From 0224a8a4dca77f135e97ab30aafd0e49964414de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2022 10:03:34 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 01/35] support visite api docs in embed docs --- | 78 +- docs/assets/rapidoc-min.js | 3776 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ docs/assets/ | 1 + docs/embed.go | 17 + docs/index.html | 19 + docs/openapi.json | 334 +++ internal/routers/docs.go | 13 + internal/routers/docs_embed.go | 14 + internal/routers/router.go | 3 +- 9 files changed, 4221 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) create mode 100644 docs/assets/rapidoc-min.js create mode 100644 docs/assets/ create mode 100644 docs/embed.go create mode 100644 docs/index.html create mode 100644 docs/openapi.json create mode 100644 internal/routers/docs.go create mode 100644 internal/routers/docs_embed.go diff --git a/ b/ index 6abdee00..fffceee5 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -111,23 +111,6 @@ PaoPao主要由以下优秀的开源项目/工具构建 ``` 提示: 如果需要内嵌web前端ui,请先构建web前端(建议设置web/.env为VITE_HOST="")。 - 5. docker构建 - ```sh - # 默认参数构建, 默认内嵌web ui并设置api host为空 - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag . - - # 内嵌web ui并且自定义API host参数 - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg API_HOST= . - - # 内嵌web ui并且使用本地web/.env中的API host - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg USE_API_HOST=no . - - # 内嵌web ui并且使用本地编译的web/dist构建 - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg USE_DIST=yes . - - # 只编译api server - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg EMBED_UI=no . - ``` #### 前端 @@ -147,20 +130,6 @@ PaoPao主要由以下优秀的开源项目/工具构建 build完成后,可以在dist目录获取编译产出,配置nginx指向至该目录即可 -3. 使用Docker构建 - ```sh - %> cd web - - # 默认参数构建 - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:web . - - # 自定义API host 参数构建 - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:web --build-arg API_HOST= . - - # 使用本地编译的dist构建 - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:web --build-arg USE_DIST=yes . - ``` - #### 桌面端 1. 进入前端目录 `web`,编辑 `.env` 文件中后端服务地址,下载依赖包 @@ -184,11 +153,48 @@ PaoPao主要由以下优秀的开源项目/工具构建 桌面端是使用[Rust]( + [tauri](编写 的,需要安装tauri的依赖,具体参考[]( -### docker-compose 运行 + +### 使用Docker构建、运行 + * 后端: + ```sh + # 默认参数构建, 默认内嵌web ui并设置api host为空 + %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag . + + # 内嵌web ui并且自定义API host参数 + %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg API_HOST= . + + # 内嵌web ui并且使用本地web/.env中的API host + %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg USE_API_HOST=no . + + # 内嵌web ui并且使用本地编译的web/dist构建 + %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg USE_DIST=yes . + + # 只编译api server + %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg EMBED_UI=no . + + # 运行 + %> docker run -p 8008:8008 -v ${PWD}/config.yaml.sample:/app/paopao-ce/config.yaml your/paopao-ce:tag + ``` + + * 前端: + ```sh + %> cd web + + # 默认参数构建 + %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:web . + + # 自定义API host 参数构建 + %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:web --build-arg API_HOST= . + + # 使用本地编译的dist构建 + %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:web --build-arg USE_DIST=yes . + ``` + +### 使用 docker-compose 运行 ```sh %> git clone %> docker compose up --build -# visit http://localhost:8008 +# visit ``` 默认是使用config.yaml.sample的配置,如果需要自定义配置,请拷贝默认配置文件(比如config.yaml),修改后再同步配置到docker-compose.yaml如下: ``` @@ -212,6 +218,12 @@ PaoPao主要由以下优秀的开源项目/工具构建 .... ``` +### API 文档 +构建时将 `docs` 添加到TAGS中: +```sh +%> make run TAGS='docs' +# visit +``` ### 其他说明 diff --git a/docs/assets/rapidoc-min.js b/docs/assets/rapidoc-min.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d370c5c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/assets/rapidoc-min.js @@ -0,0 +1,3776 @@ +/*! 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{2,}\n)|(?=[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\t+" ".repeat(r.length)));e;)if(!(this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.block&&this.options.extensions.block.some((n=>!!({lexer:this},e,t))&&(e=e.substring(r.raw.length),t.push(r),!0)))))if(,1===r.raw.length&&t.length>0?t[t.length-1].raw+="\n":t.push(r);else if(r=this.tokenizer.code(e))e=e.substring(r.raw.length),n=t[t.length-1],!n||"paragraph"!==n.type&&"text"!==n.type?t.push(r):(n.raw+="\n"+r.raw,n.text+="\n"+r.text,this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length-1].src=n.text);else if(r=this.tokenizer.fences(e))e=e.substring(r.raw.length),t.push(r);else if(r=this.tokenizer.heading(e))e=e.substring(r.raw.length),t.push(r);else if(,t.push(r);else if(r=this.tokenizer.blockquote(e))e=e.substring(r.raw.length),t.push(r);else if(r=this.tokenizer.list(e))e=e.substring(r.raw.length),t.push(r);else if(r=this.tokenizer.html(e))e=e.substring(r.raw.length),t.push(r);else 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if(r=this.tokenizer.text(e))e=e.substring(r.raw.length),n=t[t.length-1],n&&"text"===n.type?(n.raw+="\n"+r.raw,n.text+="\n"+r.text,this.inlineQueue.pop(),this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length-1].src=n.text):t.push(r);else if(e){const t="Infinite loop on byte: "+e.charCodeAt(0);if(this.options.silent){console.error(t);break}throw new Error(t)}}return!0,t}inline(e,t){this.inlineQueue.push({src:e,tokens:t})}inlineTokens(e,t=[]){let r,n,a,o,i,s,l=e;if(this.tokens.links){const e=Object.keys(this.tokens.links);if(e.length>0)for(;null!=(o=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.exec(l));)e.includes(o[0].slice(o[0].lastIndexOf("[")+1,-1))&&(l=l.slice(0,o.index)+"["+_e("a",o[0].length-2)+"]"+l.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.lastIndex))}for(;null!=(o=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.exec(l));)l=l.slice(0,o.index)+"["+_e("a",o[0].length-2)+"]"+l.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.lastIndex);for(;null!=(o=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.escapedEmSt.exec(l));)l=l.slice(0,o.index)+"++"+l.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.escapedEmSt.lastIndex);for(;e;)if(i||(s=""),i=!1,!(this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.inline&&this.options.extensions.inline.some((n=>!!({lexer:this},e,t))&&(e=e.substring(r.raw.length),t.push(r),!0)))))if(r=this.tokenizer.escape(e))e=e.substring(r.raw.length),t.push(r);else if(r=this.tokenizer.tag(e))e=e.substring(r.raw.length),n=t[t.length-1],n&&"text"===r.type&&"text"===n.type?(n.raw+=r.raw,n.text+=r.text):t.push(r);else if(,t.push(r);else if(r=this.tokenizer.reflink(e,this.tokens.links))e=e.substring(r.raw.length),n=t[t.length-1],n&&"text"===r.type&&"text"===n.type?(n.raw+=r.raw,n.text+=r.text):t.push(r);else if(r=this.tokenizer.emStrong(e,l,s))e=e.substring(r.raw.length),t.push(r);else if(r=this.tokenizer.codespan(e))e=e.substring(r.raw.length),t.push(r);else if(,t.push(r);else if(r=this.tokenizer.del(e))e=e.substring(r.raw.length),t.push(r);else if(r=this.tokenizer.autolink(e,De))e=e.substring(r.raw.length),t.push(r);else if(this.state.inLink||!(r=this.tokenizer.url(e,De))){if(a=e,this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.startInline){let t=1/0;const r=e.slice(1);let n;this.options.extensions.startInline.forEach((function(e){{lexer:this},r),"number"==typeof n&&n>=0&&(t=Math.min(t,n))})),t<1/0&&t>=0&&(a=e.substring(0,t+1))}if(r=this.tokenizer.inlineText(a,Le))e=e.substring(r.raw.length),"_"!==r.raw.slice(-1)&&(s=r.raw.slice(-1)),i=!0,n=t[t.length-1],n&&"text"===n.type?(n.raw+=r.raw,n.text+=r.text):t.push(r);else if(e){const t="Infinite loop on byte: "+e.charCodeAt(0);if(this.options.silent){console.error(t);break}throw new Error(t)}}else e=e.substring(r.raw.length),t.push(r);return t}}class Fe{constructor(e){this.options=e||ie}code(e,t,r){const n=(t||"").match(/\S*/)[0];if(this.options.highlight){const t=this.options.highlight(e,n);null!=t&&t!==e&&(r=!0,e=t)}return e=e.replace(/\n$/,"")+"\n",n?'
\n`}html(e){return e}heading(e,t,r,n){if(this.options.headerIds){return`${e}\n`}return`${e}\n`}hr(){return this.options.xhtml?"
\n"}list(e,t,r){const n=t?"ol":"ul";return"<"+n+(t&&1!==r?' start="'+r+'"':"")+">\n"+e+"\n"}listitem(e){return`
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    An error occurred:

    ";throw e}}qe.options=qe.setOptions=function(e){var t;return Ee(qe.defaults,e),t=qe.defaults,ie=t,qe},qe.getDefaults=oe,qe.defaults=ie,qe.use=function(...e){const t=Ee({},...e),r=qe.defaults.extensions||{renderers:{},childTokens:{}};let n;e.forEach((e=>{if(e.extensions&&(n=!0,e.extensions.forEach((e=>{if(! new Error("extension name required");if(e.renderer){const t=r.renderers?r.renderers[]:null;r.renderers[]=t?function(...r){let n=e.renderer.apply(this,r);return!1===n&&(n=t.apply(this,r)),n}:e.renderer}if(e.tokenizer){if(!e.level||"block"!==e.level&&"inline"!==e.level)throw new Error("extension level must be 'block' or 'inline'");r[e.level]?r[e.level].unshift(e.tokenizer):r[e.level]=[e.tokenizer],e.start&&("block"===e.level?r.startBlock?r.startBlock.push(e.start):r.startBlock=[e.start]:"inline"===e.level&&(r.startInline?r.startInline.push(e.start):r.startInline=[e.start]))}e.childTokens&&(r.childTokens[]=e.childTokens)}))),e.renderer){const r=qe.defaults.renderer||new Fe;for(const t in e.renderer){const n=r[t];r[t]=(...a)=>{let o=e.renderer[t].apply(r,a);return!1===o&&(o=n.apply(r,a)),o}}t.renderer=r}if(e.tokenizer){const r=qe.defaults.tokenizer||new Ie;for(const t in e.tokenizer){const n=r[t];r[t]=(...a)=>{let o=e.tokenizer[t].apply(r,a);return!1===o&&(o=n.apply(r,a)),o}}t.tokenizer=r}if(e.walkTokens){const r=qe.defaults.walkTokens;t.walkTokens=function(t){,t),r&&,t)}}n&&(t.extensions=r),qe.setOptions(t)}))},qe.walkTokens=function(e,t){for(const r of e)switch(,r),r.type){case"table":for(const e of r.header)qe.walkTokens(e.tokens,t);for(const e of r.rows)for(const r of e)qe.walkTokens(r.tokens,t);break;case"list":qe.walkTokens(r.items,t);break;default:qe.defaults.extensions&&qe.defaults.extensions.childTokens&&qe.defaults.extensions.childTokens[r.type]?qe.defaults.extensions.childTokens[r.type].forEach((function(e){qe.walkTokens(r[e],t)})):r.tokens&&qe.walkTokens(r.tokens,t)}},qe.parseInline=function(e,t){if(null==e)throw new Error("marked.parseInline(): input parameter is undefined or null");if("string"!=typeof e)throw new Error("marked.parseInline(): input parameter is of type "", string expected");Ce(t=Ee({},qe.defaults,t||{}));try{const r=Be.lexInline(e,t);return t.walkTokens&&qe.walkTokens(r,t.walkTokens),Ue.parseInline(r,t)}catch(e){if(e.message+="\nPlease report this to",t.silent)return"

    An error occurred:

    ";throw e}},qe.Parser=Ue,qe.parser=Ue.parse,qe.Renderer=Fe,qe.TextRenderer=Ne,qe.Lexer=Be,qe.lexer=Be.lex,qe.Tokenizer=Ie,qe.Slugger=ze,qe.parse=qe;qe.options,qe.setOptions,qe.use,qe.walkTokens,qe.parseInline,Ue.parse,Be.lex;var Me=r(660),He=r.n(Me);r(251),r(358),r(46),r(503),r(277),r(874),r(366),r(57),r(16);const We=l` + .hover-bg:hover{ + background: var(--bg3); + } + ::selection { + background: var(--selection-bg); + color: var(--selection-fg); + } + .regular-font{ + font-family:var(--font-regular); + } + .mono-font { + font-family:var(--font-mono); + } + .title { + font-size: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 18px); + font-weight: normal + } + .sub-title{ font-size: 20px;} + .req-res-title { + font-family: var(--font-regular); + font-size: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 4px); + font-weight:bold; + margin-bottom:8px; + text-align:left; + } + .tiny-title { + font-size:calc(var(--font-size-small) + 1px); + font-weight:bold; + } + .regular-font-size { font-size: 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Symbol)||!Symbol.sham&&gr&&gr<41})),xr=br&&!Symbol.sham&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator,wr=sr,$r=Et,kr=lr,Sr=xr,Ar=dt.Object,Er=Sr?function(e){return"symbol"==typeof e}:function(e){var t=wr("Symbol");return $r(t)&&kr(t.prototype,Ar(e))},Or=dt.String,Tr=function(e){try{return Or(e)}catch(e){return"Object"}},Cr=Et,_r=Tr,jr=dt.TypeError,Ir=function(e){if(Cr(e))return e;throw jr(_r(e)+" is not a function")},Pr=Ir,Rr=function(e,t){var r=e[t];return null==r?void 0:Pr(r)},Lr=jt,Dr=Et,Br=tr,Fr=dt.TypeError,Nr={exports:{}},zr=dt,Ur=Object.defineProperty,qr=function(e,t){try{Ur(zr,e,{value:t,configurable:!0,writable:!0})}catch(r){zr[e]=t}return t},Mr="__core-js_shared__",Hr=dt[Mr]||qr(Mr,{}),Wr=Hr;(Nr.exports=function(e,t){return Wr[e]||(Wr[e]=void 0!==t?t:{})})("versions",[]).push({version:"3.21.1",mode:"pure",copyright:"© 2014-2022 Denis Pushkarev (",license:"",source:""});var Vr=Yt,Gr=dt.Object,Kr=function(e){return Gr(Vr(e))},Jr=Kr,Yr=At({}.hasOwnProperty),Zr=Object.hasOwn||function(e,t){return Yr(Jr(e),t)},Qr=At,Xr=0,en=Math.random(),tn=Qr(1..toString),rn=function(e){return"Symbol("+(void 0===e?"":e)+")_"+tn(++Xr+en,36)},nn=dt,an=Nr.exports,on=Zr,sn=rn,ln=br,cn=xr,pn=an("wks"),un=nn.Symbol,dn=un&&un.for,hn=cn?un:un&&un.withoutSetter||sn,fn=function(e){if(!on(pn,e)||!ln&&"string"!=typeof pn[e]){var t="Symbol."+e;ln&&on(un,e)?pn[e]=un[e]:pn[e]=cn&&dn?dn(t):hn(t)}return pn[e]},mn=jt,yn=tr,gn=Er,vn=Rr,bn=function(e,t){var r,n;if("string"===t&&Dr(r=e.toString)&&!Br(n=Lr(r,e)))return n;if(Dr(r=e.valueOf)&&!Br(n=Lr(r,e)))return n;if("string"!==t&&Dr(r=e.toString)&&!Br(n=Lr(r,e)))return n;throw Fr("Can't convert object to primitive value")},xn=fn,wn=dt.TypeError,$n=xn("toPrimitive"),kn=function(e,t){if(!yn(e)||gn(e))return e;var r,n=vn(e,$n);if(n){if(void 0===t&&(t="default"),r=mn(n,e,t),!yn(r)||gn(r))return r;throw wn("Can't convert object to primitive value")}return void 0===t&&(t="number"),bn(e,t)},Sn=Er,An=function(e){var t=kn(e,"string");return Sn(t)?t:t+""},En=tr,On=dt.document,Tn=En(On)&&En(On.createElement),Cn=function(e){return Tn?On.createElement(e):{}},_n=Cn,jn=!Tt&&!ht((function(){return 7!=Object.defineProperty(_n("div"),"a",{get:function(){return 7}}).a})),In=Tt,Pn=jt,Rn=It,Ln=Ft,Dn=Xt,Bn=An,Fn=Zr,Nn=jn,zn=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;Ot.f=In?zn:function(e,t){if(e=Dn(e),t=Bn(t),Nn)try{return zn(e,t)}catch(e){}if(Fn(e,t))return Ln(!Pn(Rn.f,e,t),e[t])};var Un=ht,qn=Et,Mn=/#|\.prototype\./,Hn=function(e,t){var r=Vn[Wn(e)];return r==Kn||r!=Gn&&(qn(t)?Un(t):!!t)},Wn=Hn.normalize=function(e){return String(e).replace(Mn,".").toLowerCase()},{},Gn=Hn.NATIVE="N",Kn=Hn.POLYFILL="P",Jn=Hn,Yn=Ir,Zn=ft,Qn=At(At.bind),Xn=function(e,t){return Yn(e),void 0===t?e:Zn?Qn(e,t):function(){return e.apply(t,arguments)}},ea={},ta=Tt&&ht((function(){return 42!=Object.defineProperty((function(){}),"prototype",{value:42,writable:!1}).prototype})),ra=dt,na=tr,aa=ra.String,oa=ra.TypeError,ia=function(e){if(na(e))return e;throw oa(aa(e)+" is not an object")},sa=Tt,la=jn,ca=ta,pa=ia,ua=An,da=dt.TypeError,ha=Object.defineProperty,fa=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,ma="enumerable",ya="configurable",ga="writable";ea.f=sa?ca?function(e,t,r){if(pa(e),t=ua(t),pa(r),"function"==typeof e&&"prototype"===t&&"value"in r&&ga in r&&!r.writable){var n=fa(e,t);n&&n.writable&&(e[t]=r.value,r={configurable:ya in r?r.configurable:n.configurable,enumerable:ma in r?r.enumerable:n.enumerable,writable:!1})}return ha(e,t,r)}:ha:function(e,t,r){if(pa(e),t=ua(t),pa(r),la)try{return ha(e,t,r)}catch(e){}if("get"in r||"set"in r)throw da("Accessors not supported");return"value"in r&&(e[t]=r.value),e};var va=ea,ba=Ft,xa=Tt?function(e,t,r){return va.f(e,t,ba(1,r))}:function(e,t,r){return e[t]=r,e},wa=dt,$a=bt,ka=At,Sa=Et,Aa=Ot.f,Ea=Jn,Oa=rr,Ta=Xn,Ca=xa,_a=Zr,ja=function(e){var t=function(r,n,a){if(this instanceof t){switch(arguments.length){case 0:return new e;case 1:return new e(r);case 2:return new e(r,n)}return new e(r,n,a)}return $a(e,this,arguments)};return t.prototype=e.prototype,t},Ia=function(e,t){var r,n,a,o,i,s,l,c,,,d=e.stat,h=e.proto,f=u?wa:d?wa[p]:(wa[p]||{}).prototype,m=u?Oa:Oa[p]||Ca(Oa,p,{})[p],y=m.prototype;for(a in t)r=!Ea(u?a:p+(d?".":"#")+a,e.forced)&&f&&_a(f,a),i=m[a],r&&(s=e.noTargetGet?(c=Aa(f,a))&&c.value:f[a]),o=r&&s?s:t[a],r&&typeof i==typeof o||(l=e.bind&&r?Ta(o,wa):e.wrap&&r?ja(o):h&&Sa(o)?ka(o):o,(e.sham||o&&o.sham||i&&i.sham)&&Ca(l,"sham",!0),Ca(m,a,l),h&&(_a(Oa,n=p+"Prototype")||Ca(Oa,n,{}),Ca(Oa[n],a,o),e.real&&y&&!y[a]&&Ca(y,a,o)))},Pa=Math.ceil,Ra=Math.floor,La=function(e){var t=+e;return t!=t||0===t?0:(t>0?Ra:Pa)(t)},Da=La,Ba=Math.max,Fa=Math.min,Na=function(e,t){var r=Da(e);return r<0?Ba(r+t,0):Fa(r,t)},za=La,Ua=Math.min,qa=function(e){return e>0?Ua(za(e),9007199254740991):0},Ma=qa,Ha=function(e){return Ma(e.length)},Wa=Xt,Va=Na,Ga=Ha,Ka=function(e){return function(t,r,n){var a,o=Wa(t),i=Ga(o),s=Va(n,i);if(e&&r!=r){for(;i>s;)if((a=o[s++])!=a)return!0}else for(;i>s;s++)if((e||s in o)&&o[s]===r)return e||s||0;return!e&&-1}},Ja={includes:Ka(!0),indexOf:Ka(!1)},Ya={},Za=Zr,Qa=Xt,Xa=Ja.indexOf,eo=Ya,to=At([].push),ro=function(e,t){var r,n=Qa(e),a=0,o=[];for(r in n)!Za(eo,r)&&Za(n,r)&&to(o,r);for(;t.length>a;)Za(n,r=t[a++])&&(~Xa(o,r)||to(o,r));return o},no=["constructor","hasOwnProperty","isPrototypeOf","propertyIsEnumerable","toLocaleString","toString","valueOf"],ao=ro,oo=no,io=Object.keys||function(e){return ao(e,oo)},so=Kr,lo=io;Ia({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:ht((function(){lo(1)}))},{keys:function(e){return lo(so(e))}});var co=rr.Object.keys,po=co,uo=qt,ho=Array.isArray||function(e){return"Array"==uo(e)},fo={};fo[fn("toStringTag")]="z";var mo="[object z]"===String(fo),yo=dt,go=mo,vo=Et,bo=qt,xo=fn("toStringTag"),wo=yo.Object,$o="Arguments"==bo(function(){return arguments}()),ko=go?bo:function(e){var t,r,n;return void 0===e?"Undefined":null===e?"Null":"string"==typeof(r=function(e,t){try{return e[t]}catch(e){}}(t=wo(e),xo))?r:$o?bo(t):"Object"==(n=bo(t))&&vo(t.callee)?"Arguments":n},So=ko,Ao=dt.String,Eo=function(e){if("Symbol"===So(e))throw TypeError("Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string");return Ao(e)},Oo={},To=Tt,Co=ta,_o=ea,jo=ia,Io=Xt,Po=io;Oo.f=To&&!Co?Object.defineProperties:function(e,t){jo(e);for(var r,n=Io(t),a=Po(t),o=a.length,i=0;o>i;)_o.f(e,r=a[i++],n[r]);return e};var Ro,Lo=sr("document","documentElement"),Do=Nr.exports,Bo=rn,Fo=Do("keys"),No=function(e){return Fo[e]||(Fo[e]=Bo(e))},zo=ia,Uo=Oo,qo=no,Mo=Ya,Ho=Lo,Wo=Cn,Vo=No("IE_PROTO"),Go=function(){},Ko=function(e){return" + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/openapi.json b/docs/openapi.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc7498e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/openapi.json @@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ +{ + "openapi": "3.0.0", + "info": { + "title": "paopao-ce API", + "description": "# The paopao-ce API documentation\n\nWelcome to the paopao-ce API documentation!\n\n", + "version": "0.1.0" + }, + "servers": [ + { + "url": "" + } + ], + "tags": [], + "paths": { + "/{bucket}": { + "post": { + "summary": "Upload Image", + "description": "Upload an image to the given bucket.\nThe `content-type` header must be provided as well\nas the `content-length` header otherwise the request will be rejected.\n\nThe uploaded file must also not exceed the given `content-length`.", + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "bucket", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + }, + "in": "path", + "description": "The bucket that the image should be uploaded.", + "required": true, + "deprecated": false + }, + { + "name": "content-length", + "schema": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "uint64" + }, + "in": "header", + "description": "The total size of the image in bytes.", + "required": true, + "deprecated": false + }, + { + "name": "format", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ImageKind" + }, + "in": "query", + "description": "The format that the uploaded image is encoded in.\n\nIf not provided, lust will guess the encoding.", + "required": false, + "deprecated": false + } + ], + "requestBody": { + "content": { + "application/octet-stream": { + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "format": "binary" + } + } + }, + "required": true + }, + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "", + "content": { + "application/json": { + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UploadInfo" + } + } + } + }, + "404": { + "description": "Bucket not found" + }, + "400": { + "description": "The image format was incorrect or the system was\nunable to guess the format of the image." + }, + "413": { + "description": "The upload exceeds the configured maximum file size." + }, + "401": { + "description": "You are not authorized to complete this action.\n\nThis normally means the `Authorization` bearer has been left out\nof the request or is invalid." + } + } + } + }, + "/{bucket}/{image_id}": { + "get": { + "summary": "Fetch Image", + "description": "Fetch the image from the storage backend and apply and additional affects\nif required.", + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "bucket", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + }, + "in": "path", + "description": "The bucket to try fetch the image from.", + "required": true, + "deprecated": false + }, + { + "name": "image_id", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "format": "uuid" + }, + "in": "path", + "description": "The id of the image.", + "required": true, + "deprecated": false + }, + { + "name": "format", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ImageKind" + }, + "in": "query", + "description": "The encoding format that the image should be returned as.", + "required": false, + "deprecated": false + }, + { + "name": "size", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + }, + "in": "query", + "description": "The size preset that should be used when returning the image.", + "required": false, + "deprecated": false + }, + { + "name": "width", + "schema": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "uint32" + }, + "in": "query", + "description": "A custom width to resize the returned image to.", + "required": false, + "deprecated": false + }, + { + "name": "height", + "schema": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "uint32" + }, + "in": "query", + "description": "A custom height to resize the returned image to.", + "required": false, + "deprecated": false + }, + { + "name": "accept", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + }, + "in": "header", + "description": "A set of `,` seperated content-types that could be sent as a response.\nE.g. `image/png,image/webp,image/gif`", + "required": false, + "deprecated": false + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "", + "content": { + "application/octet-stream": { + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "format": "binary" + } + } + }, + "headers": { + "CONTENT-TYPE": { + "required": true, + "deprecated": false, + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "The request is invalid with the current configuration.\n\nSee the detail section for more info.", + "content": { + "application/json": { + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Detail" + } + } + } + }, + "404": { + "description": "Bucket does not exist or image does not exist.\n\nSee the detail section for more info.", + "content": { + "application/json": { + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Detail" + } + } + } + } + } + }, + "delete": { + "summary": "Delete Image", + "description": "Delete the given image.\nThis will purge all variants of the image including sizing presets and formats.\n\nImages that do not exist already will be ignored and will not return a 404.", + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "bucket", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + }, + "in": "path", + "description": "The bucket to try delete the image from.", + "required": true, + "deprecated": false + }, + { + "name": "image_id", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "format": "uuid" + }, + "in": "path", + "description": "The image to delete try delete.", + "required": true, + "deprecated": false + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "" + }, + "401": { + "description": "You are not authorized to complete this action.\n\nThis normally means the `Authorization` bearer has been left out\nof the request or is invalid." + }, + "404": { + "description": "Bucket does not exist." + } + } + } + } + }, + "components": { + "schemas": { + "Detail": { + "type": "object", + "required": [ + "detail" + ], + "properties": { + "detail": { + "type": "string", + "description": "Additional information regarding the response." + } + } + }, + "ImageKind": { + "type": "string", + "enum": [ + "png", + "jpeg", + "webp", + "gif" + ] + }, + "ImageUploadInfo": { + "type": "object", + "required": [ + "sizing_id" + ], + "properties": { + "sizing_id": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "uint32", + "description": "The computed image sizing id.\n\nThis is useful for tracking files outside of lust as this is\ngenerally used for filtering within the storage systems." + } + } + }, + "UploadInfo": { + "type": "object", + "required": [ + "image_id", + "processing_time", + "io_time", + "checksum", + "images", + "bucket_id" + ], + "properties": { + "image_id": { + "type": "string", + "format": "uuid", + "description": "The generated ID for the file.\n\nThis can be used to access the file for the given bucket." + }, + "processing_time": { + "type": "number", + "format": "float", + "description": "The time spent processing the image in seconds." + }, + "io_time": { + "type": "number", + "format": "float", + "description": "The time spent uploading the image to the persistent store." + }, + "checksum": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "uint32", + "description": "The crc32 checksum of the uploaded image." + }, + "images": { + "type": "array", + "description": "The information that is specific to the image.", + "items": { + "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ImageUploadInfo" + } + }, + "bucket_id": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "uint32", + "description": "The id of the bucket the image was stored in.\n\nThis is useful for tracking files outside of lust as this is\ngenerally used for filtering within the storage systems." + } + } + } + } + } + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/internal/routers/docs.go b/internal/routers/docs.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc054b08 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/routers/docs.go @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +//go:build !docs +// +build !docs + +package routers + +import ( + "" +) + +// registerDocs stub function for register docs asset route +func registerDocs(e *gin.Engine) { + // empty +} diff --git a/internal/routers/docs_embed.go b/internal/routers/docs_embed.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..50fe27c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/routers/docs_embed.go @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +//go:build docs +// +build docs + +package routers + +import ( + "" + "" +) + +// registerDocs register docs asset route +func registerDocs(e *gin.Engine) { + e.StaticFS("/docs", docs.NewFileSystem()) +} diff --git a/internal/routers/router.go b/internal/routers/router.go index 9802a5c6..2a478664 100644 --- a/internal/routers/router.go +++ b/internal/routers/router.go @@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ func NewRouter() *gin.Engine { corsConfig.AddAllowHeaders("Authorization") e.Use(cors.New(corsConfig)) - // 按需注册 静态资源、LocalOSS 路由 + // 按需注册 docs、静态资源、LocalOSS 路由 { + registerDocs(e) registerStatick(e) routeLocalOSS(e) } From 239852c56e43c2cf2bff8b1e234d7b8d79bff088 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2022 10:27:40 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 02/35] remove no-need build version info --- Makefile | 3 +-- main.go | 4 +++- version | 0 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 version diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index d2090ed6..b505032b 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -8,12 +8,11 @@ RELEASE_DARWIN_AMD64 = $(RELEASE_ROOT)/darwin-amd64/$(TARGET) RELEASE_DARWIN_ARM64 = $(RELEASE_ROOT)/darwin-arm64/$(TARGET) RELEASE_WINDOWS_AMD64 = $(RELEASE_ROOT)/windows-amd64/$(TARGET) -BUILD_VERSION := $(shell cat version) BUILD_DATE := $(shell date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') SHA_SHORT := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) TAGS = "" -LDFLAGS = -X "main.version=${BUILD_VERSION}" -X "main.buildDate=${BUILD_DATE}" -X "main.commitID=${SHA_SHORT}" -w -s +LDFLAGS = -X "main.buildDate=${BUILD_DATE}" -X "main.commitID=${SHA_SHORT}" -w -s all: fmt build diff --git a/main.go b/main.go index 2477b350..dbf61725 100644 --- a/main.go +++ b/main.go @@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ import ( ) var ( - version, buildDate, commitID string + version = "v0.2.0" + buildDate string + commitID string noDefaultFeatures bool features suites diff --git a/version b/version deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29b..00000000 From 2c2c5d724a35446b89099e8a240fa88c9173f00b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2022 10:38:10 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 03/35] optimize #88 add title --- docs/index.html | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html index dd3895b4..2fcd59c8 100644 --- a/docs/index.html +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ + + paopao-ce develop documents \ No newline at end of file + + + \ No newline at end of file From 54da8cdf35c7a318bd92861b24039c57498ed25d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: orzi! <> Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 17:20:39 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 17/35] chang type --- web/src/components/compose.vue | 2 +- web/src/components/post-detail.vue | 2 +- web/src/types/NetParams.d.ts | 8 ++++---- web/src/types/NetReq.d.ts | 4 ++-- web/src/types/item.d.ts | 7 +++++-- 5 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/web/src/components/compose.vue b/web/src/components/compose.vue index 74811c15..0ab60c9f 100644 --- a/web/src/components/compose.vue +++ b/web/src/components/compose.vue @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ const fileQueue = ref([]); const imageContents = ref([]); const videoContents = ref([]); const attachmentContents = ref([]); -const visitType = ref<0 | 1 | 2>(0) +const visitType = ref(0) const visibilities = [{value: 0, label: "公开"}, {value: 1, label: "私密"}, {value: 2, label: "好友可见"}] const uploadGateway = import.meta.env.VITE_HOST + '/v1/attachment'; diff --git a/web/src/components/post-detail.vue b/web/src/components/post-detail.vue index 69e8216b..c8879d45 100644 --- a/web/src/components/post-detail.vue +++ b/web/src/components/post-detail.vue @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ const showLockModal = ref(false); const showStickModal = ref(false); const showVisibilityModal = ref(false); const loading = ref(false); -const tempVisibility = ref<0 | 1 | 2>(0); +const tempVisibility = ref(0); const emit = defineEmits<{ (e: 'reload'): void; diff --git a/web/src/types/NetParams.d.ts b/web/src/types/NetParams.d.ts index b6371564..fb507498 100644 --- a/web/src/types/NetParams.d.ts +++ b/web/src/types/NetParams.d.ts @@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ declare module NetParams { interface PostVisibilityPost { id: number, - /** 可见性 0公开 1私密 2好友可见 */ - visibility: 0 | 1 | 2 + /** 可见性:0为公开,1为私密,2为好友可见 */ + visibility: Item.VisibilityStatus } interface PostGetPostStar { @@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ declare module NetParams { users: string[], /** 附件价格 */ attachment_price: number, - /** 可见性 0公开 1私密 2好友可见 */ - visibility: 0 | 1 | 2 + /** 可见性:0为公开,1为私密,2为好友可见 */ + visibility: Item.VisibilityStatus } interface PostDeletePost { diff --git a/web/src/types/NetReq.d.ts b/web/src/types/NetReq.d.ts index ffc6c55d..bc5b4fcf 100644 --- a/web/src/types/NetReq.d.ts +++ b/web/src/types/NetReq.d.ts @@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ declare module NetReq { } interface PostVisibilityPost { - /** 可见性 0公开 1私密 2好友可见 */ - visibility_status: 0 | 1 | 2 + /** 可见性:0为公开,1为私密,2为好友可见 */ + visibility_status: Item.VisibilityStatus } interface PostGetPostStar { diff --git a/web/src/types/item.d.ts b/web/src/types/item.d.ts index bc369592..5a4a18e8 100644 --- a/web/src/types/item.d.ts +++ b/web/src/types/item.d.ts @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ declare module Item { + /** 可见性:0为公开,1为私密,2为好友可见 */ + type VisibilityStatus = 0 | 1 | 2; + interface UserInfo { /** 用户UID */ id: number, @@ -161,8 +164,8 @@ declare module Item { contents: PostItemProps[], /** 标签列表 */ tags: { [key: string]: number } | string, - /** 可见性 0公开 1私密 2好友可见 */ - visibility: 0 | 1 | 2, + /** 可见性:0为公开,1为私密,2为好友可见 */ + visibility: VisibilityStatus, /** 是否锁定 */ is_lock: number, /** 是否置顶 */ From d33d7b4c5711e27429ff84cfc19782917a204475 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: orzi! <> Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 19:34:42 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 18/35] type -> enum --- web/src/components/compose.vue | 21 +++++---- web/src/components/post-detail.vue | 11 ++--- web/src/main.ts | 2 +- web/src/types/NetParams.d.ts | 4 +- web/src/types/NetReq.d.ts | 2 +- web/src/types/item.d.ts | 13 +++--- web/src/utils/IEnum.ts | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ web/src/views/Setting.vue | 2 +- 8 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) create mode 100644 web/src/utils/IEnum.ts diff --git a/web/src/components/compose.vue b/web/src/components/compose.vue index 0ab60c9f..ca4409b6 100644 --- a/web/src/components/compose.vue +++ b/web/src/components/compose.vue @@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ import { import { createPost } from '@/api/post'; import { parsePostTag } from '@/utils/content'; import type { MentionOption, UploadFileInfo, UploadInst } from 'naive-ui'; +import { VisibilityEnum, PostItemTypeEnum } from '@/utils/IEnum'; @@ -297,8 +298,12 @@ const fileQueue = ref([]); const imageContents = ref([]); const videoContents = ref([]); const attachmentContents = ref([]); -const visitType = ref(0) -const visibilities = [{value: 0, label: "公开"}, {value: 1, label: "私密"}, {value: 2, label: "好友可见"}] +const visitType = ref(VisibilityEnum.PUBLIC); +const visibilities = [ + {value: VisibilityEnum.PUBLIC, label: "公开"} + , {value: VisibilityEnum.PRIVATE, label: "私密"} + , {value: VisibilityEnum.FRIEND, label: "好友可见"} +]; const uploadGateway = import.meta.env.VITE_HOST + '/v1/attachment'; const uploadToken = ref(); @@ -505,7 +510,7 @@ const submitPost = () => { contents.push({ content: content.value, - type: 2, // 文字 + type: PostItemTypeEnum.TEXT, // 文字 sort, }); @@ -513,7 +518,7 @@ const submitPost = () => { sort++; contents.push({ content: img.content, - type: 3, // 图片 + type: PostItemTypeEnum.IMAGEURL, // 图片 sort, }); }); @@ -521,7 +526,7 @@ const submitPost = () => { sort++; contents.push({ content: video.content, - type: 4, // 图片 + type: PostItemTypeEnum.VIDEOURL, // 视频 sort, }); }); @@ -529,7 +534,7 @@ const submitPost = () => { sort++; contents.push({ content: attachment.content, - type: 7, // 附件 + type: PostItemTypeEnum.ATTACHMENT, // 附件 sort, }); }); @@ -538,7 +543,7 @@ const submitPost = () => { sort++; contents.push({ content: link, - type: 6, // 链接 + type: PostItemTypeEnum.LINKURL, // 链接 sort, }); }); @@ -567,7 +572,7 @@ const submitPost = () => { imageContents.value = []; videoContents.value = []; attachmentContents.value = []; - visitType.value = 0; + visitType.value = VisibilityEnum.PUBLIC; }) .catch((err) => { submitting.value = false; diff --git a/web/src/components/post-detail.vue b/web/src/components/post-detail.vue index c8879d45..65a7cbec 100644 --- a/web/src/components/post-detail.vue +++ b/web/src/components/post-detail.vue @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ 置顶 (0); +const tempVisibility = ref(VisibilityEnum.PUBLIC); const emit = defineEmits<{ (e: 'reload'): void; @@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ const adminOptions = computed(() => { }); } } - if (post.value.visibility === 0) { + if (post.value.visibility === VisibilityEnum.PUBLIC) { options.push({ label: '公开', key: 'vpublic', @@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ const adminOptions = computed(() => { , { label: '好友可见', key: 'vfriend' } ] }) - } else if (post.value.visibility === 1) { + } else if (post.value.visibility === VisibilityEnum.PRIVATE) { options.push({ label: '私密', key: 'vprivate', diff --git a/web/src/main.ts b/web/src/main.ts index 1040e04c..9385ea3a 100644 --- a/web/src/main.ts +++ b/web/src/main.ts @@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ declare global { $message: MessageApiInjection, $store: any } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/web/src/types/NetParams.d.ts b/web/src/types/NetParams.d.ts index fb507498..854787d1 100644 --- a/web/src/types/NetParams.d.ts +++ b/web/src/types/NetParams.d.ts @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ declare module NetParams { interface PostVisibilityPost { id: number, /** 可见性:0为公开,1为私密,2为好友可见 */ - visibility: Item.VisibilityStatus + visibility: import('@/utils/IEnum').VisibilityEnum } interface PostGetPostStar { @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ declare module NetParams { /** 附件价格 */ attachment_price: number, /** 可见性:0为公开,1为私密,2为好友可见 */ - visibility: Item.VisibilityStatus + visibility: import('@/utils/IEnum').VisibilityEnum } interface PostDeletePost { diff --git a/web/src/types/NetReq.d.ts b/web/src/types/NetReq.d.ts index bc5b4fcf..59c3bec2 100644 --- a/web/src/types/NetReq.d.ts +++ b/web/src/types/NetReq.d.ts @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ declare module NetReq { interface PostVisibilityPost { /** 可见性:0为公开,1为私密,2为好友可见 */ - visibility_status: Item.VisibilityStatus + visibility_status: import('@/utils/IEnum').VisibilityEnum } interface PostGetPostStar { diff --git a/web/src/types/item.d.ts b/web/src/types/item.d.ts index 5a4a18e8..818557a9 100644 --- a/web/src/types/item.d.ts +++ b/web/src/types/item.d.ts @@ -1,8 +1,5 @@ declare module Item { - /** 可见性:0为公开,1为私密,2为好友可见 */ - type VisibilityStatus = 0 | 1 | 2; - interface UserInfo { /** 用户UID */ id: number, @@ -31,7 +28,7 @@ declare module Item { /** 评论者UID */ user_id: number, /** 类别:1为标题,2为文字段落,3为图片地址,4为视频地址,5为语音地址,6为链接地址 */ - type: number, + type: import('@/utils/IEnum').CommentItemTypeEnum, /** 内容 */ content: string, /** 排序,越小越靠前 */ @@ -114,7 +111,7 @@ declare module Item { /** 内容ID */ id: number, /** 类型:1为标题,2为文字段落,3为图片地址,4为视频地址,5为语音地址,6为链接地址,7为附件资源,8为收费资源 */ - type: number, + type: import('@/utils/IEnum').PostItemTypeEnum, /** POST ID */ post_id: number, /** 内容 */ @@ -165,7 +162,7 @@ declare module Item { /** 标签列表 */ tags: { [key: string]: number } | string, /** 可见性:0为公开,1为私密,2为好友可见 */ - visibility: VisibilityStatus, + visibility: import('@/utils/IEnum').VisibilityEnum, /** 是否锁定 */ is_lock: number, /** 是否置顶 */ @@ -195,7 +192,7 @@ declare module Item { interface MessageProps { id: number, /** 类型:1为动态,2为评论,3为回复,4为私信,99为系统通知 */ - type: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 99, + type: import('@/utils/IEnum').MessageTypeEnum, /** 摘要说明 */ brief: string, /** 详细内容 */ @@ -233,7 +230,7 @@ declare module Item { interface AttachmentProps { id: number, /** 类别:1为图片,2为视频,3为其他附件 */ - type: 1 | 2 | 3, + type: import('@/utils/IEnum').AttachmentTypeEnum, /** 发布者用户UID */ user_id: number, /** 发布者用户数据 */ diff --git a/web/src/utils/IEnum.ts b/web/src/utils/IEnum.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0566867a --- /dev/null +++ b/web/src/utils/IEnum.ts @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +/** 动态内容类型枚举 */ +export enum PostItemTypeEnum { + /** 标题 */ + TITLE = 1, + /** 文字段落 */ + TEXT = 2, + /** 图片地址 */ + IMAGEURL = 3, + /** 视频地址 */ + VIDEOURL = 4, + /** 音频地址 */ + AUDIOURL = 5, + /** 链接地址 */ + LINKURL = 6, + /** 附件资源 */ + ATTACHMENT = 7, + /** 收费资源 */ + CHARGEATTACHMENT = 8 +} + +/** 回复内容类型枚举 */ +export enum CommentItemTypeEnum { + /** 标题 */ + TITLE = 1, + /** 文字段落 */ + TEXT = 2, + /** 图片地址 */ + IMAGEURL = 3, + /** 视频地址 */ + VIDEOURL = 4, + /** 音频地址 */ + AUDIOURL = 5, + /** 链接地址 */ + LINKURL = 6 +} + +/** 附件类型枚举 */ +export enum AttachmentTypeEnum { + /** 图片 */ + IMAGE = 1, + /** 视频 */ + VIDEO = 2, + /** 其他 */ + OTHER = 3 +} + +/** 消息类型枚举 */ +export enum MessageTypeEnum { + /** 动态 */ + POST = 1, + /** 评论 */ + COMMENT = 2, + /** 回复 */ + REPLY = 3, + /** 私信 */ + PRIVATELETTER = 4, + /** 系统通知 */ + SYSTEMNOTICE = 99 +} + +/** 动态可见度枚举 */ +export enum VisibilityEnum { + /** 公开 */ + PUBLIC, + /** 私密 */ + PRIVATE, + /** 好友可见 */ + FRIEND +} diff --git a/web/src/views/Setting.vue b/web/src/views/Setting.vue index 0567e6cb..6c5be9ae 100644 --- a/web/src/views/Setting.vue +++ b/web/src/views/Setting.vue @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ From 50048d698619b9538b8839ba7ad9d7c73f172e62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: orzi! <> Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 19:40:04 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 19/35] fixed:type error --- web/src/components/post-detail.vue | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/web/src/components/post-detail.vue b/web/src/components/post-detail.vue index 65a7cbec..586255a1 100644 --- a/web/src/components/post-detail.vue +++ b/web/src/components/post-detail.vue @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ 置顶 Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2022 11:32:16 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 20/35] optimize #97 user stars/collections update when post visibility changed --- config.yaml.sample | 6 ++--- internal/conf/db.go | 8 +++--- internal/conf/settting.go | 17 ++++++++++++- internal/dao/post.go | 4 +-- internal/model/post_collection.go | 33 ++++++++++++++++--------- internal/model/post_star.go | 41 ++++++++++++++++++------------- internal/routers/api/post.go | 18 +++++++++++--- internal/service/post.go | 25 +++++++++++++++++++ internal/service/user.go | 33 ++++++------------------- 9 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-) diff --git a/config.yaml.sample b/config.yaml.sample index 93506fb4..524cf9df 100644 --- a/config.yaml.sample +++ b/config.yaml.sample @@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ LocalOSS: # 本地文件OSS存储配置 Bucket: paopao Domain: Database: # Database通用配置 - LogLevel: 2 - TablePrefix: p_ + LogLevel: error # 日志级别 silent|error|warn|info + TablePrefix: p_ # 表名前缀 MySQL: # MySQL数据库 Username: paopao Password: paopao @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ MySQL: # MySQL数据库 ParseTime: True MaxIdleConns: 10 MaxOpenConns: 30 -Postgres: +Postgres: # PostgreSQL数据库 User: paopao Password: paopao DBName: paopao diff --git a/internal/conf/db.go b/internal/conf/db.go index b517b1c0..649a0627 100644 --- a/internal/conf/db.go +++ b/internal/conf/db.go @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ func newDBEngine() (*gorm.DB, error) { newLogger := logger.New( logrus.StandardLogger(), // io writer(日志输出的目标,前缀和日志包含的内容) logger.Config{ - SlowThreshold: time.Second, // 慢 SQL 阈值 - LogLevel: databaseSetting.LogLevel, // 日志级别 - IgnoreRecordNotFoundError: true, // 忽略ErrRecordNotFound(记录未找到)错误 - Colorful: false, // 禁用彩色打印 + SlowThreshold: time.Second, // 慢 SQL 阈值 + LogLevel: databaseSetting.logLevel(), // 日志级别 + IgnoreRecordNotFoundError: true, // 忽略ErrRecordNotFound(记录未找到)错误 + Colorful: false, // 禁用彩色打印 }, ) diff --git a/internal/conf/settting.go b/internal/conf/settting.go index 7ac6548e..33cb9131 100644 --- a/internal/conf/settting.go +++ b/internal/conf/settting.go @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ type ZincSettingS struct { type DatabaseSetingS struct { TablePrefix string - LogLevel logger.LogLevel + LogLevel string } type MySQLSettingS struct { @@ -282,3 +282,18 @@ func (s PostgresSettingS) Dsn() string { } return strings.Join(params, " ") } + +func (s *DatabaseSetingS) logLevel() logger.LogLevel { + switch strings.ToLower(s.LogLevel) { + case "silent": + return logger.Silent + case "error": + return logger.Error + case "warn": + return logger.Warn + case "info": + return logger.Info + default: + return logger.Error + } +} diff --git a/internal/dao/post.go b/internal/dao/post.go index de69205c..328de819 100644 --- a/internal/dao/post.go +++ b/internal/dao/post.go @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ func (d *dataServant) GetUserPostStars(userID int64, offset, limit int) ([]*mode } return star.List(d.engine, &model.ConditionsT{ - "ORDER": "id DESC", + "ORDER": d.engine.NamingStrategy.TableName("PostStar") + ".id DESC", }, offset, limit) } @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ func (d *dataServant) GetUserPostCollections(userID int64, offset, limit int) ([ } return collection.List(d.engine, &model.ConditionsT{ - "ORDER": "id DESC", + "ORDER": d.engine.NamingStrategy.TableName("PostCollection") + ".id DESC", }, offset, limit) } diff --git a/internal/model/post_collection.go b/internal/model/post_collection.go index 2c7196ea..aec5d270 100644 --- a/internal/model/post_collection.go +++ b/internal/model/post_collection.go @@ -8,22 +8,26 @@ import ( type PostCollection struct { *Model + Post *Post `json:"-"` PostID int64 `json:"post_id"` UserID int64 `json:"user_id"` } func (p *PostCollection) Get(db *gorm.DB) (*PostCollection, error) { var star PostCollection + tn := db.NamingStrategy.TableName("PostCollection") + "." + if p.Model != nil && p.ID > 0 { - db = db.Where("id = ? AND is_del = ?", p.ID, 0) + db = db.Where(tn+"id = ? AND "+tn+"is_del = ?", p.ID, 0) } if p.PostID > 0 { - db = db.Where("post_id = ?", p.PostID) + db = db.Where(tn+"post_id = ?", p.PostID) } if p.UserID > 0 { - db = db.Where("user_id = ?", p.UserID) + db = db.Where(tn+"user_id = ?", p.UserID) } + db = db.Joins("Post").Where("Post.visibility <> ?", PostVisitPrivate).Order(" DESC") err := db.First(&star).Error if err != nil { return &star, err @@ -33,13 +37,13 @@ func (p *PostCollection) Get(db *gorm.DB) (*PostCollection, error) { } func (p *PostCollection) Create(db *gorm.DB) (*PostCollection, error) { - err := db.Create(&p).Error + err := db.Omit("Post").Create(&p).Error return p, err } func (p *PostCollection) Delete(db *gorm.DB) error { - return db.Model(&PostCollection{}).Where("id = ? AND is_del = ?", p.Model.ID, 0).Updates(map[string]interface{}{ + return db.Model(&PostCollection{}).Omit("Post").Where("id = ? AND is_del = ?", p.Model.ID, 0).Updates(map[string]interface{}{ "deleted_on": time.Now().Unix(), "is_del": 1, }).Error @@ -48,22 +52,25 @@ func (p *PostCollection) Delete(db *gorm.DB) error { func (p *PostCollection) List(db *gorm.DB, conditions *ConditionsT, offset, limit int) ([]*PostCollection, error) { var collections []*PostCollection var err error + tn := db.NamingStrategy.TableName("PostCollection") + "." + if offset >= 0 && limit > 0 { db = db.Offset(offset).Limit(limit) } if p.UserID > 0 { - db = db.Where("user_id = ?", p.UserID) + db = db.Where(tn+"user_id = ?", p.UserID) } for k, v := range *conditions { if k == "ORDER" { db = db.Order(v) } else { - db = db.Where(k, v) + db = db.Where(tn+k, v) } } - if err = db.Where("is_del = ?", 0).Find(&collections).Error; err != nil { + db = db.Joins("Post").Where("Post.visibility <> ?", PostVisitPrivate).Order(" DESC") + if err = db.Where(tn+"is_del = ?", 0).Find(&collections).Error; err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -72,17 +79,21 @@ func (p *PostCollection) List(db *gorm.DB, conditions *ConditionsT, offset, limi func (p *PostCollection) Count(db *gorm.DB, conditions *ConditionsT) (int64, error) { var count int64 + tn := db.NamingStrategy.TableName("PostCollection") + "." + if p.PostID > 0 { - db = db.Where("post_id = ?", p.PostID) + db = db.Where(tn+"post_id = ?", p.PostID) } if p.UserID > 0 { - db = db.Where("user_id = ?", p.UserID) + db = db.Where(tn+"user_id = ?", p.UserID) } for k, v := range *conditions { if k != "ORDER" { - db = db.Where(k, v) + db = db.Where(tn+k, v) } } + + db = db.Joins("Post").Where("Post.visibility <> ?", PostVisitPrivate) if err := db.Model(p).Count(&count).Error; err != nil { return 0, err } diff --git a/internal/model/post_star.go b/internal/model/post_star.go index 3f672664..d6c712ce 100644 --- a/internal/model/post_star.go +++ b/internal/model/post_star.go @@ -8,38 +8,40 @@ import ( type PostStar struct { *Model + Post *Post `json:"-"` PostID int64 `json:"post_id"` UserID int64 `json:"user_id"` } func (p *PostStar) Get(db *gorm.DB) (*PostStar, error) { var star PostStar + tn := db.NamingStrategy.TableName("PostStar") + "." + if p.Model != nil && p.ID > 0 { - db = db.Where("id = ? AND is_del = ?", p.ID, 0) + db = db.Where(tn+"id = ? AND "+tn+"is_del = ?", p.ID, 0) } if p.PostID > 0 { - db = db.Where("post_id = ?", p.PostID) + db = db.Where(tn+"post_id = ?", p.PostID) } if p.UserID > 0 { - db = db.Where("user_id = ?", p.UserID) + db = db.Where(tn+"user_id = ?", p.UserID) } - err := db.First(&star).Error - if err != nil { - return &star, err + db = db.Joins("Post").Where("Post.visibility <> ?", PostVisitPrivate).Order(" DESC") + if err := db.First(&star).Error; err != nil { + return nil, err } - return &star, nil } func (p *PostStar) Create(db *gorm.DB) (*PostStar, error) { - err := db.Create(&p).Error + err := db.Omit("Post").Create(&p).Error return p, err } func (p *PostStar) Delete(db *gorm.DB) error { - return db.Model(&PostStar{}).Where("id = ? AND is_del = ?", p.Model.ID, 0).Updates(map[string]interface{}{ + return db.Model(&PostStar{}).Omit("Post").Where("id = ? AND is_del = ?", p.Model.ID, 0).Updates(map[string]interface{}{ "deleted_on": time.Now().Unix(), "is_del": 1, }).Error @@ -48,44 +50,49 @@ func (p *PostStar) Delete(db *gorm.DB) error { func (p *PostStar) List(db *gorm.DB, conditions *ConditionsT, offset, limit int) ([]*PostStar, error) { var stars []*PostStar var err error + tn := db.NamingStrategy.TableName("PostStar") + "." + if offset >= 0 && limit > 0 { db = db.Offset(offset).Limit(limit) } if p.UserID > 0 { - db = db.Where("user_id = ?", p.UserID) + db = db.Where(tn+"user_id = ?", p.UserID) } for k, v := range *conditions { if k == "ORDER" { db = db.Order(v) } else { - db = db.Where(k, v) + db = db.Where(tn+k, v) } } - if err = db.Where("is_del = ?", 0).Find(&stars).Error; err != nil { + db = db.Joins("Post").Where("Post.visibility <> ?", PostVisitPrivate).Order(" DESC") + if err = db.Find(&stars).Error; err != nil { return nil, err } - return stars, nil } func (p *PostStar) Count(db *gorm.DB, conditions *ConditionsT) (int64, error) { var count int64 + tn := db.NamingStrategy.TableName("PostStar") + "." + if p.PostID > 0 { - db = db.Where("post_id = ?", p.PostID) + db = db.Where(tn+"post_id = ?", p.PostID) } if p.UserID > 0 { - db = db.Where("user_id = ?", p.UserID) + db = db.Where(tn+"user_id = ?", p.UserID) } for k, v := range *conditions { if k != "ORDER" { - db = db.Where(k, v) + db = db.Where(tn+k, v) } } + + db = db.Joins("Post").Where("Post.visibility <> ?", PostVisitPrivate) if err := db.Model(p).Count(&count).Error; err != nil { return 0, err } - return count, nil } diff --git a/internal/routers/api/post.go b/internal/routers/api/post.go index f7d0fc1e..af352afb 100644 --- a/internal/routers/api/post.go +++ b/internal/routers/api/post.go @@ -156,11 +156,16 @@ func PostStar(c *gin.Context) { star, err := service.GetPostStar(param.ID, userID.(int64)) if err != nil { // 创建Star - service.CreatePostStar(param.ID, userID.(int64)) + _, err = service.CreatePostStar(param.ID, userID.(int64)) status = true } else { // 取消Star - service.DeletePostStar(star) + err = service.DeletePostStar(star) + } + + if err != nil { + response.ToErrorResponse(errcode.NoPermission) + return } response.ToResponse(gin.H{ @@ -204,11 +209,16 @@ func PostCollection(c *gin.Context) { collection, err := service.GetPostCollection(param.ID, userID.(int64)) if err != nil { // 创建collection - service.CreatePostCollection(param.ID, userID.(int64)) + _, err = service.CreatePostCollection(param.ID, userID.(int64)) status = true } else { // 取消Star - service.DeletePostCollection(collection) + err = service.DeletePostCollection(collection) + } + + if err != nil { + response.ToErrorResponse(errcode.NoPermission) + return } response.ToResponse(gin.H{ diff --git a/internal/service/post.go b/internal/service/post.go index 5d89dceb..3ab372a2 100644 --- a/internal/service/post.go +++ b/internal/service/post.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package service import ( "encoding/json" + "errors" "fmt" "math" "strings" @@ -269,6 +270,12 @@ func CreatePostStar(postID, userID int64) (*model.PostStar, error) { if err != nil { return nil, err } + + // 私密post不可操作 + if post.Visibility == model.PostVisitPrivate { + return nil, errors.New("no permision") + } + star, err := ds.CreatePostStar(postID, userID) if err != nil { return nil, err @@ -294,6 +301,12 @@ func DeletePostStar(star *model.PostStar) error { if err != nil { return err } + + // 私密post不可操作 + if post.Visibility == model.PostVisitPrivate { + return errors.New("no permision") + } + // 更新Post点赞数 post.UpvoteCount-- ds.UpdatePost(post) @@ -314,6 +327,12 @@ func CreatePostCollection(postID, userID int64) (*model.PostCollection, error) { if err != nil { return nil, err } + + // 私密post不可操作 + if post.Visibility == model.PostVisitPrivate { + return nil, errors.New("no permision") + } + collection, err := ds.CreatePostCollection(postID, userID) if err != nil { return nil, err @@ -339,6 +358,12 @@ func DeletePostCollection(collection *model.PostCollection) error { if err != nil { return err } + + // 私密post不可操作 + if post.Visibility == model.PostVisitPrivate { + return errors.New("no permision") + } + // 更新Post点赞数 post.CollectionCount-- ds.UpdatePost(post) diff --git a/internal/service/user.go b/internal/service/user.go index 934b8525..c4d0234e 100644 --- a/internal/service/user.go +++ b/internal/service/user.go @@ -274,21 +274,11 @@ func GetUserCollections(userID int64, offset, limit int) ([]*model.PostFormated, if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } - postIDs := []int64{} + var posts []*model.Post for _, collection := range collections { - postIDs = append(postIDs, collection.PostID) + posts = append(posts, collection.Post) } - - // 获取Posts - posts, err := ds.GetPosts(&model.ConditionsT{ - "id IN ?": postIDs, - "ORDER": "id DESC", - }, 0, 0) - if err != nil { - return nil, 0, err - } - - postsFormated, err := FormatPosts(posts) + postsFormated, err := ds.MergePosts(posts) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } @@ -306,21 +296,12 @@ func GetUserStars(userID int64, offset, limit int) ([]*model.PostFormated, int64 if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } - postIDs := []int64{} - for _, star := range stars { - postIDs = append(postIDs, star.PostID) - } - // 获取Posts - posts, err := ds.GetPosts(&model.ConditionsT{ - "id IN ?": postIDs, - "ORDER": "id DESC", - }, 0, 0) - if err != nil { - return nil, 0, err + var posts []*model.Post + for _, star := range stars { + posts = append(posts, star.Post) } - - postsFormated, err := FormatPosts(posts) + postsFormated, err := ds.MergePosts(posts) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } From cbb4a3d5a5e5b0b7303d039fc22dad71c1b951cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: orzi! <> Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2022 12:13:21 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 21/35] Rename item.d.ts to Item.d.ts --- web/src/types/{item.d.ts => Item.d.ts} | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) rename web/src/types/{item.d.ts => Item.d.ts} (99%) diff --git a/web/src/types/item.d.ts b/web/src/types/Item.d.ts similarity index 99% rename from web/src/types/item.d.ts rename to web/src/types/Item.d.ts index 818557a9..a4c19418 100644 --- a/web/src/types/item.d.ts +++ b/web/src/types/Item.d.ts @@ -289,4 +289,4 @@ declare module Item { created_on: number } -} \ No newline at end of file +} From e8cefc447f6a18c73ea424695d05297a28e34cee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 11:20:26 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 22/35] upgrade tauri to v1.0.0 --- web/package.json | 2 +- web/src-tauri/.gitignore | 1 - web/src-tauri/Cargo.lock | 3654 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ web/src-tauri/Cargo.toml | 4 +- web/src-tauri/tauri.conf.json | 2 +- web/yarn.lock | 116 +- 6 files changed, 3716 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-) create mode 100644 web/src-tauri/Cargo.lock diff --git a/web/package.json b/web/package.json index 69bc0ada..1132537b 100644 --- a/web/package.json +++ b/web/package.json @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "vuex": "^4.0.2" }, "devDependencies": { - "@tauri-apps/cli": "^1.0.0-rc.7", + "@tauri-apps/cli": "^1.0.0", "@types/node": "^17.0.35", "@types/qrcode": "^1.4.2", "@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^2.3.3", diff --git a/web/src-tauri/.gitignore b/web/src-tauri/.gitignore index 25279840..c1237045 100644 --- a/web/src-tauri/.gitignore +++ b/web/src-tauri/.gitignore @@ -2,4 +2,3 @@ # will have compiled files and executables /target/ WixTools -Cargo.lock diff --git a/web/src-tauri/Cargo.lock b/web/src-tauri/Cargo.lock new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6231d29a --- /dev/null +++ b/web/src-tauri/Cargo.lock @@ -0,0 +1,3654 @@ +# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo. +# It is not intended for manual editing. +version = 3 + +[[package]] +name = "adler" +version = "1.0.2" +source = "registry+" +checksum = "f26201604c87b1e01bd3d98f8d5d9a8fcbb815e8cedb41ffccbeb4bf593a35fe" + +[[package]] +name = "adler32" +version = "1.2.0" +source = "registry+" +checksum = "aae1277d39aeec15cb388266ecc24b11c80469deae6067e17a1a7aa9e5c1f234" + +[[package]] +name = "aho-corasick" +version = "0.7.18" +source = "registry+" +checksum = 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"6d1526bbe5aaeb5eb06885f4d987bcdfa5e23187055de9b83fe00156a821fabc" +dependencies = [ + "libc", +] + +[[package]] +name = "xml-rs" +version = "0.8.4" +source = "registry+" +checksum = "d2d7d3948613f75c98fd9328cfdcc45acc4d360655289d0a7d4ec931392200a3" diff --git a/web/src-tauri/Cargo.toml b/web/src-tauri/Cargo.toml index 940fe7e9..fc3f3b76 100644 --- a/web/src-tauri/Cargo.toml +++ b/web/src-tauri/Cargo.toml @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ edition = "2021" rust-version = "1.57" [build-dependencies] -tauri-build = { version = "1.0.0-rc.12", features = [] } +tauri-build = { version = "1.0", features = [] } [dependencies] -tauri = { version = "1.0.0-rc.12", features = ["api-all"] } +tauri = { version = "1.0", features = ["api-all"] } [features] # by default Tauri runs in production mode diff --git a/web/src-tauri/tauri.conf.json b/web/src-tauri/tauri.conf.json index 5fde0574..934851af 100644 --- a/web/src-tauri/tauri.conf.json +++ b/web/src-tauri/tauri.conf.json @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ }, "windows": [ { - "title": "泡泡 - 一个清新文艺的微社区", + "title": "泡泡 | 一个清新文艺的微社区", "width": 1080, "height": 800, "resizable": true, diff --git a/web/yarn.lock b/web/yarn.lock index 11d8c600..22374b50 100644 --- a/web/yarn.lock +++ b/web/yarn.lock @@ -84,65 +84,65 @@ estree-walker "^2.0.1" picomatch "^2.2.2" -"@tauri-apps/cli-darwin-arm64@1.0.0-rc.13": - version "1.0.0-rc.13" - resolved "" - integrity sha512-/EqOz7ASHOU98H58Ibbkg12pLG/P5oyQz8OlueaMYryajkJdmi+bHTkJ05DfbS0owAaHkRJ6f+NmoW/AnyqUbg== - -"@tauri-apps/cli-darwin-x64@1.0.0-rc.13": - version "1.0.0-rc.13" - resolved "" - integrity sha512-bvZ0MBKFD1kc4gdVPXgwUA6tHNKj0EmlQK0Xolk6PYP9vZZeNTP1vejevW0bh2IqxC8DuqUArbG9USXwu+LFbQ== - -"@tauri-apps/cli-linux-arm-gnueabihf@1.0.0-rc.13": - version "1.0.0-rc.13" - resolved "" - integrity sha512-yODvfUkNvtYYdDTOJSDXMx9fpoEB66I2PTrYx1UKonKTEaLrQDcpw2exD/S9LPQzCYgyTuJ/kHRhG1uLdO/UUQ== - -"@tauri-apps/cli-linux-arm64-gnu@1.0.0-rc.13": - version "1.0.0-rc.13" - resolved "" - integrity sha512-kVDJHERD8CmTeMcd2VTnD/nVCHdnNAK8a6ur3l0KTR1iF8A1AtN/sPahMQjK4f7Ar00UDjIzTw74liqakOeiZg== - -"@tauri-apps/cli-linux-arm64-musl@1.0.0-rc.13": - version "1.0.0-rc.13" - resolved "" - integrity sha512-PFHz+0xKCGMqqn2TmbOSPvTRS61xJQV7srwTZjs5sHBvK536mdBnF/6V6BPEvTn5LzfRnxMu2A5X5GFkYnrZ7w== - -"@tauri-apps/cli-linux-x64-gnu@1.0.0-rc.13": - version "1.0.0-rc.13" - resolved "" - integrity sha512-EWhTOUNHaaMM7mxp/ue+Osnzn6/o9/7qVle3MSnNI9pGQzumc/dOtBs+sWS/NPXdVEiWKET2mFMK120KJlYcQQ== - -"@tauri-apps/cli-linux-x64-musl@1.0.0-rc.13": - version "1.0.0-rc.13" - resolved "" - integrity sha512-i8lsKw5iAGTAhqSQHeUCISLjhRXNrloHPoFCaSZtU0/GAPGbW/qST7u593h7cKWxRooeMwzo74ij4GhgmddClQ== - -"@tauri-apps/cli-win32-ia32-msvc@1.0.0-rc.13": - version "1.0.0-rc.13" - resolved "" - integrity sha512-rJxSqWIQXeeT2oLzSiQyqZPgDKSGH5sK7MUr8cOCBitqy3T0COlOMX4O7hhqF3cJ/5s0aX+MuNZBzF/D0QUcxA== - -"@tauri-apps/cli-win32-x64-msvc@1.0.0-rc.13": - version "1.0.0-rc.13" - resolved "" - integrity sha512-ifOTrJVQoBAQUYX+EVnE4XJ/FCMHs4FQ8qxGNszqkSxrU24mmT7La6tzj77352q80KnxRa05xjjLL6GGhmzXRg== - -"@tauri-apps/cli@^1.0.0-rc.7": - version "1.0.0-rc.13" - resolved "" - integrity sha512-q7i45Mi1SMv5XllNoX09QS4Q/fYVFwD6piVYmqMSrKY/T5RwedQhytiVH60TxC2xk6o0akVHa7BdYiyJvXNR8A== +"@tauri-apps/cli-darwin-arm64@1.0.0": + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-0ryomgLjdpylXypMPVXLU3PZCde3Sw5nwN4coUhBcHPBLFRb8QPet+nweVK/HiZ3mxg8WeIazvpx2s8hS0l2GQ== + +"@tauri-apps/cli-darwin-x64@1.0.0": + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-oejvYUT4dEfzBi+FWMj+CMz4cZ6C2gEFHrUtKVLdTXr8Flj5UTwdB1YPGQjiOqk73LOI7cB/vXxb9DZT+Lrxgg== + +"@tauri-apps/cli-linux-arm-gnueabihf@1.0.0": + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-yAu78v8TeXNx/ETS5F2G2Uw/HX+LQvZkX94zNiqFsAj7snfWI/IqSUM52OBrdh/D0EC9NCdjUJ7Vuo32uxf7tg== + +"@tauri-apps/cli-linux-arm64-gnu@1.0.0": + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-YFUN/S58AN317njAynzcQ+EHhRsCDXqmp5g9Oiqmcdg1vU7fPWZivVLc1WHz+0037C7JnsX5PtKpNYewP/+Oqw== + +"@tauri-apps/cli-linux-arm64-musl@1.0.0": + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-al+TxMGoNVikEvRQfMyYE/mdjUcUNMo5brkCIAb+fL4rWQlAhAnYVzmg/rM8N4nhdXm1MOaYAagQmxr8898dNA== + +"@tauri-apps/cli-linux-x64-gnu@1.0.0": + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-KQmYlYyGpn6/2kSl9QivWG6EIepm6PJd57e6IKmYwAyNhLr2XfGl1CLuocUQQgO+jprjT70HXp+MXD0tcB0+Sw== + +"@tauri-apps/cli-linux-x64-musl@1.0.0": + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-Qpaq5lZz569Aea6jfrRchgfEJaOrfLpCRBATcF8CJFFwVKmfCUcoV+MxbCIW30Zqw5Y06njC/ffa3261AV/ZIQ== + +"@tauri-apps/cli-win32-ia32-msvc@1.0.0": + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-e2DzFqEMI+s+gv14UupdI91gPxTbUJTbbfQlTHdQlOsTk4HEZTsh+ibAYBcCLAaMRW38NEsFlAUe1lQA0iRu/w== + +"@tauri-apps/cli-win32-x64-msvc@1.0.0": + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-lWSs90pJeQX+L31IqIzmRhwLayEeyTh7mga0AxX8G868hvdLtcXCQA/rKoFtGdVLuHAx4+M+CBF5SMYb76xGYA== + +"@tauri-apps/cli@^1.0.0": + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-4eHnk3p0xnCXd9Zel3kLvdiiSURnN98GMFvWUAdirm5AjyOjcx8TIET/jqRYmYKE5yd+LMQqYMUfHRwA6JJUkg== optionalDependencies: - "@tauri-apps/cli-darwin-arm64" "1.0.0-rc.13" - "@tauri-apps/cli-darwin-x64" "1.0.0-rc.13" - "@tauri-apps/cli-linux-arm-gnueabihf" "1.0.0-rc.13" - "@tauri-apps/cli-linux-arm64-gnu" "1.0.0-rc.13" - "@tauri-apps/cli-linux-arm64-musl" "1.0.0-rc.13" - "@tauri-apps/cli-linux-x64-gnu" "1.0.0-rc.13" - "@tauri-apps/cli-linux-x64-musl" "1.0.0-rc.13" - "@tauri-apps/cli-win32-ia32-msvc" "1.0.0-rc.13" - "@tauri-apps/cli-win32-x64-msvc" "1.0.0-rc.13" + "@tauri-apps/cli-darwin-arm64" "1.0.0" + "@tauri-apps/cli-darwin-x64" "1.0.0" + "@tauri-apps/cli-linux-arm-gnueabihf" "1.0.0" + "@tauri-apps/cli-linux-arm64-gnu" "1.0.0" + "@tauri-apps/cli-linux-arm64-musl" "1.0.0" + "@tauri-apps/cli-linux-x64-gnu" "1.0.0" + "@tauri-apps/cli-linux-x64-musl" "1.0.0" + "@tauri-apps/cli-win32-ia32-msvc" "1.0.0" + "@tauri-apps/cli-win32-x64-msvc" "1.0.0" "@types/jest@^27.0.1": version "27.4.1" From 58171998a3ccece6e06888c079bd2fb649cfba19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 12:10:27 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 23/35] desktop/tauri: optimize disable resizable transparent window and enable setfullscreen on macos --- web/src-tauri/Cargo.toml | 2 +- web/src-tauri/tauri.conf.json | 7 +++++-- 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/web/src-tauri/Cargo.toml b/web/src-tauri/Cargo.toml index fc3f3b76..460c9807 100644 --- a/web/src-tauri/Cargo.toml +++ b/web/src-tauri/Cargo.toml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ rust-version = "1.57" tauri-build = { version = "1.0", features = [] } [dependencies] -tauri = { version = "1.0", features = ["api-all"] } +tauri = { version = "1.0", features = ["api-all", "macos-private-api"] } [features] # by default Tauri runs in production mode diff --git a/web/src-tauri/tauri.conf.json b/web/src-tauri/tauri.conf.json index 934851af..cb0df561 100644 --- a/web/src-tauri/tauri.conf.json +++ b/web/src-tauri/tauri.conf.json @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ "withGlobalTauri": true }, "tauri": { + "macOSPrivateApi": true, "bundle": { "active": true, "targets": "all", @@ -63,8 +64,10 @@ "title": "泡泡 | 一个清新文艺的微社区", "width": 1080, "height": 800, - "resizable": true, - "fullscreen": false + "resizable": false, + "fullscreen": false, + "transparent": true, + "decorations": true } ], "security": { From ed32dc614c36fd02f026ba10126eedc0928cef32 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 14:18:06 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 24/35] fixed create not expected empty string tag when create post --- internal/service/post.go | 16 ++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/internal/service/post.go b/internal/service/post.go index 00bc494c..224cd9cc 100644 --- a/internal/service/post.go +++ b/internal/service/post.go @@ -83,12 +83,24 @@ func (p *PostContentItem) Check() error { return nil } +func tagsFrom(originTags []string) []string { + tags := make([]string, 0, len(originTags)) + for _, tag := range originTags { + // TODO: 优化tag有效性检测 + if tag = strings.TrimSpace(tag); len(tag) > 0 { + tags = append(tags, tag) + } + } + return tags +} + func CreatePost(c *gin.Context, userID int64, param PostCreationReq) (*model.Post, error) { ip := c.ClientIP() + tags := tagsFrom(param.Tags) post := &model.Post{ UserID: userID, - Tags: strings.Join(param.Tags, ","), + Tags: strings.Join(tags, ","), IP: ip, IPLoc: util.GetIPLoc(ip), AttachmentPrice: param.AttachmentPrice, @@ -99,7 +111,7 @@ func CreatePost(c *gin.Context, userID int64, param PostCreationReq) (*model.Pos } // 创建标签 - for _, t := range param.Tags { + for _, t := range tags { tag := &model.Tag{ UserID: userID, Tag: t, From be03c593380cc56a589d4039838568317943e1f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 20:43:13 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 25/35] optimize version info out logic --- Makefile | 5 ++++- internal/routers/api/home.go | 3 ++- main.go | 3 ++- pkg/debug/version.go | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) create mode 100644 pkg/debug/version.go diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index be109bd2..2876a0dc 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ BUILD_DATE := $(shell date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') SHA_SHORT := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) TAGS = "" -LDFLAGS = -X "main.version=${BUILD_VERSION}" -X "main.buildDate=${BUILD_DATE}" -X "main.commitID=${SHA_SHORT}" -w -s +MOD_NAME = +LDFLAGS = -X "${MOD_NAME}/pkg/debug.version=${BUILD_VERSION}" \ + -X "${MOD_NAME}/pkg/debug.buildDate=${BUILD_DATE}" \ + -X "${MOD_NAME}/pkg/debug.commitID=${SHA_SHORT}" -w -s all: fmt build diff --git a/internal/routers/api/home.go b/internal/routers/api/home.go index cbac6926..80489978 100644 --- a/internal/routers/api/home.go +++ b/internal/routers/api/home.go @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import ( "" "" "" + "" "" "" "" @@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ const MAX_PHONE_CAPTCHA = 10 func Version(c *gin.Context) { response := app.NewResponse(c) response.ToResponse(gin.H{ - "version": "PaoPao Service v1.0", + "BuildInfo": debug.ReadBuildInfo(), }) } diff --git a/main.go b/main.go index 17290c01..a0e0d4bc 100644 --- a/main.go +++ b/main.go @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import ( "" "" "" + "" "" ) @@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ func main() { MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20, } - util.PrintHelloBanner(fmt.Sprintf("paopao %s (build:%s %s)", version, commitID, buildDate)) + util.PrintHelloBanner(debug.VersionInfo()) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "PaoPao service listen on %s\n", color.GreenString(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%s", conf.ServerSetting.HttpIp, conf.ServerSetting.HttpPort)), ) diff --git a/pkg/debug/version.go b/pkg/debug/version.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..485e8046 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/debug/version.go @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +package debug + +import ( + "fmt" +) + +var version, commitID, buildDate string + +type BuildInfo struct { + Version string + Sum string + BuildDate string +} + +func VersionInfo() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("paopao %s (build:%s %s)", version, commitID, buildDate) +} + +func ReadBuildInfo() *BuildInfo { + return &BuildInfo{ + Version: version, + Sum: commitID, + BuildDate: buildDate, + } +} From 4aaa7323873a74832dc9ba2b6081b5dc067ba7dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2022 18:14:24 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 26/35] add BigCacheIndex for cache index posts --- | 5 +- config.yaml.sample | 7 +- go.mod | 2 + go.sum | 3 + internal/conf/conf.go | 6 + internal/conf/settting.go | 11 +- internal/core/cache.go | 1 + internal/core/version.go | 10 ++ internal/dao/cache_index_big.go | 157 ++++++++++++++++++ .../{cache_index.go => cache_index_simple.go} | 13 +- internal/dao/dao.go | 22 ++- internal/dao/post_index.go | 3 +- internal/routers/api/post.go | 3 +- internal/routers/api/user.go | 9 +- internal/routers/router.go | 6 +- internal/service/post.go | 4 +- 16 files changed, 246 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) create mode 100644 internal/core/version.go create mode 100644 internal/dao/cache_index_big.go rename internal/dao/{cache_index.go => cache_index_simple.go} (88%) diff --git a/ b/ index 962af52d..09943391 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -274,8 +274,9 @@ Usage of release/paopao-ce: * 数据库: MySQL/Sqlite3/PostgreSQL * 对象存储: AliOSS/MinIO/LocalOSS `LocalOSS` 提供使用本地目录文件作为对象存储的功能,仅用于开发调试环境; -* 缓存: Redis/SimpleCacheIndex - `SimpleCacheIndex`提供 广场文章列表 的缓存功能; +* 缓存: Redis/SimpleCacheIndex/BigCacheIndex + `SimpleCacheIndex`提供简单的 广场推文列表 的缓存功能; + `BigCacheIndex` 使用[BigCache](缓存 广场推文列表,缓存每个用户每一页,简单做到千人千面; * 搜索: Zinc * 日志: LoggerFile/LoggerZinc `LoggerFile` 使用文件写日志; diff --git a/config.yaml.sample b/config.yaml.sample index 524cf9df..38fa5a8b 100644 --- a/config.yaml.sample +++ b/config.yaml.sample @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Server: # 服务设置 WriteTimeout: 60 Features: Default: ["Base", "MySQL", "Option", "LocalOSS", "LoggerFile"] - Develop: ["Base", "MySQL", "Option", "Sms", "AliOSS", "LoggerZinc"] + Develop: ["Base", "MySQL", "BigCacheIndex", "Sms", "AliOSS", "LoggerZinc"] Demo: ["Base", "MySQL", "Option", "Sms", "MinIO", "LoggerZinc"] Slim: ["Base", "Sqlite3", "LocalOSS", "LoggerFile"] Base: ["Zinc", "Redis", "Alipay",] @@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ SimpleCacheIndex: # 缓存泡泡广场消息流 CheckTickDuration: 60 # 循环自检查每多少秒一次 ExpireTickDuration: 300 # 每多少秒后强制过期缓存, 设置为0禁止强制使缓存过期 ActionQPS: 100 # 添加/删除/更新Post的QPS, 默认100,范围设置[10, 10000] +BigCacheIndex: # 使用BigCache缓存泡泡广场消息流 + MaxIndexPage: 1024 # 最大缓存页数,必须是2^n, 代表最大同时缓存多少页数据 + Verbose: False # 是否打印cache操作的log + ExpireInSecond: 300 # 多少秒(>0)后强制过期缓存 + UpdateQPS: 100 # 添加/删除/更新Post的QPS, 默认100 LoggerFile: # 使用File写日志 SavePath: data/paopao-ce/logs FileName: app diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index de091c49..b0b7b976 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ module go 1.16 require ( + v3.1.1 v0.0.0-20191010092841-4bd1f21c8868 v2.2.2+incompatible + v3.0.2 v0.0.0-20180326062324-cfa1a18b161f // indirect v3.2.0+incompatible v1.6.2 diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum index 29e4614b..904a427a 100644 --- a/go.sum +++ b/go.sum @@ -82,7 +82,10 @@ v0.0.0-20151022065526-2efee857e7cf/go.mod h1:ybxpYRF v0.0.0-20190717042225-c3de453c63f4/go.mod h1:ybxpYRFXyAe+OPACYpWeL0wqObRcbAqCMya13uyzqw0= v2.2.2+incompatible h1:9gWa46nstkJ9miBReJcN8Gq34cBFbzSpQZVVT9N09TM= v2.2.2+incompatible/go.mod h1:T/Aws4fEfogEE9v+HPhhw+CntffsBHJ8nXQCwKr0/g8= v1.2.1-0.20190218064605-e24eb225f156 h1:eMwmnE/GDgah4HI848JfFxHt+iPb26b4zyfspmqY0/8= v1.2.1-0.20190218064605-e24eb225f156/go.mod h1:Cb/ax3seSYIx7SuZdm2G2xzfwmv3TPSk2ucNfQESPXM= v3.0.2 h1:AKZCw+5eAaVyNTBmI2fgyPVJhHkdWder3O9IrprcQfI= v3.0.2/go.mod h1:aPyh7jEvrog9zAwx5N7+JUQX5dZTSGpxF1LAR4dr35I= v0.0.0-20170406064948-c7f18ee00883/go.mod h1:rCTlJbsFo29Kk6CurOXKm700vrz8f0KW0JNfpkRJY/8= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:uupD/76wgC+ih3iEmQUL+0Ugr19nfwCT1kdvxnR2qWY= v0.0.0-20191024131854-af6fa24be0db/go.mod h1:VTxUBvSJ3s3eHAg65PNgrsn5BtqCRPdmyXh6rAfdxN0= diff --git a/internal/conf/conf.go b/internal/conf/conf.go index 77b0c6bd..2e44f662 100644 --- a/internal/conf/conf.go +++ b/internal/conf/conf.go @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ var ( ServerSetting *ServerSettingS AppSetting *AppSettingS SimpleCacheIndexSetting *SimpleCacheIndexSettingS + BigCacheIndexSetting *BigCacheIndexSettingS SmsJuheSetting *SmsJuheSettings AlipaySetting *AlipaySettingS ZincSetting *ZincSettingS @@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ func setupSetting(suite []string, noDefault bool) error { "App": &AppSetting, "Server": &ServerSetting, "SimpleCacheIndex": &SimpleCacheIndexSetting, + "BigCacheIndex": &BigCacheIndexSetting, "Alipay": &AlipaySetting, "SmsJuhe": &SmsJuheSetting, "LoggerFile": &loggerFileSetting, @@ -70,6 +72,10 @@ func setupSetting(suite []string, noDefault bool) error { JWTSetting.Expire *= time.Second ServerSetting.ReadTimeout *= time.Second ServerSetting.WriteTimeout *= time.Second + SimpleCacheIndexSetting.CheckTickDuration *= time.Second + SimpleCacheIndexSetting.ExpireTickDuration *= time.Second + BigCacheIndexSetting.ExpireInSecond *= time.Second + Mutex = &sync.Mutex{} return nil } diff --git a/internal/conf/settting.go b/internal/conf/settting.go index 33cb9131..182b43a5 100644 --- a/internal/conf/settting.go +++ b/internal/conf/settting.go @@ -49,11 +49,18 @@ type AppSettingS struct { type SimpleCacheIndexSettingS struct { MaxIndexSize int - CheckTickDuration int - ExpireTickDuration int + CheckTickDuration time.Duration + ExpireTickDuration time.Duration ActionQPS int } +type BigCacheIndexSettingS struct { + MaxIndexPage int + ExpireInSecond time.Duration + Verbose bool + UpdateQPS int +} + type AlipaySettingS struct { AppID string PrivateKey string diff --git a/internal/core/cache.go b/internal/core/cache.go index 07afbdb4..383f760e 100644 --- a/internal/core/cache.go +++ b/internal/core/cache.go @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ func (a IndexActionT) String() string { // CacheIndexService cache index service interface type CacheIndexService interface { + VersionInfo IndexPostsService SendAction(active IndexActionT) } diff --git a/internal/core/version.go b/internal/core/version.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fd8bab2d --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/core/version.go @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +package core + +import ( + "" +) + +type VersionInfo interface { + Name() string + Version() *semver.Version +} diff --git a/internal/dao/cache_index_big.go b/internal/dao/cache_index_big.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7b9615a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/dao/cache_index_big.go @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +package dao + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/gob" + "fmt" + "time" + + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" +) + +func newBigCacheIndexServant(getIndexPosts indexPostsFunc) *bigCacheIndexServant { + s := conf.BigCacheIndexSetting + + config := bigcache.DefaultConfig(s.ExpireInSecond) + config.Shards = s.MaxIndexPage + config.Verbose = s.Verbose + config.MaxEntrySize = 10000 + config.Logger = logrus.StandardLogger() + cache, err := bigcache.NewBigCache(config) + if err != nil { + logrus.Fatalf("initial bigCahceIndex failure by err: %v", err) + } + + cacheIndex := &bigCacheIndexServant{ + getIndexPosts: getIndexPosts, + cache: cache, + } + + // indexActionCh capacity custom configure by conf.yaml need in [10, 10000] + // or re-compile source to adjust min/max capacity + capacity := s.UpdateQPS + if capacity < 10 { + capacity = 10 + } else if capacity > 10000 { + capacity = 10000 + } + cacheIndex.indexActionCh = make(chan core.IndexActionT, capacity) + cacheIndex.cachePostsCh = make(chan *postsEntry, capacity) + + go cacheIndex.startIndexPosts() + + return cacheIndex +} + +func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) IndexPosts(userId int64, offset int, limit int) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) { + key := s.keyFrom(userId, offset, limit) + posts, err := s.getPosts(key) + if err == nil { + logrus.Debugf("get index posts from cache by key: %s userId: %d offset:%d limit:%d", key, userId, offset, limit) + return posts, nil + } + + if posts, err = s.getIndexPosts(userId, offset, limit); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + logrus.Debugf("get index posts from database by userId: %d offset:%d limit:%d", userId, offset, limit) + s.cachePosts(key, posts) + return posts, nil +} + +func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) getPosts(key string) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) { + data, err := s.cache.Get(key) + if err != nil { + logrus.Debugf("get posts by key: %s from cache err: %v", key, err) + return nil, err + } + buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data) + dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf) + var posts []*model.PostFormated + if err := dec.Decode(&posts); err != nil { + logrus.Debugf("get posts from cache in decode err: %v", err) + return nil, err + } + return posts, nil +} + +func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) cachePosts(key string, posts []*model.PostFormated) { + entry := &postsEntry{key: key, posts: posts} + select { + case s.cachePostsCh <- entry: + logrus.Debugf("send indexAction by chan of key: %s", key) + default: + go func(ch chan<- *postsEntry, entry *postsEntry) { + logrus.Debugf("send indexAction by goroutine of key: %s", key) + ch <- entry + }(s.cachePostsCh, entry) + } +} + +func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) setPosts(entry *postsEntry) { + var buf bytes.Buffer + enc := gob.NewEncoder(&buf) + if err := enc.Encode(entry.posts); err != nil { + logrus.Debugf("setPosts encode post entry err: %v", err) + return + } + if err := s.cache.Set(entry.key, buf.Bytes()); err != nil { + logrus.Debugf("setPosts set cache err: %v", err) + } + logrus.Debugf("setPosts set cache by key: %s", entry.key) +} + +func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) keyFrom(userId int64, offset int, limit int) string { + return fmt.Sprintf("index:%d:%d:%d", userId, offset, limit) +} + +func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) SendAction(act core.IndexActionT) { + select { + case s.indexActionCh <- act: + logrus.Debugf("send indexAction by chan: %s", act) + default: + go func(ch chan<- core.IndexActionT, act core.IndexActionT) { + logrus.Debugf("send indexAction by goroutine: %s", act) + ch <- act + }(s.indexActionCh, act) + } +} + +func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) startIndexPosts() { + for { + select { + case entry := <-s.cachePostsCh: + s.setPosts(entry) + case action := <-s.indexActionCh: + switch action { + // TODO: 这里列出来是因为后续可能会精细化处理每种情况 + case core.IdxActCreatePost, + core.IdxActUpdatePost, + core.IdxActDeletePost, + core.IdxActStickPost, + core.IdxActVisiblePost: + // TODO: 粗糙处理cache,后续需要针对每一种情况精细化处理 + if time.Since(s.lastCacheResetTime) > time.Minute { + s.cache.Reset() + s.lastCacheResetTime = time.Now() + logrus.Debugf("reset cache by %s", action) + } + default: + // nop + } + } + } +} + +func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) Name() string { + return "BigCacheIndex" +} + +func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) Version() *semver.Version { + return semver.MustParse("v0.1.0") +} diff --git a/internal/dao/cache_index.go b/internal/dao/cache_index_simple.go similarity index 88% rename from internal/dao/cache_index.go rename to internal/dao/cache_index_simple.go index adbd9fb2..f6c44b64 100644 --- a/internal/dao/cache_index.go +++ b/internal/dao/cache_index_simple.go @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import ( "errors" "time" + "" "" "" "" @@ -20,13 +21,13 @@ func newSimpleCacheIndexServant(getIndexPosts indexPostsFunc) *simpleCacheIndexS getIndexPosts: getIndexPosts, maxIndexSize: s.MaxIndexSize, indexPosts: make([]*model.PostFormated, 0), - checkTick: time.NewTicker(time.Duration(s.CheckTickDuration) * time.Second), // check whether need update index every 1 minute + checkTick: time.NewTicker(s.CheckTickDuration), // check whether need update index every 1 minute expireIndexTick: time.NewTicker(time.Second), } // force expire index every ExpireTickDuration second if s.ExpireTickDuration != 0 { - cacheIndex.expireIndexTick.Reset(time.Duration(s.CheckTickDuration) * time.Second) + cacheIndex.expireIndexTick.Reset(s.CheckTickDuration) } else { cacheIndex.expireIndexTick.Stop() } @@ -110,3 +111,11 @@ func (s *simpleCacheIndexServant) startIndexPosts() { } } } + +func (s *simpleCacheIndexServant) Name() string { + return "SimpleCacheIndex" +} + +func (s *simpleCacheIndexServant) Version() *semver.Version { + return semver.MustParse("v0.1.0") +} diff --git a/internal/dao/dao.go b/internal/dao/dao.go index fb82b71c..1c1f9886 100644 --- a/internal/dao/dao.go +++ b/internal/dao/dao.go @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import ( "time" "" + "" "" "" "" @@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ var ( _ core.ObjectStorageService = (*localossServant)(nil) _ core.AttachmentCheckService = (*attachmentCheckServant)(nil) _ core.CacheIndexService = (*simpleCacheIndexServant)(nil) + _ core.CacheIndexService = (*bigCacheIndexServant)(nil) ) type dataServant struct { @@ -43,6 +45,18 @@ type simpleCacheIndexServant struct { expireIndexTick *time.Ticker } +type postsEntry struct { + key string + posts []*model.PostFormated +} +type bigCacheIndexServant struct { + getIndexPosts indexPostsFunc + indexActionCh chan core.IndexActionT + cachePostsCh chan *postsEntry + cache *bigcache.BigCache + lastCacheResetTime time.Time +} + type localossServant struct { savePath string domain string @@ -72,13 +86,19 @@ func NewDataService(engine *gorm.DB, zinc *zinc.ZincClient) core.DataService { } // initialize CacheIndex if needed + ds.useCacheIndex = true if conf.CfgIf("SimpleCacheIndex") { - ds.useCacheIndex = true ds.cacheIndex = newSimpleCacheIndexServant(ds.getIndexPosts) + } else if conf.CfgIf("BigCacheIndex") { + ds.cacheIndex = newBigCacheIndexServant(ds.getIndexPosts) } else { ds.useCacheIndex = false } + if ds.useCacheIndex { + logrus.Infof("use cache index service by %s for version: %s", ds.cacheIndex.Name(), ds.cacheIndex.Version()) + } + return ds } diff --git a/internal/dao/post_index.go b/internal/dao/post_index.go index 4353e938..4802f1c8 100644 --- a/internal/dao/post_index.go +++ b/internal/dao/post_index.go @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import ( func (d *dataServant) IndexPosts(userId int64, offset int, limit int) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) { if d.useCacheIndex { if posts, err := d.cacheIndex.IndexPosts(userId, offset, limit); err == nil { - logrus.Debugln("get index posts from cached") + logrus.Debugf("get index posts from cached by userId: %d", userId) return posts, nil } } @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ func (d *dataServant) MergePosts(posts []*model.Post) ([]*model.PostFormated, er } // getIndexPosts _userId保留未来使用 +// TODO: 未来可能根据userId查询广场推文列表,简单做到不同用户的主页都是不同的; func (d *dataServant) getIndexPosts(_userId int64, offset int, limit int) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) { posts, err := (&model.Post{}).List(d.engine, &model.ConditionsT{ "visibility IN ?": []model.PostVisibleT{model.PostVisitPublic, model.PostVisitFriend}, diff --git a/internal/routers/api/post.go b/internal/routers/api/post.go index af352afb..0f6f62a8 100644 --- a/internal/routers/api/post.go +++ b/internal/routers/api/post.go @@ -22,9 +22,10 @@ func GetPostList(c *gin.Context) { q.Type = "tag" } + userId, _ := userIdFrom(c) if q.Query == "" && q.Type == "search" { offset, limit := app.GetPageOffset(c) - posts, err := service.GetIndexPosts(offset, limit) + posts, err := service.GetIndexPosts(userId, offset, limit) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("service.GetPostList err: %v\n", err) response.ToErrorResponse(errcode.GetPostsFailed) diff --git a/internal/routers/api/user.go b/internal/routers/api/user.go index 9529a805..1b4e1807 100644 --- a/internal/routers/api/user.go +++ b/internal/routers/api/user.go @@ -570,6 +570,13 @@ func userFrom(c *gin.Context) (*model.User, bool) { user, ok := u.(*model.User) return user, ok } - logrus.Debugln("user not exist") return nil, false } + +func userIdFrom(c *gin.Context) (int64, bool) { + if u, exists := c.Get("UID"); exists { + uid, ok := u.(int64) + return uid, ok + } + return -1, false +} diff --git a/internal/routers/router.go b/internal/routers/router.go index 54ffb90d..80012733 100644 --- a/internal/routers/router.go +++ b/internal/routers/router.go @@ -55,9 +55,6 @@ func NewRouter() *gin.Engine { // 无鉴权路由组 noAuthApi := r.Group("/") { - // 获取广场流 - noAuthApi.GET("/posts", api.GetPostList) - // 获取动态详情 noAuthApi.GET("/post", api.GetPost) @@ -74,6 +71,9 @@ func NewRouter() *gin.Engine { // 宽松鉴权路由组 looseApi := r.Group("/").Use(middleware.JwtLoose()) { + // 获取广场流 + looseApi.GET("/posts", api.GetPostList) + // 获取用户动态列表 looseApi.GET("/user/posts", api.GetUserPosts) } diff --git a/internal/service/post.go b/internal/service/post.go index c2193eee..0f3cf28f 100644 --- a/internal/service/post.go +++ b/internal/service/post.go @@ -420,8 +420,8 @@ func GetPostContentByID(id int64) (*model.PostContent, error) { return ds.GetPostContentByID(id) } -func GetIndexPosts(offset int, limit int) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) { - return ds.IndexPosts(0, offset, limit) +func GetIndexPosts(userId int64, offset int, limit int) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) { + return ds.IndexPosts(userId, offset, limit) } func GetPostList(req *PostListReq) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) { From 61342c13a89cebff792935288d2d5a0795606864 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2022 23:59:16 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 27/35] optimize json encoding module that code from gin --- go.mod | 2 ++ go.sum | 2 ++ internal/conf/logger.go | 2 +- internal/dao/user.go | 2 +- internal/service/post.go | 2 +- pkg/json/go_json.go | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++ pkg/json/json.go | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++ pkg/json/jsoniter.go | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ pkg/zinc/zinc.go | 2 +- 9 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) create mode 100644 pkg/json/go_json.go create mode 100644 pkg/json/json.go create mode 100644 pkg/json/jsoniter.go diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index b0b7b976..331a99d5 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ require ( v10.10.1 // indirect v8.11.4 v2.7.0 + v0.9.7 v4.0.0+incompatible v0.5.7 // indirect + v1.1.12 v7.0.27 v1.8.1 v3.1.7 diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum index 904a427a..fe11f231 100644 --- a/go.sum +++ b/go.sum @@ -273,6 +273,8 @@ v1.6.0 h1:BCTh4TKNUYmOmMUcQ3IipzF5prigylS7XXjEkfC v1.6.0/go.mod h1:DCzpHaOWr8IXmIStZouvnhqoel9Qv2LBy8hT2VhHyBg= v1.8.0/go.mod h1:v0f6uXyyMGvRgIKkXu+yp6POWl0qKG85gN/melR3HDY= v0.0.0-20210107165309-348f09dbbbc0/go.mod h1:fyg7847qk6SyHyPtNmDHnmrv/HOrqktSC+C9fM+CJOE= v0.9.7 h1:IcB+Aqpx/iMHu5Yooh7jEzJk1JZ7Pjtmys2ukPr7EeM= v0.9.7/go.mod h1:6MelG93GURQebXPDq3khkgXZkazVtN9CRI+MGFi0w8I= v5.0.4/go.mod h1:xhWf0FNVPg57R7Z0UbKHbJfkEywrmjJnf7w5xrFpKfA= v3.3.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:b2aQJv3Z4Fp6yNu3cdSllBxTCLRxnplIgP/c0N/04lM= v4.0.0+incompatible h1:1SD/1F5pU8p29ybwgQSwpQk+mwdRrXCYuPhW6m+TnJw= diff --git a/internal/conf/logger.go b/internal/conf/logger.go index 31724a6d..16a2b8f7 100644 --- a/internal/conf/logger.go +++ b/internal/conf/logger.go @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ package conf import ( - "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "time" + "" "" "" "" diff --git a/internal/dao/user.go b/internal/dao/user.go index ce07f5c9..7292ec1d 100644 --- a/internal/dao/user.go +++ b/internal/dao/user.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ package dao import ( - "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "math/rand" @@ -12,6 +11,7 @@ import ( "" "" + "" "" ) diff --git a/internal/service/post.go b/internal/service/post.go index 0f3cf28f..e5960074 100644 --- a/internal/service/post.go +++ b/internal/service/post.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ package service import ( - "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "math" @@ -13,6 +12,7 @@ import ( "" "" "" + "" "" "" "" diff --git a/pkg/json/go_json.go b/pkg/json/go_json.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..23f71726 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/json/go_json.go @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +// Copyright 2017 Bo-Yi Wu. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build go_json +// +build go_json + +package json + +import json "" + +var ( + // Marshal is exported by gin/json package. + Marshal = json.Marshal + // Unmarshal is exported by gin/json package. + Unmarshal = json.Unmarshal + // MarshalIndent is exported by gin/json package. + MarshalIndent = json.MarshalIndent + // NewDecoder is exported by gin/json package. + NewDecoder = json.NewDecoder + // NewEncoder is exported by gin/json package. + NewEncoder = json.NewEncoder +) diff --git a/pkg/json/json.go b/pkg/json/json.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a26d7db2 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/json/json.go @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +// Copyright 2017 Bo-Yi Wu. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build !jsoniter && !go_json +// +build !jsoniter,!go_json + +package json + +import "encoding/json" + +var ( + // Marshal is exported by gin/json package. + Marshal = json.Marshal + // Unmarshal is exported by gin/json package. + Unmarshal = json.Unmarshal + // MarshalIndent is exported by gin/json package. + MarshalIndent = json.MarshalIndent + // NewDecoder is exported by gin/json package. + NewDecoder = json.NewDecoder + // NewEncoder is exported by gin/json package. + NewEncoder = json.NewEncoder +) diff --git a/pkg/json/jsoniter.go b/pkg/json/jsoniter.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..853b1a90 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/json/jsoniter.go @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +// Copyright 2017 Bo-Yi Wu. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build jsoniter +// +build jsoniter + +package json + +import jsoniter "" + +var ( + json = jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary + // Marshal is exported by gin/json package. + Marshal = json.Marshal + // Unmarshal is exported by gin/json package. + Unmarshal = json.Unmarshal + // MarshalIndent is exported by gin/json package. + MarshalIndent = json.MarshalIndent + // NewDecoder is exported by gin/json package. + NewDecoder = json.NewDecoder + // NewEncoder is exported by gin/json package. + NewEncoder = json.NewEncoder +) diff --git a/pkg/zinc/zinc.go b/pkg/zinc/zinc.go index 8e73221d..4ea31051 100644 --- a/pkg/zinc/zinc.go +++ b/pkg/zinc/zinc.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ package zinc import ( - "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "net/http" @@ -9,6 +8,7 @@ import ( "" "" + "" ) type ZincClient struct { From edc52e71b15efdae293f94648cf09f57fca65376 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 03:45:11 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 28/35] optimize search abstract service interface --- internal/core/cache.go | 1 + internal/core/core.go | 2 +- internal/core/search.go | 24 ++-- internal/core/storage.go | 2 + internal/dao/cache.go | 40 +++++++ internal/dao/dao.go | 85 +------------- internal/dao/oss.go | 54 +++++++++ internal/dao/oss_alioss.go | 9 ++ internal/dao/oss_local.go | 9 ++ internal/dao/oss_minio.go | 10 ++ internal/dao/post.go | 77 ++++++++++++ internal/dao/post_index.go | 39 ------- internal/dao/search.go | 169 +++------------------------ internal/dao/search_zinc.go | 219 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ internal/routers/api/post.go | 6 +- internal/service/post.go | 42 +++---- internal/service/service.go | 7 +- 17 files changed, 477 insertions(+), 318 deletions(-) create mode 100644 internal/dao/cache.go create mode 100644 internal/dao/oss.go create mode 100644 internal/dao/search_zinc.go diff --git a/internal/core/cache.go b/internal/core/cache.go index 383f760e..7ea40217 100644 --- a/internal/core/cache.go +++ b/internal/core/cache.go @@ -34,5 +34,6 @@ func (a IndexActionT) String() string { type CacheIndexService interface { VersionInfo IndexPostsService + SendAction(active IndexActionT) } diff --git a/internal/core/core.go b/internal/core/core.go index adcdf537..934a77e2 100644 --- a/internal/core/core.go +++ b/internal/core/core.go @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import ( // DataService data service interface that process data related logic on database type DataService interface { WalletService - SearchService IndexPostsService GetComments(conditions *model.ConditionsT, offset, limit int) ([]*model.Comment, error) @@ -38,6 +37,7 @@ type DataService interface { GetPostByID(id int64) (*model.Post, error) GetPosts(conditions *model.ConditionsT, offset, limit int) ([]*model.Post, error) MergePosts(posts []*model.Post) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) + RevampPosts(posts []*model.PostFormated) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) GetPostCount(conditions *model.ConditionsT) (int64, error) UpdatePost(post *model.Post) error GetUserPostStar(postID, userID int64) (*model.PostStar, error) diff --git a/internal/core/search.go b/internal/core/search.go index 823da0d3..8bfc7253 100644 --- a/internal/core/search.go +++ b/internal/core/search.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package core import ( "" - "" ) const ( @@ -12,18 +11,23 @@ const ( type SearchType string -type QueryT struct { +type QueryReq struct { Query string Visibility []model.PostVisibleT Type SearchType } -// SearchService search service interface that implement base zinc -type SearchService interface { - CreateSearchIndex(indexName string) - BulkPushDoc(data []map[string]interface{}) (bool, error) - DelDoc(indexName, id string) error - QueryAll(q *QueryT, indexName string, offset, limit int) (*zinc.QueryResultT, error) - QuerySearch(indexName, query string, offset, limit int) (*zinc.QueryResultT, error) - QueryTagSearch(indexName, query string, offset, limit int) (*zinc.QueryResultT, error) +type QueryResp struct { + Items []*model.PostFormated + Total int64 +} + +// TweetSearchService tweet search service interface +type TweetSearchService interface { + VersionInfo + + IndexName() string + AddDocuments(documents []map[string]interface{}, primaryKey ...string) (bool, error) + DeleteDocuments(identifiers []string) error + Search(q *QueryReq, offset, limit int) (*QueryResp, error) } diff --git a/internal/core/storage.go b/internal/core/storage.go index f1aa7ce7..1be1d690 100644 --- a/internal/core/storage.go +++ b/internal/core/storage.go @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import ( // ObjectStorageService storage service interface that implement base AliOSS、MINIO or other type ObjectStorageService interface { + VersionInfo + PutObject(objectKey string, reader io.Reader, objectSize int64, contentType string) (string, error) SignURL(objectKey string, expiredInSec int64) (string, error) ObjectURL(objetKey string) string diff --git a/internal/dao/cache.go b/internal/dao/cache.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..143d0d27 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/dao/cache.go @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +package dao + +import ( + "sync/atomic" + "time" + + "" + "" + "" +) + +var ( + _ core.CacheIndexService = (*simpleCacheIndexServant)(nil) + _ core.CacheIndexService = (*bigCacheIndexServant)(nil) +) + +type postsEntry struct { + key string + posts []*model.PostFormated +} + +type indexPostsFunc func(int64, int, int) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) + +type bigCacheIndexServant struct { + getIndexPosts indexPostsFunc + indexActionCh chan core.IndexActionT + cachePostsCh chan *postsEntry + cache *bigcache.BigCache + lastCacheResetTime time.Time +} + +type simpleCacheIndexServant struct { + getIndexPosts indexPostsFunc + indexActionCh chan core.IndexActionT + indexPosts []*model.PostFormated + atomicIndex atomic.Value + maxIndexSize int + checkTick *time.Ticker + expireIndexTick *time.Ticker +} diff --git a/internal/dao/dao.go b/internal/dao/dao.go index 1c1f9886..15488018 100644 --- a/internal/dao/dao.go +++ b/internal/dao/dao.go @@ -1,15 +1,8 @@ package dao import ( - "sync/atomic" - "time" - - "" - "" - "" "" "" - "" "" "" "" @@ -17,13 +10,8 @@ import ( var ( _ core.DataService = (*dataServant)(nil) - _ core.ObjectStorageService = (*aliossServant)(nil) - _ core.ObjectStorageService = (*minioServant)(nil) - _ core.ObjectStorageService = (*s3Servant)(nil) - _ core.ObjectStorageService = (*localossServant)(nil) _ core.AttachmentCheckService = (*attachmentCheckServant)(nil) - _ core.CacheIndexService = (*simpleCacheIndexServant)(nil) - _ core.CacheIndexService = (*bigCacheIndexServant)(nil) + _ core.TweetSearchService = (*zincTweetSearchServant)(nil) ) type dataServant struct { @@ -34,55 +22,15 @@ type dataServant struct { zinc *zinc.ZincClient } -type indexPostsFunc func(int64, int, int) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) -type simpleCacheIndexServant struct { - getIndexPosts indexPostsFunc - indexActionCh chan core.IndexActionT - indexPosts []*model.PostFormated - atomicIndex atomic.Value - maxIndexSize int - checkTick *time.Ticker - expireIndexTick *time.Ticker -} - -type postsEntry struct { - key string - posts []*model.PostFormated -} -type bigCacheIndexServant struct { - getIndexPosts indexPostsFunc - indexActionCh chan core.IndexActionT - cachePostsCh chan *postsEntry - cache *bigcache.BigCache - lastCacheResetTime time.Time -} - -type localossServant struct { - savePath string - domain string -} - -type aliossServant struct { - bucket *oss.Bucket - domain string -} - -type minioServant struct { - client *minio.Client - bucket string - domain string -} - -type s3Servant = minioServant - type attachmentCheckServant struct { domain string } -func NewDataService(engine *gorm.DB, zinc *zinc.ZincClient) core.DataService { +func NewDataService() core.DataService { + client := zinc.NewClient(conf.ZincSetting) ds := &dataServant{ - engine: engine, - zinc: zinc, + engine: conf.DBEngine, + zinc: client, } // initialize CacheIndex if needed @@ -96,33 +44,12 @@ func NewDataService(engine *gorm.DB, zinc *zinc.ZincClient) core.DataService { } if ds.useCacheIndex { - logrus.Infof("use cache index service by %s for version: %s", ds.cacheIndex.Name(), ds.cacheIndex.Version()) + logrus.Infof("use %s as cache index service by version: %s", ds.cacheIndex.Name(), ds.cacheIndex.Version()) } return ds } -func NewObjectStorageService() (oss core.ObjectStorageService) { - if conf.CfgIf("AliOSS") { - oss = newAliossServent() - logrus.Infoln("use AliOSS as object storage") - } else if conf.CfgIf("MinIO") { - oss = newMinioServeant() - logrus.Infoln("use MinIO as object storage") - } else if conf.CfgIf("S3") { - oss = newS3Servent() - logrus.Infoln("use S3 as object storage") - } else if conf.CfgIf("LocalOSS") { - oss = newLocalossServent() - logrus.Infoln("use LocalOSS as object storage") - } else { - // default use AliOSS - oss = newAliossServent() - logrus.Infoln("use default AliOSS as object storage") - } - return -} - func NewAttachmentCheckerService() core.AttachmentCheckService { return &attachmentCheckServant{ domain: getOssDomain(), diff --git a/internal/dao/oss.go b/internal/dao/oss.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e02a7f79 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/dao/oss.go @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +package dao + +import ( + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" +) + +var ( + _ core.ObjectStorageService = (*aliossServant)(nil) + _ core.ObjectStorageService = (*minioServant)(nil) + _ core.ObjectStorageService = (*s3Servant)(nil) + _ core.ObjectStorageService = (*localossServant)(nil) +) + +type localossServant struct { + savePath string + domain string +} + +type aliossServant struct { + bucket *oss.Bucket + domain string +} + +type minioServant struct { + client *minio.Client + bucket string + domain string +} + +type s3Servant = minioServant + +func NewObjectStorageService() (oss core.ObjectStorageService) { + if conf.CfgIf("AliOSS") { + oss = newAliossServent() + } else if conf.CfgIf("MinIO") { + oss = newMinioServeant() + } else if conf.CfgIf("S3") { + oss = newS3Servent() + logrus.Infof("use S3 as object storage by version %s", oss.Version()) + return + } else if conf.CfgIf("LocalOSS") { + oss = newLocalossServent() + } else { + // default use AliOSS as object storage service + oss = newAliossServent() + logrus.Infof("use default AliOSS as object storage by version %s", oss.Version()) + } + logrus.Infof("use %s as object storage by version %s", oss.Name(), oss.Version()) + return +} diff --git a/internal/dao/oss_alioss.go b/internal/dao/oss_alioss.go index 21ae949d..641d4a54 100644 --- a/internal/dao/oss_alioss.go +++ b/internal/dao/oss_alioss.go @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import ( "net/url" "strings" + "" "" "" "" @@ -27,6 +28,14 @@ func newAliossServent() *aliossServant { } } +func (s *aliossServant) Name() string { + return "AliOSS" +} + +func (s *aliossServant) Version() *semver.Version { + return semver.MustParse("v0.1.0") +} + func (s *aliossServant) PutObject(objectKey string, reader io.Reader, objectSize int64, contentType string) (string, error) { err := s.bucket.PutObject(objectKey, reader, oss.ContentLength(objectSize), oss.ContentType(contentType)) if err != nil { diff --git a/internal/dao/oss_local.go b/internal/dao/oss_local.go index 00ed1b45..46983260 100644 --- a/internal/dao/oss_local.go +++ b/internal/dao/oss_local.go @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import ( "strings" "time" + "" "" "" ) @@ -25,6 +26,14 @@ func newLocalossServent() *localossServant { } } +func (s *localossServant) Name() string { + return "LocalOSS" +} + +func (s *localossServant) Version() *semver.Version { + return semver.MustParse("v0.1.0") +} + func (s *localossServant) PutObject(objectKey string, reader io.Reader, objectSize int64, contentType string) (string, error) { saveDir := s.savePath + filepath.Dir(objectKey) err := os.MkdirAll(saveDir, 0750) diff --git a/internal/dao/oss_minio.go b/internal/dao/oss_minio.go index 053a6c10..470f03b1 100644 --- a/internal/dao/oss_minio.go +++ b/internal/dao/oss_minio.go @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import ( "strings" "time" + "" "" "" "" @@ -29,6 +30,14 @@ func newMinioServeant() *minioServant { } } +func (s *minioServant) Name() string { + return "MinIO" +} + +func (s *minioServant) Version() *semver.Version { + return semver.MustParse("v0.1.0") +} + func (s *minioServant) PutObject(objectKey string, reader io.Reader, objectSize int64, contentType string) (string, error) { uploadInfo, err := s.client.PutObject(context.Background(), s.bucket, objectKey, reader, objectSize, minio.PutObjectOptions{ContentType: contentType}) if err != nil { @@ -37,6 +46,7 @@ func (s *minioServant) PutObject(objectKey string, reader io.Reader, objectSize logrus.Infoln("Successfully uploaded bytes: ", uploadInfo) return s.domain + objectKey, nil } + func (s *minioServant) SignURL(objectKey string, expiredInSec int64) (string, error) { // TODO: Set request parameters for content-disposition. reqParams := make(url.Values) diff --git a/internal/dao/post.go b/internal/dao/post.go index 328de819..028d0fbc 100644 --- a/internal/dao/post.go +++ b/internal/dao/post.go @@ -207,3 +207,80 @@ func (d *dataServant) GetPostAttatchmentBill(postID, userID int64) (*model.PostA return bill.Get(d.engine) } + +// MergePosts post数据整合 +func (d *dataServant) MergePosts(posts []*model.Post) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) { + postIds := make([]int64, 0, len(posts)) + userIds := make([]int64, 0, len(posts)) + for _, post := range posts { + postIds = append(postIds, post.ID) + userIds = append(userIds, post.UserID) + } + + postContents, err := d.GetPostContentsByIDs(postIds) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + users, err := d.GetUsersByIDs(userIds) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + userMap := make(map[int64]*model.UserFormated, len(users)) + for _, user := range users { + userMap[user.ID] = user.Format() + } + + contentMap := make(map[int64][]*model.PostContentFormated, len(postContents)) + for _, content := range postContents { + contentMap[content.PostID] = append(contentMap[content.PostID], content.Format()) + } + + // 数据整合 + postsFormated := make([]*model.PostFormated, 0, len(posts)) + for _, post := range posts { + postFormated := post.Format() + postFormated.User = userMap[post.UserID] + postFormated.Contents = contentMap[post.ID] + postsFormated = append(postsFormated, postFormated) + } + return postsFormated, nil +} + +// RevampPosts post数据整形修复 +func (d *dataServant) RevampPosts(posts []*model.PostFormated) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) { + postIds := make([]int64, 0, len(posts)) + userIds := make([]int64, 0, len(posts)) + for _, post := range posts { + postIds = append(postIds, post.ID) + userIds = append(userIds, post.UserID) + } + + postContents, err := d.GetPostContentsByIDs(postIds) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + users, err := d.GetUsersByIDs(userIds) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + userMap := make(map[int64]*model.UserFormated, len(users)) + for _, user := range users { + userMap[user.ID] = user.Format() + } + + contentMap := make(map[int64][]*model.PostContentFormated, len(postContents)) + for _, content := range postContents { + contentMap[content.PostID] = append(contentMap[content.PostID], content.Format()) + } + + // 数据整合 + for _, post := range posts { + post.User = userMap[post.UserID] + post.Contents = contentMap[post.ID] + } + return posts, nil +} diff --git a/internal/dao/post_index.go b/internal/dao/post_index.go index 4802f1c8..1f35e164 100644 --- a/internal/dao/post_index.go +++ b/internal/dao/post_index.go @@ -17,45 +17,6 @@ func (d *dataServant) IndexPosts(userId int64, offset int, limit int) ([]*model. return d.getIndexPosts(userId, offset, limit) } -func (d *dataServant) MergePosts(posts []*model.Post) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) { - postIds := make([]int64, 0, len(posts)) - userIds := make([]int64, 0, len(posts)) - for _, post := range posts { - postIds = append(postIds, post.ID) - userIds = append(userIds, post.UserID) - } - - postContents, err := d.GetPostContentsByIDs(postIds) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - users, err := d.GetUsersByIDs(userIds) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - userMap := make(map[int64]*model.UserFormated, len(users)) - for _, user := range users { - userMap[user.ID] = user.Format() - } - - contentMap := make(map[int64][]*model.PostContentFormated, len(postContents)) - for _, content := range postContents { - contentMap[content.PostID] = append(contentMap[content.PostID], content.Format()) - } - - // 数据整合 - postsFormated := make([]*model.PostFormated, 0, len(posts)) - for _, post := range posts { - postFormated := post.Format() - postFormated.User = userMap[post.UserID] - postFormated.Contents = contentMap[post.ID] - postsFormated = append(postsFormated, postFormated) - } - return postsFormated, nil -} - // getIndexPosts _userId保留未来使用 // TODO: 未来可能根据userId查询广场推文列表,简单做到不同用户的主页都是不同的; func (d *dataServant) getIndexPosts(_userId int64, offset int, limit int) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) { diff --git a/internal/dao/search.go b/internal/dao/search.go index d30417db..992022d7 100644 --- a/internal/dao/search.go +++ b/internal/dao/search.go @@ -1,165 +1,28 @@ package dao import ( + "" "" "" + "" ) -func (d *dataServant) CreateSearchIndex(indexName string) { - // 不存在则创建索引 - d.zinc.CreateIndex(indexName, &zinc.ZincIndexProperty{ - "id": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ - Type: "numeric", - Index: true, - Store: true, - Sortable: true, - }, - "user_id": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ - Type: "numeric", - Index: true, - Store: true, - }, - "comment_count": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ - Type: "numeric", - Index: true, - Sortable: true, - Store: true, - }, - "collection_count": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ - Type: "numeric", - Index: true, - Sortable: true, - Store: true, - }, - "upvote_count": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ - Type: "numeric", - Index: true, - Sortable: true, - Store: true, - }, - "is_top": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ - Type: "numeric", - Index: true, - Sortable: true, - Store: true, - }, - "is_essence": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ - Type: "numeric", - Index: true, - Sortable: true, - Store: true, - }, - "content": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ - Type: "text", - Index: true, - Store: true, - Aggregatable: true, - Highlightable: true, - Analyzer: "gse_search", - SearchAnalyzer: "gse_standard", - }, - "tags": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ - Type: "keyword", - Index: true, - Store: true, - }, - "ip_loc": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ - Type: "keyword", - Index: true, - Store: true, - }, - "latest_replied_on": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ - Type: "numeric", - Index: true, - Sortable: true, - Store: true, - }, - "attachment_price": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ - Type: "numeric", - Sortable: true, - Store: true, - }, - "created_on": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ - Type: "numeric", - Index: true, - Sortable: true, - Store: true, - }, - "modified_on": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ - Type: "numeric", - Index: true, - Sortable: true, - Store: true, - }, - }) - -} - -func (d *dataServant) BulkPushDoc(data []map[string]interface{}) (bool, error) { - return d.zinc.BulkPushDoc(data) -} - -func (d *dataServant) DelDoc(indexName, id string) error { - return d.zinc.DelDoc(indexName, id) -} - -func (d *dataServant) QueryAll(q *core.QueryT, indexName string, offset, limit int) (*zinc.QueryResultT, error) { - // 普通搜索 - if q.Type == core.SearchTypeDefault && q.Query != "" { - return d.QuerySearch(indexName, q.Query, offset, limit) - } - // Tag分类 - if q.Type == core.SearchTypeTag && q.Query != "" { - return d.QueryTagSearch(indexName, q.Query, offset, limit) - } - - queryMap := map[string]interface{}{ - "query": map[string]interface{}{ - "match_all": map[string]string{}, - }, - "sort": []string{"-is_top", "-latest_replied_on"}, - "from": offset, - "size": limit, - } - rsp, err := d.zinc.EsQuery(indexName, queryMap) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return rsp, err -} - -func (d *dataServant) QuerySearch(indexName, query string, offset, limit int) (*zinc.QueryResultT, error) { - rsp, err := d.zinc.EsQuery(indexName, map[string]interface{}{ - "query": map[string]interface{}{ - "match_phrase": map[string]interface{}{ - "content": query, - }, - }, - "sort": []string{"-is_top", "-latest_replied_on"}, - "from": offset, - "size": limit, - }) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } +var ( + _ core.TweetSearchService = (*zincTweetSearchServant)(nil) +) - return rsp, err +type zincTweetSearchServant struct { + indexName string + client *zinc.ZincClient } -func (d *dataServant) QueryTagSearch(indexName, query string, offset, limit int) (*zinc.QueryResultT, error) { - rsp, err := d.zinc.ApiQuery(indexName, map[string]interface{}{ - "search_type": "querystring", - "query": map[string]interface{}{ - "term": "tags." + query + ":1", - }, - "sort_fields": []string{"-is_top", "-latest_replied_on"}, - "from": offset, - "max_results": limit, - }) - if err != nil { - return nil, err +func NewTweetSearchService() (ts core.TweetSearchService) { + if conf.CfgIf("Zinc") { + ts = newZincTweetSearchServant() + } else { + // default use Zinc as tweet search service + ts = newZincTweetSearchServant() } - - return rsp, err + logrus.Infof("use %s as tweet search serice by version %s", ts.Name(), ts.Version()) + return } diff --git a/internal/dao/search_zinc.go b/internal/dao/search_zinc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d52c2b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/dao/search_zinc.go @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +package dao + +import ( + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" +) + +func newZincTweetSearchServant() *zincTweetSearchServant { + s := conf.ZincSetting + zts := &zincTweetSearchServant{ + indexName: s.Index, + client: zinc.NewClient(s), + } + zts.createIndex() + + return zts +} + +func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) Name() string { + return "Zinc" +} + +func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) Version() *semver.Version { + return semver.MustParse("v0.1.0") +} + +func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) IndexName() string { + return s.indexName +} + +func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) AddDocuments(data []map[string]interface{}, primaryKey ...string) (bool, error) { + return s.client.BulkPushDoc(data) +} + +func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) DeleteDocuments(identifiers []string) error { + for _, id := range identifiers { + if err := s.client.DelDoc(s.indexName, id); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) Search(q *core.QueryReq, offset, limit int) (*core.QueryResp, error) { + if q.Type == core.SearchTypeDefault && q.Query != "" { + return s.queryByContent(q, offset, limit) + } else if q.Type == core.SearchTypeTag && q.Query != "" { + return s.queryByTag(q, offset, limit) + } + return s.queryAny(offset, limit) +} + +func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) queryByContent(q *core.QueryReq, offset, limit int) (*core.QueryResp, error) { + resp, err := s.client.EsQuery(s.indexName, map[string]interface{}{ + "query": map[string]interface{}{ + "match_phrase": map[string]interface{}{ + "content": q.Query, + }, + }, + "sort": []string{"-is_top", "-latest_replied_on"}, + "from": offset, + "size": limit, + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return s.postsFrom(resp) +} + +func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) queryByTag(q *core.QueryReq, offset, limit int) (*core.QueryResp, error) { + resp, err := s.client.ApiQuery(s.indexName, map[string]interface{}{ + "search_type": "querystring", + "query": map[string]interface{}{ + "term": "tags." + q.Query + ":1", + }, + "sort_fields": []string{"-is_top", "-latest_replied_on"}, + "from": offset, + "max_results": limit, + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return s.postsFrom(resp) +} + +func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) queryAny(offset, limit int) (*core.QueryResp, error) { + queryMap := map[string]interface{}{ + "query": map[string]interface{}{ + "match_all": map[string]string{}, + }, + "sort": []string{"-is_top", "-latest_replied_on"}, + "from": offset, + "size": limit, + } + resp, err := s.client.EsQuery(s.indexName, queryMap) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return s.postsFrom(resp) +} + +func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) postsFrom(resp *zinc.QueryResultT) (*core.QueryResp, error) { + posts := make([]*model.PostFormated, 0, len(resp.Hits.Hits)) + for _, hit := range resp.Hits.Hits { + item := &model.PostFormated{} + raw, err := json.Marshal(hit.Source) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if err = json.Unmarshal(raw, item); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + posts = append(posts, item) + } + + return &core.QueryResp{ + Items: posts, + Total: resp.Hits.Total.Value, + }, nil +} + +func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) createIndex() { + // 不存在则创建索引 + s.client.CreateIndex(s.indexName, &zinc.ZincIndexProperty{ + "id": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ + Type: "numeric", + Index: true, + Store: true, + Sortable: true, + }, + "user_id": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ + Type: "numeric", + Index: true, + Store: true, + }, + "comment_count": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ + Type: "numeric", + Index: true, + Sortable: true, + Store: true, + }, + "collection_count": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ + Type: "numeric", + Index: true, + Sortable: true, + Store: true, + }, + "upvote_count": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ + Type: "numeric", + Index: true, + Sortable: true, + Store: true, + }, + "visibility": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ + Type: "numeric", + Index: true, + Sortable: true, + Store: true, + }, + "is_top": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ + Type: "numeric", + Index: true, + Sortable: true, + Store: true, + }, + "is_essence": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ + Type: "numeric", + Index: true, + Sortable: true, + Store: true, + }, + "content": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ + Type: "text", + Index: true, + Store: true, + Aggregatable: true, + Highlightable: true, + Analyzer: "gse_search", + SearchAnalyzer: "gse_standard", + }, + "tags": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ + Type: "keyword", + Index: true, + Store: true, + }, + "ip_loc": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ + Type: "keyword", + Index: true, + Store: true, + }, + "latest_replied_on": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ + Type: "numeric", + Index: true, + Sortable: true, + Store: true, + }, + "attachment_price": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ + Type: "numeric", + Sortable: true, + Store: true, + }, + "created_on": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ + Type: "numeric", + Index: true, + Sortable: true, + Store: true, + }, + "modified_on": &zinc.ZincIndexPropertyT{ + Type: "numeric", + Index: true, + Sortable: true, + Store: true, + }, + }) +} diff --git a/internal/routers/api/post.go b/internal/routers/api/post.go index 0f6f62a8..a779532b 100644 --- a/internal/routers/api/post.go +++ b/internal/routers/api/post.go @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import ( func GetPostList(c *gin.Context) { response := app.NewResponse(c) - q := &core.QueryT{ + q := &core.QueryReq{ Query: c.Query("query"), Type: "search", } @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ func GetPostList(c *gin.Context) { } userId, _ := userIdFrom(c) + offset, limit := app.GetPageOffset(c) if q.Query == "" && q.Type == "search" { - offset, limit := app.GetPageOffset(c) posts, err := service.GetIndexPosts(userId, offset, limit) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("service.GetPostList err: %v\n", err) @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ func GetPostList(c *gin.Context) { response.ToResponseList(posts, totalRows) } else { - posts, totalRows, err := service.GetPostListFromSearch(q, (app.GetPage(c)-1)*app.GetPageSize(c), app.GetPageSize(c)) + posts, totalRows, err := service.GetPostListFromSearch(q, offset, limit) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("service.GetPostListFromSearch err: %v\n", err) diff --git a/internal/service/post.go b/internal/service/post.go index e5960074..5a4a4d92 100644 --- a/internal/service/post.go +++ b/internal/service/post.go @@ -478,32 +478,24 @@ func GetPostCount(conditions *model.ConditionsT) (int64, error) { return ds.GetPostCount(conditions) } -func GetPostListFromSearch(q *core.QueryT, offset, limit int) ([]*model.PostFormated, int64, error) { - queryResult, err := ds.QueryAll(q, conf.ZincSetting.Index, offset, limit) +func GetPostListFromSearch(q *core.QueryReq, offset, limit int) ([]*model.PostFormated, int64, error) { + resp, err := ts.Search(q, offset, limit) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } - - posts, err := FormatZincPost(queryResult) + posts, err := ds.RevampPosts(resp.Items) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } - - return posts, queryResult.Hits.Total.Value, nil + return posts, resp.Total, nil } func GetPostListFromSearchByQuery(query string, offset, limit int) ([]*model.PostFormated, int64, error) { - queryResult, err := ds.QuerySearch(conf.ZincSetting.Index, query, offset, limit) - if err != nil { - return nil, 0, err - } - - posts, err := FormatZincPost(queryResult) - if err != nil { - return nil, 0, err + q := &core.QueryReq{ + Query: query, + Type: "search", } - - return posts, queryResult.Hits.Total.Value, nil + return GetPostListFromSearch(q, offset, limit) } func PushPostToSearch(post *model.Post) { @@ -512,8 +504,6 @@ func PushPostToSearch(post *model.Post) { return } - indexName := conf.ZincSetting.Index - postFormated := post.Format() postFormated.User = &model.UserFormated{ ID: post.UserID, @@ -539,7 +529,7 @@ func PushPostToSearch(post *model.Post) { data := []map[string]interface{}{} data = append(data, map[string]interface{}{ "index": map[string]interface{}{ - "_index": indexName, + "_index": ts.IndexName(), "_id": fmt.Sprintf("%d", post.ID), }, }, map[string]interface{}{ @@ -560,13 +550,11 @@ func PushPostToSearch(post *model.Post) { "modified_on": post.ModifiedOn, }) - ds.BulkPushDoc(data) + ts.AddDocuments(data) } func DeleteSearchPost(post *model.Post) error { - indexName := conf.ZincSetting.Index - - return ds.DelDoc(indexName, fmt.Sprintf("%d", post.ID)) + return ts.DeleteDocuments([]string{fmt.Sprintf("%d", post.ID)}) } func PushPostsToSearch(c *gin.Context) { @@ -579,10 +567,6 @@ func PushPostsToSearch(c *gin.Context) { pages := math.Ceil(float64(totalRows) / float64(splitNum)) nums := int(pages) - indexName := conf.ZincSetting.Index - // 创建索引 - ds.CreateSearchIndex(indexName) - for i := 0; i < nums; i++ { data := []map[string]interface{}{} @@ -605,7 +589,7 @@ func PushPostsToSearch(c *gin.Context) { data = append(data, map[string]interface{}{ "index": map[string]interface{}{ - "_index": indexName, + "_index": ts.IndexName(), "_id": fmt.Sprintf("%d", post.ID), }, }, map[string]interface{}{ @@ -628,7 +612,7 @@ func PushPostsToSearch(c *gin.Context) { } if len(data) > 0 { - ds.BulkPushDoc(data) + ts.AddDocuments(data) } } diff --git a/internal/service/service.go b/internal/service/service.go index 26682173..3ed9d261 100644 --- a/internal/service/service.go +++ b/internal/service/service.go @@ -4,19 +4,18 @@ import ( "" "" "" - "" ) var ( ds core.DataService + ts core.TweetSearchService attachmentChecker core.AttachmentCheckService DisablePhoneVerify bool ) func Initialize() { - zincClient := zinc.NewClient(conf.ZincSetting) - ds = dao.NewDataService(conf.DBEngine, zincClient) - + ds = dao.NewDataService() + ts = dao.NewTweetSearchService() attachmentChecker = dao.NewAttachmentCheckerService() DisablePhoneVerify = !conf.CfgIf("Sms") } From 2fc1fd2f9b2ffd9fa6b717b1f20f4c822f93d4d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 14:45:57 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 29/35] optimize #118 wrap async interface for update documents to search engine --- config.yaml.sample | 12 +++--- internal/conf/conf.go | 4 ++ internal/conf/settting.go | 10 ++++- internal/core/search.go | 4 +- internal/dao/cache_index_big.go | 7 ++-- internal/dao/cache_index_simple.go | 2 +- internal/dao/dao.go | 2 +- internal/dao/oss.go | 1 + internal/dao/search.go | 36 ++++++++++++++--- internal/dao/search_bridge.go | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ internal/dao/search_zinc.go | 2 +- internal/routers/api/api.go | 2 +- internal/service/comment.go | 6 +-- internal/service/post.go | 19 +++++---- internal/service/service.go | 2 +- 15 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) create mode 100644 internal/dao/search_bridge.go diff --git a/config.yaml.sample b/config.yaml.sample index 38fa5a8b..b02b2ece 100644 --- a/config.yaml.sample +++ b/config.yaml.sample @@ -26,16 +26,16 @@ SmsJuhe: Alipay: AppID: PrivateKey: +CacheIndex: + MaxUpdateQPS: 100 # 最大添加/删除/更新Post的QPS, 设置范围[10, 10000], 默认100 SimpleCacheIndex: # 缓存泡泡广场消息流 MaxIndexSize: 200 # 最大缓存条数 CheckTickDuration: 60 # 循环自检查每多少秒一次 ExpireTickDuration: 300 # 每多少秒后强制过期缓存, 设置为0禁止强制使缓存过期 - ActionQPS: 100 # 添加/删除/更新Post的QPS, 默认100,范围设置[10, 10000] BigCacheIndex: # 使用BigCache缓存泡泡广场消息流 - MaxIndexPage: 1024 # 最大缓存页数,必须是2^n, 代表最大同时缓存多少页数据 - Verbose: False # 是否打印cache操作的log - ExpireInSecond: 300 # 多少秒(>0)后强制过期缓存 - UpdateQPS: 100 # 添加/删除/更新Post的QPS, 默认100 + MaxIndexPage: 1024 # 最大缓存页数,必须是2^n, 代表最大同时缓存多少页数据 + Verbose: False # 是否打印cache操作的log + ExpireInSecond: 300 # 多少秒(>0)后强制过期缓存 LoggerFile: # 使用File写日志 SavePath: data/paopao-ce/logs FileName: app @@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ JWT: # 鉴权加密 Secret: 18a6413dc4fe394c66345ebe501b2f26 Issuer: paopao-api Expire: 86400 +TweetSearch: # 推文关键字搜索相关配置 + MaxUpdateQPS: 100 # 最大添加/删除/更新Post的QPS,设置范围[10, 10000], 默认100 Zinc: # Zinc搜索配置 Host: http://zinc:4080 Index: paopao-data diff --git a/internal/conf/conf.go b/internal/conf/conf.go index 2e44f662..6f22f46f 100644 --- a/internal/conf/conf.go +++ b/internal/conf/conf.go @@ -18,10 +18,12 @@ var ( ServerSetting *ServerSettingS AppSetting *AppSettingS + CacheIndexSetting *CacheIndexSettingS SimpleCacheIndexSetting *SimpleCacheIndexSettingS BigCacheIndexSetting *BigCacheIndexSettingS SmsJuheSetting *SmsJuheSettings AlipaySetting *AlipaySettingS + TweetSearchSetting *TweetSearchS ZincSetting *ZincSettingS AliOSSSetting *AliOSSSettingS MinIOSetting *MinIOSettingS @@ -47,6 +49,7 @@ func setupSetting(suite []string, noDefault bool) error { objects := map[string]interface{}{ "App": &AppSetting, "Server": &ServerSetting, + "CacheIndex": &CacheIndexSetting, "SimpleCacheIndex": &SimpleCacheIndexSetting, "BigCacheIndex": &BigCacheIndexSetting, "Alipay": &AlipaySetting, @@ -57,6 +60,7 @@ func setupSetting(suite []string, noDefault bool) error { "MySQL": &mysqlSetting, "Postgres": &postgresSetting, "Sqlite3": &sqlite3Setting, + "TweetSearch": &TweetSearchSetting, "Zinc": &ZincSetting, "Redis": &redisSetting, "JWT": &JWTSetting, diff --git a/internal/conf/settting.go b/internal/conf/settting.go index 182b43a5..cb03e715 100644 --- a/internal/conf/settting.go +++ b/internal/conf/settting.go @@ -47,18 +47,20 @@ type AppSettingS struct { TronApiKeys []string } +type CacheIndexSettingS struct { + MaxUpdateQPS int +} + type SimpleCacheIndexSettingS struct { MaxIndexSize int CheckTickDuration time.Duration ExpireTickDuration time.Duration - ActionQPS int } type BigCacheIndexSettingS struct { MaxIndexPage int ExpireInSecond time.Duration Verbose bool - UpdateQPS int } type AlipaySettingS struct { @@ -78,6 +80,10 @@ type FeaturesSettingS struct { features map[string]string } +type TweetSearchS struct { + MaxUpdateQPS int +} + type ZincSettingS struct { Host string Index string diff --git a/internal/core/search.go b/internal/core/search.go index 8bfc7253..36583f68 100644 --- a/internal/core/search.go +++ b/internal/core/search.go @@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ type QueryResp struct { Total int64 } +type DocItems []map[string]interface{} + // TweetSearchService tweet search service interface type TweetSearchService interface { VersionInfo IndexName() string - AddDocuments(documents []map[string]interface{}, primaryKey ...string) (bool, error) + AddDocuments(documents DocItems, primaryKey ...string) (bool, error) DeleteDocuments(identifiers []string) error Search(q *QueryReq, offset, limit int) (*QueryResp, error) } diff --git a/internal/dao/cache_index_big.go b/internal/dao/cache_index_big.go index 7b9615a9..d221bdb5 100644 --- a/internal/dao/cache_index_big.go +++ b/internal/dao/cache_index_big.go @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ func newBigCacheIndexServant(getIndexPosts indexPostsFunc) *bigCacheIndexServant // indexActionCh capacity custom configure by conf.yaml need in [10, 10000] // or re-compile source to adjust min/max capacity - capacity := s.UpdateQPS + capacity := conf.CacheIndexSetting.MaxUpdateQPS if capacity < 10 { capacity = 10 } else if capacity > 10000 { @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ func newBigCacheIndexServant(getIndexPosts indexPostsFunc) *bigCacheIndexServant cacheIndex.indexActionCh = make(chan core.IndexActionT, capacity) cacheIndex.cachePostsCh = make(chan *postsEntry, capacity) + // 启动索引更新器 go cacheIndex.startIndexPosts() return cacheIndex @@ -84,10 +85,10 @@ func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) cachePosts(key string, posts []*model.PostFormate entry := &postsEntry{key: key, posts: posts} select { case s.cachePostsCh <- entry: - logrus.Debugf("send indexAction by chan of key: %s", key) + logrus.Debugf("cachePosts by chan of key: %s", key) default: go func(ch chan<- *postsEntry, entry *postsEntry) { - logrus.Debugf("send indexAction by goroutine of key: %s", key) + logrus.Debugf("cachePosts indexAction by goroutine of key: %s", key) ch <- entry }(s.cachePostsCh, entry) } diff --git a/internal/dao/cache_index_simple.go b/internal/dao/cache_index_simple.go index f6c44b64..a5014b7a 100644 --- a/internal/dao/cache_index_simple.go +++ b/internal/dao/cache_index_simple.go @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ func newSimpleCacheIndexServant(getIndexPosts indexPostsFunc) *simpleCacheIndexS // indexActionCh capacity custom configure by conf.yaml need in [10, 10000] // or re-compile source to adjust min/max capacity - capacity := s.ActionQPS + capacity := conf.CacheIndexSetting.MaxUpdateQPS if capacity < 10 { capacity = 10 } else if capacity > 10000 { diff --git a/internal/dao/dao.go b/internal/dao/dao.go index 15488018..71826803 100644 --- a/internal/dao/dao.go +++ b/internal/dao/dao.go @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func NewDataService() core.DataService { return ds } -func NewAttachmentCheckerService() core.AttachmentCheckService { +func NewAttachmentCheckService() core.AttachmentCheckService { return &attachmentCheckServant{ domain: getOssDomain(), } diff --git a/internal/dao/oss.go b/internal/dao/oss.go index e02a7f79..a85bb8d9 100644 --- a/internal/dao/oss.go +++ b/internal/dao/oss.go @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ func NewObjectStorageService() (oss core.ObjectStorageService) { // default use AliOSS as object storage service oss = newAliossServent() logrus.Infof("use default AliOSS as object storage by version %s", oss.Version()) + return } logrus.Infof("use %s as object storage by version %s", oss.Name(), oss.Version()) return diff --git a/internal/dao/search.go b/internal/dao/search.go index 992022d7..deda5969 100644 --- a/internal/dao/search.go +++ b/internal/dao/search.go @@ -9,20 +9,46 @@ import ( var ( _ core.TweetSearchService = (*zincTweetSearchServant)(nil) + _ core.TweetSearchService = (*bridgeTweetSearchServant)(nil) ) +type documents struct { + primaryKey []string + docItems core.DocItems + identifiers []string +} + +type bridgeTweetSearchServant struct { + ts core.TweetSearchService + updateDocsCh chan *documents +} + type zincTweetSearchServant struct { indexName string client *zinc.ZincClient } -func NewTweetSearchService() (ts core.TweetSearchService) { +func NewTweetSearchService() core.TweetSearchService { + bts := &bridgeTweetSearchServant{} + + capacity := conf.TweetSearchSetting.MaxUpdateQPS + if capacity < 10 { + capacity = 10 + } else if capacity > 10000 { + capacity = 10000 + } + bts.updateDocsCh = make(chan *documents, capacity) + if conf.CfgIf("Zinc") { - ts = newZincTweetSearchServant() + bts.ts = newZincTweetSearchServant() } else { // default use Zinc as tweet search service - ts = newZincTweetSearchServant() + bts.ts = newZincTweetSearchServant() } - logrus.Infof("use %s as tweet search serice by version %s", ts.Name(), ts.Version()) - return + logrus.Infof("use %s as tweet search serice by version %s", bts.ts.Name(), bts.ts.Version()) + + // 启动文档更新器 + go bts.startUpdateDocs() + + return bts } diff --git a/internal/dao/search_bridge.go b/internal/dao/search_bridge.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..45766474 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/dao/search_bridge.go @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +package dao + +import ( + "" + "" + "" +) + +func (s *bridgeTweetSearchServant) Name() string { + return "BridgeTweetSearch" +} + +func (s *bridgeTweetSearchServant) Version() *semver.Version { + return semver.MustParse("v0.1.0") +} + +func (s *bridgeTweetSearchServant) IndexName() string { + return s.ts.IndexName() +} + +func (s *bridgeTweetSearchServant) AddDocuments(data core.DocItems, primaryKey ...string) (bool, error) { + s.updateDocs(&documents{ + primaryKey: primaryKey, + docItems: data, + }) + return true, nil +} + +func (s *bridgeTweetSearchServant) DeleteDocuments(identifiers []string) error { + s.updateDocs(&documents{ + identifiers: identifiers, + }) + return nil +} + +func (s *bridgeTweetSearchServant) Search(q *core.QueryReq, offset, limit int) (*core.QueryResp, error) { + return s.ts.Search(q, offset, limit) +} + +func (s *bridgeTweetSearchServant) updateDocs(doc *documents) { + select { + case s.updateDocsCh <- doc: + logrus.Debugln("addDocuments send documents by chan") + default: + go func(ch chan<- *documents, item *documents) { + s.updateDocsCh <- item + logrus.Debugln("addDocuments send documents by goroutine") + }(s.updateDocsCh, doc) + } +} + +func (s *bridgeTweetSearchServant) startUpdateDocs() { + for doc := range s.updateDocsCh { + if len(doc.docItems) > 0 { + if _, err := s.ts.AddDocuments(doc.docItems, doc.primaryKey...); err != nil { + logrus.Errorf("addDocuments occurs error: %v", err) + } + } + if len(doc.identifiers) > 0 { + if err := s.ts.DeleteDocuments(doc.identifiers); err != nil { + logrus.Errorf("deleteDocuments occurs error: %s", err) + } + } + } +} diff --git a/internal/dao/search_zinc.go b/internal/dao/search_zinc.go index 3d52c2b6..6cda0503 100644 --- a/internal/dao/search_zinc.go +++ b/internal/dao/search_zinc.go @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) IndexName() string { return s.indexName } -func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) AddDocuments(data []map[string]interface{}, primaryKey ...string) (bool, error) { +func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) AddDocuments(data core.DocItems, primaryKey ...string) (bool, error) { return s.client.BulkPushDoc(data) } diff --git a/internal/routers/api/api.go b/internal/routers/api/api.go index 9049e110..26b65a4e 100644 --- a/internal/routers/api/api.go +++ b/internal/routers/api/api.go @@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ var ( func Initialize() { objectStorage = dao.NewObjectStorageService() - attachmentChecker = dao.NewAttachmentCheckerService() + attachmentChecker = dao.NewAttachmentCheckService() } diff --git a/internal/service/comment.go b/internal/service/comment.go index 4cd7fb24..8805c106 100644 --- a/internal/service/comment.go +++ b/internal/service/comment.go @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ func CreatePostComment(ctx *gin.Context, userID int64, param CommentCreationReq) ds.UpdatePost(post) // 更新索引 - go PushPostToSearch(post) + PushPostToSearch(post) // 创建用户消息提醒 postMaster, err := ds.GetUserByID(post.UserID) @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ func CreatePostCommentReply(ctx *gin.Context, commentID int64, content string, u ds.UpdatePost(post) // 更新索引 - go PushPostToSearch(post) + PushPostToSearch(post) // 创建用户消息提醒 commentMaster, err := ds.GetUserByID(comment.UserID) @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ func DeletePostCommentReply(reply *model.CommentReply) error { ds.UpdatePost(post) // 更新索引 - go PushPostToSearch(post) + PushPostToSearch(post) return nil } diff --git a/internal/service/post.go b/internal/service/post.go index 5a4a4d92..2401f0ef 100644 --- a/internal/service/post.go +++ b/internal/service/post.go @@ -177,8 +177,7 @@ func CreatePost(c *gin.Context, userID int64, param PostCreationReq) (*model.Pos }) } // 推送Search - // TODO: 优化推送文章到搜索的处理机制,最好使用通道channel传递文章,可以省goroutine - go PushPostToSearch(post) + PushPostToSearch(post) } return post, nil @@ -204,7 +203,7 @@ func DeletePost(id int64) error { } // 删除索引 - go DeleteSearchPost(post) + DeleteSearchPost(post) return nil } @@ -263,11 +262,11 @@ func VisiblePost(user *model.User, postId int64, visibility model.PostVisibleT) if oldVisibility == model.PostVisitPrivate { // 从私密转为非私密需要push logrus.Debugf("visible post set to re-public to add search index: %d, visibility: %s", post.ID, visibility) - go PushPostToSearch(post) + PushPostToSearch(post) } else if visibility == model.PostVisitPrivate { // 从非私密转为私密需要删除索引 logrus.Debugf("visible post set to private to delete search index: %d, visibility: %s", post.ID, visibility) - go DeleteSearchPost(post) + DeleteSearchPost(post) } return nil } @@ -298,7 +297,7 @@ func CreatePostStar(postID, userID int64) (*model.PostStar, error) { ds.UpdatePost(post) // 更新索引 - go PushPostToSearch(post) + PushPostToSearch(post) return star, nil } @@ -324,7 +323,7 @@ func DeletePostStar(star *model.PostStar) error { ds.UpdatePost(post) // 更新索引 - go PushPostToSearch(post) + PushPostToSearch(post) return nil } @@ -355,7 +354,7 @@ func CreatePostCollection(postID, userID int64) (*model.PostCollection, error) { ds.UpdatePost(post) // 更新索引 - go PushPostToSearch(post) + PushPostToSearch(post) return collection, nil } @@ -381,7 +380,7 @@ func DeletePostCollection(collection *model.PostCollection) error { ds.UpdatePost(post) // 更新索引 - go PushPostToSearch(post) + PushPostToSearch(post) return nil } @@ -526,7 +525,7 @@ func PushPostToSearch(post *model.Post) { tagMaps[tag] = 1 } - data := []map[string]interface{}{} + data := core.DocItems{} data = append(data, map[string]interface{}{ "index": map[string]interface{}{ "_index": ts.IndexName(), diff --git a/internal/service/service.go b/internal/service/service.go index 3ed9d261..8593f754 100644 --- a/internal/service/service.go +++ b/internal/service/service.go @@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ var ( func Initialize() { ds = dao.NewDataService() ts = dao.NewTweetSearchService() - attachmentChecker = dao.NewAttachmentCheckerService() + attachmentChecker = dao.NewAttachmentCheckService() DisablePhoneVerify = !conf.CfgIf("Sms") } From 1facc41068f281ee14124c439df2e8c63ccc37a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 15:30:55 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 30/35] optimize #118 add backend worker update documents to search engine --- config.yaml.sample | 1 + internal/conf/settting.go | 2 ++ internal/dao/search.go | 11 ++++++++++- internal/dao/search_bridge.go | 18 ++++++++++++------ 4 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/config.yaml.sample b/config.yaml.sample index b02b2ece..dc4a81ac 100644 --- a/config.yaml.sample +++ b/config.yaml.sample @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ JWT: # 鉴权加密 Expire: 86400 TweetSearch: # 推文关键字搜索相关配置 MaxUpdateQPS: 100 # 最大添加/删除/更新Post的QPS,设置范围[10, 10000], 默认100 + MinWorker: 10 # 最小后台更新工作者, 设置范围[5, 1000], 默认10 Zinc: # Zinc搜索配置 Host: http://zinc:4080 Index: paopao-data diff --git a/internal/conf/settting.go b/internal/conf/settting.go index cb03e715..9bceceb9 100644 --- a/internal/conf/settting.go +++ b/internal/conf/settting.go @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ type AppSettingS struct { type CacheIndexSettingS struct { MaxUpdateQPS int + MinWorker int } type SimpleCacheIndexSettingS struct { @@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ type FeaturesSettingS struct { type TweetSearchS struct { MaxUpdateQPS int + MinWorker int } type ZincSettingS struct { diff --git a/internal/dao/search.go b/internal/dao/search.go index deda5969..0b25f4ca 100644 --- a/internal/dao/search.go +++ b/internal/dao/search.go @@ -47,8 +47,17 @@ func NewTweetSearchService() core.TweetSearchService { } logrus.Infof("use %s as tweet search serice by version %s", bts.ts.Name(), bts.ts.Version()) + numWorker := conf.TweetSearchSetting.MinWorker + if numWorker < 5 { + numWorker = 5 + } else if numWorker > 1000 { + numWorker = 1000 + } + logrus.Debugf("use %d backend worker to update documents to search engine", numWorker) // 启动文档更新器 - go bts.startUpdateDocs() + for ; numWorker > 0; numWorker-- { + go bts.startUpdateDocs() + } return bts } diff --git a/internal/dao/search_bridge.go b/internal/dao/search_bridge.go index 45766474..26b96f92 100644 --- a/internal/dao/search_bridge.go +++ b/internal/dao/search_bridge.go @@ -42,10 +42,17 @@ func (s *bridgeTweetSearchServant) updateDocs(doc *documents) { case s.updateDocsCh <- doc: logrus.Debugln("addDocuments send documents by chan") default: - go func(ch chan<- *documents, item *documents) { - s.updateDocsCh <- item - logrus.Debugln("addDocuments send documents by goroutine") - }(s.updateDocsCh, doc) + go func(item *documents) { + if len(item.docItems) > 0 { + if _, err := s.ts.AddDocuments(item.docItems, item.primaryKey...); err != nil { + logrus.Errorf("addDocuments in gorotine occurs error: %v", err) + } + } else if len(item.identifiers) > 0 { + if err := s.ts.DeleteDocuments(item.identifiers); err != nil { + logrus.Errorf("deleteDocuments in gorotine occurs error: %s", err) + } + } + }(doc) } } @@ -55,8 +62,7 @@ func (s *bridgeTweetSearchServant) startUpdateDocs() { if _, err := s.ts.AddDocuments(doc.docItems, doc.primaryKey...); err != nil { logrus.Errorf("addDocuments occurs error: %v", err) } - } - if len(doc.identifiers) > 0 { + } else if len(doc.identifiers) > 0 { if err := s.ts.DeleteDocuments(doc.identifiers); err != nil { logrus.Errorf("deleteDocuments occurs error: %s", err) } From 807d7f92b058b5f7e4559ccd194adb6cdd53af19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 23:55:50 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 31/35] optimize #118 just pretty code for zinc client logic --- pkg/zinc/zinc.go | 36 +++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/pkg/zinc/zinc.go b/pkg/zinc/zinc.go index 4ea31051..63dfeeb1 100644 --- a/pkg/zinc/zinc.go +++ b/pkg/zinc/zinc.go @@ -90,9 +90,7 @@ func (c *ZincClient) CreateIndex(name string, p *ZincIndexProperty) bool { Properties: p, }, } - client := resty.New() // 创建一个restry客户端 - client.DisableWarn = true - resp, err := client.R().SetBody(data).SetBasicAuth(c.ZincUser, c.ZincPassword).Put(c.ZincHost + "/api/index") + resp, err := c.request().SetBody(data).Put(c.ZincHost + "/api/index") if err != nil || resp.StatusCode() != http.StatusOK { return false @@ -103,9 +101,7 @@ func (c *ZincClient) CreateIndex(name string, p *ZincIndexProperty) bool { // 检查索引是否存在 func (c *ZincClient) ExistIndex(name string) bool { - client := resty.New() - client.DisableWarn = true - resp, err := client.R().SetBasicAuth(c.ZincUser, c.ZincPassword).Get(c.ZincHost + "/api/index") + resp, err := c.request().Get(c.ZincHost + "/api/index") if err != nil || resp.StatusCode() != http.StatusOK { return false @@ -126,9 +122,7 @@ func (c *ZincClient) ExistIndex(name string) bool { // 新增/更新文档 func (c *ZincClient) PutDoc(name string, id int64, doc interface{}) (bool, error) { - client := resty.New() - client.DisableWarn = true - resp, err := client.R().SetBody(doc).SetBasicAuth(c.ZincUser, c.ZincPassword).Put(fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/%s/_doc/%d", c.ZincHost, name, id)) + resp, err := c.request().SetBody(doc).Put(fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/%s/_doc/%d", c.ZincHost, name, id)) if err != nil { return false, err @@ -151,9 +145,7 @@ func (c *ZincClient) BulkPushDoc(docs []map[string]interface{}) (bool, error) { } } - client := resty.New() - client.DisableWarn = true - resp, err := client.R().SetBody(dataStr).SetBasicAuth(c.ZincUser, c.ZincPassword).Post(fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/_bulk", c.ZincHost)) + resp, err := c.request().SetBody(dataStr).Post(fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/_bulk", c.ZincHost)) if err != nil { return false, err } @@ -166,9 +158,7 @@ func (c *ZincClient) BulkPushDoc(docs []map[string]interface{}) (bool, error) { } func (c *ZincClient) EsQuery(indexName string, q interface{}) (*QueryResultT, error) { - client := resty.New() - client.DisableWarn = true - resp, err := client.R().SetBody(q).SetBasicAuth(c.ZincUser, c.ZincPassword).Post(fmt.Sprintf("%s/es/%s/_search", c.ZincHost, indexName)) + resp, err := c.request().SetBody(q).Post(fmt.Sprintf("%s/es/%s/_search", c.ZincHost, indexName)) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -187,9 +177,7 @@ func (c *ZincClient) EsQuery(indexName string, q interface{}) (*QueryResultT, er } func (c *ZincClient) ApiQuery(indexName string, q interface{}) (*QueryResultT, error) { - client := resty.New() - client.DisableWarn = true - resp, err := client.R().SetBody(q).SetBasicAuth(c.ZincUser, c.ZincPassword).Post(fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/%s/_search", c.ZincHost, indexName)) + resp, err := c.request().SetBody(q).Post(fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/%s/_search", c.ZincHost, indexName)) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -208,9 +196,7 @@ func (c *ZincClient) ApiQuery(indexName string, q interface{}) (*QueryResultT, e } func (c *ZincClient) DelDoc(indexName, id string) error { - client := resty.New() - client.DisableWarn = true - resp, err := client.R().SetBasicAuth(c.ZincUser, c.ZincPassword).Delete(fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/%s/_doc/%s", c.ZincHost, indexName, id)) + resp, err := c.request().Delete(fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/%s/_doc/%s", c.ZincHost, indexName, id)) if err != nil { return err } @@ -221,3 +207,11 @@ func (c *ZincClient) DelDoc(indexName, id string) error { return nil } + +func (c *ZincClient) request() *resty.Request { + client := resty.New() + client.DisableWarn = true + client.SetBasicAuth(c.ZincUser, c.ZincPassword) + + return client.R() +} From 9c551fce4b7c84aa5847e05276d122a6de90b248 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ROC Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2022 19:28:25 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 32/35] optimize docs. --- | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 09943391..fc80c9c5 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -70,11 +70,12 @@ PaoPao主要由以下优秀的开源项目/工具构建 ### 安装说明 -***宝塔安装*** -我们为宝塔用户提供了超详细安装教程 [点此查看]( +### 方式一. 宝塔安装 -***普通安装*** +我们为宝塔用户提供了超详细安装教程(v0.1.0版本),仅供参考,[点此查看]( + +### 方式二. 手动安装 克隆代码库 @@ -154,49 +155,51 @@ PaoPao主要由以下优秀的开源项目/工具构建 的,需要安装tauri的依赖,具体参考[]( -### 使用Docker构建、运行 +### 方式三. 使用Docker构建、运行 * 后端: ```sh # 默认参数构建, 默认内嵌web ui并设置api host为空 - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag . + docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag . # 内嵌web ui并且自定义API host参数 - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg API_HOST= . + docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg API_HOST= . # 内嵌web ui并且使用本地web/.env中的API host - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg USE_API_HOST=no . + docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg USE_API_HOST=no . # 内嵌web ui并且使用本地编译的web/dist构建 - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg USE_DIST=yes . + docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg USE_DIST=yes . # 只编译api server - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg EMBED_UI=no . + docker build -t your/paopao-ce:tag --build-arg EMBED_UI=no . # 运行 - %> docker run -p 8008:8008 -v ${PWD}/config.yaml.sample:/app/paopao-ce/config.yaml your/paopao-ce:tag + docker run -p 8008:8008 -v ${PWD}/config.yaml.sample:/app/paopao-ce/config.yaml your/paopao-ce:tag ``` * 前端: ```sh - %> cd web + cd web # 默认参数构建 - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:web . + docker build -t your/paopao-ce:web . # 自定义API host 参数构建 - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:web --build-arg API_HOST= . + docker build -t your/paopao-ce:web --build-arg API_HOST= . # 使用本地编译的dist构建 - %> docker build -t your/paopao-ce:web --build-arg USE_DIST=yes . + docker build -t your/paopao-ce:web --build-arg USE_DIST=yes . ``` -### 使用 docker-compose 运行 +### 方式四. 使用 docker-compose 运行 ```sh -%> git clone -%> docker compose up --build +git clone +docker compose up --build # visit paopao-ce( and phpMysqlAdmin( ``` + 默认是使用config.yaml.sample的配置,如果需要自定义配置,请拷贝默认配置文件(比如config.yaml),修改后再同步配置到docker-compose.yaml如下: + ``` # file: docker-compose.yaml ... @@ -217,24 +220,29 @@ PaoPao主要由以下优秀的开源项目/工具构建 - paopao-network .... ``` -***注意:默认提供的 docker-compose.yaml 仅仅用于搭建本机开发调试环境,paopao-ce/phpMysqlAdmin 默认只能本机访问,如果需要产品部署供外网访问,请自行修改配置参数或使用其他方式部署。*** + +> 注意:默认提供的 docker-compose.yaml 仅用于搭建本机开发调试环境,paopao-ce/phpMysqlAdmin 默认只能本机访问,如果需要产品部署供外网访问,请自行修改配置参数或使用其他方式部署。 ### API 文档 构建时将 `docs` 添加到TAGS中: ```sh -%> make run TAGS='docs' +make run TAGS='docs' + # visit ``` -### 关于config.yaml -`config.yaml.sample` 是一份完整的配置文件模版,paopao-ce启动时会读取configs/config.yaml、./config.yaml任意一份配置文件(优先读取最先找到的文件)。 +### 配置说明 + +`config.yaml.sample` 是一份完整的配置文件模版,paopao-ce启动时会读取`./configs/config.yaml`、`./config.yaml`任意一份配置文件(优先读取最先找到的文件)。 ```sh -%> cp config.yaml.sample config.yaml -%> vi config.yaml # 修改参数 -%> paopao-ce +cp config.yaml.sample config.yaml +vim config.yaml # 修改参数 +paopao-ce ``` + 配置文件中的 `Features` 小节是声明paopao-ce运行时开启哪些功能项: + ```yaml ... @@ -250,24 +258,33 @@ Features: ... ``` -如上: Default/Develop/Demo/Slim 是不同 功能集套件(Features Suite), Base/Option 是子功能套件, Sms是关于短信验证码功能的参数选项。 -这里 `Default`套件 代表的意思是: 使用`Base/Option` 中的功能 外加 `MySQL/LocalOSS/LoggerFile`功能,也就是说开启了`Zinc/Redis/Alipay/SimpleCacheIndex/MySQL/LocalOSS/LoggerFile` 7项功能; `Develop`套件依例类推。 使用Feautures: +如上: +Default/Develop/Demo/Slim 是不同 功能集套件(Features Suite), Base/Option 是子功能套件, Sms是关于短信验证码功能的参数选项。 + +这里 `Default`套件 代表的意思是: 使用`Base/Option` 中的功能,外加 `MySQL/LocalOSS/LoggerFile`功能,也就是说开启了`Zinc/Redis/Alipay/SimpleCacheIndex/MySQL/LocalOSS/LoggerFile` 7项功能; +`Develop`套件依例类推。 + +使用Feautures: ```sh -%> release/paopao-ce --help +release/paopao-ce --help Usage of release/paopao-ce: -features value use special features -no-default-features whether use default features -%> release/paopao-ce # 默认使用 Default 功能套件 +# 默认使用 Default 功能套件 +release/paopao-ce -%> release/paopao-ce --no-default-features --features develop # 不包含 default 中的功能集,仅仅使用 develop 中声明的功能集 +# 不包含 default 中的功能集,仅仅使用 develop 中声明的功能集 +release/paopao-ce --no-default-features --features develop -%> release/paopao-ce --features sms # 使用 default 中的功能集,外加 sms 功能 +# 使用 default 中的功能集,外加 sms 功能 +release/paopao-ce --features sms -%> release/paopao-ce --no-default-features --features sqlite3,localoss,loggerfile,redis # 手动指定需要开启的功能集 +# 手动指定需要开启的功能集 +release/paopao-ce --no-default-features --features sqlite3,localoss,loggerfile,redis ``` 目前支持的功能集合: From bed9bee806bbe71133fb13e1339950932e88e0b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2022 18:44:16 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 33/35] support meilisearch as tweet search service --- Dockerfile | 4 +- | 15 ++-- config.yaml.sample | 28 +++++-- docker-compose.yaml | 14 +++- go.mod | 2 +- go.sum | 26 ++++++- internal/conf/conf.go | 22 ++++-- internal/conf/logger.go | 96 ++++++++++++++++++------ internal/conf/settting.go | 68 ++++++++++++++++- internal/dao/search.go | 8 ++ internal/dao/search_meili.go | 139 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ internal/dao/search_zinc.go | 16 ++++ internal/service/post.go | 28 ++----- pkg/zinc/zinc.go | 17 +++-- 14 files changed, 398 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-) create mode 100644 internal/dao/search_meili.go diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile index d04b9afa..7378fd8b 100644 --- a/Dockerfile +++ b/Dockerfile @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ WORKDIR /paopao-ce COPY . . COPY --from=frontend /web/dist ./web/dist ENV GOPROXY= -RUN [ $EMBED_UI != yes ] || make build TAGS='embed' -RUN [ $EMBED_UI = yes ] || make build +RUN [ $EMBED_UI != yes ] || make build TAGS='embed jsoniter' +RUN [ $EMBED_UI = yes ] || make build TAGS='jsoniter' FROM alpine:3.16 ARG API_HOST diff --git a/ b/ index fc80c9c5..09e8dba5 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -290,14 +290,19 @@ release/paopao-ce --no-default-features --features sqlite3,localoss,loggerfile,r 目前支持的功能集合: * 数据库: MySQL/Sqlite3/PostgreSQL * 对象存储: AliOSS/MinIO/LocalOSS + `AliOSS` 阿里云对象存储服务; + `MinIO` [MinIO](对象存储服务; `LocalOSS` 提供使用本地目录文件作为对象存储的功能,仅用于开发调试环境; * 缓存: Redis/SimpleCacheIndex/BigCacheIndex - `SimpleCacheIndex`提供简单的 广场推文列表 的缓存功能; + `SimpleCacheIndex` 提供简单的 广场推文列表 的缓存功能; `BigCacheIndex` 使用[BigCache](缓存 广场推文列表,缓存每个用户每一页,简单做到千人千面; -* 搜索: Zinc -* 日志: LoggerFile/LoggerZinc - `LoggerFile` 使用文件写日志; - `LoggerZinc` 使用Zinc写日志; +* 搜索: Zinc/Meili + `Zinc` 基于[Zinc](搜索引擎提供推文搜索服务(目前状态: 稳定,推荐使用); + `Meili` 基于[Meilisearch](搜索引擎提供推文搜索服务(目前状态: 内测阶段); +* 日志: LoggerFile/LoggerZinc/LoggerMeili + `LoggerFile` 使用文件写日志(目前状态: 稳定); + `LoggerZinc` 使用[Zinc](写日志(目前状态: 稳定,推荐使用); + `LoggerMeili` 使用[Meilisearch](写日志(目前状态: 调试阶段); * 支付: Alipay * 短信验证码: SmsJuhe(需要开启sms) `Sms`功能如果没有开启,任意短信验证码都可以绑定手机; diff --git a/config.yaml.sample b/config.yaml.sample index dc4a81ac..ff57d086 100644 --- a/config.yaml.sample +++ b/config.yaml.sample @@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ Server: # 服务设置 ReadTimeout: 60 WriteTimeout: 60 Features: - Default: ["Base", "MySQL", "Option", "LocalOSS", "LoggerFile"] - Develop: ["Base", "MySQL", "BigCacheIndex", "Sms", "AliOSS", "LoggerZinc"] - Demo: ["Base", "MySQL", "Option", "Sms", "MinIO", "LoggerZinc"] + Default: ["Base", "MySQL", "Option", "Zinc", "LocalOSS", "LoggerFile"] + Develop: ["Base", "MySQL", "BigCacheIndex", "Meili", "Sms", "AliOSS", "LoggerMeili"] + Demo: ["Base", "MySQL", "Option", "Zinc", "Sms", "MinIO", "LoggerZinc"] Slim: ["Base", "Sqlite3", "LocalOSS", "LoggerFile"] - Base: ["Zinc", "Redis", "Alipay",] + Base: ["Redis", "Alipay"] Option: ["SimpleCacheIndex"] Sms: "SmsJuhe" SmsJuhe: @@ -36,17 +36,23 @@ BigCacheIndex: # 使用BigCache缓存泡泡广场消息流 MaxIndexPage: 1024 # 最大缓存页数,必须是2^n, 代表最大同时缓存多少页数据 Verbose: False # 是否打印cache操作的log ExpireInSecond: 300 # 多少秒(>0)后强制过期缓存 +Logger: # 日志通用配置 + Level: debug # 日志级别 panic|fatal|error|warn|info|debug|trace LoggerFile: # 使用File写日志 SavePath: data/paopao-ce/logs FileName: app FileExt: .log - Level: info LoggerZinc: # 使用Zinc写日志 - Host: http://zinc:4080/es/_bulk + Host: zinc:4080 Index: paopao-log User: admin Password: admin - Level: info + Secure: False +LoggerMeili: # 使用Meili写日志 + Host: meili:7700 + Index: paopao-log + ApiKey: paopao-meilisearch + Secure: False JWT: # 鉴权加密 Secret: 18a6413dc4fe394c66345ebe501b2f26 Issuer: paopao-api @@ -55,10 +61,16 @@ TweetSearch: # 推文关键字搜索相关配置 MaxUpdateQPS: 100 # 最大添加/删除/更新Post的QPS,设置范围[10, 10000], 默认100 MinWorker: 10 # 最小后台更新工作者, 设置范围[5, 1000], 默认10 Zinc: # Zinc搜索配置 - Host: http://zinc:4080 + Host: zinc:4080 Index: paopao-data User: admin Password: admin + Secure: False +Meili: # Meili搜索配置 + Host: meili:7700 + Index: paopao-data + ApiKey: paopao-meilisearch + Secure: False AliOSS: # 阿里云OSS存储配置 Endpoint: AccessKeyID: diff --git a/docker-compose.yaml b/docker-compose.yaml index 3ae2b783..101ef67c 100644 --- a/docker-compose.yaml +++ b/docker-compose.yaml @@ -39,7 +39,19 @@ services: DATA_PATH: /data networks: - paopao-network - + + # meili: + # image: getmeili/meilisearch:v0.27.0 + # restart: always + # ports: + # - 7700:7700 + # volumes: + # - ./data/meili/data:/meili_data + # environment: + # - MEILI_MASTER_KEY=paopao-meilisearch + # networks: + # - paopao-network + phpmyadmin: image: phpmyadmin:5.2 depends_on: diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index 331a99d5..a87f9d3c 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ require ( v4.0.0+incompatible v0.5.7 // indirect v1.1.12 + v0.19.1 v7.0.27 v1.8.1 v3.1.7 @@ -30,7 +31,6 @@ require ( v0.0.0-20131226213531-0eef680515cc v0.0.0-20220307211146-efcb8507fb70 // indirect v0.0.0-20220413100746-70e8d0d3baa9 // indirect - v0.0.0-20220127200216-cd36cc0744dd // indirect v0.0.0-20220310020820-b874c991c1a5 // indirect v1.27.1 v2.0.0 diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum index fe11f231..2d899cbb 100644 --- a/go.sum +++ b/go.sum @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ v1.2.1-0.20190218064605-e24eb225f156/go.mod h1:Cb/ax v3.0.2 h1:AKZCw+5eAaVyNTBmI2fgyPVJhHkdWder3O9IrprcQfI= v3.0.2/go.mod h1:aPyh7jEvrog9zAwx5N7+JUQX5dZTSGpxF1LAR4dr35I= v0.0.0-20170406064948-c7f18ee00883/go.mod h1:rCTlJbsFo29Kk6CurOXKm700vrz8f0KW0JNfpkRJY/8= v1.0.4 h1:V7DdXeJtZscaqfNuAdSRuRFzuiKlHSC/Zh3zl9qY3JY= v1.0.4/go.mod h1:fO7iG3H7G2nSZ7m0zPUDn85XEX2GTukHGRSepvi9Eig= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:uupD/76wgC+ih3iEmQUL+0Ugr19nfwCT1kdvxnR2qWY= v0.0.0-20191024131854-af6fa24be0db/go.mod h1:VTxUBvSJ3s3eHAg65PNgrsn5BtqCRPdmyXh6rAfdxN0= v0.0.0-20200409225146-d820a6159ab1/go.mod h1:SLqhdZcd+dF3TEVL2RMoob5bBP5R1P1qkox+HtCBgGI= @@ -283,6 +285,8 @@ v1.1.1/go.mod h1:r8qH/GZQm5c6nD/R0oafs1akxWv10x8SbQlK7a v1.2.1/go.mod h1:hp+jE20tsWTFYpLwKvXlhS1hjn+gTNwPg2I6zVXpSg4= v1.3.1/go.mod h1:SlYgWuQ5SjCEi6WLHjHCa1yvBfUnHcTbrrZtXPKa29o= v1.3.2/go.mod h1:P1XiOD3dCwIKUDQYPy72D8LYyHL2YPYrpS2s69NZV8Q= v3.2.2+incompatible h1:IfV12K8xAKAnZqdXVzCZ+TOjboZ2keLg81eXfW3O+oY= v3.2.2+incompatible/go.mod h1:8pz2t5EyA70fFQQSrl6XZXzqecmYZeUEB8OUGHkxJ+I= v0.0.0-20170609003504-e2365dfdc4a0 h1:DACJavvAHhabrF08vX0COfcOBJRhZ8lUbR+ZWIs0Y5g= v0.0.0-20170609003504-e2365dfdc4a0/go.mod h1:E/TSTwGwJL78qG/PmXZO1EjYhfJinVAhrmmHX6Z8B9k= v0.0.0-20190916061304-5b978397cfec/go.mod h1:QZ0nwyI2jOfgRAoBvP+ab5aRr7c9x7lhGEJrKvBwjWI= @@ -493,6 +497,8 @@ v1.1.5/go.mod h1:d3SSVoowX0Lcu0IBviAWJpolVfI5UJVZZ7cO71lE/ v0.4.0/go.mod h1:T8mJZnbsbmF+m6zOOFylbeCJqk5+pHWvzYPziyZiYoo= v1.5.1/go.mod h1:L3OGu8Wl2/fWfCI6z80xFu9LTZmf1ZRjMHUOPmWr69U= v0.1.0/go.mod h1:Ii8DK3G1RaLaWxj9trq07+26W01tbo22gdxWY5EU2bo= v1.0.0 h1:vlS4z54oSdjm0bgjRigI+G1HpF+tI+9rE5LLzOg8HmY= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:5DoeVV0s6jJacbCEi61lwdGj/aVlrQvzHFFd8Hwg//Y= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:LNinyqDIJnpAur+b8yyulnQw/wDuN1+BYKlTRt3OuAQ= v1.1.6/go.mod h1:+SdeFBvtyEkXs7REEP0seUULqWtbJapLOCVDaaPEHmU= v1.1.7/go.mod h1:KdQUCv79m/52Kvf8AW2vK1V8akMuk1QjK/uOdHXbAo4= @@ -516,8 +522,9 @@ v1.5.0/go.mod h1:pFxgyoBC7bSaBwPgfKdkLd5X25qrDl4LWUI v1.0.0/go.mod h1:XhKaO+MFFWcvkIS/tQcRk01m1F5IRFswLeQ+oQHNcck= v0.0.0-20161212061736-f391b8402d23/go.mod h1:J+Gs4SYgM6CZQHDETBtE9HaSEkGmuNXF86RwHhHUvq4= v1.4.0/go.mod h1:RyIbtBH6LamlWaDj8nUwkbUhJ87Yi3uG0guNDohfE1A= v1.13.5 h1:9O69jUPDcsT9fEm74W92rZL9FQY7rCdaXVneq+yyzl4= v1.13.5/go.mod h1:/3/Vjq9QcHkK5uEr5lBEmyoZ1iFhe47etQ6QUkpK6sk= v1.15.0 h1:xqfchp4whNFxn5A4XFyyYtitiWI8Hy5EW59jEwcyL6U= v1.15.0/go.mod h1:/3/Vjq9QcHkK5uEr5lBEmyoZ1iFhe47etQ6QUkpK6sk= v0.0.0-20170728055534-ae7887de9fa5/go.mod h1:Pj4uuM528wm8OyEC2QMXAi2YiTZ96dNQPGgoMS4s3ek= v1.2.3/go.mod h1:Pj4uuM528wm8OyEC2QMXAi2YiTZ96dNQPGgoMS4s3ek= v1.3.1 h1:5JNjFYYQrZeKRJ0734q51WCEEn2huer72Dc7K+R/b6s= @@ -557,6 +564,8 @@ v1.8.5 h1:b6kJs+EmPFMYGkow9GiUyCyOvIwYetYJ3fSaW v1.8.5/go.mod h1:y3VJvCyxH9uVvJTWEGAELF3aiYNyPKd5NZ3oSwXrF60= v0.0.0-20190614124828-94de47d64c63/go.mod h1:C1wdFJiN94OJF2b5HbByQZoLdCWB1Yqtg26g4irojpc= v0.0.0-20190626092158-b2ccc519800e/go.mod h1:C1wdFJiN94OJF2b5HbByQZoLdCWB1Yqtg26g4irojpc= v0.7.7 h1:UGYAvKxe3sBsEDzO8ZeWOSlIQfWFlxbzLZe7hwFURr0= v0.7.7/go.mod h1:xzfreul335JAWq5oZzymOObrkdz5UnU4kGfJJLY9Nlc= v0.0.0-20190312154309-6cfb0558e1bd/go.mod h1:9ELz6aaclSIGnZBoaSLZ3NAl1VTufbOrXBPvtcy6WiQ= v0.0.9/go.mod h1:9vuHe8Xs5qXnSaW/c/ABM9alt+Vo+STaOChaDxuIBZU= v0.1.1/go.mod h1:FuOcm+DKB9mbwrcAfNl7/TZVBZ6rcnceauSikq3lYCQ= @@ -589,6 +598,8 @@ v1.14.12 h1:TJ1bhYJPV44phC+IMu1u2K/i5RriLTPe+yc68XDJ v1.14.12/go.mod h1:NyWgC/yNuGj7Q9rpYnZvas74GogHl5/Z4A/KQRfk6bU= v0.0.0-20180907095812-13ff1204f104/go.mod h1:XPvLUNfbS4fJH25nqRHfWLMa1ONC8Amw+mIA639KxkE= v1.0.1/go.mod h1:D8He9yQNgCq6Z5Ld7szi9bcBfOoFv/3dc6xSMkL2PC0= v0.19.1 h1:CDi7p5Ev18h0hMXaJZ/1GzSKu3lvPCsaJfrLco3bMEM= v0.19.1/go.mod h1:PnFFq9tELcH5mLVKCoTHRS58B3HEA8vKdBSoG6g/FCE= v1.1.26/go.mod h1:bPDLeHnStXmXAq1m/Ch/hvfNHr14JKNPMBo3VZKjuso= v1.1.41/go.mod h1:p6aan82bvRIyn+zDIv9xYNUpwa73JcSh9BKwknJysuI= v1.1.0 h1:QPfiOqlZH+Cj9teu0t9b1nTBfPbyTl16Of5MeuShdK4= @@ -748,8 +759,9 @@ v1.3.0/go.mod h1:M5WIy9Dh21IEIfnGCwXGc5bZfKNJtfHm1UV v1.4.0/go.mod h1:j7eGeouHqKxXV5pUuKE4zz7dFj8WfuZ+81PSLYec5m4= v1.5.1/go.mod h1:5W2xD1RspED5o8YsWQXVCued0rvSQ+mT+I5cxcmMvtA= v1.6.1/go.mod h1:6Fq8oRcR53rry900zMqJjRRixrwX3KX962/h/Wwjteg= v1.7.0 h1:nwc3DEeHmmLAfoZucVR881uASk0Mfjw8xYJ99tb5CcY= v1.7.0/go.mod h1:6Fq8oRcR53rry900zMqJjRRixrwX3KX962/h/Wwjteg= v1.7.1 h1:5TQK59W5E3v0r2duFAb7P95B6hEeOyEnHRa8MjYSMTY= v1.7.1/go.mod h1:6Fq8oRcR53rry900zMqJjRRixrwX3KX962/h/Wwjteg= v1.2.0 h1:Slr1R9HxAlEKefgq5jn9U+DnETlIUa6HfgEzj0g5d7s= v1.2.0/go.mod h1:N0PQaV/YGNqwC0u51sEeR/aUtSLEXKX9iv69rRypqCw= v1.0.1-0.20210819022825-2ae1ddf74ef7/go.mod h1:q4W45IWZaF22tdD+VEXcAWRA037jwmWEB5VWYORlTpc= @@ -768,9 +780,13 @@ v1.1.7/go.mod h1:Ax+UKWsSmolVDwsd+7N3ZtXu+yMGCf907BLY v1.2.7 h1:YPXUKf7fYbp/y8xloBqZOw2qaVggbfwMlI8WM3wZUJ0= v1.2.7/go.mod h1:WGN1fab3R1fzQlVQTkfxVtIBhWDRqOviHU95kRgeqEY= v2.3.0/go.mod h1:LJmUH05zAU44vOAcrfzZQKsZbVcdbOG8rtL3/XcUArI= v1.0.0 h1:GqA5TC/0021Y/b9FG4Oi9Mr3q7XYx6KllzawFIhcdPw= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:6bBcMArwyJ5K/AmCkWv1jt77kVWyCJ6HpOuEn7z0Csc= v1.36.0 h1:NhqfO/cB7Ajn1czkKnWkMHyPYr5nyND14ZGPk23g0/c= v1.36.0/go.mod h1:t/G+3rLek+CyY9bnIE+YlMRddxVAAGjhxndDB4i4C0I= v1.0.1/go.mod h1:UQGH1tvbgY+Nz5t2n7tXsz52dQxojPUpymEIMZ47gx8= v1.2.1/go.mod h1:KHLXt3tVN2HBp8eijSv/kGJopbvo7S+qRAEEKiv+SiQ= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:T0xQ8SeCZGxckz9qRXTfG43PvQ/mcWh7FwZEA7Ioqkc= v1.1.3/go.mod h1:RjeCKbqT1RxIR/KWY6phxZiaY1IyutSBfGjNPySAYV4= v0.0.0-20190116061207-43a291ad63a2/go.mod h1:UETIi67q53MR2AWcXfiuqkDkRtnGDLqkBTpCHuJHxtU= v0.0.0-20180616005107-d6fb6747feb6/go.mod h1:ce1O1j6UtZfjr22oyGxGLbauSBp2YVXpARAosm7dHBg= @@ -834,6 +850,7 @@ v0.0.0-20210711020723-a769d52b0f97/go.mod h1:GvvjBRRGRdwPK5y v0.0.0-20210817164053-32db794688a5/go.mod h1:GvvjBRRGRdwPK5ydBHafDWAxML/pGHZbMvKqRZ5+Abc= v0.0.0-20210921155107-089bfa567519/go.mod h1:GvvjBRRGRdwPK5ydBHafDWAxML/pGHZbMvKqRZ5+Abc= v0.0.0-20211215153901-e495a2d5b3d3/go.mod h1:IxCIyHEi3zRg3s0A5j5BB6A9Jmi73HwBIUl50j+osU4= v0.0.0-20220214200702-86341886e292/go.mod h1:IxCIyHEi3zRg3s0A5j5BB6A9Jmi73HwBIUl50j+osU4= v0.0.0-20220307211146-efcb8507fb70 h1:syTAU9FwmvzEoIYMqcPHOcVm4H3U5u90WsvuYgwpETU= v0.0.0-20220307211146-efcb8507fb70/go.mod h1:IxCIyHEi3zRg3s0A5j5BB6A9Jmi73HwBIUl50j+osU4= v0.0.0-20180321215751-8460e604b9de/go.mod h1:CJ0aWSM057203Lf6IL+f9T1iT9GByDxfZKAQTCR3kQA= @@ -931,8 +948,8 @@ v0.0.0-20210805182204-aaa1db679c0d/go.mod h1:9nx3DQGgdP8bBQD5qx v0.0.0-20210813160813-60bc85c4be6d/go.mod h1:9nx3DQGgdP8bBQD5qxJ1jj9UTztislL4KSBs9R2vV5Y= v0.0.0-20211029224645-99673261e6eb/go.mod h1:9nx3DQGgdP8bBQD5qxJ1jj9UTztislL4KSBs9R2vV5Y= v0.0.0-20211112202133-69e39bad7dc2/go.mod h1:9nx3DQGgdP8bBQD5qxJ1jj9UTztislL4KSBs9R2vV5Y= v0.0.0-20220127200216-cd36cc0744dd h1:O7DYs+zxREGLKzKoMQrtrEacpb0ZVXA5rIwylE2Xchk= v0.0.0-20220127200216-cd36cc0744dd/go.mod h1:CfG3xpIq0wQ8r1q4Su4UZFWDARRcnwPjda9FqA0JpMk= v0.0.0-20220225172249-27dd8689420f h1:oA4XRj0qtSt8Yo1Zms0CUlsT3KG69V2UGQWPBxujDmc= v0.0.0-20220225172249-27dd8689420f/go.mod h1:CfG3xpIq0wQ8r1q4Su4UZFWDARRcnwPjda9FqA0JpMk= v0.0.0-20180821212333-d2e6202438be/go.mod h1:N/0e6XlmueqKjAGxoOufVs8QHGRruUQn6yWY3a++T0U= v0.0.0-20190226205417-e64efc72b421/go.mod h1:gOpvHmFTYa4IltrdGE7lF6nIHvwfUNPOp7c8zoXwtLw= v0.0.0-20190604053449-0f29369cfe45/go.mod h1:gOpvHmFTYa4IltrdGE7lF6nIHvwfUNPOp7c8zoXwtLw= @@ -1045,6 +1062,7 @@ v0.0.0-20211102061401-a2f17f7b995c/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBc v0.0.0-20211124211545-fe61309f8881/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= v0.0.0-20211210111614-af8b64212486/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= v0.0.0-20211216021012-1d35b9e2eb4e/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= v0.0.0-20220227234510-4e6760a101f9/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= v0.0.0-20220310020820-b874c991c1a5 h1:y/woIyUBFbpQGKS0u1aHF/40WUDnek3fPOyD08H5Vng= v0.0.0-20220310020820-b874c991c1a5/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= v0.0.0-20201117132131-f5c789dd3221/go.mod h1:Nr5EML6q2oocZ2LXRh80K7BxOlk5/8JxuGnuhpl+muw= diff --git a/internal/conf/conf.go b/internal/conf/conf.go index 6f22f46f..818fdb0d 100644 --- a/internal/conf/conf.go +++ b/internal/conf/conf.go @@ -7,14 +7,16 @@ import ( ) var ( - loggerFileSetting *LoggerFileSettingS - loggerZincSetting *LoggerZincSettingS - databaseSetting *DatabaseSetingS - mysqlSetting *MySQLSettingS - postgresSetting *PostgresSettingS - sqlite3Setting *Sqlite3SettingS - redisSetting *RedisSettingS - features *FeaturesSettingS + LoggerSetting *LoggerSettingS + loggerFileSetting *LoggerFileSettingS + loggerZincSetting *LoggerZincSettingS + loggerMeiliSetting *LoggerMeiliSettingS + databaseSetting *DatabaseSetingS + mysqlSetting *MySQLSettingS + postgresSetting *PostgresSettingS + sqlite3Setting *Sqlite3SettingS + redisSetting *RedisSettingS + features *FeaturesSettingS ServerSetting *ServerSettingS AppSetting *AppSettingS @@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ var ( AlipaySetting *AlipaySettingS TweetSearchSetting *TweetSearchS ZincSetting *ZincSettingS + MeiliSetting *MeiliSettingS AliOSSSetting *AliOSSSettingS MinIOSetting *MinIOSettingS S3Setting *S3SettingS @@ -54,14 +57,17 @@ func setupSetting(suite []string, noDefault bool) error { "BigCacheIndex": &BigCacheIndexSetting, "Alipay": &AlipaySetting, "SmsJuhe": &SmsJuheSetting, + "Logger": &LoggerSetting, "LoggerFile": &loggerFileSetting, "LoggerZinc": &loggerZincSetting, + "LoggerMeili": &loggerMeiliSetting, "Database": &databaseSetting, "MySQL": &mysqlSetting, "Postgres": &postgresSetting, "Sqlite3": &sqlite3Setting, "TweetSearch": &TweetSearchSetting, "Zinc": &ZincSetting, + "Meili": &MeiliSetting, "Redis": &redisSetting, "JWT": &JWTSetting, "AliOSS": &AliOSSSetting, diff --git a/internal/conf/logger.go b/internal/conf/logger.go index 16a2b8f7..7e8f787b 100644 --- a/internal/conf/logger.go +++ b/internal/conf/logger.go @@ -5,23 +5,24 @@ import ( "io" "time" + "" "" "" "" "" ) -type zincLogIndex struct { - Index map[string]string `json:"index"` -} - -type zincLogData struct { +type logData struct { Time time.Time `json:"time"` Level logrus.Level `json:"level"` Message string `json:"message"` Data logrus.Fields `json:"data"` } +type zincLogIndex struct { + Index map[string]string `json:"index"` +} + type zincLogHook struct { host string index string @@ -29,6 +30,10 @@ type zincLogHook struct { password string } +type meiliLogHook struct { + index *meilisearch.Index +} + func (h *zincLogHook) Fire(entry *logrus.Entry) error { index := &zincLogIndex{ Index: map[string]string{ @@ -37,7 +42,7 @@ func (h *zincLogHook) Fire(entry *logrus.Entry) error { } indexBytes, _ := json.Marshal(index) - data := &zincLogData{ + data := &logData{ Time: entry.Time, Level: entry.Level, Message: entry.Message, @@ -63,30 +68,73 @@ func (h *zincLogHook) Levels() []logrus.Level { return logrus.AllLevels } +func (h *meiliLogHook) Fire(entry *logrus.Entry) error { + data := &logData{ + Time: entry.Time, + Level: entry.Level, + Message: entry.Message, + Data: entry.Data, + } + if _, err := h.index.AddDocuments(data); err != nil { + fmt.Println(err.Error()) + } + return nil +} + +func (h *meiliLogHook) Levels() []logrus.Level { + return logrus.AllLevels +} + +func newZincLogHook() *zincLogHook { + return &zincLogHook{ + host: loggerZincSetting.Endpoint() + "/es/_bulk", + index: loggerZincSetting.Index, + user: loggerZincSetting.User, + password: loggerZincSetting.Password, + } +} + +func newMeiliLogHook() *meiliLogHook { + client := meilisearch.NewClient(meilisearch.ClientConfig{ + Host: loggerMeiliSetting.Endpoint(), + APIKey: loggerMeiliSetting.ApiKey, + }) + + index := client.Index(loggerMeiliSetting.Index) + if _, err := index.FetchInfo(); err != nil { + logrus.Debugf("newMeiliLogHook create index because fetch index info error: %v", err) + client.CreateIndex(&meilisearch.IndexConfig{ + Uid: loggerMeiliSetting.Index, + }) + } + + return &meiliLogHook{ + index: index, + } +} + +func newFileLogger() io.Writer { + return &lumberjack.Logger{ + Filename: loggerFileSetting.SavePath + "/" + loggerFileSetting.FileName + loggerFileSetting.FileExt, + MaxSize: 600, + MaxAge: 10, + LocalTime: true, + } +} + func setupLogger() { logrus.SetFormatter(&logrus.JSONFormatter{}) + logrus.SetLevel(LoggerSetting.logLevel()) if CfgIf("LoggerFile") { - out := &lumberjack.Logger{ - Filename: loggerFileSetting.SavePath + "/" + loggerFileSetting.FileName + loggerFileSetting.FileExt, - MaxSize: 600, - MaxAge: 10, - LocalTime: true, - } + out := newFileLogger() logrus.SetOutput(out) - if level, err := logrus.ParseLevel(loggerFileSetting.Level); err == nil { - logrus.SetLevel(level) - } } else if CfgIf("LoggerZinc") { - hook := &zincLogHook{ - host: loggerZincSetting.Host, - index: loggerZincSetting.Index, - user: loggerZincSetting.User, - password: loggerZincSetting.Password, - } - if level, err := logrus.ParseLevel(loggerZincSetting.Level); err == nil { - logrus.SetLevel(level) - } + hook := newZincLogHook() + logrus.SetOutput(io.Discard) + logrus.AddHook(hook) + } else if CfgIf("LoggerMeili") { + hook := newMeiliLogHook() logrus.SetOutput(io.Discard) logrus.AddHook(hook) } diff --git a/internal/conf/settting.go b/internal/conf/settting.go index 9bceceb9..4b3f9ae3 100644 --- a/internal/conf/settting.go +++ b/internal/conf/settting.go @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import ( "strings" "time" + "" "" "" ) @@ -13,11 +14,14 @@ type Setting struct { vp *viper.Viper } +type LoggerSettingS struct { + Level string +} + type LoggerFileSettingS struct { SavePath string FileName string FileExt string - Level string } type LoggerZincSettingS struct { @@ -25,7 +29,14 @@ type LoggerZincSettingS struct { Index string User string Password string - Level string + Secure bool +} + +type LoggerMeiliSettingS struct { + Host string + Index string + ApiKey string + Secure bool } type ServerSettingS struct { @@ -91,6 +102,14 @@ type ZincSettingS struct { Index string User string Password string + Secure bool +} + +type MeiliSettingS struct { + Host string + Index string + ApiKey string + Secure bool } type DatabaseSetingS struct { @@ -312,3 +331,48 @@ func (s *DatabaseSetingS) logLevel() logger.LogLevel { return logger.Error } } + +func (s *LoggerSettingS) logLevel() logrus.Level { + switch strings.ToLower(s.Level) { + case "panic": + return logrus.PanicLevel + case "fatal": + return logrus.FatalLevel + case "error": + return logrus.ErrorLevel + case "warn", "warning": + return logrus.WarnLevel + case "info": + return logrus.InfoLevel + case "debug": + return logrus.DebugLevel + case "trace": + return logrus.TraceLevel + default: + return logrus.ErrorLevel + } +} + +func (s *LoggerZincSettingS) Endpoint() string { + return endpoint(s.Host, s.Secure) +} + +func (s *LoggerMeiliSettingS) Endpoint() string { + return endpoint(s.Host, s.Secure) +} + +func (s *ZincSettingS) Endpoint() string { + return endpoint(s.Host, s.Secure) +} + +func (s *MeiliSettingS) Endpoint() string { + return endpoint(s.Host, s.Secure) +} + +func endpoint(host string, secure bool) string { + schema := "http" + if secure { + schema = "https" + } + return schema + "://" + host +} diff --git a/internal/dao/search.go b/internal/dao/search.go index 0b25f4ca..04791618 100644 --- a/internal/dao/search.go +++ b/internal/dao/search.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ package dao import ( + "" "" "" "" @@ -28,6 +29,11 @@ type zincTweetSearchServant struct { client *zinc.ZincClient } +type meiliTweetSearchServant struct { + client *meilisearch.Client + index *meilisearch.Index +} + func NewTweetSearchService() core.TweetSearchService { bts := &bridgeTweetSearchServant{} @@ -41,6 +47,8 @@ func NewTweetSearchService() core.TweetSearchService { if conf.CfgIf("Zinc") { bts.ts = newZincTweetSearchServant() + } else if conf.CfgIf("Meili") { + bts.ts = newMeiliTweetSearchServant() } else { // default use Zinc as tweet search service bts.ts = newZincTweetSearchServant() diff --git a/internal/dao/search_meili.go b/internal/dao/search_meili.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..12d7335c --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/dao/search_meili.go @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +package dao + +import ( + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" +) + +func newMeiliTweetSearchServant() *meiliTweetSearchServant { + s := conf.MeiliSetting + client := meilisearch.NewClient(meilisearch.ClientConfig{ + Host: s.Endpoint(), + APIKey: s.ApiKey, + }) + + if _, err := client.Index(s.Index).FetchInfo(); err != nil { + logrus.Debugf("create index because fetch index info error: %v", err) + client.CreateIndex(&meilisearch.IndexConfig{ + Uid: s.Index, + PrimaryKey: "id", + }) + searchableAttributes := []string{"content", "tags"} + sortableAttributes := []string{"is_top", "latest_replied_on"} + + index := client.Index(s.Index) + index.UpdateSearchableAttributes(&searchableAttributes) + index.UpdateSortableAttributes(&sortableAttributes) + } + + return &meiliTweetSearchServant{ + client: client, + index: client.Index(s.Index), + } +} + +func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) Name() string { + return "Meili" +} + +func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) Version() *semver.Version { + return semver.MustParse("v0.1.0") +} + +func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) IndexName() string { + return s.index.UID +} + +func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) AddDocuments(data core.DocItems, primaryKey ...string) (bool, error) { + task, err := s.index.AddDocuments(data, primaryKey...) + if err != nil { + logrus.Errorf("meiliTweetSearchServant.AddDocuments error: %v", err) + return false, err + } + logrus.Debugf("meiliTweetSearchServant.AddDocuments task: %+v", task.Details) + return true, nil +} + +func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) DeleteDocuments(identifiers []string) error { + task, err := s.index.DeleteDocuments(identifiers) + if err != nil { + logrus.Errorf("meiliTweetSearchServant.DeleteDocuments error: %v", err) + return err + } + logrus.Debugf("meiliTweetSearchServant.DeleteDocuments task: %+v", task.Details) + return nil +} + +func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) Search(q *core.QueryReq, offset, limit int) (*core.QueryResp, error) { + if q.Type == core.SearchTypeDefault && q.Query != "" { + return s.queryByContent(q, offset, limit) + } else if q.Type == core.SearchTypeTag && q.Query != "" { + return s.queryByTag(q, offset, limit) + } + return s.queryAny(offset, limit) +} + +func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) queryByContent(q *core.QueryReq, offset, limit int) (*core.QueryResp, error) { + resp, err := s.index.Search(q.Query, &meilisearch.SearchRequest{ + Offset: int64(offset), + Limit: int64(limit), + AttributesToRetrieve: []string{"*"}, + Sort: []string{"is_top:desc", "latest_replied_on:desc"}, + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return s.postsFrom(resp) +} + +func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) queryByTag(q *core.QueryReq, offset, limit int) (*core.QueryResp, error) { + resp, err := s.index.Search("#"+q.Query, &meilisearch.SearchRequest{ + Offset: int64(offset), + Limit: int64(limit), + AttributesToRetrieve: []string{"*"}, + Sort: []string{"is_top:desc", "latest_replied_on:desc"}, + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return s.postsFrom(resp) +} + +func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) queryAny(offset, limit int) (*core.QueryResp, error) { + resp, err := s.index.Search("", &meilisearch.SearchRequest{ + Offset: int64(offset), + Limit: int64(limit), + Matches: true, + Sort: []string{"is_top:desc", "latest_replied_on:desc"}, + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return s.postsFrom(resp) +} + +func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) postsFrom(resp *meilisearch.SearchResponse) (*core.QueryResp, error) { + logrus.Debugf("resp Hits:%d NbHits:%d offset: %d limit:%d ", len(resp.Hits), resp.NbHits, resp.Offset, resp.Limit) + posts := make([]*model.PostFormated, 0, len(resp.Hits)) + for _, hit := range resp.Hits { + item := &model.PostFormated{} + raw, err := json.Marshal(hit) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if err = json.Unmarshal(raw, item); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + posts = append(posts, item) + } + + return &core.QueryResp{ + Items: posts, + Total: resp.NbHits, + }, nil +} diff --git a/internal/dao/search_zinc.go b/internal/dao/search_zinc.go index 6cda0503..debae521 100644 --- a/internal/dao/search_zinc.go +++ b/internal/dao/search_zinc.go @@ -33,6 +33,22 @@ func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) IndexName() string { } func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) AddDocuments(data core.DocItems, primaryKey ...string) (bool, error) { + buf := make(core.DocItems, 0, len(data)+1) + if len(primaryKey) > 0 { + buf = append(buf, map[string]interface{}{ + "index": map[string]interface{}{ + "_index": s.indexName, + "_id": primaryKey[0], + }, + }) + } else { + buf = append(buf, map[string]interface{}{ + "index": map[string]interface{}{ + "_index": s.indexName, + }, + }) + } + buf = append(buf, data...) return s.client.BulkPushDoc(data) } diff --git a/internal/service/post.go b/internal/service/post.go index 2401f0ef..35ac6764 100644 --- a/internal/service/post.go +++ b/internal/service/post.go @@ -525,13 +525,7 @@ func PushPostToSearch(post *model.Post) { tagMaps[tag] = 1 } - data := core.DocItems{} - data = append(data, map[string]interface{}{ - "index": map[string]interface{}{ - "_index": ts.IndexName(), - "_id": fmt.Sprintf("%d", post.ID), - }, - }, map[string]interface{}{ + data := core.DocItems{{ "id": post.ID, "user_id": post.UserID, "comment_count": post.CommentCount, @@ -547,9 +541,9 @@ func PushPostToSearch(post *model.Post) { "attachment_price": post.AttachmentPrice, "created_on": post.CreatedOn, "modified_on": post.ModifiedOn, - }) + }} - ts.AddDocuments(data) + ts.AddDocuments(data, fmt.Sprintf("%d", post.ID)) } func DeleteSearchPost(post *model.Post) error { @@ -567,8 +561,6 @@ func PushPostsToSearch(c *gin.Context) { nums := int(pages) for i := 0; i < nums; i++ { - data := []map[string]interface{}{} - posts, _ := GetPostList(&PostListReq{ Conditions: &model.ConditionsT{ "visibility IN ?": []model.PostVisibleT{model.PostVisitPublic, model.PostVisitFriend}, @@ -586,12 +578,7 @@ func PushPostsToSearch(c *gin.Context) { } } - data = append(data, map[string]interface{}{ - "index": map[string]interface{}{ - "_index": ts.IndexName(), - "_id": fmt.Sprintf("%d", post.ID), - }, - }, map[string]interface{}{ + docs := core.DocItems{{ "id": post.ID, "user_id": post.User.ID, "comment_count": post.CommentCount, @@ -607,11 +594,8 @@ func PushPostsToSearch(c *gin.Context) { "attachment_price": post.AttachmentPrice, "created_on": post.CreatedOn, "modified_on": post.ModifiedOn, - }) - } - - if len(data) > 0 { - ts.AddDocuments(data) + }} + ts.AddDocuments(docs, fmt.Sprintf("%d", post.ID)) } } diff --git a/pkg/zinc/zinc.go b/pkg/zinc/zinc.go index 63dfeeb1..8d280124 100644 --- a/pkg/zinc/zinc.go +++ b/pkg/zinc/zinc.go @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ type HitItem struct { func NewClient(conf *conf.ZincSettingS) *ZincClient { return &ZincClient{ ZincClientConfig: &ZincClientConfig{ - ZincHost: conf.Host, + ZincHost: conf.Endpoint(), ZincUser: conf.User, ZincPassword: conf.Password, }, @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ func (c *ZincClient) CreateIndex(name string, p *ZincIndexProperty) bool { Properties: p, }, } - resp, err := c.request().SetBody(data).Put(c.ZincHost + "/api/index") + resp, err := c.request().SetBody(data).Put("/api/index") if err != nil || resp.StatusCode() != http.StatusOK { return false @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ func (c *ZincClient) CreateIndex(name string, p *ZincIndexProperty) bool { // 检查索引是否存在 func (c *ZincClient) ExistIndex(name string) bool { - resp, err := c.request().Get(c.ZincHost + "/api/index") + resp, err := c.request().Get("/api/index") if err != nil || resp.StatusCode() != http.StatusOK { return false @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ func (c *ZincClient) ExistIndex(name string) bool { // 新增/更新文档 func (c *ZincClient) PutDoc(name string, id int64, doc interface{}) (bool, error) { - resp, err := c.request().SetBody(doc).Put(fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/%s/_doc/%d", c.ZincHost, name, id)) + resp, err := c.request().SetBody(doc).Put(fmt.Sprintf("/api/%s/_doc/%d", name, id)) if err != nil { return false, err @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ func (c *ZincClient) BulkPushDoc(docs []map[string]interface{}) (bool, error) { } } - resp, err := c.request().SetBody(dataStr).Post(fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/_bulk", c.ZincHost)) + resp, err := c.request().SetBody(dataStr).Post("/api/_bulk") if err != nil { return false, err } @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ func (c *ZincClient) BulkPushDoc(docs []map[string]interface{}) (bool, error) { } func (c *ZincClient) EsQuery(indexName string, q interface{}) (*QueryResultT, error) { - resp, err := c.request().SetBody(q).Post(fmt.Sprintf("%s/es/%s/_search", c.ZincHost, indexName)) + resp, err := c.request().SetBody(q).Post(fmt.Sprintf("/es/%s/_search", indexName)) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ func (c *ZincClient) EsQuery(indexName string, q interface{}) (*QueryResultT, er } func (c *ZincClient) ApiQuery(indexName string, q interface{}) (*QueryResultT, error) { - resp, err := c.request().SetBody(q).Post(fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/%s/_search", c.ZincHost, indexName)) + resp, err := c.request().SetBody(q).Post(fmt.Sprintf("/api/%s/_search", indexName)) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ func (c *ZincClient) ApiQuery(indexName string, q interface{}) (*QueryResultT, e } func (c *ZincClient) DelDoc(indexName, id string) error { - resp, err := c.request().Delete(fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/%s/_doc/%s", c.ZincHost, indexName, id)) + resp, err := c.request().Delete(fmt.Sprintf("/api/%s/_doc/%s", indexName, id)) if err != nil { return err } @@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ func (c *ZincClient) DelDoc(indexName, id string) error { func (c *ZincClient) request() *resty.Request { client := resty.New() client.DisableWarn = true + client.SetBaseURL(c.ZincHost) client.SetBasicAuth(c.ZincUser, c.ZincPassword) return client.R() From 4a6eb41a36fa2c68274b4197c7cfa7f99a14dec2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2022 20:09:54 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 34/35] fixed zinc add documents no effects error --- internal/dao/search_zinc.go | 2 +- internal/service/post.go | 92 +------------------------------------ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-) diff --git a/internal/dao/search_zinc.go b/internal/dao/search_zinc.go index debae521..dc3630a5 100644 --- a/internal/dao/search_zinc.go +++ b/internal/dao/search_zinc.go @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) AddDocuments(data core.DocItems, primaryKey ... }) } buf = append(buf, data...) - return s.client.BulkPushDoc(data) + return s.client.BulkPushDoc(buf) } func (s *zincTweetSearchServant) DeleteDocuments(identifiers []string) error { diff --git a/internal/service/post.go b/internal/service/post.go index 35ac6764..c9f21313 100644 --- a/internal/service/post.go +++ b/internal/service/post.go @@ -12,9 +12,7 @@ import ( "" "" "" - "" "" - "" "" ) @@ -430,47 +428,7 @@ func GetPostList(req *PostListReq) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) { return nil, err } - return FormatPosts(posts) -} - -func FormatPosts(posts []*model.Post) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) { - postIds := []int64{} - userIds := []int64{} - for _, post := range posts { - postIds = append(postIds, post.ID) - userIds = append(userIds, post.UserID) - } - - postContents, err := ds.GetPostContentsByIDs(postIds) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - users, err := ds.GetUsersByIDs(userIds) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // 数据整合 - postsFormated := []*model.PostFormated{} - for _, post := range posts { - postFormated := post.Format() - - for _, user := range users { - if user.ID == postFormated.UserID { - postFormated.User = user.Format() - } - } - for _, content := range postContents { - if content.PostID == post.ID { - postFormated.Contents = append(postFormated.Contents, content.Format()) - } - } - - postsFormated = append(postsFormated, postFormated) - } - - return postsFormated, nil + return ds.MergePosts(posts) } func GetPostCount(conditions *model.ConditionsT) (int64, error) { @@ -603,54 +561,6 @@ func PushPostsToSearch(c *gin.Context) { } } -func FormatZincPost(queryResult *zinc.QueryResultT) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) { - posts := []*model.PostFormated{} - for _, hit := range queryResult.Hits.Hits { - item := &model.PostFormated{} - - raw, _ := json.Marshal(hit.Source) - err := json.Unmarshal(raw, item) - if err == nil { - posts = append(posts, item) - } - } - - postIds := []int64{} - userIds := []int64{} - for _, post := range posts { - postIds = append(postIds, post.ID) - userIds = append(userIds, post.UserID) - } - postContents, err := ds.GetPostContentsByIDs(postIds) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - users, err := ds.GetUsersByIDs(userIds) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // 数据整合 - for _, post := range posts { - for _, user := range users { - if user.ID == post.UserID { - post.User = user.Format() - } - } - if post.Contents == nil { - post.Contents = []*model.PostContentFormated{} - } - for _, content := range postContents { - if content.PostID == post.ID { - post.Contents = append(post.Contents, content.Format()) - } - } - } - - return posts, nil -} - func GetPostTags(param *PostTagsReq) ([]*model.TagFormated, error) { num := param.Num if num > conf.AppSetting.MaxPageSize { From 6f27d9585659aaa704d09e544b51131c31577683 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: alimy Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2022 22:54:51 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 35/35] make the feature of LoggerMeili work well --- | 2 +- config.yaml.sample | 2 + internal/conf/logger.go | 106 ---------------------------------- internal/conf/logger_meili.go | 77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ internal/conf/logger_zinc.go | 71 +++++++++++++++++++++++ internal/conf/settting.go | 28 +++++++-- 6 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-) create mode 100644 internal/conf/logger_meili.go create mode 100644 internal/conf/logger_zinc.go diff --git a/ b/ index 09e8dba5..4bc4454e 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ release/paopao-ce --no-default-features --features sqlite3,localoss,loggerfile,r * 日志: LoggerFile/LoggerZinc/LoggerMeili `LoggerFile` 使用文件写日志(目前状态: 稳定); `LoggerZinc` 使用[Zinc](写日志(目前状态: 稳定,推荐使用); - `LoggerMeili` 使用[Meilisearch](写日志(目前状态: 调试阶段); + `LoggerMeili` 使用[Meilisearch](写日志(目前状态: 内测阶段); * 支付: Alipay * 短信验证码: SmsJuhe(需要开启sms) `Sms`功能如果没有开启,任意短信验证码都可以绑定手机; diff --git a/config.yaml.sample b/config.yaml.sample index ff57d086..8598adc3 100644 --- a/config.yaml.sample +++ b/config.yaml.sample @@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ LoggerMeili: # 使用Meili写日志 Index: paopao-log ApiKey: paopao-meilisearch Secure: False + MinWorker: 5 # 最小后台工作者, 设置范围[5, 100], 默认5 + MaxLogBuffer: 100 # 最大log缓存条数, 设置范围[10, 10000], 默认100 JWT: # 鉴权加密 Secret: 18a6413dc4fe394c66345ebe501b2f26 Issuer: paopao-api diff --git a/internal/conf/logger.go b/internal/conf/logger.go index 7e8f787b..6f978f07 100644 --- a/internal/conf/logger.go +++ b/internal/conf/logger.go @@ -1,118 +1,12 @@ package conf import ( - "fmt" "io" - "time" - "" - "" "" "" - "" ) -type logData struct { - Time time.Time `json:"time"` - Level logrus.Level `json:"level"` - Message string `json:"message"` - Data logrus.Fields `json:"data"` -} - -type zincLogIndex struct { - Index map[string]string `json:"index"` -} - -type zincLogHook struct { - host string - index string - user string - password string -} - -type meiliLogHook struct { - index *meilisearch.Index -} - -func (h *zincLogHook) Fire(entry *logrus.Entry) error { - index := &zincLogIndex{ - Index: map[string]string{ - "_index": h.index, - }, - } - indexBytes, _ := json.Marshal(index) - - data := &logData{ - Time: entry.Time, - Level: entry.Level, - Message: entry.Message, - Data: entry.Data, - } - dataBytes, _ := json.Marshal(data) - - logStr := string(indexBytes) + "\n" + string(dataBytes) + "\n" - client := resty.New() - - if _, err := client.SetDisableWarn(true).R(). - SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"). - SetBasicAuth(h.user, h.password). - SetBody(logStr). - Post(; err != nil { - fmt.Println(err.Error()) - } - - return nil -} - -func (h *zincLogHook) Levels() []logrus.Level { - return logrus.AllLevels -} - -func (h *meiliLogHook) Fire(entry *logrus.Entry) error { - data := &logData{ - Time: entry.Time, - Level: entry.Level, - Message: entry.Message, - Data: entry.Data, - } - if _, err := h.index.AddDocuments(data); err != nil { - fmt.Println(err.Error()) - } - return nil -} - -func (h *meiliLogHook) Levels() []logrus.Level { - return logrus.AllLevels -} - -func newZincLogHook() *zincLogHook { - return &zincLogHook{ - host: loggerZincSetting.Endpoint() + "/es/_bulk", - index: loggerZincSetting.Index, - user: loggerZincSetting.User, - password: loggerZincSetting.Password, - } -} - -func newMeiliLogHook() *meiliLogHook { - client := meilisearch.NewClient(meilisearch.ClientConfig{ - Host: loggerMeiliSetting.Endpoint(), - APIKey: loggerMeiliSetting.ApiKey, - }) - - index := client.Index(loggerMeiliSetting.Index) - if _, err := index.FetchInfo(); err != nil { - logrus.Debugf("newMeiliLogHook create index because fetch index info error: %v", err) - client.CreateIndex(&meilisearch.IndexConfig{ - Uid: loggerMeiliSetting.Index, - }) - } - - return &meiliLogHook{ - index: index, - } -} - func newFileLogger() io.Writer { return &lumberjack.Logger{ Filename: loggerFileSetting.SavePath + "/" + loggerFileSetting.FileName + loggerFileSetting.FileExt, diff --git a/internal/conf/logger_meili.go b/internal/conf/logger_meili.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51a275c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/conf/logger_meili.go @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +package conf + +import ( + "" + "" +) + +type meiliLogData []map[string]interface{} + +type meiliLogHook struct { + config meilisearch.ClientConfig + idxName string + addDocsCh chan *meiliLogData +} + +func (h *meiliLogHook) Fire(entry *logrus.Entry) error { + data := meiliLogData{{ + "id": entry.Time.Unix(), + "time": entry.Time, + "level": entry.Level, + "message": entry.Message, + "data": entry.Data, + }} + + // 先尝试进log缓存,否则直接加文档 + select { + case h.addDocsCh <- &data: + default: + h.index().AddDocuments(data) + } + + return nil +} + +func (h *meiliLogHook) handleAddDocs() { + index := h.index() + for item := range h.addDocsCh { + index.AddDocuments(item) + } +} + +func (h *meiliLogHook) Levels() []logrus.Level { + return logrus.AllLevels +} + +func (h *meiliLogHook) index() *meilisearch.Index { + return meilisearch.NewClient(h.config).Index(h.idxName) +} + +func newMeiliLogHook() *meiliLogHook { + hook := &meiliLogHook{ + config: meilisearch.ClientConfig{ + Host: loggerMeiliSetting.Endpoint(), + APIKey: loggerMeiliSetting.ApiKey, + }, + idxName: loggerMeiliSetting.Index, + } + + client := meilisearch.NewClient(hook.config) + index := client.Index(hook.idxName) + if _, err := index.FetchInfo(); err != nil { + client.CreateIndex(&meilisearch.IndexConfig{ + Uid: hook.idxName, + PrimaryKey: "id", + }) + } + + // 初始化addDocsCh + hook.addDocsCh = make(chan *meiliLogData, loggerMeiliSetting.maxLogBuffer()) + + // 启动后台log工作者 + for minWork := loggerMeiliSetting.minWork(); minWork > 0; minWork-- { + go hook.handleAddDocs() + } + + return hook +} diff --git a/internal/conf/logger_zinc.go b/internal/conf/logger_zinc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..211270c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/conf/logger_zinc.go @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +package conf + +import ( + "fmt" + "time" + + "" + "" + "" +) + +type zincLogData struct { + Time time.Time `json:"time"` + Level logrus.Level `json:"level"` + Message string `json:"message"` + Data logrus.Fields `json:"data"` +} + +type zincLogIndex struct { + Index map[string]string `json:"index"` +} + +type zincLogHook struct { + host string + index string + user string + password string +} + +func (h *zincLogHook) Fire(entry *logrus.Entry) error { + index := &zincLogIndex{ + Index: map[string]string{ + "_index": h.index, + }, + } + indexBytes, _ := json.Marshal(index) + + data := &zincLogData{ + Time: entry.Time, + Level: entry.Level, + Message: entry.Message, + Data: entry.Data, + } + dataBytes, _ := json.Marshal(data) + + logStr := string(indexBytes) + "\n" + string(dataBytes) + "\n" + client := resty.New() + + if _, err := client.SetDisableWarn(true).R(). + SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"). + SetBasicAuth(h.user, h.password). + SetBody(logStr). + Post(; err != nil { + fmt.Println(err.Error()) + } + + return nil +} + +func (h *zincLogHook) Levels() []logrus.Level { + return logrus.AllLevels +} + +func newZincLogHook() *zincLogHook { + return &zincLogHook{ + host: loggerZincSetting.Endpoint() + "/es/_bulk", + index: loggerZincSetting.Index, + user: loggerZincSetting.User, + password: loggerZincSetting.Password, + } +} diff --git a/internal/conf/settting.go b/internal/conf/settting.go index 4b3f9ae3..25210ab5 100644 --- a/internal/conf/settting.go +++ b/internal/conf/settting.go @@ -33,10 +33,12 @@ type LoggerZincSettingS struct { } type LoggerMeiliSettingS struct { - Host string - Index string - ApiKey string - Secure bool + Host string + Index string + ApiKey string + Secure bool + MaxLogBuffer int + MinWorker int } type ServerSettingS struct { @@ -361,6 +363,24 @@ func (s *LoggerMeiliSettingS) Endpoint() string { return endpoint(s.Host, s.Secure) } +func (s *LoggerMeiliSettingS) minWork() int { + if s.MinWorker < 5 { + return 5 + } else if s.MinWorker > 100 { + return 100 + } + return s.MinWorker +} + +func (s *LoggerMeiliSettingS) maxLogBuffer() int { + if s.MaxLogBuffer < 10 { + return 10 + } else if s.MaxLogBuffer > 1000 { + return 1000 + } + return s.MaxLogBuffer +} + func (s *ZincSettingS) Endpoint() string { return endpoint(s.Host, s.Secure) }