* Follow the [official architecture guidance](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/guide) as closely as possible.
* Easy for developers to understand, nothing too experimental.
* Support multiple developers working on the same codebase.
* Facilitate local and instrumented tests, both on the developer’s machine and using Continuous Integration (CI).
* Minimize build times.
## Architecture overview
The app architecture has two layers: a [data layer](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/guide/data-layer) and [UI layer](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/guide/ui-layer) (a third, [the domain layer](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/guide/domain-layer), is currently in development).
The architecture follows a reactive programming model with [unidirectional data flow](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/guide/ui-layer#udf). With the data layer at the bottom, the key concepts are:
When the app is first run it will attempt to load a list of news resources from a remote server (when the `staging` or `release` build variant is selected, `debug` builds will use local data). Once loaded, these are shown to the user based on the interests they choose.
The following diagram shows the events which occur and how data flows from the relevant objects to achieve this.

Here's what's happening in each step. The easiest way to find the associated code is to load the project into Android Studio and search for the text in the Code column (handy shortcut: tap <kbd>⇧ SHIFT</kbd> twice).
<td>On app startup, a <ahref="https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/workmanager">WorkManager</a> job to sync all repositories is enqueued.
<td>The initial news feed state is set to <code>Loading</code>, which causes the UI to show a loading spinner on the screen.
<td>WorkManager executes the sync job which calls <code>OfflineFirstNewsRepository</code> to start synchronizing data with the remote data source.
<td><code>OfflineFirstNewsRepository</code> calls <code>RetrofitNiaNetwork</code> to execute the actual API request using <ahref="https://square.github.io/retrofit/">Retrofit</a>.
<td><code>OfflineFirstNewsRepository</code> syncs the remote data with <code>NewsResourceDao</code> by inserting, updating or deleting data in a local <ahref="https://developer.android.com/training/data-storage/room">Room database</a>.
<td>When data changes in <code>NewsResourceDao</code> it is emitted into the news resources data stream (which is a <ahref="https://developer.android.com/kotlin/flow">Flow</a>).
<td><code>OfflineFirstNewsRepository</code> acts as an <ahref="https://developer.android.com/kotlin/flow#modify">intermediate operator</a> on this stream, transforming the incoming <code>PopulatedNewsResource</code> (a database model, internal to the data layer) to the public <code>NewsResource</code> model which is consumed by other layers.
<td><code>When ForYouViewModel</code> receives the news resources it updates the feed state to <code>Success</code>. <code>ForYouScreen</code> then uses the news resources in the state to render the screen.
The screen shows the newly retrieved news resources (as long as the user has chosen at least one topic or author).
Repositories are the public API for other layers, they provide the _only_ way to access the app data. The repositories typically offer one or more methods for reading and writing data.
Data is exposed as data streams. This means each client of the repository must be prepared to react to data changes. Data is not exposed as a snapshot (e.g. `getModel`) because there's no guarantee that it will still be valid by the time it is used.
Reads are performed from local storage as the source of truth, therefore errors are not expected when reading from `Repository` instances. However, errors may occur when trying to reconcile data in local storage with remote sources. For more on error reconciliation, check the data synchronization section below.
<td>Persistent unstructured data associated with user preferences, specifically which Topics the user is interested in. This is defined and modeled in a .proto file, using the protobuf syntax.
Repositories are responsible for reconciling data in local storage with remote sources. Once data is obtained from a remote data source it is immediately written to local storage. The updated data is emitted from local storage (Room) into the relevant data stream and received by any listening clients.
This approach ensures that the read and write concerns of the app are separate and do not interfere with each other.
In the case of errors during data synchronization, an exponential backoff strategy is employed. This is delegated to `WorkManager` via the `SyncWorker`, an implementation of the `Synchronizer` interface.
See the `OfflineFirstNewsRepository.syncWith` for an example of data synchronization.
The ViewModels receive streams of data from repositories and transform them into UI state. The UI elements reflect this state, and provide ways for the user to interact with the app. These interactions are passed as events to the view model where they are processed.

### Modeling UI state
UI state is modeled as a sealed hierarchy using interfaces and immutable data classes. State objects are only ever emitted through the transform of data streams. This approach ensures that:
* the UI state always represents the underlying app data - the app data is the source-of-truth.
The feed (a list) of news resources on the For You screen is modeled using `NewsFeedUiState`. This is a sealed interface which creates a hierarchy of two possible states:
View models receive streams of data as cold [flows](https://kotlin.github.io/kotlinx.coroutines/kotlinx-coroutines-core/kotlinx.coroutines.flow/-flow/index.html) from one or more repositories. These are [combined](https://kotlin.github.io/kotlinx.coroutines/kotlinx-coroutines-core/kotlinx.coroutines.flow/combine.html) together to produce a single flow of UI state. This single flow is then converted to a hot flow using [stateIn](https://kotlin.github.io/kotlinx.coroutines/kotlinx-coroutines-core/kotlinx.coroutines.flow/state-in.html). The conversion to a state flow enables UI elements to read the last known state from the flow.
* List of author IDs which the current user is following
* List of topics
* List of topic IDs which the current user is following
The list of `Author`s is mapped to a new list of `FollowableAuthor`s. `FollowableAuthor` is a wrapper for `Author` which also indicates whether the current user is following that author. The same transformation is applied for the list of `Topic`s.
User actions are communicated from UI elements to view models using regular method invocations. These methods are passed to the UI elements as lambda expressions.
The `InterestsScreen` takes a lambda expression named `followTopic` which is supplied from `InterestsViewModel.followTopic`. Each time the user taps on a topic to follow this method is called. The view model then processes this action by informing the topics repository.