# Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ###################################################################### """Loader for loading modules from a user provided dictionary of imports.""" import imp from os import sep import os.path import sys class AllowedImportsLoader(object): # Dictionary with modules loaded from user provided imports user_modules = {} @staticmethod def get_filename(name): return '%s.py' % name.replace('.', '/') def load_module(self, name, etc=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Implements loader.load_module() for loading user provided imports.""" if name in AllowedImportsLoader.user_modules: return AllowedImportsLoader.user_modules[name] module = imp.new_module(name) try: data = \ FileAccessRedirector.allowed_imports[self.get_filename(name)] except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except return None # Run the module code. exec data in module.__dict__ # pylint: disable=exec-used AllowedImportsLoader.user_modules[name] = module # We need to register the module in module registry, since new_module # doesn't do this, but we need it for hierarchical references. sys.modules[name] = module # If this module has children load them recursively. if name in FileAccessRedirector.parents: for child in FileAccessRedirector.parents[name]: full_name = name + '.' + child self.load_module(full_name) # If we have helpers/common.py package, # then for it to be successfully resolved helpers.common name # must resolvable, hence, once we load # child package we attach it to parent module immeadiately. module.__dict__[child] = \ AllowedImportsLoader.user_modules[full_name] return module class AllowedImportsHandler(object): def find_module(self, name, path=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument filename = AllowedImportsLoader.get_filename(name) if filename in FileAccessRedirector.allowed_imports: return AllowedImportsLoader() else: return None def process_imports(imports): """Processes the imports by copying them and adding necessary parent packages. Copies the imports and then for all the hierarchical packages creates dummy entries for those parent packages, so that hierarchical imports can be resolved. In the process parent child relationship map is built. For example: helpers/extra/common.py will generate helpers, helpers.extra and helpers.extra.common packages along with related .py files. Args: imports: map of files to their relative paths. Returns: dictionary of imports to their contents and parent-child pacakge relationship map. """ # First clone all the existing ones. ret = {} parents = {} for k in imports: ret[k] = imports[k] # Now build the hierarchical modules. for k in imports.keys(): path = imports[k]['path'] if path.endswith('.jinja'): continue # Normalize paths and trim .py extension, if any. normalized = os.path.splitext(os.path.normpath(path))[0] # If this is actually a path and not an absolute name, # split it and process the hierarchical packages. if sep in normalized: parts = normalized.split(sep) # Create dummy file entries for package levels and also retain # parent-child relationships. for i in xrange(0, len(parts)-1): # Generate the partial package path. path = os.path.join(parts[0], *parts[1:i+1]) # __init__.py file might have been provided and # non-empty by the user. if path not in ret: # exec requires at least new line to be present # to successfully compile the file. ret[path + '.py'] = '\n' else: # To simplify our code, we'll store both versions # in that case, since loader code expects files # with .py extension. ret[path + '.py'] = ret[path] # Generate fully qualified package name. fqpn = '.'.join(parts[0:i+1]) if fqpn in parents: parents[fqpn].append(parts[i+1]) else: parents[fqpn] = [parts[i+1]] return ret, parents class FileAccessRedirector(object): # Dictionary with user provided imports. allowed_imports = {} # Dictionary that shows parent child relationships, # key is the parent, value is the list of child packages. parents = {} @staticmethod def redirect(imports): """Restricts imports and builtin 'open' to the set of user provided imports. Imports already available in sys.modules will continue to be available. Args: imports: map from string to string, the map of imported files names and contents. """ if imports is not None: imps, parents = process_imports(imports) FileAccessRedirector.allowed_imports = imps FileAccessRedirector.parents = parents # Prepend our module handler before standard ones. sys.meta_path = [AllowedImportsHandler()] + sys.meta_path