mirror of https://github.com/rocboss/paopao-ce
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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
35 lines
819 B
35 lines
819 B
package v1
import (
. "github.com/alimy/mir/v4"
. "github.com/alimy/mir/v4/engine"
func init() {
// Pub 不用授权的公开服务
type Pub struct {
Group `mir:"v1"`
// Version 获取后台版本信息
Version func(Get) web.VersionResp `mir:"/"`
// Login 用户登录
Login func(Post, web.LoginReq) web.LoginResp `mir:"/auth/login"`
// Register 用户注册
Register func(Post, web.RegisterReq) web.RegisterResp `mir:"/auth/register"`
// GetCaptcha 获取验证码
GetCaptcha func(Get) web.GetCaptchaResp `mir:"/captcha"`
// SendCaptcha 发送验证码
SendCaptcha func(Post, web.SendCaptchaReq) `mir:"/captcha"`
// TweetDetail 获取动态详情
TweetDetail func(Get, web.TweetDetailReq) web.TweetDetailResp `mir:"/post"`