name: Documentation issue description: File an issue or make a suggestion for the project documentation title: "[Documentation]: " labels: ["documentation"] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | Thanks for taking the time to improve our documentation! - type: checkboxes attributes: label: Is there an existing issue for this? description: Please search to see if an issue already exists for the documentation issue you encountered. options: - label: I have searched the existing issues required: true - type: input id: page-url attributes: label: Page URL (type "NEW" for a new page suggestion) validations: required: true - type: textarea id: what-needs-improving attributes: label: What's the documentation problem or suggestion? placeholder: Tell us what should be improved! value: "Docs need improving!" validations: required: true - type: checkboxes id: terms attributes: label: Code of Conduct description: By submitting this issue, you agree to follow our [Code of Conduct]( options: - label: I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct required: true