// Copyright 2023 ROC. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package cache import ( "context" "fmt" "time" "unsafe" "github.com/Masterminds/semver/v3" "github.com/rocboss/paopao-ce/internal/core" "github.com/rueian/rueidis" ) var ( _ core.RedisCache = (*redisCache)(nil) _ tweetsCache = (*redisCacheTweetsCache)(nil) ) const ( _cacheIndexKeyPattern = _cacheIndexKey + "*" _pushToSearchJobKey = "paopao_push_to_search_job" _countLoginErrKey = "paopao_count_login_err" _imgCaptchaKey = "paopao_img_captcha:" _smsCaptchaKey = "paopao_sms_captcha" _countWhisperKey = "paopao_whisper_key" _rechargeStatusKey = "paopao_recharge_status:" ) type redisCache struct { c rueidis.Client } type redisCacheTweetsCache struct { expireDuration time.Duration expireInSecond int64 c rueidis.Client } func (s *redisCacheTweetsCache) getTweetsBytes(key string) ([]byte, error) { res, err := rueidis.MGetCache(s.c, context.Background(), s.expireDuration, []string{key}) if err != nil { return nil, err } message := res[key] return message.AsBytes() } func (s *redisCacheTweetsCache) setTweetsBytes(key string, bs []byte) error { cmd := s.c.B().Set().Key(key).Value(rueidis.BinaryString(bs)).ExSeconds(s.expireInSecond).Build() return s.c.Do(context.Background(), cmd).Error() } func (s *redisCacheTweetsCache) delTweets(keys []string) error { cmd := s.c.B().Del().Key(keys...).Build() return s.c.Do(context.Background(), cmd).Error() } func (s *redisCacheTweetsCache) allKeys() ([]string, error) { cmd := s.c.B().Keys().Pattern(_cacheIndexKeyPattern).Build() return s.c.Do(context.Background(), cmd).AsStrSlice() } func (s *redisCacheTweetsCache) Name() string { return "RedisCacheIndex" } func (s *redisCacheTweetsCache) Version() *semver.Version { return semver.MustParse("v0.1.0") } func (r *redisCache) SetPushToSearchJob(ctx context.Context) error { return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Set(). Key(_pushToSearchJobKey).Value("1"). Nx().ExSeconds(3600). Build()).Error() } func (r *redisCache) DelPushToSearchJob(ctx context.Context) error { return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Del().Key(_pushToSearchJobKey).Build()).Error() } func (r *redisCache) SetImgCaptcha(ctx context.Context, id string, value string) error { return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Set(). Key(_imgCaptchaKey+id).Value(value). ExSeconds(300). Build()).Error() } func (r *redisCache) GetImgCaptcha(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error) { res, err := r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Get().Key(_imgCaptchaKey+id).Build()).AsBytes() return unsafe.String(&res[0], len(res)), err } func (r *redisCache) DelImgCaptcha(ctx context.Context, id string) error { return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Del().Key(_imgCaptchaKey+id).Build()).Error() } func (r *redisCache) GetCountSmsCaptcha(ctx context.Context, phone string) (int64, error) { return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Get().Key(_smsCaptchaKey+phone).Build()).AsInt64() } func (r *redisCache) IncrCountSmsCaptcha(ctx context.Context, phone string) (err error) { if err = r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Incr().Key(_smsCaptchaKey+phone).Build()).Error(); err == nil { currentTime := time.Now() endTime := time.Date(currentTime.Year(), currentTime.Month(), currentTime.Day(), 23, 59, 59, 0, currentTime.Location()) err = r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Expire().Key(_smsCaptchaKey+phone).Seconds(int64(endTime.Sub(currentTime)/time.Second)).Build()).Error() } return } func (r *redisCache) GetCountLoginErr(ctx context.Context, id int64) (int64, error) { return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Get().Key(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _countLoginErrKey, id)).Build()).AsInt64() } func (r *redisCache) DelCountLoginErr(ctx context.Context, id int64) error { return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Del().Key(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _countLoginErrKey, id)).Build()).Error() } func (r *redisCache) IncrCountLoginErr(ctx context.Context, id int64) error { err := r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Incr().Key(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _countLoginErrKey, id)).Build()).Error() if err == nil { err = r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Expire().Key(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _countLoginErrKey, id)).Seconds(3600).Build()).Error() } return err } func (r *redisCache) GetCountWhisper(ctx context.Context, uid int64) (int64, error) { return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Get().Key(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _countWhisperKey, uid)).Build()).AsInt64() } func (r *redisCache) IncrCountWhisper(ctx context.Context, uid int64) (err error) { key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _countWhisperKey, uid) if err = r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Incr().Key(key).Build()).Error(); err == nil { currentTime := time.Now() endTime := time.Date(currentTime.Year(), currentTime.Month(), currentTime.Day(), 23, 59, 59, 0, currentTime.Location()) err = r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Expire().Key(key).Seconds(int64(endTime.Sub(currentTime)/time.Second)).Build()).Error() } return } func (r *redisCache) SetRechargeStatus(ctx context.Context, tradeNo string) error { return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Set(). Key(_rechargeStatusKey+tradeNo).Value("1"). Nx().ExSeconds(5).Build()).Error() } func (r *redisCache) DelRechargeStatus(ctx context.Context, tradeNo string) error { return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Del().Key(_rechargeStatusKey+tradeNo).Build()).Error() }