Don Turner 69f4287ab5 Merge branch 'main' into lifecycle2.7.0 1 year ago
convention Merge branch 'main' into lifecycle2.7.0 1 year ago Move spotless to init script 3 years ago Add a file to the build-logic project 3 years ago
settings.gradle.kts Remove type-safe project accessors feature preview 3 years ago

Convention Plugins

The build-logic folder defines project-specific convention plugins, used to keep a single source of truth for common module configurations.

This approach is heavily based on and

By setting up convention plugins in build-logic, we can avoid duplicated build script setup, messy subproject configurations, without the pitfalls of the buildSrc directory.

build-logic is an included build, as configured in the root settings.gradle.kts.

Inside build-logic is a convention module, which defines a set of plugins that all normal modules can use to configure themselves.

build-logic also includes a set of Kotlin files used to share logic between plugins themselves, which is most useful for configuring Android components (libraries vs applications) with shared code.

These plugins are additive and composable, and try to only accomplish a single responsibility. Modules can then pick and choose the configurations they need. If there is one-off logic for a module without shared code, it's preferable to define that directly in the module's build.gradle, as opposed to creating a convention plugin with module-specific setup.

Current list of convention plugins: