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package registry // import "helm.sh/helm/v3/internal/experimental/registry"

import (

var (
	validPortRegEx = regexp.MustCompile(`^([1-9]\d{0,3}|0|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$`) // adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/12968117
	// TODO: Currently we don't support digests, so we are only splitting on the
	// colon. However, when we add support for digests, we'll need to use the
	// regexp anyway to split on both colons and @, so leaving it like this for
	// now
	referenceDelimiter = regexp.MustCompile(`[:]`)
	errEmptyRepo       = errors.New("parsed repo was empty")
	errTooManyColons   = errors.New("ref may only contain a single colon character (:) unless specifying a port number")

type (
	// Reference defines the main components of a reference specification
	Reference struct {
		Tag  string
		Repo string

// ParseReference converts a string to a Reference
func ParseReference(s string) (*Reference, error) {
	if s == "" {
		return nil, errEmptyRepo
	// Split the components of the string on the colon or @, if it is more than 3,
	// immediately return an error. Other validation will be performed later in
	// the function
	splitComponents := fixSplitComponents(referenceDelimiter.Split(s, -1))
	if len(splitComponents) > 3 {
		return nil, errTooManyColons

	var ref *Reference
	switch len(splitComponents) {
	case 1:
		ref = &Reference{Repo: splitComponents[0]}
	case 2:
		ref = &Reference{Repo: splitComponents[0], Tag: splitComponents[1]}
	case 3:
		ref = &Reference{Repo: strings.Join(splitComponents[:2], ":"), Tag: splitComponents[2]}

	// ensure the reference is valid
	err := ref.validate()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return ref, nil

// FullName the full name of a reference (repo:tag)
func (ref *Reference) FullName() string {
	if ref.Tag == "" {
		return ref.Repo
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", ref.Repo, ref.Tag)

// validate makes sure the ref meets our criteria
func (ref *Reference) validate() error {

	err := ref.validateRepo()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return ref.validateNumColons()

// validateRepo checks that the Repo field is non-empty
func (ref *Reference) validateRepo() error {
	if ref.Repo == "" {
		return errEmptyRepo
	// Makes sure the repo results in a parsable URL (similar to what is done
	// with containerd reference parsing)
	_, err := url.Parse("//" + ref.Repo)
	return err

// validateNumColons ensures the ref only contains a single colon character (:)
// (or potentially two, there might be a port number specified i.e. :5000)
func (ref *Reference) validateNumColons() error {
	if strings.Contains(ref.Tag, ":") {
		return errTooManyColons
	parts := strings.Split(ref.Repo, ":")
	lastIndex := len(parts) - 1
	if 1 < lastIndex {
		return errTooManyColons
	if 0 < lastIndex {
		port := strings.Split(parts[lastIndex], "/")[0]
		if !isValidPort(port) {
			return errTooManyColons
	return nil

// isValidPort returns whether or not a string looks like a valid port
func isValidPort(s string) bool {
	return validPortRegEx.MatchString(s)

// fixSplitComponents this will modify reference parts based on presence of port
// Example: {localhost, 5000/x/y/z, 0.1.0} => {localhost:5000/x/y/z, 0.1.0}
func fixSplitComponents(c []string) []string {
	if len(c) <= 1 {
		return c
	possiblePortParts := strings.Split(c[1], "/")
	if _, err := strconv.Atoi(possiblePortParts[0]); err == nil {
		components := []string{strings.Join(c[:2], ":")}
		components = append(components, c[2:]...)
		return components
	return c