You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

409 lines
7.4 KiB

// Copyright 2023 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package conf
import (
_ "embed"
//go:embed config.yaml
var fileBytes []byte
type pyroscopeConf struct {
AppName string
Endpoint string
AuthToken string
Logger string
type sentryConf struct {
Dsn string
Debug bool
AttachStacktrace bool
TracesSampleRate float64
AttachLogrus bool
AttachGin bool
type loggerConf struct {
Level string
type loggerFileConf struct {
SavePath string
FileName string
FileExt string
type loggerZincConf struct {
Host string
Index string
User string
Password string
Secure bool
type loggerMeiliConf struct {
Host string
Index string
ApiKey string
Secure bool
MaxLogBuffer int
MinWorker int
type httpServerConf struct {
RunMode string
HttpIp string
HttpPort string
ReadTimeout time.Duration
WriteTimeout time.Duration
type grpcServerConf struct {
Host string
Port string
type appConf struct {
RunMode string
MaxCommentCount int64
AttachmentIncomeRate float64
DefaultContextTimeout time.Duration
DefaultPageSize int
MaxPageSize int
type cacheIndexConf struct {
MaxUpdateQPS int
MinWorker int
type simpleCacheIndexConf struct {
MaxIndexSize int
CheckTickDuration time.Duration
ExpireTickDuration time.Duration
type bigCacheIndexConf struct {
MaxIndexPage int
HardMaxCacheSize int
ExpireInSecond time.Duration
Verbose bool
type redisCacheIndexConf struct {
ExpireInSecond time.Duration
Verbose bool
type alipayConf struct {
AppID string
PrivateKey string
RootCertFile string
PublicCertFile string
AppPublicCertFile string
InProduction bool
type smsJuheConf struct {
Gateway string
Key string
TplID string
TplVal string
type tweetSearchConf struct {
MaxUpdateQPS int
MinWorker int
type zincConf struct {
Host string
Index string
User string
Password string
Secure bool
type meiliConf struct {
Host string
Index string
ApiKey string
Secure bool
type databaseConf struct {
TablePrefix string
LogLevel string
type mysqlConf struct {
UserName string
Password string
Host string
DBName string
Charset string
ParseTime bool
MaxIdleConns int
MaxOpenConns int
type postgresConf map[string]string
type sqlite3Conf struct {
Path string
type objectStorageS struct {
RetainInDays int
TempDir string
type minioConf struct {
AccessKey string
SecretKey string
Secure bool
Endpoint string
Bucket string
Domain string
type s3Conf struct {
AccessKey string
SecretKey string
Secure bool
Endpoint string
Bucket string
Domain string
type aliOSSConf struct {
AccessKeyID string
AccessKeySecret string
Endpoint string
Bucket string
Domain string
type cosConf struct {
SecretID string
SecretKey string
Region string
Bucket string
Domain string
type huaweiOBSConf struct {
AccessKey string
SecretKey string
Endpoint string
Bucket string
Domain string
type localossConf struct {
SavePath string
Secure bool
Bucket string
Domain string
type redisConf struct {
InitAddress []string
Username string
Password string
SelectDB int
ConnWriteTimeout time.Duration
type jwtConf struct {
Secret string
Issuer string
Expire time.Duration
func (s *httpServerConf) GetReadTimeout() time.Duration {
return s.ReadTimeout * time.Second
func (s *httpServerConf) GetWriteTimeout() time.Duration {
return s.WriteTimeout * time.Second
func (s *mysqlConf) Dsn() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s)/%s?charset=%s&parseTime=%t&loc=Local",
func (s postgresConf) Dsn() string {
var params []string
for k, v := range s {
if len(v) == 0 {
lk := strings.ToLower(k)
tv := strings.Trim(v, " ")
switch lk {
case "schema":
params = append(params, "search_path="+tv)
case "applicationname":
params = append(params, "application_name="+tv)
params = append(params, lk+"="+tv)
return strings.Join(params, " ")
func (s *sqlite3Conf) Dsn(driverName string) string {
pragmas := "_foreign_keys=1&_journal_mode=WAL&_synchronous=NORMAL&_busy_timeout=8000"
if driverName == "sqlite" {
pragmas = "_pragma=foreign_keys(1)&_pragma=journal_mode(WAL)&_pragma=synchronous(NORMAL)&_pragma=busy_timeout(8000)&_pragma=journal_size_limit(100000000)"
return fmt.Sprintf("file:%s?%s", s.Path, pragmas)
func (s *databaseConf) logLevel() logger.LogLevel {
switch strings.ToLower(s.LogLevel) {
case "silent":
return logger.Silent
case "error":
return logger.Error
case "warn":
return logger.Warn
case "info":
return logger.Info
return logger.Error
func (s *loggerConf) logLevel() logrus.Level {
switch strings.ToLower(s.Level) {
case "panic":
return logrus.PanicLevel
case "fatal":
return logrus.FatalLevel
case "error":
return logrus.ErrorLevel
case "warn", "warning":
return logrus.WarnLevel
case "info":
return logrus.InfoLevel
case "debug":
return logrus.DebugLevel
case "trace":
return logrus.TraceLevel
return logrus.ErrorLevel
func (s *loggerZincConf) Endpoint() string {
return endpoint(s.Host, s.Secure)
func (s *loggerMeiliConf) Endpoint() string {
return endpoint(s.Host, s.Secure)
func (s *loggerMeiliConf) minWork() int {
if s.MinWorker < 5 {
return 5
} else if s.MinWorker > 100 {
return 100
return s.MinWorker
func (s *loggerMeiliConf) maxLogBuffer() int {
if s.MaxLogBuffer < 10 {
return 10
} else if s.MaxLogBuffer > 1000 {
return 1000
return s.MaxLogBuffer
func (s *objectStorageS) TempDirSlash() string {
return strings.Trim(s.TempDir, " /") + "/"
func (s *zincConf) Endpoint() string {
return endpoint(s.Host, s.Secure)
func (s *meiliConf) Endpoint() string {
return endpoint(s.Host, s.Secure)
func (s *pyroscopeConf) GetLogger() (logger pyroscope.Logger) {
switch strings.ToLower(s.Logger) {
case "standard":
logger = pyroscope.StandardLogger
case "logrus":
logger = logrus.StandardLogger()
func endpoint(host string, secure bool) string {
schema := "http"
if secure {
schema = "https"
return schema + "://" + host
func newViper() (*viper.Viper, error) {
vp := viper.New()
err := vp.ReadConfig(bytes.NewReader(fileBytes))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = vp.MergeInConfig(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return vp, nil
func featuresInfoFrom(vp *viper.Viper, k string) (map[string][]string, map[string]string) {
sub := vp.Sub(k)
keys := sub.AllKeys()
suites := make(map[string][]string)
kv := make(map[string]string, len(keys))
for _, key := range sub.AllKeys() {
val := sub.Get(key)
switch v := val.(type) {
case string:
kv[key] = v
case []any:
suites[key] = sub.GetStringSlice(key)
return suites, kv