ALTER TABLE "p_comment" ADD COLUMN "reply_count" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; UPDATE p_comment AS comment SET reply_count = ( SELECT count(*) FROM p_comment_reply AS reply WHERE AND comment.is_del=0 AND reply.is_del=0 ); CREATE TABLE p_comment_metric ( "id" integer, "comment_id" integer NOT NULL, "rank_score" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "incentive_score" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "decay_factor" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "motivation_factor" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "is_del" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "created_on" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "modified_on" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "deleted_on" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE INDEX "idx_comment_metric_comment_id_rank_score" ON "p_comment_metric" ( "comment_id" ASC, "rank_score" ASC ); INSERT INTO p_comment_metric (comment_id, rank_score, created_on) SELECT id AS comment_id, reply_count*2 + thumbs_up_count*4 - thumbs_down_count AS rank_score, created_on FROM p_comment WHERE is_del=0; CREATE TABLE "p_user_metric" ( "id" integer, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "tweets_count" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "latest_trends_on" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "is_del" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "created_on" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "modified_on" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "deleted_on" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE INDEX "idx_user_metric_user_id_tweets_count_trends" ON "p_user_metric" ( "user_id" ASC, "tweets_count" ASC, "latest_trends_on" ASC ); INSERT INTO p_user_metric (user_id, tweets_count) SELECT user_id, count(*) AS tweets_count FROM p_post WHERE is_del=0 GROUP BY user_id;