package dao
import (
func (d *dataServant) IndexPosts(user *model.User, offset int, limit int) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) {
if d.useCacheIndex {
if posts, err := d.cacheIndex.IndexPosts(user, offset, limit); err == nil {
logrus.Debugf("get index posts from cached")
return posts, nil
logrus.Debugf("get index posts from database but useCacheIndex: %t", d.useCacheIndex)
return d.getIndexPostsFunc(user, offset, limit)
// getIndexPosts TODO: 未来可能根据userId查询广场推文列表,简单做到不同用户的主页都是不同的;
func (d *dataServant) getIndexPosts(user *model.User, offset int, limit int) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) {
predicates := model.Predicates{
"ORDER": types.AnySlice{"is_top DESC, latest_replied_on DESC"},
if user == nil {
predicates["visibility = ?"] = types.AnySlice{model.PostVisitPublic}
} else if !user.IsAdmin {
frienddIds := d.ams.GetFriendIds(user.ID)
if len(frienddIds) > 0 {
args := types.AnySlice{model.PostVisitPublic, model.PostVisitPrivate, user.ID, model.PostVisitFriend, frienddIds}
predicates["visibility = ? OR (visibility = ? AND user_id = ?) OR (visibility = ? AND user_id IN ?"] = args
} else {
// TODO: 目前不处理没朋友情况,默认用户与世界都是朋友,但是目前无从知晓朋友id,所以这里特殊处理,后续完善
args := types.AnySlice{model.PostVisitPrivate, user.ID, model.PostVisitPublic, model.PostVisitFriend}
predicates["(visibility = ? AND user_id = ?) OR visibility = ? OR visibility = ?"] = args
posts, err := (&model.Post{}).Fetch(d.engine, predicates, offset, limit)
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("dataServant.getIndexPosts err: %v", err)
return nil, err
return d.MergePosts(posts)
// simpleCacheIndexGetPosts simpleCacheIndex 专属获取广场推文列表函数
func (d *dataServant) simpleCacheIndexGetPosts(_user *model.User, offset int, limit int) ([]*model.PostFormated, error) {
predicates := model.Predicates{
"visibility IN ?": types.AnySlice{[]model.PostVisibleT{model.PostVisitPublic, model.PostVisitPublic}},
"ORDER": types.AnySlice{"is_top DESC, latest_replied_on DESC"},
posts, err := (&model.Post{}).Fetch(d.engine, predicates, offset, limit)
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("dataServant.simpleCacheIndexGetPosts err: %v", err)
return nil, err
return d.MergePosts(posts)
func (d *dataServant) indexActive(act core.IndexActionT) {
if d.useCacheIndex {