Implement search feature
- Add a feature module named "search"
- Add a SearchScreen that is navigated by tapping the search icon at the top left corner
- Add a data layer that takes care of populating the *Fts tables and querying them by a search query
- Add a SearchViewModel that wires up the data layer of the Fts tables with the SearchScreen
The SearchScreen has following features:
- The user is able to type the search query in the TextField
- The search result is displayed as the user types
- When the search result is clicked, it navigates to:
- The InterestsScreen when a topic is clicked
- Chrome custom tab with the URL of the clicked news resource
- When the search result is clicked or the IME is explicitly closed by the user, the current search query in the TextField is saved as recent searches
- Latest recent searches are displayed in the SearchScreen
> `Transformations` is now written in Kotlin. This is a *source incompatible change* for those classes written in Kotlin that were directly using syntax such as ``
> Kotlin code *must* now use the Kotlin extension method syntax that was previously only available when using `lifecycle-livedata-ktx`.
> The `collectAsStateWithLifecycle()` APIs of `lifecycle-runtime-compose` are no longer in experimental status. (I09d42, b/258835424)