You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package repo
import (
storage ""
// GCSRepo implements the ObjectStorageRepo interface
// for Google Cloud Storage.
// A GCSRepo root must be a directory that contains all the available charts.
type GCSRepo struct {
chartRepo // A GCSRepo is a chartRepo
bucket string
credentialName string
httpClient *http.Client
service *storage.Service
// URLFormatMatcher matches the GCS URL format (gs:).
var URLFormatMatcher = regexp.MustCompile("gs://(.*)")
var GCSRepoFormat = common.RepoFormat(fmt.Sprintf("%s;%s", common.UnversionedRepo, common.OneLevelRepo))
// NewGCSRepo creates a GCS repository.
func NewGCSRepo(name, URL string, httpClient *http.Client) (*GCSRepo, error) {
m := URLFormatMatcher.FindStringSubmatch(URL)
if len(m) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("URL must be of the form gs://<bucket>, was %s", URL)
cr, err := newRepo(name, URL, string(GCSRepoFormat), string(common.GCSRepoType))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if httpClient == nil {
httpClient = http.DefaultClient
gs, err := storage.New(httpClient)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create storage service for %s: %s", URL, err)
result := &GCSRepo{
chartRepo: *cr,
httpClient: httpClient,
service: gs,
bucket: m[1],
return result, nil
// GetBucket returns the repository bucket.
func (g *GCSRepo) GetBucket() string {
return g.bucket
// ListCharts lists charts in this chart repository whose string values conform to the
// supplied regular expression, or all charts, if the regular expression is nil.
func (g *GCSRepo) ListCharts(regex *regexp.Regexp) ([]string, error) {
// List all files in the bucket/prefix that contain the
charts := []string{}
// List all objects in a bucket using pagination
pageToken := ""
for {
call := g.service.Objects.List(g.bucket)
if pageToken != "" {
call = call.PageToken(pageToken)
res, err := call.Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, object := range res.Items {
// Charts should be named bucket/chart-X.Y.Z.tgz, so tease apart the version here
m := ChartNameMatcher.FindStringSubmatch(object.Name)
if len(m) != 3 {
if regex == nil || regex.MatchString(object.Name) {
charts = append(charts, object.Name)
if pageToken = res.NextPageToken; pageToken == "" {
return charts, nil
// GetChart retrieves, unpacks and returns a chart by name.
func (g *GCSRepo) GetChart(name string) (*chart.Chart, error) {
// Charts should be named bucket/chart-X.Y.Z.tgz, so tease apart the version here
if !ChartNameMatcher.MatchString(name) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("name must be of the form <name>-<version>.tgz, was %s", name)
call := g.service.Objects.Get(g.bucket, name)
object, err := call.Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
u, err := url.Parse(object.MediaLink)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse URL %s for chart %s/%s: %s",
object.MediaLink, object.Bucket, object.Name, err)
getter := util.NewHTTPClient(3, g.httpClient, util.NewSleeper())
body, code, err := getter.Get(u.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot fetch URL %s for chart %s/%s: %d %s",
object.MediaLink, object.Bucket, object.Name, code, err)
return chart.Load(body)
// Do performs an HTTP operation on the receiver's httpClient.
func (g *GCSRepo) Do(req *http.Request) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
return g.httpClient.Do(req)
// TODO: Remove GetShortURL when no longer needed.
// GetShortURL returns the URL without the scheme.
func (g GCSRepo) GetShortURL() string {
return util.TrimURLScheme(g.URL)