* fix all OperatorWrap style error. The OperatorWrap style mandates that operator symbols should begin each new line, hence the need for adjusting the formatting.
* fix all ConstantName style error. Constant names are required to be written in uppercase letters and separated by underscores
* fix an SimplifyBooleanReturn error. Because key.indexOf(filters) > -1' can be replaced with 'key.contains(filters)'
@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ public interface HisRunDataMapper extends BaseMapper<HisRunDataInfo> {
@Select("SELECT "+
"tenant_id, item_id, tp_id, max(queue_size) as max_queue_size, max(reject_count) as max_reject_count, max(completed_task_count) as max_completed_task_count "+
"FROM his_run_data "+
"where timestamp between #{startTime} and #{endTime} "+
"group by tenant_id, item_id, tp_id "+
"order by max_completed_task_count desc "+
"limit 4")
@Select("SELECT "
+"tenant_id, item_id, tp_id, max(queue_size) as max_queue_size, max(reject_count) as max_reject_count, max(completed_task_count) as max_completed_task_count "
+"FROM his_run_data "
+"where timestamp between #{startTime} and #{endTime} "