# Deployment Manager [![Circle CI](https://circleci.com/gh/kubernetes/deployment-manager.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/kubernetes/deployment-manager) [![Go Report Card](http://goreportcard.com/badge/kubernetes/deployment-manager)](http://goreportcard.com/report/kubernetes/deployment-manager) Deployment Manager (DM) `dm` makes it easy to create, describe, update and delete Kubernetes resources using declarative configuration. A configuration is just a `YAML` file that configures Kubernetes resources or supplies parameters to templates. Templates are just YAML files with [Jinja](http://jinja.pocoo.org/) mark up or Python scripts. For example, this simple configuration deploys the Guestbook example: ``` resources: - name: frontend type: github.com/kubernetes/application-dm-templates/common/replicatedservice:v1 properties: service_port: 80 container_port: 80 external_service: true replicas: 3 image: gcr.io/google_containers/example-guestbook-php-redis:v3 - name: redis type: github.com/kubernetes/application-dm-templates/storage/redis:v1 properties: null ``` It uses two templates. The front end is a [replicated service](https://github.com/kubernetes/application-dm-templates/tree/master/common/replicatedservice/v1), which creates a service and replication controller with matching selectors, and the back end is a [Redis cluster](https://github.com/kubernetes/application-dm-templates/tree/master/storage/redis/v1), which creates a Redis master and two Redis slaves. Templates can use other templates, making it easy to create larger structures from smaller building blocks. For example, the Redis template uses the replicated service template to create the Redis master, and then again to create each Redis slave. DM runs server side, in your Kubernetes cluster, so it can tell you what templates you've instantiated there, what resources they created, and even how the resources are organized. So, for example, you can ask questions like: * What Redis instances are running in this cluster? * What Redis master and slave services are part of this Redis instance? * What pods are part of this Redis slave? Because DM stores its state in the cluster, not on your workstation, you can ask those questions from any client at any time. Templates live in ordinary Github repositories called template registries. See the [Kubernetes Template Registry](https://github.com/kubernetes/application-dm-templates) for curated Kubernetes applications using Deployment Manager templates. For more information about configurations and templates, see the [design document](docs/design/design.md#types). Please hang out with us in [the Slack chat room](https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/sig-configuration/) and/or [the Google Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kubernetes-sig-config) for the Kubernetes configuration SIG. ## Installing Deployment Manager From a Linux or Mac OS X client: ``` curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/deployment-manager/master/get-install.sh | sh ``` and then install the DM services into your Kubernetes cluster: ``` helm dm install ``` That's it. You can now use `kubectl` to see DM running in your cluster: ``` kubectl get pod,rc,service --namespace=dm ``` If you see expandybird-service, manager-service, resourcifier-service, and expandybird-rc, manager-rc and resourcifier-rc with pods that are READY, then DM is up and running! ## Using Deployment Manager Run a Kubernetes proxy to allow the dm client to connect to the cluster: ``` kubectl proxy --port=8001 --namespace=dm & ``` ### Deploy an app To deploy a simple guestbook app: ``` $ dm deploy examples/guestbook/guestbook.yaml $ kubectl get service ``` The `frontend-service` should have an external IP that you can navigate to in your browser to play with. For more information about this example, see [examples/guestbook/README.md](examples/guestbook/README.md) ### Deploying a template To deploy a redis template from the [Kubernetes Template Registry](https://github.com/kubernetes/application-dm-templates): ``` dm --properties workers=3 deploy storage/redis:v1 ``` For more information about deploying templates from a template registry or adding types to a template registry, see [the template registry documentation](docs/templates/registry.md). ## Uninstalling Deployment Manager You can uninstall Deployment Manager using the same configuration: ``` helm dm delete ``` ## Building the Container Images This project runs Deployment Manager on Kubernetes as three replicated services. By default, `helm` uses prebuilt images stored in Google Container Registry to install them. However, you can build your own container images and push them to your own project in the Google Container Registry: 1. Set the environment variable `PROJECT` to the name of a project known to GCloud. 1. Run `make push` ## Design of Deployment Manager There is a more detailed [design document](docs/design/design.md) available. ## Status of the Project This project is still under active development, so you might run into issues. If you do, please don't be shy about letting us know, or better yet, contribute a fix or feature. ## Contributing Your contributions are welcome. We use the same [workflow](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/docs/devel/development.md#git-setup), [License](LICENSE) and [Contributor License Agreement](CONTRIBUTING.md) as the main Kubernetes repository. ## Relationship to Google Cloud Platform DM uses the same concepts and languages as [Google Cloud Deployment Manager](https://cloud.google.com/deployment-manager/overview), but creates resources in Kubernetes clusters, not in Google Cloud Platform projects.