syntax = "proto3"; package hapi; message Chart { // Option 1: Chart is raw []byte data // Option 2: List of files as []byte data, with special treatment for Chart.yaml // Option 3: Completely parsed out (probably very inflexible, ultimately) // Option 2: Chartfile chartfile = 1; Values defaultValues = 2; map<string,bytes> templates = 3; // filename => []bytes repeated Chart charts = 4; } // Values represents a set of values that will be passed into the template. message Values { // Option 1: "values" is unparsed TOML data (raw []byte) // Option 2: Model TOML in Protobuf (not _too_ bad) // Option 3: Force everything into a map[string]string model } message Release { string name = 1; } message Status { StatusCode code = 1; string msg = 2; } message Error { ErrorCode errror_code = 1; string error_msg = 2; } enum ErrorCode { ERROR_CODE_UNSET = 0; BAD_REQUEST = 1; } enum StatusCode { STATUS_CODE_UNSET = 0; UNKNOWN = 1; DEPLOYED = 2; DELETED = 3; SUPERSEDED = 4; }