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package dao
import (
func newMinioServeant() *minioServant {
// Initialize minio client object.
client, err := minio.New(conf.MinIOSetting.Endpoint, &minio.Options{
Creds: credentials.NewStaticV4(conf.MinIOSetting.AccessKey, conf.MinIOSetting.SecretKey, ""),
Secure: conf.MinIOSetting.Secure,
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatalf("minio.New err: %v", err)
return &minioServant{
client: client,
bucket: conf.MinIOSetting.Bucket,
domain: getOssDomain(),
func (s *minioServant) Name() string {
return "MinIO"
func (s *minioServant) Version() *semver.Version {
return semver.MustParse("v0.1.0")
func (s *minioServant) PutObject(objectKey string, reader io.Reader, objectSize int64, contentType string) (string, error) {
uploadInfo, err := s.client.PutObject(context.Background(), s.bucket, objectKey, reader, objectSize, minio.PutObjectOptions{ContentType: contentType})
if err != nil {
return "", err
logrus.Infoln("Successfully uploaded bytes: ", uploadInfo)
return s.domain + objectKey, nil
func (s *minioServant) SignURL(objectKey string, expiredInSec int64) (string, error) {
// TODO: Set request parameters for content-disposition.
reqParams := make(url.Values)
signedURL, err := s.client.PresignedGetObject(context.Background(), s.bucket, objectKey, time.Duration(expiredInSec)*time.Second, reqParams)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return signedURL.String(), nil
func (s *minioServant) ObjectURL(objetKey string) string {
return s.domain + objetKey
func (s *minioServant) ObjectKey(objectUrl string) string {
return strings.Replace(objectUrl, s.domain, "", -1)