.TH "HELM" "1" "Mar 2017" "Auto generated by spf13/cobra" "" .nh .ad l .SH NAME .PP helm\-delete \- given a release name, delete the release from Kubernetes .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fBhelm delete [flags] RELEASE\_NAME [...]\fP .SH DESCRIPTION .PP This command takes a release name, and then deletes the release from Kubernetes. It removes all of the resources associated with the last release of the chart. .PP Use the '\-\-dry\-run' flag to see which releases will be deleted without actually deleting them. .SH OPTIONS .PP \fB\-\-dry\-run\fP[=false] simulate a delete .PP \fB\-\-no\-hooks\fP[=false] prevent hooks from running during deletion .PP \fB\-\-purge\fP[=false] remove the release from the store and make its name free for later use .PP \fB\-\-timeout\fP=300 time in seconds to wait for any individual kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks) .SH OPTIONS INHERITED FROM PARENT COMMANDS .PP \fB\-\-debug\fP[=false] enable verbose output .PP \fB\-\-home\fP="~/.helm" location of your Helm config. Overrides $HELM\_HOME .PP \fB\-\-host\fP="" address of tiller. Overrides $HELM\_HOST .PP \fB\-\-kube\-context\fP="" name of the kubeconfig context to use .PP \fB\-\-tiller\-namespace\fP="kube\-system" namespace of tiller .SH SEE ALSO .PP \fBhelm(1)\fP .SH HISTORY .PP 11\-Mar\-2017 Auto generated by spf13/cobra