// Copyright 2022 ROC. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package jinzhu import ( "github.com/rocboss/paopao-ce/internal/conf" "github.com/rocboss/paopao-ce/internal/core" "github.com/rocboss/paopao-ce/internal/core/ms" "github.com/rocboss/paopao-ce/internal/dao/jinzhu/dbr" "gorm.io/gorm" ) var ( _ core.WalletService = (*walletSrv)(nil) ) type walletSrv struct { db *gorm.DB } func newWalletService(db *gorm.DB) core.WalletService { return &walletSrv{ db: db, } } func (s *walletSrv) GetRechargeByID(id int64) (*ms.WalletRecharge, error) { recharge := &dbr.WalletRecharge{ Model: &dbr.Model{ ID: id, }, } return recharge.Get(s.db) } func (s *walletSrv) CreateRecharge(userId, amount int64) (*ms.WalletRecharge, error) { recharge := &dbr.WalletRecharge{ UserID: userId, Amount: amount, } return recharge.Create(s.db) } func (s *walletSrv) GetUserWalletBills(userID int64, offset, limit int) ([]*ms.WalletStatement, error) { statement := &dbr.WalletStatement{ UserID: userID, } return statement.List(s.db, &dbr.ConditionsT{ "ORDER": "id DESC", }, offset, limit) } func (s *walletSrv) GetUserWalletBillCount(userID int64) (int64, error) { statement := &dbr.WalletStatement{ UserID: userID, } return statement.Count(s.db, &dbr.ConditionsT{}) } func (s *walletSrv) HandleRechargeSuccess(recharge *ms.WalletRecharge, tradeNo string) error { user, _ := (&dbr.User{ Model: &dbr.Model{ ID: recharge.UserID, }, }).Get(s.db) return s.db.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error { // 扣除金额 if err := tx.Model(user).Update("balance", gorm.Expr("balance + ?", recharge.Amount)).Error; err != nil { // 返回任何错误都会回滚事务 return err } // 新增账单 if err := tx.Create(&dbr.WalletStatement{ UserID: user.ID, ChangeAmount: recharge.Amount, BalanceSnapshot: user.Balance + recharge.Amount, Reason: "用户充值", }).Error; err != nil { return err } // 标记为已付款 if err := tx.Model(recharge).Updates(map[string]any{ "trade_no": tradeNo, "trade_status": "TRADE_SUCCESS", }).Error; err != nil { return err } // 返回 nil 提交事务 return nil }) } func (s *walletSrv) HandlePostAttachmentBought(post *ms.Post, user *ms.User) error { return s.db.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error { // 扣除金额 if err := tx.Model(user).Update("balance", gorm.Expr("balance - ?", post.AttachmentPrice)).Error; err != nil { // 返回任何错误都会回滚事务 return err } // 新增账单 if err := tx.Create(&dbr.WalletStatement{ PostID: post.ID, UserID: user.ID, ChangeAmount: -post.AttachmentPrice, BalanceSnapshot: user.Balance - post.AttachmentPrice, Reason: "购买附件支出", }).Error; err != nil { return err } // 新增附件购买记录 if err := tx.Create(&dbr.PostAttachmentBill{ PostID: post.ID, UserID: user.ID, PaidAmount: post.AttachmentPrice, }).Error; err != nil { return err } // 对附件主新增账单 income := int64(float64(post.AttachmentPrice) * conf.AppSetting.AttachmentIncomeRate) if income > 0 { master := &dbr.User{ Model: &dbr.Model{ ID: post.UserID, }, } master, _ = master.Get(s.db) if err := tx.Model(master).Update("balance", gorm.Expr("balance + ?", income)).Error; err != nil { // 返回任何错误都会回滚事务 return err } // 新增账单 if err := tx.Create(&dbr.WalletStatement{ PostID: post.ID, UserID: master.ID, ChangeAmount: income, BalanceSnapshot: master.Balance + income, Reason: "出售附件收入", }).Error; err != nil { return err } } // 返回 nil 提交事务 return nil }) }