// Copyright 2023 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package web

import (
	api "github.com/rocboss/paopao-ce/auto/api/v1"

var (
	_ api.Relax = (*relaxSrv)(nil)

type relaxSrv struct {
	wc core.WebCache

type relaxChain struct {

func (s *relaxChain) ChainGetUnreadMsgCount() gin.HandlersChain {
	return gin.HandlersChain{chain.OnlineUserMeasure()}

func (s *relaxSrv) Chain() gin.HandlersChain {
	return gin.HandlersChain{chain.JwtSurely()}

func (s *relaxSrv) GetUnreadMsgCount(req *web.GetUnreadMsgCountReq) (*web.GetUnreadMsgCountResp, mir.Error) {
	if data, xerr := s.wc.GetUnreadMsgCountResp(req.Uid); xerr == nil && len(data) > 0 {
		// logrus.Debugln("GetUnreadMsgCount get resp from cache")
		return &web.GetUnreadMsgCountResp{
			JsonResp: data,
		}, nil
	} else if !rueidis.IsRedisNil(xerr) {
		logrus.Warnf("GetUnreadMsgCount from cache occurs error: %s", xerr)
	// 使用缓存机制特殊处理
	return &web.GetUnreadMsgCountResp{}, nil

func newRelaxSrv(s *base.DaoServant, wc core.WebCache) api.Relax {
	return &relaxSrv{
		DaoServant: s,
		wc:         wc,

func newRelaxChain() api.RelaxChain {
	return &relaxChain{}