PRAGMA foreign_keys=off; BEGIN TRANSACTION; ALTER TABLE p_post_content RENAME TO _p_post_content; ALTER TABLE p_comment_content RENAME TO _p_comment_content; ALTER TABLE p_comment_reply RENAME TO _p_comment_reply; CREATE TABLE p_post_content ( "id" integer NOT NULL, "post_id" integer NOT NULL, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "content" text NOT NULL, "type" integer NOT NULL, "sort" integer NOT NULL, "created_on" integer NOT NULL, "modified_on" integer NOT NULL, "deleted_on" integer NOT NULL, "is_del" integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE TABLE p_comment_content ( "id" integer NOT NULL, "comment_id" integer NOT NULL, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "content" text NOT NULL, "type" integer NOT NULL, "sort" integer NOT NULL, "created_on" integer NOT NULL, "modified_on" integer NOT NULL, "deleted_on" integer NOT NULL, "is_del" integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE TABLE p_comment_reply ( "id" integer NOT NULL, "comment_id" integer NOT NULL, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "at_user_id" integer NOT NULL, "content" text NOT NULL, "ip" text(64) NOT NULL, "ip_loc" text(64) NOT NULL, "thumbs_up_count" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- 点赞数 "thumbs_down_count" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- 点踩数 "created_on" integer NOT NULL, "modified_on" integer NOT NULL, "deleted_on" integer NOT NULL, "is_del" integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- ---------------------------- -- Indexes structure for table p_post_content -- ---------------------------- CREATE INDEX "idx_post_content_post_id" ON "p_post_content" ( "post_id" ASC ); CREATE INDEX "idx_post_content_user_id" ON "p_post_content" ( "user_id" ASC ); -- ---------------------------- -- Indexes structure for table p_comment_reply -- ---------------------------- CREATE INDEX "idx_comment_reply_comment_id" ON "p_comment_reply" ( "comment_id" ASC ); -- ---------------------------- -- Indexes structure for table p_comment_content -- ---------------------------- CREATE INDEX "idx_comment_content_comment_id" ON "p_comment_content" ( "comment_id" ASC ); CREATE INDEX "idx_comment_content_sort" ON "p_comment_content" ( "sort" ASC ); CREATE INDEX "idx_comment_content_type" ON "p_comment_content" ( "type" ASC ); CREATE INDEX "idx_comment_content_user_id" ON "p_comment_content" ( "user_id" ASC ); INSERT INTO p_post_content (id, post_id, user_id, content, `type`, sort, created_on, modified_on, deleted_on, is_del) SELECT id, post_id, user_id, content, `type`, sort, created_on, modified_on, deleted_on, is_del FROM _p_post_content; INSERT INTO p_comment_content (id, comment_id, user_id, content, `type`, sort, created_on, modified_on, deleted_on, is_del) SELECT id, comment_id, user_id, content, `type`, sort, created_on, modified_on, deleted_on, is_del FROM _p_comment_content; INSERT INTO p_comment_reply (id, comment_id, user_id, at_user_id, content, ip, ip_loc, thumbs_up_count, thumbs_down_count, created_on, modified_on, deleted_on, is_del) SELECT id, comment_id, user_id, at_user_id, content, ip, ip_loc, thumbs_up_count, thumbs_down_count, created_on, modified_on, deleted_on, is_del FROM _p_comment_reply; DROP TABLE _p_post_content; DROP TABLE _p_comment_content; DROP TABLE _p_comment_reply; -- ---------------------------- -- Indexes structure for table p_post_content -- ---------------------------- CREATE INDEX "idx_post_content_post_id" ON "p_post_content" ( "post_id" ASC ); CREATE INDEX "idx_post_content_user_id" ON "p_post_content" ( "user_id" ASC ); -- ---------------------------- -- Indexes structure for table p_comment_reply -- ---------------------------- CREATE INDEX "idx_comment_reply_comment_id" ON "p_comment_reply" ( "comment_id" ASC ); -- ---------------------------- -- Indexes structure for table p_comment_content -- ---------------------------- CREATE INDEX "idx_comment_content_comment_id" ON "p_comment_content" ( "comment_id" ASC ); CREATE INDEX "idx_comment_content_sort" ON "p_comment_content" ( "sort" ASC ); CREATE INDEX "idx_comment_content_type" ON "p_comment_content" ( "type" ASC ); CREATE INDEX "idx_comment_content_user_id" ON "p_comment_content" ( "user_id" ASC ); COMMIT; PRAGMA foreign_keys=on;