info: title: Spark cluster with Zeppelin front-end description: | Defines a Spark cluster with a single master in standalone mode, and a Zeppelin web notebook front-end. After deploying the cluster, the Spark WebUI can be accessed by starting: kubectl proxy --port=8001 & Then visiting: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/default/services/spark-webui/ The Zeppelin WebUI can be access by finding the Zeppelin pod and port-forwarding: kubectl get pods -lcomponent=zeppelin # Take the pod from here kubectl port-forward zeppelin-controller-abcef :8080 Then visit the forwarded port. properties: master_cpu: type: string default: 100m description: CPU request for the master (in KCUs) (see workers: type: int default: 3 description: Number of Spark workers. worker_cpu: type: string default: 100m description: CPU request for each worker (in KCUs) (see repository: type: string default: description: Docker repo that houses the {spark-worker, spark-master, zeppelin} images. spark_version: type: string default: 1.5.1_v2 description: spark-worker / spark-master image version to use zeppelin_version: type: string default: 0.5.5_v2 description: zeppelin image version to use