// Copyright 2022 ROC. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package web import ( "fmt" "time" "github.com/alimy/mir/v3" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" api "github.com/rocboss/paopao-ce/auto/api/v1" "github.com/rocboss/paopao-ce/internal/model/web" "github.com/rocboss/paopao-ce/internal/servants/base" "github.com/rocboss/paopao-ce/internal/servants/chain" "github.com/rocboss/paopao-ce/pkg/app" "github.com/rocboss/paopao-ce/pkg/convert" "github.com/rocboss/paopao-ce/pkg/xerror" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/smartwalle/alipay/v3" ) var ( _ api.AlipayPub = (*alipayPubSrv)(nil) _ api.AlipayPubBinding = (*alipayPubBinding)(nil) _ api.AlipayPubRender = (*alipayPubRender)(nil) _ api.AlipayPriv = (*alipayPrivSrv)(nil) _ api.AlipayPrivBinding = (*alipayPrivBinding)(nil) _ api.AlipayPrivRender = (*alipayPrivRender)(nil) ) type alipayPubSrv struct { api.UnimplementedAlipayPubServant *base.DaoServant } type alipayPubBinding struct { *api.UnimplementedAlipayPubBinding alipayClient *alipay.Client } type alipayPubRender struct { *api.UnimplementedAlipayPubRender } type alipayPrivSrv struct { api.UnimplementedAlipayPrivServant *base.DaoServant alipayClient *alipay.Client } type alipayPrivBinding struct { *api.UnimplementedAlipayPrivBinding } type alipayPrivRender struct { *api.UnimplementedAlipayPrivRender } func (b *alipayPubBinding) BindAlipayNotify(c *gin.Context) (*web.AlipayNotifyReq, mir.Error) { if err := c.Request.ParseForm(); err != nil { logrus.Errorf("parse form err: %s", err) return nil, _errRechargeNotifyError } noti, err := b.alipayClient.GetTradeNotification(c.Request) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("alipayClient.GetTradeNotification err: %s form: %v", err, c.Request.Form) return nil, _errRechargeNotifyError } return &web.AlipayNotifyReq{ Ctx: c.Request.Context(), ID: convert.StrTo(noti.OutTradeNo).MustInt64(), TradeNo: noti.TradeNo, TradeStatus: noti.TradeStatus, }, nil } func (s *alipayPubSrv) AlipayNotify(req *web.AlipayNotifyReq) mir.Error { if req.TradeStatus == alipay.TradeStatusSuccess { if ok, _ := s.Redis.SetNX(req.Ctx, "PaoPaoRecharge:"+req.TradeNo, 1, time.Second*5).Result(); ok { recharge, err := s.Ds.GetRechargeByID(req.ID) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("GetRechargeByID id:%d err: %s", req.ID, err) return _errRechargeNotifyError } if recharge.TradeStatus != "TRADE_SUCCESS" { // 标记为已付款 err := s.Ds.HandleRechargeSuccess(recharge, req.TradeNo) defer s.Redis.Del(req.Ctx, "PaoPaoRecharge:"+req.TradeNo) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("HandleRechargeSuccess id:%d err: %s", req.ID, err) return _errRechargeNotifyError } } } } return nil } func (b *alipayPrivBinding) BindUserWalletBills(c *gin.Context) (*web.UserWalletBillsReq, mir.Error) { uid, ok := base.UserIdFrom(c) if !ok { return nil, xerror.UnauthorizedTokenError } page, pageSize := app.GetPageInfo(c) return &web.UserWalletBillsReq{ UserId: uid, Page: page, PageSize: pageSize, }, nil } func (b *alipayPrivBinding) BindUserRechargeLink(c *gin.Context) (*web.UserRechargeLinkReq, mir.Error) { v := &web.UserRechargeLinkReq{ Host: c.Request.Host, } err := b.BindAny(c, v) return v, err } func (b *alipayPrivBinding) BindUserRechargeResult(c *gin.Context) (*web.UserRechargeResultReq, mir.Error) { uid, exist := base.UserIdFrom(c) if !exist { return nil, xerror.UnauthorizedTokenError } return &web.UserRechargeResultReq{ UserId: uid, Id: convert.StrTo(c.Query("id")).MustInt64(), }, nil } func (s *alipayPrivSrv) Chain() gin.HandlersChain { return gin.HandlersChain{chain.JWT()} } func (s *alipayPrivSrv) UserWalletBills(req *web.UserWalletBillsReq) (*web.UserWalletBillsResp, mir.Error) { bills, err := s.Ds.GetUserWalletBills(req.UserId, (req.Page-1)*req.PageSize, req.PageSize) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("GetUserWalletBills err: %s", err) return nil, _errUserWalletBillsFailed } totalRows, err := s.Ds.GetUserWalletBillCount(req.UserId) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("GetUserWalletBillCount err: %s", err) return nil, _errUserWalletBillsFailed } resp := base.PageRespFrom(bills, req.Page, req.PageSize, totalRows) return (*web.UserWalletBillsResp)(resp), nil } func (s *alipayPrivSrv) UserRechargeLink(req *web.UserRechargeLinkReq) (*web.UserRechargeLinkResp, mir.Error) { recharge, err := s.Ds.CreateRecharge(req.User.ID, req.Amount) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("Ds.CreateRecharge err: %v", err) return nil, _errRechargeReqFail } p := alipay.TradePreCreate{} p.OutTradeNo = fmt.Sprintf("%d", recharge.ID) p.Subject = "PaoPao用户钱包充值" p.TotalAmount = fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", float64(recharge.Amount)/100.0) p.NotifyURL = "https://" + req.Host + "/v1/alipay/notify" rsp, err := s.alipayClient.TradePreCreate(p) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("client.TradePreCreate err: %v\n", err) return nil, _errRechargeReqFail } if rsp.Content.Code != alipay.CodeSuccess { return nil, _errRechargeReqFail } return &web.UserRechargeLinkResp{ Id: recharge.ID, Pay: rsp.Content.QRCode, }, nil } func (s *alipayPrivSrv) UserRechargeResult(req *web.UserRechargeResultReq) (*web.UserRechargeResultResp, mir.Error) { recharge, err := s.Ds.GetRechargeByID(req.Id) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("Ds.GetRechargeByID err: %v", err) return nil, _errGetRechargeFailed } if recharge.UserID != req.UserId { logrus.Errorf("Ds.GetRechargeByID userId not equel recharge.UserID: %d req.UserId %d", recharge.UserID, req.UserId) return nil, _errGetRechargeFailed } return &web.UserRechargeResultResp{ Id: recharge.ID, Status: recharge.TradeStatus, }, nil } func newAlipayPubSrv(s *base.DaoServant) api.AlipayPub { return &alipayPubSrv{ DaoServant: s, } } func newAlipayPubBinding(alipayClient *alipay.Client) api.AlipayPubBinding { return &alipayPubBinding{ UnimplementedAlipayPubBinding: &api.UnimplementedAlipayPubBinding{ BindAny: base.BindAny, }, alipayClient: alipayClient, } } func newAlipayPubRender() api.AlipayPubRender { return &alipayPubRender{ UnimplementedAlipayPubRender: &api.UnimplementedAlipayPubRender{ RenderAny: base.RenderAny, }, } } func newAlipayPrivSrv(s *base.DaoServant, client *alipay.Client) api.AlipayPriv { return &alipayPrivSrv{ DaoServant: s, alipayClient: client, } } func newAlipayPrivBinding() api.AlipayPrivBinding { return &alipayPrivBinding{ UnimplementedAlipayPrivBinding: &api.UnimplementedAlipayPrivBinding{ BindAny: base.BindAny, }, } } func newAlipayPrivRender() api.AlipayPrivRender { return &alipayPrivRender{ UnimplementedAlipayPrivRender: &api.UnimplementedAlipayPrivRender{ RenderAny: base.RenderAny, }, } }