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55 lines
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name = "mitmproxy2swagger"
version = "0.11.0"
description = ""
authors = ["alufers <>"]
readme = ""
license = "MIT"
python = "^3.10"
mitmproxy = "^10.1.1"
"ruamel.yaml" = "^0.17.32"
json-stream = "^2.3.2"
black = "^23.1.0"
isort = "^5.12.0"
mypy = "^1.0.1"
flake8 = "^6.0.0"
docformatter = {extras = ["tomli"], version = "^1.7.1"}
flake8-pyproject = "^1.2.2"
pre-commit = "^3.1.1"
pytest = "^7.2.1"
pytest-asyncio = ">=0.20.3,<0.22.0"
vermin = "^1.5.1"
openapi-spec-validator = ">=0.5.6,<0.8.0"
pytest-cov = "^4.0.0"
requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
mitmproxy2swagger = 'mitmproxy2swagger.mitmproxy2swagger:main'
line-length = 88
target-version = ['py310']
max-line-length = 120
extend-ignore = 'E203,E501'
profile = "black"
python_version = "3.10"
recursive = true
wrap-summaries = 88