [start] and [end] points.
/// It creates two [ChainShape] separated by a [pathwayWidth].
/// If [singleWall] is true, just one [ChainShape] is created
/// (like a wall instead of a pathway)
/// The pathway could be rotated by [rotation] in degrees.
factory Pathway.straight({
Color? color,
required Vector2 position,
required Vector2 start,
required Vector2 end,
required double pathwayWidth,
double rotation = 0,
bool singleWall = false,
}) {
final paths = <List<Vector2>>[];
final wall1 = [
].map((vector) => vector..rotate(radians(rotation))).toList();
if (!singleWall) {
final wall2 = [
start + Vector2(pathwayWidth, 0),
end + Vector2(pathwayWidth, 0),
].map((vector) => vector..rotate(radians(rotation))).toList();
return Pathway._(
color: color,
position: position,
paths: paths,
/// {@macro pathway}
/// [Pathway.arc] creates an arc pathway for the ball.
/// The arc is created given a [position] for the body, a [radius] for the
/// circumference and an [angle] to specify the size of it (360 will return
/// a completed circumference and minor angles a semi circumference ).
/// It creates two [ChainShape] separated by a [pathwayWidth], like a circular
/// crown. The specified [radius] is for the outer arc, the inner one will
/// have a radius of radius-pathwayWidth.
/// If [singleWall] is true, just one [ChainShape] is created.
/// The pathway could be rotated by [rotation] in degrees.
factory Pathway.arc({
Color? color,
required Vector2 position,
required double pathwayWidth,
required double radius,
required double angle,
double rotation = 0,
bool singleWall = false,
}) {
final paths = <List<Vector2>>[];
final wall1 = calculateArc(
center: position,
radius: radius,
angle: angle,
offsetAngle: rotation,
if (!singleWall) {
final wall2 = calculateArc(
center: position,
radius: radius - pathwayWidth,
angle: angle,
offsetAngle: rotation,
return Pathway._(
color: color,
position: position,
paths: paths,
/// {@macro pathway}
/// [Pathway.bezierCurve] creates a bezier curve pathway for the ball.
/// The curve is created given a [position] for the body, and
/// with a list of control points specified by [controlPoints].
/// First and last points set the beginning and end of the curve, all the
/// inner points between them set the bezier curve final shape.
/// It creates two [ChainShape] separated by a [pathwayWidth].
/// If [singleWall] is true, just one [ChainShape] is created
/// (like a wall instead of a pathway)
/// The pathway could be rotated by [rotation] in degrees.
factory Pathway.bezierCurve({
Color? color,
required Vector2 position,
required List<Vector2> controlPoints,
required double pathwayWidth,
double rotation = 0,
bool singleWall = false,
}) {
final paths = <List<Vector2>>[];
final wall1 = calculateBezierCurve(controlPoints: controlPoints)
.map((vector) => vector..rotate(radians(rotation)))
if (!singleWall) {
final wall2 = calculateBezierCurve(
controlPoints: controlPoints
.map((vector) => vector + Vector2(pathwayWidth, -pathwayWidth))
).map((vector) => vector..rotate(radians(rotation))).toList();
return Pathway._(
color: color,
position: position,
paths: paths,
final Vector2 _position;
final List<List<Vector2>> _paths;
Body createBody() {
final bodyDef = BodyDef()
..type = BodyType.static
..position = _position;
final body = world.createBody(bodyDef);
for (final path in _paths) {
final chain = ChainShape()
final fixtureDef = FixtureDef(chain);
return body;