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Copyright The Helm Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package main
import (
const templateDesc = `
Render chart templates locally and display the output.
Any values that would normally be looked up or retrieved in-cluster will be
faked locally. Additionally, none of the server-side testing of chart validity
(e.g. whether an API is supported) is done.
func newTemplateCmd(cfg *action.Configuration, out io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
var validate bool
var includeCrds bool
var skipTests bool
client := action.NewInstall(cfg)
valueOpts := &values.Options{}
var kubeVersion string
var extraAPIs []string
var showFiles []string
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "template [NAME] [CHART]",
Short: "locally render templates",
Long: templateDesc,
Args: require.MinimumNArgs(1),
ValidArgsFunction: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) {
return compInstall(args, toComplete, client)
RunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if kubeVersion != "" {
parsedKubeVersion, err := chartutil.ParseKubeVersion(kubeVersion)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid kube version '%s': %s", kubeVersion, err)
client.KubeVersion = parsedKubeVersion
registryClient, err := newRegistryClient(client.CertFile, client.KeyFile, client.CaFile,
client.InsecureSkipTLSverify, client.PlainHTTP)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("missing registry client: %w", err)
// This is for the case where "" is specifically passed in as a
// value. When there is no value passed in NoOptDefVal will be used
// and it is set to client. See addInstallFlags.
if client.DryRunOption == "" {
client.DryRunOption = "true"
client.DryRun = true
client.ReleaseName = "release-name"
client.Replace = true // Skip the name check
client.ClientOnly = !validate
client.APIVersions = chartutil.VersionSet(extraAPIs)
client.IncludeCRDs = includeCrds
rel, err := runInstall(args, client, valueOpts, out)
if err != nil && !settings.Debug {
if rel != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w\n\nUse --debug flag to render out invalid YAML", err)
return err
// We ignore a potential error here because, when the --debug flag was specified,
// we always want to print the YAML, even if it is not valid. The error is still returned afterwards.
if rel != nil {
var manifests bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintln(&manifests, strings.TrimSpace(rel.Manifest))
if !client.DisableHooks {
fileWritten := make(map[string]bool)
for _, m := range rel.Hooks {
if skipTests && isTestHook(m) {
if client.OutputDir == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&manifests, "---\n# Source: %s\n%s\n", m.Path, m.Manifest)
} else {
newDir := client.OutputDir
if client.UseReleaseName {
newDir = filepath.Join(client.OutputDir, client.ReleaseName)
_, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(newDir, m.Path))
if err == nil {
fileWritten[m.Path] = true
err = writeToFile(newDir, m.Path, m.Manifest, fileWritten[m.Path])
if err != nil {
return err
// if we have a list of files to render, then check that each of the
// provided files exists in the chart.
if len(showFiles) > 0 {
// This is necessary to ensure consistent manifest ordering when using --show-only
// with globs or directory names.
splitManifests := releaseutil.SplitManifests(manifests.String())
manifestsKeys := make([]string, 0, len(splitManifests))
for k := range splitManifests {
manifestsKeys = append(manifestsKeys, k)
manifestNameRegex := regexp.MustCompile("# Source: [^/]+/(.+)")
var manifestsToRender []string
for _, f := range showFiles {
missing := true
// Use linux-style filepath separators to unify user's input path
f = filepath.ToSlash(f)
for _, manifestKey := range manifestsKeys {
manifest := splitManifests[manifestKey]
submatch := manifestNameRegex.FindStringSubmatch(manifest)
if len(submatch) == 0 {
manifestName := submatch[1]
// manifest.Name is rendered using linux-style filepath separators on Windows as
// well as macOS/linux.
manifestPathSplit := strings.Split(manifestName, "/")
// manifest.Path is connected using linux-style filepath separators on Windows as
// well as macOS/linux
manifestPath := strings.Join(manifestPathSplit, "/")
// if the filepath provided matches a manifest path in the
// chart, render that manifest
if matched, _ := filepath.Match(f, manifestPath); !matched {
manifestsToRender = append(manifestsToRender, manifest)
missing = false
if missing {
return fmt.Errorf("could not find template %s in chart", f)
for _, m := range manifestsToRender {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "---\n%s\n", m)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s", manifests.String())
return err
f := cmd.Flags()
addInstallFlags(cmd, f, client, valueOpts)
f.StringArrayVarP(&showFiles, "show-only", "s", []string{}, "only show manifests rendered from the given templates")
f.StringVar(&client.OutputDir, "output-dir", "", "writes the executed templates to files in output-dir instead of stdout")
f.BoolVar(&validate, "validate", false, "validate your manifests against the Kubernetes cluster you are currently pointing at. This is the same validation performed on an install")
f.BoolVar(&includeCrds, "include-crds", false, "include CRDs in the templated output")
f.BoolVar(&skipTests, "skip-tests", false, "skip tests from templated output")
f.BoolVar(&client.IsUpgrade, "is-upgrade", false, "set .Release.IsUpgrade instead of .Release.IsInstall")
f.StringVar(&kubeVersion, "kube-version", "", "Kubernetes version used for Capabilities.KubeVersion")
f.StringSliceVarP(&extraAPIs, "api-versions", "a", []string{}, "Kubernetes api versions used for Capabilities.APIVersions")
f.BoolVar(&client.UseReleaseName, "release-name", false, "use release name in the output-dir path.")
bindPostRenderFlag(cmd, &client.PostRenderer)
return cmd
func isTestHook(h *release.Hook) bool {
for _, e := range h.Events {
if e == release.HookTest {
return true
return false
// The following functions (writeToFile, createOrOpenFile, and ensureDirectoryForFile)
// are copied from the actions package. This is part of a change to correct a
// bug introduced by #8156. As part of the todo to refactor renderResources
// this duplicate code should be removed. It is added here so that the API
// surface area is as minimally impacted as possible in fixing the issue.
func writeToFile(outputDir string, name string, data string, append bool) error {
outfileName := strings.Join([]string{outputDir, name}, string(filepath.Separator))
err := ensureDirectoryForFile(outfileName)
if err != nil {
return err
f, err := createOrOpenFile(outfileName, append)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
_, err = f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("---\n# Source: %s\n%s\n", name, data))
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("wrote %s\n", outfileName)
return nil
func createOrOpenFile(filename string, append bool) (*os.File, error) {
if append {
return os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
return os.Create(filename)
func ensureDirectoryForFile(file string) error {
baseDir := path.Dir(file)
_, err := os.Stat(baseDir)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
return os.MkdirAll(baseDir, 0755)