#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Template expansion utilities.""" import os.path import sys import traceback import jinja2 import yaml from sandbox_loader import FileAccessRedirector import schema_validation def Expand(config, imports=None, env=None, validate_schema=False): """Expand the configuration with imports. Args: config: string, the raw config to be expanded. imports: map from import file name, e.g. "helpers/constants.py" to its contents. env: map from string to string, the map of environment variable names to their values validate_schema: True to run schema validation; False otherwise Returns: YAML containing the expanded configuration and its layout, in the following format: config: ... layout: ... Raises: ExpansionError: if there is any error occurred during expansion """ try: return _Expand(config, imports=imports, env=env, validate_schema=validate_schema) except Exception as e: # print traceback.format_exc() raise ExpansionError('config', str(e)) def _Expand(config, imports=None, env=None, validate_schema=False): """Expand the configuration with imports.""" FileAccessRedirector.redirect(imports) yaml_config = None try: yaml_config = yaml.safe_load(config) except yaml.scanner.ScannerError as e: # Here we know that YAML parser could not parse the template # we've given it. YAML raises a ScannerError that specifies which file # had the problem, as well as line and column, but since we're giving # it the template from string, error message contains , which # is not very helpful on the user end, so replace it with word # "template" and make it obvious that YAML contains a syntactic error. msg = str(e).replace('""', 'template') raise Exception('Error parsing YAML: %s' % msg) # Handle empty file case if not yaml_config: return '' # If the configuration does not have ':' in it, the yaml_config will be a # string. If this is the case just return the str. The code below it # assumes yaml_config is a map for common cases. if type(yaml_config) is str: return yaml_config if 'resources' not in yaml_config or yaml_config['resources'] is None: yaml_config['resources'] = [] config = {'resources': []} layout = {'resources': []} _ValidateUniqueNames(yaml_config['resources']) # Iterate over all the resources to process. for resource in yaml_config['resources']: processed_resource = _ProcessResource(resource, imports, env, validate_schema) config['resources'].extend(processed_resource['config']['resources']) layout['resources'].append(processed_resource['layout']) result = {'config': config, 'layout': layout} return yaml.safe_dump(result, default_flow_style=False) def _ProcessResource(resource, imports, env, validate_schema=False): """Processes a resource and expands if template. Args: resource: the resource to be processed, as a map. imports: map from string to string, the map of imported files names and contents env: map from string to string, the map of environment variable names to their values validate_schema: True to run schema validation; False otherwise Returns: A map containing the layout and configuration of the expanded resource and any sub-resources, in the format: {'config': ..., 'layout': ...} Raises: ExpansionError: if there is any error occurred during expansion """ # A resource has to have to a name. if 'name' not in resource: raise ExpansionError(resource, 'Resource does not have a name.') # A resource has to have a type. if 'type' not in resource: raise ExpansionError(resource, 'Resource does not have type defined.') config = {'resources': []} # Initialize layout with basic resource information. layout = {'name': resource['name'], 'type': resource['type']} if resource['type'] in imports: # A template resource, which contains sub-resources. expanded_template = ExpandTemplate(resource, imports, env, validate_schema) if expanded_template['resources']: _ValidateUniqueNames(expanded_template['resources'], resource['type']) # Process all sub-resources of this template. for resource_to_process in expanded_template['resources']: processed_resource = _ProcessResource(resource_to_process, imports, env, validate_schema) # Append all sub-resources to the config resources, # and the resulting layout of sub-resources. config['resources'].extend(processed_resource['config'] ['resources']) # Lazy-initialize resources key here because it is not set for # non-template layouts. if 'resources' not in layout: layout['resources'] = [] layout['resources'].append(processed_resource['layout']) if 'properties' in resource: layout['properties'] = resource['properties'] else: # A normal resource has only itself for config. config['resources'] = [resource] return {'config': config, 'layout': layout} def _ValidateUniqueNames(template_resources, template_name='config'): """Make sure that every resource name in the given template is unique.""" names = set() # Validate that every resource name is unique for resource in template_resources: if 'name' in resource: if resource['name'] in names: raise ExpansionError( resource, 'Resource name \'%s\' is not unique in %s.' % (resource['name'], template_name)) names.add(resource['name']) # If this resource doesn't have a name, we will report that error later def ExpandTemplate(resource, imports, env, validate_schema=False): """Expands a template, calling expansion mechanism based on type. Args: resource: resource object, the resource that contains parameters to the jinja file imports: map from string to string, the map of imported files names and contents env: map from string to string, the map of environment variable names to their values validate_schema: True to run schema validation; False otherwise Returns: The final expanded template Raises: ExpansionError: if there is any error occurred during expansion """ source_file = resource['type'] path = resource['type'] # Look for Template in imports. if source_file not in imports: raise ExpansionError( source_file, 'Unable to find source file %s in imports.' % (source_file)) # source_file could be a short version of the template # say github short name) so we need to potentially map this into # the fully resolvable name. if 'path' in imports[source_file] and imports[source_file]['path']: path = imports[source_file]['path'] resource['imports'] = imports # Populate the additional environment variables. if env is None: env = {} env['name'] = resource['name'] env['type'] = resource['type'] resource['env'] = env schema = source_file + '.schema' if validate_schema and schema in imports: properties = resource['properties'] if 'properties' in resource else {} try: resource['properties'] = schema_validation.Validate( properties, schema, source_file, imports) except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: raise ExpansionError(resource['name'], e.message) if path.endswith('jinja') or path.endswith('yaml'): expanded_template = ExpandJinja( source_file, imports[source_file]['content'], resource, imports) elif path.endswith('py'): # This is a Python template. expanded_template = ExpandPython( imports[source_file]['content'], source_file, resource) else: # The source file is not a jinja file or a python file. # This in fact should never happen due to the IsTemplate check above. raise ExpansionError( resource['source'], 'Unsupported source file: %s.' % (source_file)) parsed_template = yaml.safe_load(expanded_template) if parsed_template is None or 'resources' not in parsed_template: raise ExpansionError(resource['type'], 'Template did not return a \'resources:\' field.') return parsed_template def ExpandJinja(file_name, source_template, resource, imports): """Render the jinja template using jinja libraries. Args: file_name: string, the file name. source_template: string, the content of jinja file to be render resource: resource object, the resource that contains parameters to the jinja file imports: map from string to map {name, path}, the map of imported files names fully resolved path and contents Returns: The final expanded template Raises: ExpansionError in case we fail to expand the Jinja2 template. """ try: env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.DictLoader(imports)) template = env.from_string(source_template) if ('properties' in resource or 'env' in resource or 'imports' in resource): return template.render(resource) else: return template.render() except Exception: st = 'Exception in %s\n%s' % (file_name, traceback.format_exc()) raise ExpansionError(file_name, st) def ExpandPython(python_source, file_name, params): """Run python script to get the expanded template. Args: python_source: string, the python source file to run file_name: string, the name of the python source file params: object that contains 'imports' and 'params', the parameters to the python script Returns: The final expanded template. """ try: # Compile the python code to be run. constructor = {} compiled_code = compile(python_source, '', 'exec') exec compiled_code in constructor # pylint: disable=exec-used # Construct the parameters to the python script. evaluation_context = PythonEvaluationContext(params) return constructor['GenerateConfig'](evaluation_context) except Exception: st = 'Exception in %s\n%s' % (file_name, traceback.format_exc()) raise ExpansionError(file_name, st) class PythonEvaluationContext(object): """The python evaluation context. Attributes: params -- the parameters to be used in the expansion """ def __init__(self, params): if 'properties' in params: self.properties = params['properties'] else: self.properties = None if 'imports' in params: self.imports = params['imports'] else: self.imports = None if 'env' in params: self.env = params['env'] else: self.env = None class ExpansionError(Exception): """Exception raised for errors during expansion process. Attributes: resource: the resource processed that results in the error message: the detailed message of the error """ def __init__(self, resource, message): self.resource = resource self.message = message + ' Resource: ' + str(resource) super(ExpansionError, self).__init__(self.message) def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print >> sys.stderr, 'No input specified.' sys.exit(1) template = sys.argv[1] idx = 2 imports = {} while idx < len(sys.argv): if idx + 1 == len(sys.argv): print >>sys.stderr, 'Invalid import definition at argv pos %d' \ % idx sys.exit(1) name = sys.argv[idx] path = sys.argv[idx + 1] value = sys.argv[idx + 2] imports[name] = {'content': value, 'path': path} idx += 3 env = {} env['deployment'] = os.environ['DEPLOYMENT_NAME'] env['project'] = os.environ['PROJECT'] validate_schema = 'VALIDATE_SCHEMA' in os.environ # Call the expansion logic to actually expand the template. print Expand(template, imports, env=env, validate_schema=validate_schema) if __name__ == '__main__': main()